Author: Chance

  • Bruised Orange

    Bruised Orange

    Having being stuck in hurry & wait mode, John Prine came to mind while sipping a coffee out here. He did a song called “that’s the way the world goes round”.

    some words

    I was sitting in the bathtub counting my toes
    When the radiator broke, water all froze
    I got stuck in the ice without my clothes
    Naked as the eyes of a clown

    I was crying ice cubes, hoping I’d croak
    When the sun come through the window, the ice all broke
    I stood up and laughed, thought it was a joke
    That’s the way that the world goes ’round

    File this under:

    emotional roller-coaster

    Easy to see, he doesn’t have short temper, naaa, more along the lines of no time for bullshit

    Hearing this Lady, outside, I’m mostly to be found, maybe subconsciously, I’ve never forgotten about Logan’s run

    This should get your full attention:

    With having WWIII to break-out really at any moment, it’s a good time to check for dust bunnies on 2 time World champion

    With fucking squatters in the news, I want to say, this is not me, I repeat, this is NOT me

    Sips coffee, the cold morning fog is burning off the lake, leave it to the FINNS

    Because of lack of road funding, people round here are forced to make signs why, because we’re nice people

    With planes falling apart, easy to see, this pilot is not a DEI hire = Didn’t Earn It

    Remember, takes less muscles to smile than it does to frown

  • I don’t see much difference

    I don’t see much difference

    See this furry bastard, sneaking up at all hours of the night, up to no good that’s fer shure.

    See these bastards, day or night they don’t care, they come for everything you have, willing to kill for it, and they have, with the blessings of goverment.

    There’s no limit on those songdogs, I see others are thinking the same thing

    New bill allows AZ ranchers to shoot border crossers: Has it come to this?

    It’s about time!

    there, I fixed it for ya Andrew Rodriguez

    Kirk got kicked off the Enterprise by that pointy-eared, green-blooded hobgoblin, I haven’t been kicked off here , so we’re good.

    Ever get correspondence in the mail receptacle, and just like that WHAMMO! stuff comes to mind.

    I’ll explain

    A lil bit about them from their website:

    Still contributing I suppose, helping out

    What came to mind was what the Usurper along with his minons have done to the military, recruitment is not even at piss-poor levels. Just for a moment amagine, you find a letter stating you been called back-up. Gotta wonder when one walks into thier office with old school ways,

    “Another glorious day in the CorpsA day in the Marine Corps is like a day on the farm. … Every meal’s a banquetEvery paycheck a fortuneEvery formation a parade!”

    with an added footnote of sorts

    you’re sure you want some this?

    “These men are not the sort of men we need”

    These are the exact sort we need, they fought this sort of battle before

    What about me, am I that sort?

    Ohh hell no, your sort gives that sort a bad name 🙂

    Some Roy Orbison goes well with plowing snow

  • Saint Material

    Saint Material

    It’s something I’ve never had to worry about, why, ” Many are born, Few are made”, wasn’t a saint He was needing when He breathed Life into me. Accorrding to some numbnutz at the nyslime as I got no class.

    The New York Times says that “these days, we mostly cause offense by swearing because swearing is a behavior that causes offense. When we swear in a context in which we can assume those around us would prefer we didn’t, that choice is a sign of our disrespect.” Yes, swearing is often a way in which people show a lack of consideration for others. Someone who swears a lot can’t be called classy. Let me explain some twinkletoes, there’s only 2 kinds of people in this world that understands Marines, other Marines and the enemy, everyone else has an opinion concerning Marines.

    I earned my Peace and quiet. The sound of Peace & quiet.

    It’s better to be a Warrior in a garden, than to be a gardener in War

    I share a lot of music, music keeps me calm, there’s a song that’s Hauntedly beautiful, heard it to many times. There’s a story behind it, you may know, you may not.

    We in the United States have all heard the song, ‘Taps…’

    It’s the song that gives us the lump in our throats and usually tears in our eyes.

    Reportedly, it all began in 1862 during the Civil War, when Union Army Captain Robert Elli was with his men near Harrison’s Landing in Virginia . The Confederate Army was on the other side of the narrow strip of land.

    During the night, Captain Elli heard the moans of a soldier who lay severely wounded on the field. Not knowing if it was a Union or Confederate soldier, the Captain decided to risk his life and bring the stricken man back for medical attention. Crawling on his stomach through the gunfire, the Captain reached the stricken soldier and began pulling him toward his encampment..

    When the Captain finally reached his own lines, he discovered it was actually a Confederate soldier, but the soldier was dead.

    The Captain lit a lantern and suddenly caught his breath and went numb with shock. In the dim light, he saw the face of the soldier. It was his own son. The boy had been studying music in the South when the war broke out. Without telling his father, the boy enlisted in the Confederate Army.

    The following morning, heartbroken, the father asked permission of his superiors to give his son a full military burial, despite his enemy status. His request was only partially granted.

    The Captain had asked if he could have a group of Army band members play a funeral dirge for his son at the funeral.

    The request was turned down since the soldier was a Confederate.

    But, out of respect for the father, they did say they could give him only one musician.

    The Captain chose a bugler. He asked the bugler to play a series of musical notes he had found on a piece of paper in the pocket of the dead youth’s uniform.

    This wish was granted.

    There’s 3 verses to TAPS

    Day is done.

    Gone the sun.

    From the lakes

    From the hills.

    From the sky.

    All is well.

    Safely rest.

    God is nigh.

    Sips coffee, looking at my lake

    see a headline

    HOW IT UNFOLDS: 2024 – 2025 civil war CHAOS plan based on recent intelligence

    Some psych stuff came to mind

    Win or lose, my peace & quiet will be disturbed

    Some stuff from Shakespere’s Julius Caesar

    Cry ‘Havoc!’ and let slip the dogs of war

    and that JACKASS is talking about “no class”

  • Top of the game

    Top of the game

    Sipping coffee out here… is that where we are, at the top the game, not sure being at the top is a good thing, see what I mean, they were all at the top of the game, look what happened to those people.

    I’d buy a teevee if only ancient nascar was brought back, why not, those in power want the streets to run red with blood

    Actually I’m working hard here, soaking porkbelly before the magic box does it’s thing. Soaking pull out salt, no one likes salty bacon.

    Keep that bacon in mind, I got call on the landline, yes landlines are still a thing around, Sammie said she’s coming over, ohh ok. I wouldn’t say she’s a Ginger or Maryann

    Naaa, she’s more along the lines of Patty

    “I want a sheath of this” you do eh, how’s it’s feel to want 🙂 She’s a good Woman, she’s the one who I did 55 pounds of ribs 30 pounds of lake trout for a Viking themed wedding. “what’s that about?”. that?, Navyman lived door to my mother called, wanting something flashy for his wedding university, should empress Lisa 🙂 with that on his hat/ shirt/grilling apron. Waiting on call back, if the font ok, junk cork.

    She told me that the BEE-man was at that wedding, I didn’t see him, I really see him in Fall or sometimes in winter, he takes his bees all over the country pollenating crops, which is pretty cool. She told her and Bee-man are starting up making Mead. Gonna get rich? doubt it, having fun, yeah. Asked about my new sign at the end of my road.

    Think Red flag laws Sammie, some STUPID parents have now been convicted for what their kid with a firearm. We used to hold the individual responsible for thier actions, now we hold society responsible.

    There’s a video out there, I won’t post it, is it pig or is it something else.

    There’s a line in film I’ll have to ask Navyman while Lisa is in earshot 🙂

    Now excuse me, I have bacon to make while thinking why I eat cows, they like messing with my leather, which usta be their hide, that part don’t matter

  • He’s a wise Man

    He’s a wise Man

    That’s Victor Hansen Davis, book writer, historian, has a FREE class at Hillsdale College titled:

    Teach Americans how citizenship and free government are under attack with the free online course, “American Citizenship and Its Decline.” Just because I don’t have a teevee doesn’t mean I’m ignorant to the current situation we find ourselves in.

    Such as

    Under our Constitution (somewhere) ILLEGAL ALIENS have the right to carry firearms,


    Democrats Demand The Ability to Block Veterans From Owning Guns

    Over 140 Democrats in the House of Representatives are pushing for measures that could potentially restrict veterans’ Second Amendment rights. Their proposal targets veterans who receive disability benefits and raises concerns about the implications for those who may struggle with managing their finances due to mental or physical challenges.

    3 words come to mind


    with a footnote of sorts

    some people just need to be tarred & feathered

    Sips coffee to calm down

    I was listening to a fellow Veteran from Texas he to had wise words

    ” if you don’t one of these fancy corner cutters, just reach in your pocket and use a quarter, if you have a quarter, then you’re probably a broke leatherworker like the rest of us” I’ve always used Ike, works just fine for my needs. Wanting no metal, working on a leather hinge for a book while hearing courses from Hillsdale College is like a 2-fer.

    Ike knew how to deal with ILLEGAL ALIENS.

    We need some balance so the whole day warped out

    Fellas, Men, as we all know Women just think different than we do, words we use with them, have you not learned through the years to choose them carefully.

    I mowed the lawn today, and after doing so I sat down and had a cold beer.

    The day was really quite beautiful, and the drink facilitated some deep thinking. My wife walked by and asked me what I was doing, and I said, “Nothing.”

    The reason I said “nothing” instead of saying “just thinking” is because she then would have asked, “About what?”

    At that point I would have had to explain that men are deep thinkers about various topics, which would lead to other questions.

    Finally I pondered an age old question: Is giving birth more painful than getting kicked in the nuts?

    Women always maintain that giving birth is way more painful than a guy getting kicked in the nuts, but how could they know?

    Well, after another beer, and some more heavy deductive thinking, I have come up with an answer to that question.

    Getting kicked in the nuts is more painful than having a baby, and even though I obviously couldn’t really know, here is the reason for my conclusion:

    A year or so after giving birth, a woman will often say, “It might be nice to have another child.”

    But you never hear a guy say, “You know, I think I would like another kick in the nuts.”

    I rest my case.

    Time for another beer. Then maybe a nap

  • It’s a solid plan

    It’s a solid plan

    Was having a coffee with someone who was thinking about getting into some local politicking, they asked me about some idea’s, ohh I got idea’s man, ” Give me a few they said”. Well, first things first, we need to declare our Independence from those below the bridge, you know, secede from the mitt, then we need to declare War on the United States, with-in 15 minutes, get on every news station to surrender straight away, after that, it’s then we can apply for some that foreign aid, that way, we can fix the G’damn roads. They nodded in agreement saying ” yeah it is a solid plan man, those trolls will never let us go, they’ll lose to many tax dollars. Enough of politics… for now because we’re not done.

    I’ll toss this in for some consideration:

    I took a walk for reason, it’s called beach erosion, something to keep in mind, the lake gives and the lakes. listen to this on your headphones so you hear what she sounds with a gentle breeze.

    So, here we are:

    UN weather agency issues red alert’ on climate change

    Stick with me, you be fine and understand. Say you play the power ball and win the billion bucks, what ya gonna do? Think cabin fever would enter your thinking, let’s test that. Down the road there’s a property for sale, plenty of elbow room: 656 acres, Buku elbow room, acres of prime fishing water teem with walleye, smallmouth bass, northern pike, jumbo perch and whitefish, providing both catches for the novice and challenges for the veteran angler. – The surrounding forests offer prime hunting for deer, bear, small game and birds.

    With an annual snowfall of nearly 300 inches

    Landowners do not pay ad valorem general property taxes. Instead, CF landowners pay a specific tax. The CF specific rate for 2022-2026 is $1.35 per acre annually. The specific rate increases 5 cents every 5 years. – If you are seeking a recreational property for hunting, fishing, and trapping contact us for information today!

    A stat that really only applies to these woods On average, people who do move into the area, many leave after experiencing 3 winters, people who make 4 winters have learned something that is normal thinking around here, Don’t come here to change the land, let the land change you, you be fine. This coffee has snow in it g’damn it.


    RealFeel® 7°

    Very windy; mostly cloudy and frigid with a snow shower

    Wind Gusts36 mph

    Probability of Precipitation93%

    Weather plays a big part in Life, what they expose is pure BULLSHIT

    Something else I should share,

    cold kills more than any other kind of weather

  • From the perch

    From the perch

    First things first, I probably should apologize, I forget that saying Fuck!, offends some people, well ok I will, sorry fuckers. I’ve mentioned before that I shot the teevee and for good reason.

    Bad trees produce bad fruit ain’t that right mika mika mika

    Don’t piss on my leg mika,then tell me it’s raining

    I know what a Reichstag fire looks like

    Notice the only secured document in d.c. is the Epstein client list

    Some real talk for real people

    The geese are returning, that’s welcome sight and sound, started snowing in early October, snow on the ground still. “The long days” will be here soon enough, sips coffee…. now that all the statues have been removed, gotta wonder if anyone’s Life is better for it.

    Over medicated, under educated, it’s how they like the people.

    Smell that?

    that’s no Mcribb, hell, is that stuff even real meat, hell I don’t know, I like my body to much to put such choke – n- puke stuff into it.

    Remembering that inflation is transitory, at today’s prices, this what ya do, get together with like minded people, chip in a few bucks, think of as Man’s version of Stone soup.

  • A phrase from the 1800’s

    A phrase from the 1800’s

    “Prepare for the worst, hope for the best”

    Tyson Foods BOYCOTTED as it sacks 1,300 staff at Iowa pork plant and offers ‘job-and-lawyer’ packages in bid to hire 42,000 asylum seekers in New York

    • Tyson Foods is closing plants in Iowa, Virginia, Arkansas, Indiana, and Missouri
    • The company says it wants to double its immigrant hires to 84,000 this year

    White smoke at the Lincoln Memorial, that mean the DS has chosen the next president?

    Sips coffee, G’damn snow still coming sideways, cannot even see my front yard. I know you all are interested in what I do from time to time, well after leaving the house drove some, went to the Amrydog’s place. There was woman there talking with his wifey discussing what she should put on some dating site, stuff like camping, fishing stuff like that, Dog asked me, ” you have anything that may help”. I sipped the coffee (half a cup mind you). Dog, look man, I’m not good such things like cuddling, those 2 Women looked at me, one said ” why not” because after 10 minutes of that shit, I’ll be touching her privates parts, ” don’t you have knives to sharpen at home, you can leave now.’ Think I will.

    Found some cast iron (more) I have said many times, I’m not a baker, if you have one of these make cornbread, my brownies didn’t turn out as I had planned

    I’ll leave you with a song

  • Sunday briefing

    Sunday briefing

    As Gunny said

    ” Give your heart to Jesus, but your ass belongs to the Corps!

    that covers Sunday rather well

    Not that matters much, it snowed last night and it’s still snowing. There’s a lot to go through, so let it snow, don’t care. Ran across something that reminded me of the Sullivan Brothers on the USS Juneau

    Understandable, still kinda unfair in the thinking. First some stuff about location location location.

    Down the road some there’s a town called Musining, Pictured rocks are there



    Lots of ice fishing on the Bay

    Figures the Joneses would show up

    Sorting stuff as I watch the snow gang up on me, big fat flakes, teasing me into swearing on a Sunday. Think think think

    do I know a prayer for such stuff, yes I do.

    ” Lord who thyself wast tempted as we are, yet without sin, give me grace to meet this temptation which assails me and which I would overcome. Enable me to check all evil thoughts.

    That should to it

    Some Ancient Greek

    Ἢ τὰν ἢ ἐπὶ τᾶς! E tan e epi tas!)

    “Come back with your shieldor upon it.

    Did she know them, don’t know, there’s picture albums full of yoopers in uniform, Mom Sullivan and Mom Kordish, much in common, as all moms do with thier children in uniform.

  • I heard him say it

    I heard him say it

    There was another part of that conversation concerning the 2nd. Don’t know if you invest or not, not my business, this a good thing for Pro-firearm people.

    PublicSquare Announces Partnership with Credova, the Leading Buy Now Pay Later Solution for the Parallel Economy

    If you never heard of Publicsquare, they are Patriots going head to head with amazon. In their sporting section, you may find some useful items.

    Sports & Outdoors (

    Don’t really like promoting, the times we find ourselves living in, any good, in any area of American life needs to be known about.

    As in this example

    Makes one wonder WHY they want the guns so bad, are they planning on doing something WE the People won’t like, is that it.

    When I seen Santana wearing a Che Tee-shirt, all his music was cleaned out.

    ” The American Christian will die on his feet, before he’ll live on his knees”

    George Washington