The rainbow that shines through the rain. Tells us Gods love will never change, And the rainbow with its beautiful hue, Says that promise was also made to me and you.
I’ll never be a Peter, Stephen, or Paul. I’m afraid I can’t do much at all, But a doubting Thomas I’ll never be, Because of that rainbow that reminds of His love for me.
The pot of gold at the rainbows end, Is not the gold that you can spend, It’s just the love you get from the throne, That makes you His child, one of His own.
The rainbow is God’s great promise to man, That Noah and the Ark will never happen again, So pause when you see the rainbow arc across the sky, It’s a wonderful reminder that God’s love will never die
I figured if I got out the contact cement, it help me forget about Earnest Tubb. ” what is that G’damn smell?”. It’s the cheap stuff, I don’t have Barge’s here. ” take it outside”. Outside, you probably know yourself what’s out there, neighbors are out there. I wasn’t out 10 minutes ” what ya working on the Navy blurts out, doin something in his flowerbed. Working on a knife sheath I yelled
while escaping from Earnest Tubb. It’s then I got an idea, before I could share it he comes says ” have you noticed anything about the neighborhood?”. NO, I don’t live here. ” ever since you raised that flag, people drive faster by my house which is right after your moms”, yea so, whatever their problem is, is not my problem. ” You know you smoked out the neighborhood the other day”. no I didn’t know, ” yea it was thick as fog”. can I ask you something ” sure” you have internet? ” of course” how bout I give you some cash on a monthly basis while I’m here. ” ohh I don’t know about that” I could see he was thinking wifey might hurt him something. Then he says” what you needing those 2 grills for next to the smoker”. I use them for grilling. ” how you get so much smoke, I never get that much smoke”. Trade secret. ” ” I’ll make a deal with you”, yeah? “what you smoking or griling next”, maybe on Tuesday, chicken, she can get that down rather good. ” if I get a chicken and you smoke it, I’ll give you the password”, for a chicken?, sure! ” no, whenever you smoke or grill you gotta do for me to as long as you are here”. Clint squint……. ” man you must really like Earnest Tubb”. CLINT SQUINT. Deal.
” So what you making tonight”?.
Liver & onions
” Thanks but no thanks”
I didn’t offer you any
” how’s she doing?”
Earnest Tubb and wine, she’s doin ok, me on the other hand, well I noticed you didn’t ask what condition my condition is in.
Looks rather fancy for my purposes, some sewer pipe PVC with caps will work just fine. when the archeologists finds it, there will be no speculation or conjecture when it comes to just wear the bear does it’s business in the woods. Didn’t know if you knew this so I’ll tell ya, there’s a song for current events
“God damn, God damn the pusherman” could also fit
Told her, she’s beginning to look like a witch, I can fix that, after a bit of back and forth, she allowed me to color her hair
after I was done she asked me how’s it look, looks pretty good, thought about telling her the gloves looked like I’ve flinging dog shit at the neighbors, on 2nd thought I didn’t
Fellas, this remind you of you, did me of me
I own shovels, chances are you do to
about that time capsule, stories about long ago, not written on walls or rocks, stories on USB drives,, maybe by then they collected all the crystal skulls and fire up the drives. Quartz crystal is a rather good conductor
The guy laughing, he’s a neighbor down a few houses, came over to bitch about the smoke or inquire what’s in the smoker, told him, some buffalo steaks, it’s easy for her to get down and digest. Told him, did you know there’s no money in healthy people or dead people… there is money in the middle.
He and his woman drove up from Rock, ” it’s a good ride’ which is farther than ” just down the road”. They came to see mother, not me, wht the hell eh. Had her out there hearing the report from the firworks. His woman is talking
This holiday was brough to you by citizens with guns
Beginning to think, she’s gonna beat Hospice, I wouldn’t bet against her ” I new different air’, what? ” I love the lake air but let’s go for a ride”. She downgraded her meds herself from morphine to Tylenol. She is was clouding her mind. Wanna get to the silver river falls upper, this is what ya do. It’s about 8 miles down the road southeast of L’Anse near the town of Herman. You can reach the falls off of either Lahti Road where it crosses a bridge at the silver river, or by turning left near the old gravel pit and following this dirt road about 1 and a half miles until you reach a rough parking spot. You be fine if you follow my directions. Few spots to stop before get there that ok? ” ohh that’s fine”
Armydog is slowly losing his ability to walk, sitting outside he says ” can she hear me? if you turn your head and talk no. ” I told the wifey losing my comes with a bonus, I’ve more time to sit out here and watch bend over in her garden”. Big smile found his face His wifey came in explaining stuff about a deady combination concerning snails.
I betcha Transhauser bush could use this for advertising
Down another dirt road, graded, ” I can feel every bit of the gravel” where the pain level at? it’s around a seve” we can go back. ” No, no, it’s been far worse than this, keep going” Stopping at a Navyman’s home beemer’s place, Ma, this guy was Navy, worked on some boat, doing something, you know those deerheads on my walls, this is the guy who did them, he does taxidermy, and not much else. Normal people have meat in their freezer, old beemer here, he has a walk in freezer full of deer heads, people wanting wall mounts.
Down in the basement, I’m just looking at her chainsaw thinking, how many moms have and operated thier own chainsaw
She’s wanting a sammich, the right tools for the right job
Going down to do laundry, came up, where the hell is she now, no where in the house, she walked to the mail box to check the mail. ” I did what you taught me, I walked the edge of the dirt and cement, there’s only 58 steps and i have my cane” ma, that was long before you broke your back. ” there’s no mail” let’s go before the wind takes you to Kansas. Inside, I got the Bose headphones on her, noise cancelling headset. She’s hearing
Told her, not much difference between Port Royal and D.C. ” I am so G’damn tired hearing about all those people”, we all are ma. Been 4 days since we seen the sun, I got proof it’s a real item
What the hell ma, why you 3 sewing machines down there? one looks like it came with the Spanish Conquistadors. ” always good to have a spare” and the 3rd one? ” Just in case I needed parts”. Does it work? ” like a charm, so don’t touch it”.
I am multitasking. I can see you the monitors, got Bos Scaggs in the air and working some Barge’s glue it’s not like the peyote which al natural, Barges is like a chemical compound. ” want to hear some Christmas music, it may take my mind off that ” G”damn stink, you and those chemicals, one of these days are going to blow yourself up, open the damn door”.
I got your music.
In the back of house door open, she be fine, was doin the edges
I know someone who was working in the cheeseland area, aka wisconsin, the state known for drinking, of course they never mention Yoopers taught them everything about drinking. Anyways he was buying some boots spotted a pile of leather, inquired about it. ” it’s all the scrap we cannot use in making boots, range marks, stretch marks, bullet holes, things like that ” wanna sell?”. SURE! I get all call, you need some leather? always, explains the situation. How much they have and the price per foot. 42 feet, all colors 67cents a foot. Tell’em I’ll buy their junk at 30 cents a foot, they said make it 50 cents. Tell’em, you wanna get rid of your junk or not? it’s 30 cents or nothing. I have 42 feet of leather different grades and shades. I wouldn’t say I gotta away like a bandit, I have to work around the range marks, stretchmarks and bullet holes. What ya see is a test of sorts and a broken rule.
Never ever laser dyed leather, the stink is right right up there with brain rot DIFI
Looks like it’ll work for my purposes. the exhaust fans and dryer hose works just fine.
Gotta stay motivated, evil is on the march
DIY Ice cream in WW2
One squadron commander, J. Hunter Reinburg, figured he could raise morale among his men if he could fix one of his F4U Corsair fighter bombers to become a high-altitude ice cream maker.
His crews cut the ends off a drop tank, created a side access panel, and strung a .50-caliber ammo can in the panel. He put canned milk and cocoa powder into the container.
Reinburg then set off to climb into the freezing sky above 25,000 ft and come back with 5 gallons of ice cream.
Upon his return, the mixture in the tank was more like thick chocolate milk than ice cream. However, the Marines devoured it anyway!
The evil of his time isn’t so different then the evil of our time.
Michigan’s Democratic House passed legislation on Tuesday that enables attorneys to shut down “hate speech.” The new House Bill 4474 is a vague and unconstitutional censorship law that determines “feeling threatened” as reasonable grounds to prosecute offenders.
The punishment for making someone “feel threatened” in Michigan is five years in jail and a $10,000 fine.
An alternate sentence proposes “community service” in order to “enhance the offender’s understanding of the impact of the offense upon the victim and wider community.”
The problematic language about “feelings” can be found in the bill’s definition of “intimidation” as “willful course of conduct, involving repeated or continuing harassment of another individual that would cause a reasonable individual to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed, or molested, and that actually causes the victim to feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened.”
Any kind of discrimination against a minority or a particular group of people is unacceptable and should be taken seriously. Michigan’s new bill, which prosecutes based on feelings, does not take it seriously. Someone’s subjective feelings, or even a lie about his or her subjective feelings, could land somebody jail time and ruin a life.
“Hate speech” accusations are designed with one outcome in mind: censorship. “Hate speech” is usually not hateful speech. What often constitutes “hate speech” is any language that opposes popular narrative. This label is causing damage to our nation.
Still in the drafting stage
Pirates didn’t care about feelz, if you seen the red skull and crossbones raised you knew straight away, there will be no mercy shown for anyone.