Orcs man, friggin Orcs

Sippin coffee out here, only thing that came to mind was friggin Orcs you know, they…

Monday coffee…

I swear I heard the coffee whisper ” what’s plan today bossman” probably just the wind…

John came to mind

John Steinbeck, he wrote a book titled the winter of discontent, it’s a good read, it’s…

For educational purposes, kinda sorta & somewhat

Sips coffee… I got stuff to do today, turd detecting is not on my list. Having…

Just one of things

Sips coffee… yeah, just one of things, people don’t notice we do, we have for a…

Journo entry: I picked a hellva day to quit drinking

Sips coffee… got this dispatch: After taking another look, we can confirm that you did not…

Movin on:

With the Marine Barracks in Beirut still front & center in the cranium, Goose’s dog’s tags…

The pulpit, confab: same same

Both places much in common as in Listen-up, pay attention do notice who’s at the head…

It was a Saturday much like today

I heard a noise much like this and a reaction and so much painful, yeah…. painful…

Friday’s bits & pieces

Sips coffee… for the record, I didn’t speed yesterday to pay that speeding ticket I got…