Welcome to Sunday Scripture and Conversation, March 23

Over Black Coffee and Gunpowder Tea served with 

This Sunday’s scripture is…

Reflection on Today’s VerseFrom versefortheday.com

Words matter. God tells us to be careful with what we say. Not just to avoid swearing or gossip. It goes deeper than that. Our words should help, not hurt.

Think about the last thing you said to someone. Did it build them up? Or did it tear them down? Even small comments can leave deep marks. Sometimes we don’t mean harm, but the damage is done.

God wants our words to bring life. Kind words. Honest words. Encouraging words. Not fake or shallow, but real and good. Words that lift people up when they’re low. Words that remind them they matter.

This isn’t always easy. Especially when we’re tired or upset. But that’s when it matters most. The Holy Spirit can help us pause before we speak. He can shape our hearts so our words follow.

Jesus never used His words to tear people down. Even when He corrected others, He spoke with love. We’re called to do the same.

Let’s ask God to help us speak like that. Words that heal. Words that shine His light. Words that leave others better, not bitter.