Rest and recuperation is a chargeable leave program that authorizes use of ordinary leave to allow…


It’s not how deep you drop the worm, it’s how you wiggle it, am I right…

The rocking chair

Wild roses were growing down by lake, she went down there, dug some in Fall, replanted…

Round Tuit

I’ve only got two hands G’damnit it’s not like I been out fishin all this time,…

ListenUp… pay attention

A sense of humor is critical to survival. Sure, you need food, water, shelter and other…

Old dog, new tricks

Time, it’s the fire we all burn in, it’s not the amount of time given, it’s…

Light the signal fires

Gondor had came to mind, another way of seeing it, No one is coming to OUR…

Just trying to have a little fun

I was told in no uncertain terms…. NO! Was in the garden lady’s greenhouse checking out…


Late afternoon yesterday, outside doing stuff, stopped doing what I was doin, how cool is that,…


Sipping a coffee out here, after what occurred yesterday, a quote came to mind from TORA…