Author: Chance

  • I got some magic workin here

    I got some magic workin here

    Not sure if it’s a ruskie satellite or a CHI-COM spy balloon, this I know for sure, the phones are working. That phone has always been in dad’s workshop located in the basement. Fellas ever notice how the ladies decorate the home, if the guy is lucky, they get like one wall to put stuff, the woman claims all other walls to hang stuff, it’s the natural order of things I suppose, knowing my dad, his workshop would have been located just off the kitchen, you know, where all the food was. She had him in the basement with all his guy stuff not fit to hang on the walls.

    Had a nurse ask me why mother and myself were wearing sunglasses, Told her in no uncertain terms, I got feelz to yaknow, I may not look it but I do. I’m seeing stuff son’s shouldn’t see of thier mothers. I’ll explain. This here is a rutabaga

    Those things are like a step above from eating the dirt they are growed in. Someone brought her some pasties containing the deadly rutabaga. Ask any Marine you know about the gas chamber for reference. The day after was rough, I’m talking rough, as a kid I was told Women don’t fart, they “fluffy” kinda like the left cheek lift without being noticed. Total blowout, with some putrid fumes even Marines wouldn’t forget…. ever. I did mention sunglasses right, no else around to put the house back in order, ” alright, I got 2 shoulders, I’ll do it”. Looking for a positive in a “embrace the suck” situation, two days prior I told her, you best figure out something, because if you don’t, they gonna bring things and do things to you, you ain’t gonna like. ” like what?”. insert suppositories in your butt. ” LIKE HELL THEY WILL”. you got a similar problem, try the rutabaga pastie. Since I believe in choices besides the rutabaga, a couple of recipes you may like:

    Rule 1:

    if it fits, it smokes

    Smoke on the water

    fires burning in the Canada

    With the BITCHMER signing red flag laws, I should call her up as in this example: listen up bitchmer, I got a blind and deaf woman who probably could shoot your eye out, maybe you should take the toys, you know, just to be safe, right

    Was about 8/9 years of age, shot a snowshoe rabbit, draped over my shoulder, the head was dragging on the ground, still think it was biggest rabbit i got ever. Dad was watching while I removed the hair and cleaning it, ” stop, I want you to throw it all in the bucket and go bury it good”. was a growth about the size of a hardball in it’s belly.

    some 410/.22 over/unders and other .22’s , my brothers would use this

    I never did after that rabbit, felt bad about taking it’s life

    still do

    with a step above dial-up, I see our ” betters” are nothing but clowns

  • Journal entry: I’m not dead or AWOL

    Journal entry: I’m not dead or AWOL

    Just a quick update, she broke her back, a compression break, and blew out her knee, doc said I cannot administer morphine at home, so narco it is. She walked out of ER with a broken back totally pissed off to the max. They cannot hold for she’s of sound mind. There’s no signal there, as she said ( no matter what I said, like ma, yes the computer can be bad, yet there are good people even there standing up). Don’t matter, I don’t whatever brings that into the house, I don’t want it here. ” Ok ma”, Nothing been setup as yet for home health, thinking the medical field is afraid of her, it’s ok to laugh, I think it’s true. Nothing fancy here, told her I wanna show some guys and ladies this, “Ok you do that, what is it?”. she touched it, knew when and where she got it.

    ” Make sure you plug it in”, I’m on it ma.

    That saying, ” Before the Marine Corps, there was mom” yaknow, that’s true to, a little something again we all have in common.

    She cannot see it, yet she said ” hearing it is better nothing”

    Took me a week, to convince we need a hospital bed in the living room, ” there’s no room for that, What! people come visit they be needing a place sit.”. m, there’s plenty of room for them. Only reason I’m showing you this, is because I had a Clint Eastwood movie playing, she likes him, probably her teevee husband, you know know women can be. Was Dirty Harry. as they say at Thunder ranch, pistols put holes into you, long barrels put holes through you.

    44.mag lever action, thought about scoping it for while, naaa, works just as it is

    Got my long range goggles out, it’s all good ma, they are Friendlies

    Back when I can

    stay frosty

  • Incoming a message from Men’s department:

    Incoming a message from Men’s department:


    Orson Wells, Charlston Heston (Moses) even Carl Sagan, all were good narrators. Johnny Cash I would also include:





    For those who are retired and get bored at times, I stuff to do, which getting bored in isn’t on the list of stuff to do, I have an idea for you

    Find a company where you don’t work, call in sick, you may get written up

    it’s a small matter really

    looking at my lake sipping coffee, song stuck in my thoughts

    Wind and the waves will carry me
    Wind and the waves will set me free
    Wind and the waves will carry me
    Wind and the waves will set me free

    thinking I need a goat horn for when I enter the city limits

    you know

    to put the fear of GOD into them

  • Gitchee Gumee = Big water

    Gitchee Gumee = Big water

    Past few days has been, how shall I say it, ohh I know, take your commiepinko funded propraganda green new deal and shove it right up your Kiester. A-B would approve. This may be long in tooth, so be like me, have the coffee at the ready. Yesterday, 1300 hundred hours

    8 seconds without a rodeo bull

    What you don’t see what it felt like, this is Emily, looks like Emily is inside a sandblaster

    Choices are front to back or back to front.

    The words may sound different to you, you may find there’s a familiar sound to them.

    Longfellow spoke of it

     For his epic poem of the American Indian, Longfellow combined native legends with the heroic style and the hypnotic trochaic tetrameter of the Finnish epic, the Kalevala. His “Indian Edda,” Longfellow said, is based “on a tradition, prevalent among the red man, of a personage of miraculous birth who was sent among them to clear their rivers, forests, and fishing-grounds, and to teach them the arts of peace. . . . The scene of the poem is among the Ojibways on the southern shore of Lake Superior. . . .” Gitche Manito, the “Master of Life,” the “creator of the nations,” is angry at mankind’s “wrath and wrangling,” and he vows to send a prophet to “guide and teach” men. Nokomis falls to earth “from the full moon” and bears a lovely daughter named Wenonah. The West-Wind mates with Wenonah, and she gives birth to Hiawatha. The West-Wind deserts her, and she dies. Hiawatha grows up in the home of his grandmother:

    Gordon Lightfoot has left us, he left us a song we all know well

    Maybe the reason that song is famous, it was a complete failure of modern technology, ” this day and age, how could something like that happen”. No one could believe it. It wasn’t the worst to happen.

    We don’t get hurricanes, we get White Fury

     Lake Superior on November 6, 1913, and finished with lakes Huron and Erie seven days later. When the winds quieted and the waves calmed, 12 freighters were lost beneath lakes Superior, Huron, Michigan and Erie. Thirty-one more vessels had been pounded to pieces on rocks or driven onto land. The official death toll was 248, but that’s just the sailors registered on the ships that sank. Shipping personnel records of the day weren’t always accurate; it’s likely that more sailors perished. The number also doesn’t count fishermen in small vessels, workers on tugs, or those who succumbed to the storm’s fury on land.

    Treacherous as it was on land, conditions were far worse for those unfortunate enough to be caught on the lakes. Offshore winds gusted to 80 miles per hour, creating relentless waves and swells of 35 feet and higher. The frigid water washed over ships’ decks and froze in seconds, encasing everything it touched in a solid layer of ice. Blinding snow and sleet reduced visibility to zero.

    8 ships were run aground or smashed onto rocks, and two freighters went to the bottom with all hands aboard.

    The steamer Leafield and its crew of 18 men vanished off Angus Island near Thunder Cape. The vessel was last seen by the captain of the nearby Hamonic, who reported to the Duluth Herald that he watched as the Leafield crested a huge wave, then suddenly dipped forward and dove toward the bottom of the lake. It was gone in seconds.

    The ore freighter Henry B. Smith disappeared somewhere off the Keweenaw Peninsula near Copper Harbor, Michigan, taking 23 people with it.

     The story of the 1913 storm is that of L.C. Waldo, the “unknown steamer” that was shattered against the rocks of Lake Superior’s Manitou Island. It’s the story of an icy tomb, one monster wave.

    I tired to get her to tell the story about dad not coming home before a strom hit, ( she was madder then hornet’s nest, still). Just as said ” this is no time for stories”, the door blew open, the screen door was taken by the wind.

    A hat tip to the linemen who got the power on again. Last week I was looking my wood pile and wondering if it’ll last. With having more than a few trees, I’ll have a good start on next winter’s heat. Something else came and went a few days back, It’s still relevant today, least to me.


    “If you’re going to burn the flag, don’t do it around me. I’ve been to too many veterans’ hospitals and seen too many broken bodies of guys who tried to protect it.” ~Rick Monday

  • Déjà vu

    Déjà vu

    Back in early October, the leaves were down, I remember there was a slight breeze with snow falling. Every year, twice a year I get a re-occurring thought with the proper face expression.


    will 11 full cord be enough

    April 30th

    No leaves, slight breeze and it’s snowing

    God, you know I don’t ask much, I’m asking now

    looking at my woodpile, some climate change would be nice


    Now that the Sunday prayer has been given, yet staying on the same topic, kinda sorta & somewhat. I’ll be asking her if we have any shirttail relations in Kantucky or the Tennessee area that are like, well you know, Moonshiners. Moonshiners know stuff and have the proper tools/ equipment, changing up the product from moonshine to gasoline might be tricky, but those guys could do it.

    Those boys would probably think they are re-living history if the feds found out,

    you know, like George Washington and the Whiskey Rebellion.

    Damn it, it’s snowing harder.

    I don’t know if you this, so I’ll tell ya, the internet is like the modern day Olongapo river, what one really only needs to know about the Olongapo river is this, if you can think of it, it can be found in that river.

    it’s nickname is shyt-river

    I was researching how to make gasoline, I’m here to ya, there’s a clear difference between going BOOM! and making boom boom.

     Weather plays a big part of life in these woods, a it’s a small matter really.

    I have a roof, clothes on my back, some dirty dishes I’ll get too soon enough

    a sure sign I got to eat today

    a view one won’t see in any of the media


  • There’s a term, perhaps you have heard of it

    There’s a term, perhaps you have heard of it

    See that, there are many like it, this one is mine


    To consciously accept or appreciate something that is extremely unpleasant but unavoidable

    Later Sunday night, continuing into Monday night, a surge of widespread, heavier precipitation will arrive along with slightly colder air. As a result, moderate to heavy snow will develop across all of western into Upper Michigan. Significant accumulations of wet, dense snow will occur, especially over higher terrain. Slushy snow accumulations on roads will make travel difficult. In addition, the loading of wet, dense snow on trees combined with increasing north to northwest winds gusting to 30 to 35 mph could result in tree damage and power outages on Monday. Snow will diminish Monday night and then end during Tuesday.

    If she would have listened to me, I could have told her, it’s to early to go swimming.

    Thing about getting old, not everyone gets to do it.

    I can see Martha getting on George as in this example:

    ” George, did you take the kids to soccer practice today?”.

    No Martha, we were outback, shooting cannons.

    “George, you had one job, one job George”.

    I know Martha.. I know.

    Listen=up kids, today, we learn about Situation Awareness

    I should open up a school for curtain climbers , which older than the carpet crawlers yet younger than yard-apes. They’d know Situation Awareness early on.

    I’d bet ya nickle, if someone from the kamalalalalaaa office gave ole stevie a dildo, h’d know everything about it.

    How does an Expert handle an assault weapon?

    “Give me that G’damn rifle”

    For educational purposes

  • Sometimes, you just have to laugh

    Sometimes, you just have to laugh

    As a kid, ever ask” what’s for supper”, only to hear Fish! to which you reply, ahh ma, not again, that’s the moment Death has entered her thinking. Not any sort pay back, more like turn around is fair play as in this example. The best and cheapest item one can use for patterns are pizza boxes, good sturdy stuff. make patterns and file away for future use. I brought a pizza yesterday for I have project waiting after these mocs are done.

    As you can see, making holes are one of my specialties, good grouping with alignment ohh yeah.

    She asked ” what’s for lunch” Pizza!

    “ohh, not again”

    Well now, this shriek! sounds familiar

    Now yesterday, one may have noticed the weather wizzards irked me, I didn’t go Full Blair

    was thinking it while seeing the snow fall on my boots, with a coffee and slight breeze, I’m good. It started snowing mid October, snowing in April, with that much snow, does funny things to one’s thinking.

    This remind you of your childhood.

    Does me, as in “G’damnit, what’s he done now”

    Sometimes, some things need to be set aside, don’t know how much fishing I’ll get in, I’ll tell you a story sometime, a very old story, told around a fire.

    Do the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one

    it’s a story Spock would understand

    67 chevy came to mind

    working on mysteries, without a clue

  • Journal entry: so there I was

    Journal entry: so there I was

    Sipping a coffee, looking at my lake, not my fault, it’s they who lit my fuse.

    The weather wizzards saying it’s raining.

    I took my boots off, believe you me

    I know what snow looks like

    don’t piss on my leg then say it’s raining

    I suppose if did these updates inside, people wouldn’t have to cipher through my spelling and grammar errors, I like it outside. With a slight breeze and snowing while doing updates, try it sometime, see how your spelling and grammar turns out. So I’m looking lady, it’s pretty obvious, she has some interest in stuff as I. Maybe I could push her buttons, you know peek her interest by saying something like, ya know, someone born 33 would have been 45 in 78. That’ll get her attention.

    Inserts a mental note: How many suits does a fella really need, 3.

    One for dating, one for good times and one for sad times, any extras, that’s wasting money, money you could have used to buy more ammo. Depending on tone and body language (sips coffee), knowing full that Men and Women think different, asking her if she ever been in a skinning shack,

    it would be dicey at best, which is far far below any triple-dog-dare.


    well, I have a beaver I want to put on the board, I can show you a few things.

    It’s always the Woman’s choice

    Never take which is not yours or is freely given, I’ll explain.

    Man’s task is to make safe the path for Woman to walk without fear

    Woman’s burden

    To bind Man’s heart with his spirit

    a demonstration is needed for which I speak.

    I hear her now, ” don’t kill him!, Don’t kill him!”

    I’m not going to kill him, just sticking in his face, which I consider wrong

    Look at what the left is doing, they are attempting to make Women a non-entity.

    Not on my watch

    For without Woman

    there is no Life

    Some Rob Roy lingo

    ” All Men are kings, but not all kings are men, you must never mistreat a woman or standby and watch another do so”

    The more you look, the more you see

    Afghanistan has Lithium mines, China has deals with mr. taliban, mr taliban has stated, girls/Women will no longer attend school, to the mines they’ll go.

  • A dedication of sorts to washington state

    A dedication of sorts to washington state

    Sales of AR-15s are now banned in Washington state, as are sales of dozens of other firearms the state has classified as assault weapons.. Driving the news: Gov. Jay Inslee (D) signed a measure into law Tuesday that bans the sale, manufacturing, and distribution of more than 50 specific types of semiautomatic firearms.. In addition to those models, the ban applies to all semiautomatic rifles

    sips coffee ,Inslee, pay attention numbnutz

    Pay real close attention

    Not fair, he has one, I want one

    Inslee, the young lady speaks truth

    I like nature, sips coffee, I better like nature, I’m surrounded by the stuff

    Inslee, wanna know why I’m not in charge of the tourism council

    Like maps? I like maps, I also don’t mind the snow & cold with ” slight breeze”

    Not sure which of the 3 keep the riff raff outta here, maybe it’s a like a combo happy meal,

    commercial break

    Inslee, this here is the

    Stay on the cement Inslee, it’s much safer

    I just checked my handy dandy weather rock hanging from a rope, it’s cold, it’s cold enough to snow, there’s no white on it

    translation :

    it’s not snowing…yet

  • Let’s take a ride

    Let’s take a ride

    See that, only one way to view it, when Death comes around repeat after me

    get some get some

    Don’t let the weather wizzards bullshyt ya and tell you that’s just a heavy frost, believe you me, I know what snow looks like. It’s warmed up to 31 degrees, least it feels like it’s warmer out here. People may tell you, I always wear a Clint squint, of course they never stop to think what may be the reason

    If you don’t have a slight breeze, just look at society, you to will be wearing the Clint squint no time. I’ll start you off with this:

    Opinion by Russ Baker • Yesterday 1:04 PM

    “Let’s face it: Many armed Americans are deathly — and irrationally — afraid of others. And so they have become a menace to the rest of us.”

    It’s clear as day ole russ doesn’t read news, because if he did, he’d notice straight away, he’s not seeing reason for gun control, he’d be learning plenty of reasons for staying strapped. Enough of that.

    Told her, we’re a taking ride today, going to see a friend of mine, he’s got a machine that may fit in the workshop just fine. She was all kinds of happy to get out of the house, picked her up, in the truck went, strapped in. I put in some SRV, ” ohh I like that”. My friend was on the phone, kinda busy in here, daughter working the counter, let’s sit over here for minute, sitting there, some guy comes in, puts a flyer on the window, all I said was, Red Cross needing bloo

    , that did, it set her off.

    I’m telling ya, I cannot her anywhere, she’ll tells it straight with no B.S. My friend comes over, hi Jarhead, handshake, propellerhead, how you doing, ” you shouldn’t call your friend names”

    didn’t you hear what he called me, she acted like I didn’t say anything. He waved to one of his worker bees, sit and keep on his mother, we’re going downstairs. I looked him while unzipping my jacket, the right side pulled back a little farther then the left, ” don’t loose her, I know where you work:.

    Jarhead , lets go.

    I told him, if I buy it, and I have move it because you won’t deliver, it’ll drop the price, his attempt at wearing a Clint squint was a decent effort.

    He does know his stuff:

    Ever done homework and have your mother look it over, standard practice I suppose, nothing standard about mine, instead of marking which problem was wrong, she’d stab it with the pencil, ” fix it” “fix it”. Hand the paper back to ya.

    That machine is not China junk


    my friend was more BADASS than you could ever achieve in your miserable life.