Author: Chance

  • Off the cuff shall we say

    Off the cuff shall we say

    See that, you’ll should take moment to be thankful, that I don’t own a tank! The reason being, I was looking at the budget, seems I cannot afford the care & feeding of a tank G’damnit.

    Plan B, squatters,invaders, ILLEAGAL ALIENS along with other assorted riff-raff, Read the sign: If you don’t belong here, close the gate and leave, that’s some proper negotiating right there. Sips coffee, ratdog, how would you like a buddy, I’ve been looking at the Ruski prison system, they train their doggos for prison calmness shall we say. I’ll translate from Ruski to yoopanese.

    ” You have 8 seconds”

    to get back in your cages before you become Morgue material.

    Caucasian dogs hunt down bears, we got bears.

    Close the gate and leave…

    Ever been told, you shouldn’t do that I have, a few times,

    to which I say, yeah well, I’m still here

    I won’t go in the particulars of where and when, this shirt was a gift long ago

    This is one of those moments, the gift giver, lil sis

    she’s been gone now for a while now, always had cats, for what ever their reasons they’d run from me. ” what did you do?”. I walked in the door is all. Every cat she had would run away from me, I never hurt a kitty cat, nor would I, cats just stay away from me, their reasons are their own. She was PADI certified, could skin a buck and you’d be hard-pressed to find Tarrow in the package of venison when she was done processing. A little story for ya, was in my kitchen talkin with her, her little yoop about 5 years of age comes in with my blues blouse draped over his shoulders, ” can have this?”. NO!!, now go put it back, the kid ran, ” you didn’t have to yell at him”. He comes back, Get over here, listen-up, look at me, you want that, you have to earn it understand. Went to his graduation at P.I., standing there next to his D.I. E-6, he looks at me says, ” holding the collar, ” I earned it”.

    Damn kid remembered.

  • Correspondence


    Whether you laugh with me or at me, it’s a small matter really. About that time capsule I’ve mentioned, going through letters from before, during & after WWII, I was noticing the stamps, ever been told, keep it up, I’ll remove that smirk, probably another universal item. This dispatch is kinda sorta and somewhat like the smirk being removed:

    Tax his land,

    Tax his bed,

    Tax the table

    At which he’s fed.

    Tax his work,

    Tax his pay,

    He works for peanuts


    Tax his cow,

    Tax his goat,

    Tax his pants,

    Tax his coat.

    Tax his tobacco,

    Tax his drink,

    Tax him if he

    Tries to think.

    Tax his car,

    Tax his gas,

    Find other ways

    To tax his ass.

    Tax all he has

    Then let him know

    That you won’t be done

    Till he has no dough.

    When he screams and hollers;

    Then tax him some more,

    Tax him till

    He’s good and sore.

    Then tax his coffin,

    Tax his grave,

    Tax the sod in

    Which he’s laid.

    When he’s gone,

    Do not relax,

    Its time to apply

    The inheritance tax.

    Accounts ReceivableTax

    Airline surcharge tax

    Airline FuelTax

    Airport MaintenanceTax

    Building PermitTax


    Corporate IncomeTax


    Dog LicenseTax

    Driving PermitTax

    EnvironmentalTax (Fee)

    Excise Taxes

    Federal Income Tax

    Federal Unemployment (UI)

    Fishing License Tax

    Food License Tax

    Gasoline Tax (too much per litre)

    Gross ReceiptsTax


    Hunting LicenseTax






    Marriage LicenseTax



    Personal IncomeTax



    Prescription DrugTax

    Provincial Income and sales tax

    Real EstateTax

    Recreational VehicleTax

    Retail SalesTax

    Service ChargeTax


    Telephone FederalTax

    Telephone Federal, Provincial and Local Surcharge Taxes

    Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax

    Vehicle License Registration Tax

    Vehicle Sales Tax


    Watercraft RegistrationTax

    Well PermitTax

    Workers Compensation Tax

    Not one of these taxes existed 70 years ago, & our nation was one of the most prosperous in the world. We had absolutely no national debt, had a large middle class, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.

    What happened? politicians is what happened

    None of that is funny

    “once a government program starts, it’s the closest thing to eternal life on earth”

    Ronald Reagan

    Difference between old school dating, you know, meeting a girl at the library, at the beach. pasty shop or fishing, and the enterwebs new fangled way of dating

    34 TRILLION and they’re done

  • The troglodytes won’t ruin my day

    The troglodytes won’t ruin my day

    I got stuff to do, which don’t include them, at 31 degrees this Am, only thing missing was the frost, other than that SSDD

    Global Warming: No Pause Since 1998, Earth Continues to Heat Up

    This look might just be a universal thing, I knew firsthand, you know

    That’s probably the same look from the EV ford plant

    Sticking with mud:

    More mud:

    Having no teevee here, I don’t this problem with ratdog

    Does it seem like were in ” help us destroy America or stand by and watch destroy America” mode

    Painting is a lot like singing, I leave stuff to those who can do it, it’s not bragging if one can do it, can you throw a fastball 100 mph consistently, I sure the hell cannot. Pick a news channel, any news channel, I’ll bet you a pasty, you won’t see this:

  • Bartering skills engaged

    Bartering skills engaged

    Maybe this about lessons of the past, hell I don’t know, I know this, shopping these days suck, with inflation being transitory, you gotta be frugal. Believe you me, I seen and lived frugal. I’ll use bacon as starter thingy. Having bacon steaks for breakfast and watching the sunrise with ratdog.

    Cannot remember the last time I bought bacon, I see the price on paper thin bacon, bacon with nitrates, packed in water, which is why it spits at you when frying it up. When you shop, do you swap quality for price, (buy cheap get cheap). Making bacon isn’t cost effective compared to buying it, the good side of things, I know what’s in it, on it because I put it there. Your hams or bacon you buy has a pink color to it, that cure #1 aka the pink stuff, same stuff in your balogna, nitrates. I have discovered I won’t be needing to buy soap for at least a year, maybe 2, depending on how often I bath/shower. Making soap was something her and lil sis did together.

    Smells of soap, not some fruity scent where some smart-ass says something stupid to where I gotta rearrange the chicklets. Having all the molds and stuff to make soap, saves me money for the ammo can “wink wink”. Thinking if I know a woman who makes soap/wants to make soap, has the time to make soap, what’s that worth, thinking maybe 4 pounds of bacon. So I’m standing over 4/5 gallon buckets of laundry soap, something else I never helped carry in the house from the store, she made it. I looked it up, yes its cheaper to make than buy, with 5 buckets I should be set for awhile. Think in terms of this, if that Armydog ever found out I been making soap, I’d probably greeted as Klinger!, to which I’d have remind him of Eleanor

     U.S. Marines have “the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds, the highest morale, and the lowest morals of any group of animals.

    Higher prices, smaller packages, the bidung economy sucks, just sucks.

    Her words not mine ”

    “when all there is, is land and weather, what you going to?’.

    I did a leather sheath for Armydog’s picaroon

    at 10 years of age, he was cutting cedar for posts, 5 cents a post, stripped and stacked.

    Hard times are at hand

  • Ohh Lord

    Ohh Lord

    Yeah, she really said to me, some years ago she came out here making sure I didn’t forget about those shingles that need replacing. ” What you making now”, journal cover, ” what’s the tittle going to be” I should be the Governor, that’s when she said “Ohh Lord”. Think back to the Flint water situation, G’damn morons. Point being, there’s a record of sorts. Always start with the bad, end up with the good right, somehow it lessens the damage. Ever hear of Dr. Todd M. Elsner, a book of his, might help mothers with small children, you know, for our future prosperity & Happiness

    This is what your baby gets injected for the first 6 years of their lives.  And we wonder why there is so much chronic illness, cancer, allergies, behavioral issues and brain damage (autism), etc.

    • 17,500 mcg 2-phenoxyethanol (antifreeze)
    • 5,700 mcg aluminum (a known neurotoxin)
    • Unknown amounts of fetal bovine serum (aborted cow blood)
    • 801.6 mcg formaldehyde (carcinogen, embalming agent)
    • 23,250 mcg gelatin (ground up animal carcasses)
    • 500 mcg human albumin (human blood)
    • 760 mcg of monosodium L-glutamate (causes obesity & diabetis)
    • Unknown amounts of MRC-5 cells (aborted human babies)
    • Over 10 mcg neomycin (antibiotic)
    • Over 0.075 mcg polymyxin B (antibiotic)
    • Over 560 mcg polysorbate 80 (carcinogen)
    • 116 mcg potassium chloride (used in lethal injection to shut down the heart and stop breathing)
    • 188 mcg potassium phosphate (liquid fertilizer agent)
    • 260 mcg sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
    • 70 mcg sodium borate (Borax, used for cockroach control)
    • 54,100 mcg of sodium chloride (table salt)
    • Unknown amounts of sodium citrate (food additive)
    • Unknown amounts of sodium hydroxide (Danger! Corrosive)
    • 2,800 mcg sodium phosphate (toxic to any organism)
    • Unknown amounts of sodium phosphate monobasic monohydrate (toxic to any organism)
    • 32,000 mcg sorbitol (Not to be injected)
    • 0.6 mcg streptomycin (antibiotic)
    • Over 40,000 mcg sucrose (cane sugar)
    • 35,000 mcg yeast protein (fungus)
    • 5,000 mcg urea (metabolic waste from human urine)
    • Other chemical residuals
    “What The Pharmaceutical Companies Don’t Want You To Know About Vx

    Point being, do you own digital media, like music, movies, books.

    An example of what can happen to your digital media:

    “I think they’ve just given up,” said a friend, an academic specialising in esoteric aspects of the 17th century world of scholarship. He was referring to the British Library, whose systems were hacked in early October, with hundreds of thousands of files of user and personnel information stolen and, as the library refused to pay the £600,000 ransom the hackers demanded, sold on the Dark Web. Even worse for the global circuit of scholars, students and the simply curious who depended on the library – the largest and best research facility in the world, home to astonishing and eclectic items in its 170 million-strong collection – its digital catalogue was largely destroyed. The ability to search and order books, manuscripts, ephemera, treatises, music and everything else online went kaput just like that, leaving the lion’s share of the library collection in its storage facility in Yorkshire, stuck in the darkness of an analogue world long left behind.

    Pulls a book of the shelf over there that way: read it years ago, the left cannot lie to me, reading was a big thing in our home.

    Think back, you remember when they outlawed fresh air and sunshine

    (not allowed to buy seeds from the garden center), I do, it’s in the journals Sticking with books, kinda sorta & somewhat, a little story for ya. Fellas, remember back when your voice cracked your balls were dropping, was about then I heard ” Chance, GET IN HERE”. ” You take this book, go to your room and read it, any questions ask me”. Wasn’t a long read, about 1/2 inch thick or so. Ma, I got question as I sat the table. If looks could kill, I’d woulda died right then and there. ” what’s your question”. I had inserted a piece of paper as a bookmark, ma, it says right here, girls are suppose to be fresh and clean, boys should know everything about what to do, ” So what’s your question”, ma, what are boys suppose to practice on, goats? She hauled off knocked me right out of that chair. “GET OUTSIDE, GET OUTSIDE NOW”. She never did talk about sex with me again. That’s ok, I found Biology fascinating, I’ll share what learned kinda sorta and somewhat: Saying stuff rather delicate here, a Woman’s plumbing shall we say, is the most dangerous environment to mankind, how so you may ask, you are asking the right person, think in terms as this:

    Alright boys listen-up, today you’re up against the Amazonians, they have one job, one job only and that is to kill you. One of you will survive the onslaught, no need to fight among yourselves, there be plenty of fighting to be had.

    Now, get in there 🙂

    Without Woman, there is no life

  • Clean-up crew thoughts

    Clean-up crew thoughts

    Didn’t have time to make the giblet gravy, nothing goes to waste out here, not with Heckle & Jaeckle hanging around. With a slight breeze, the bone chimes don’t scare them at all. Do notice the leaves, raking leaves is wasted time. Watching them eat, it looked I was watching the last episode of America.

    Those kids that ate tide pods are now in college (indoctrination centers), those who don’t learn from history, are doomed to repeat it. Those who prevent it from being taught, fully intend to repeat it.

    Taking pictures of wildlife seems rather legit to me.

    inserts humor into a non humorous situation

    King Longshank (Braveheart)

    “if we cannot beat you out, we shall breed you out”

    Ever been to Yellowstone, you’ll see statues, the Lakota don’t tear down statues, stories are told, history taught, be it good or bad.

    500 years after the Fall of Rome, people would come upon the remnants of the place, Who were these people who built such wonderful buildings containing the arts of science and medicine and astronomy. Even back then there was cheating, everyone got a rock to put in a basket as a vote.

    The real shortage in America isn’t wood or chicken or even gasoline, it’s lack of leadership, courage and G’damn common sense, that time after Rome, aptly named

    The Dark Ages, from running water to wells.

    What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.

    file this under ” Really, no, seriously really”

    Such a stupid question

    Ratdog, you like Nazareth, I like Nazareth, so you should to

  • With the Cure-all, I’m good to go!

    With the Cure-all, I’m good to go!

    Scotty came to mind tackling a job… looks around no one else here, fine I’ll do myself G’damnit. No, never had a drinking problem, see Scotty’s expression, that was me before the cure-all.

    My uncivilized side discussing stuff with my civilized side

    See Spock’s face, deep in thought, 83 years ago, World War II, we all know of it, seen pictures and film. Was a time, we could outwork, outproduce anyone on the planet, now, not so much.

    A nation of sheep, ruled by wolves, run by pigs

    Knowing what I know, I really wasn’t surprised that it worked after 83 years

    purring like a kitten 1941 Kelvinator fridge

    Hearing that old fridge fire-up, Yamamoto came to mind, a saying attributed to him, did he really say it, don’t matter, sounds like something he’d say. ” You cannot invade the United States for there is rifle behind every blade of grass”. Paraphrasing of course.

    Screwed in the lightbulb laying in the ice compartment, again, not surprised

    Looks around again, no one

    with a dolly and a come along, I got it up the stairs from the bowels of the basement

    What’s it like?, it’s like being inside a time capsule of history where everything is dusty, with some elbow grease, everything works as it should.

    They even make elbow grease anymore?

    I pour out a little so you could see what Mica flakes are

    Hearing that fridge catch her 2nd wind, she was just a-chooglin

    what the hell is just a-chooglin some may ask…. it’s bayou language

  • Pale Ale

    Pale Ale

    Being from the Men’s department of the Navy, one has to learn their lingo, I wouldn’t expect Armydog to know such things. What is pale ale, I’ll show show you, it’s old Navy slang for

    Sips coffee while deep in thought:

    islam, by any other name, is still islam. If islam isn’t reformed, the west will be perpetually at War.

    ‘Somebody is radicalizing our students’: NYPD finds weapons, ‘Death to America’ poster in pro-Hamas encampment”.

    Hamas and Hezbollah now reporting that Iran helped plan the Hamas terror attacks for weeks. Who opened the floodgates and supplied Iran to the tune of $100+ billion? Obama. Biden. Valerie Jarrett. The Iran Deal. This situation is far beyond just Israel and Palestine.

    Her name is Naama Levy

    Like old maps?, I like old maps, one of Frank Frazzetta’s handiwork, is still my favorite

    seems to go well with this map which still Accurate

    We’re all going to have a part to play, be it big or small,

    1 Thessalonians 5:5 came to mind… sips coffee, come ratdog, we got stuff to do

  • 3rd Generation

    3rd Generation

    With coffee and the ratdog looking over MY front yard, The Black robe Regiment came to mind. Seeing young people stand up for America on campuses to the scumbags is really cool to see. A dispatch of sorts from a veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan I had met in the lobby at Oscar G., at the time didn’t think much of it, now, it reminded of when the Armydog came up and said, never to forgotten, ” you got to be the ugliest Marine I’ve ever seen, and I seen a lot of them, you mind if I sit here?”. Seeing that younger Veteran sitting there looking down in mouth, ” I see the army gave you skills to eh, he looked up at me saying nothing, ” hurry & wait eh”, no shit, “mind if I sit here” hand gesture as in sit.

    So I’ve been doing some chainmail weaves if you want to do some wallets with the chain I can make you some hand made chains to go with them.

    Thanks man I thought you’d appreciate it there no joke you can fight with them 

    He rides a nice hardtail, biker’s wallet example

    Shoulda said 4th Generation

    Bronson looks like the Armydog, grey, lumps & bumps, always with something to say

    Sips coffee, this looks like a lot of what I just said

    Dogs, they know stuff to

  • Neighbors/ cousins

    Neighbors/ cousins

    So here I am, working the iron, early mind you, potatoes with whiskey Bourbon rub, aka Man sprinkles.

    What would go with the spuds, bacon an eggs right?, gotta think about such things, as in do you need lardons in your life? yeah… yeah I do. Never heard of lardons eh, I betcha you heard of Canadian bacon, across my front yard is a good place for neighbors/ cousins to stay put, don’t need that kinda twisted thinking around here.

    Now were talking 🙂

    Bacon steaks

    News interrupted:

    I should send this young lady an application

    Question one, can you bait your own hook? Followed by, do you clean fish on Sundays last but not least, do you own a boat because you won’t steering mine, that last one ruined my screw on the Evinrude outboard, told her there’s shoal there don’t that way, so what she do, she went that way

    screws aren’t cheap G’damnit.

    shares a bit of wisdom here…. Women cloud the mind.

    Are they perfect, yes, yes there are for needs