Author: WhiteKnight

  • Observations from an Armed Hiker

    Observations from an Armed Hiker


    Before I start, the term “armed hiker” is not meant to be a synonym for “unsuccessful hunter”. It’s not. An unsuccessful hunter implies that finding game animals and harvesting them was the goal, whereas all I wanted to do was march around in semi-swamplands for a few hours wearing camo and carrying a rifle. Now, my companion on both trips was an unsuccessful hunter, but that’s his problem.

    Anyway, my first two armed hikes are complete, and I’ve learned a few lessons from the meeting of armament with walking in the wilderness.


    Firstly: be prepared to deal with groupies. They’ll get stirred up as you pass them, and they’ll follow you incessantly after that. Bring sufficient repellent – OFF works, but so does covering yourself in mud (depending on your location, this may improve your skin at the same time). Like all hordes, groupies will pester you every time you stop moving, interfering with your ability to spot wildlife. Or your companions. Or your ability to avoid headaches. The buzzing sound they make when they’re trying to suck the life out of you is… well, the best that can be said about it is that wild groupies aren’t as bad as the ones chasing Justin Beiber (those ones are impervious to chemical repellents), though they still have the same goals. Use whatever repellents you have on hand, even if it requires leaving the hiking area to acquire fresh supplies, and reapply it liberally every few hours.

    There’s another kind of annoying groupie out there also: these, fortunately, don’t make any noise, but they’ll climb into your pants, cling to your legs and suck the life out of you all the same. If you find them on you, it’s important to shout “BEGONE, THOT!” as you remove it.

    For thematic reasons, obviously.

    Be sure to use tweezers (try not to pop them as you do), and check to see if they left any teeth stuck in your flesh – you really don’t want to know where that mouth has been, so be sure to disinfect the bite area as well. These, too, can be warded off with the appropriate chemical agents, but even if you have some it’s still best to completely cover your legs and feet.

    Remember: flies spread disease, so keep yours closed.

    Game – I mean Mobile Waypoints

    Second: mobile waypoints. Mine happen to be quadrupeds with cloven hooves and the occasional pair of tusks, but they are not wild hogs. They’re mobile waypoints. And it’s my job as an armed hiker to locate them, use my armament to secure them, and then disassemble them so they can be cooked and eat… I mean repaired. They’re broken, you see. I need to take them apart because they need repairs. Which involves cast iron cookware and a gas-powered grill. And a big knife. And a few other tools that one might otherwise mistake for hunting implements. They aren’t, but you’d be forgiven for thinking so.

    These broken mobile waypoints have a tough chassis and dense inner mechanisms, so it’s always important to ensure your armament is up to the task. If you can carry a 37mm artillery piece, that will certainly do the job, but be sure you don’t load it with HE rounds: you’ll be cleaning up the mess for days, and you’ll never get it repaired.

    I haven’t found any yet, but third time’s the charm, as they say. I’ll become a mobile waypoint repairman yet!


    Third: weight. It’s really amazing how much more something weighs when you’ve been carrying it for two hours and change, compared to when you were sitting on a bench at the shooting range. My hunting rifle takes box magazines, but even when I took the magazine out and just had a single round loaded in the chamber, I found myself repeatedly having to shift my carry position – even with the sling – trying to balance the load in a comfortable way. A single-point sling, like the one my companion jury-rigged up, would probably have helped, but I’m not that clever.

    When you’ve done it once, it’s much easier to understand why some people hunt with handguns: hip holsters carry the weight much better.

    Water, of course, is a must – and it’s really easy to underestimate how much water you will need in the field. Obviously it varies based on weather and local conditions, but unless you’re an experienced hiker it’s best to carry at least 50% more water than you think you’ll need. Water is, however, heavy. Each gallon of water you carry weighs about 9 pounds, so be sure to distribute it well in your pack.

    On my first hike I carried an insulated thermos with ice water in it – the amount was more than enough, but it was a mistake to carry it that way, as the water made a lot of noise sloshing around inside the thermos. A camelback-style reservoir will shrink around the water it carries as you drink it, so it won’t slosh; this is a much better option, and you won’t even need to open your pack to get at it if you’ve got the straw attached.

    I thought I was very clever for thinking of that for my second trip; I hadn’t, however, counted on the fact that my reservoir didn’t tolerate being turned upside-down very well, and as my pack didn’t have a pouch specifically for it I ended up with some of my water on my lower back. So be sure that yours has a proper seal before you head out.

    Of course, the heaviest load is the gam… I mean the mobile waypoints themselves, if you manage to bag one. Whether you disassemble them in the field or you’re bringing them back whole, it’s not an insignificant factor. My companion’s plan was to disassemble them in place and carry back the tastie… I mean the most important pieces, and leave the rest. Now, you might think leaving the bulk of a damaged machine where you found it will make it more vulnerable to corrosion and such, and you’d be right. But some sacrifices must be made in the name of bacon. I mean… well, you know what I mean.

    So whether you’re an armed hiker or an unsuccessful hunter – or, wonder of wonders, a successful hunter – or just considering becoming one of the preceding yourself at some point, hopefully you’ve found some insight into my recollections. Or at least a few laughs.

  • Another Reply to Mike Adams regarding…

    Another Reply to Mike Adams regarding…

    Another Reply to Mike Adams – Three Essential Firearms for Civil Unrest

    Springfield Armory M1A .308

    This is complete overkill for the situation presented. A battle rifle is called for when you expect to engage the enemy at DMR ranges when the targets are behind light cover; otherwise it’s far more trouble than it’s likely worth. The M1A wasn’t the ideal tactical rifle even when it took en bloc clips in .30-06 Springfield – it was just better than anything anyone else had. Nowadays we have far better options.

    That said, the scenario Mike is talking about here is the Ken&Karen scene we saw last week, where a pair of Missouri attorneys got some media attention for defending their property (a historic site) from a potential Antifa assault. While it would be wrong to describe antifa as “unarmed”, the fact is that few of them carry firearms – most of them don’t have the nerve to actually shoot anyone, and they know instinctively the optics wouldn’t be on their side if they did. So a .30-caliber battle rifle is hilariously unsuited to the actual goals of our hypothetical cul-de-sac commando. You job is to get an unruly mob of violent, irrational people potentially armed with assorted melee and throwing weapons, along with some incendiaries, to leave your property. In theory, anything that looks like a gun and makes the appropriate lights and noises on command will do.

    You don’t need to kill anyone here; quite the contrary, what you really want to avoid here is significant amounts of media attention, if possible. You’re on antifa’s hitlist the moment you stand against them, and you’ll be doxxed in short order (immediately contact friends and family – and your attorney – to prepare them for the aftermath if this happens to you), but if the optics of your response are good you won’t face any repercussions from wider society afterwards. And while it’s hard to get the general public to side against the homeowner defending his property from a mob, you want to make this task as hard as possible for the media – they’re less likely to cover the story that way – so try not to actually shoot someone unless you see them holding an incendiary.

    So first suggestion: get a rifle that isn’t black. Ideally it would look nothing like an AR or an AK, but whatever you choose, get it in some color that is visibly not black. Silver or gray is a better idea, but if you can get it in some garish colors (without it looking like a toy), do so. Appearances matter in a media environment driven by viral videos and screenshots, so the less it looks like something Diane Feinstein would call an “assault weapon” the better off you are. My strongest suggestion under the circumstances would be a 9mm carbine, preferably one that looks as civilian as possible – like the Ruger PC9. It does everything you need it to do under the circumstances (including having a softer muzzle report than a standard AR, reducing the potential damage to your hearing) and the ammunition and magazines are plentiful. It’s even available as a takedown model, so you could safely store it in your car if need be. It’s also a hell of a lot cheaper than an M1A or even a quality AR.

    Benelli M4 Tactical 12 gauge semi-auto

    If you’re reaching for the combat shotgun under these circumstances, something has gone terribly wrong. But fair enough – we need to have something on hand that will actually stop one of these crazed assholes charging at your wife (who is hopefully either also armed, or else inside the building securing the house and calling for backup). I don’t have anything against either the Remington or the Benelli – both of which have served in combat with distinction – but you may want to consider something with a bit more capacity. So I’m going to suggest you pick up a Kel-Tec KSG – as before, avoid getting the standard black model. Desert Tan will do just fine.

    The KSG will hold up to 12 shells in its dual tubes – 14 if you’re loading 2.75” shells – and as a bullpup firearm it’s quite the short package. It’s front-heavy, even for a shotgun, but that tends to help with the recoil absorption, and since it ejects downward it’s ambidextrous from the factory. And while the KSG has seen no significant combat deployments, it is used by some Coast Guard units for boarding operations. I’d suggest mounting a hand stop to the slide, though, as the short overall length of this weapon means your forward hand could easily find itself in front of the muzzle of this pump-action weapon.

    See Related/Referenced: Mr Wizard’s take on Three Essential Firearms for Civil Unrest

    Glock Model 20 10mm

    As a Glock fan and a 10mm fanatic, it’s very hard for me to say this, but I think this is almost as unnecessary as the M1A. It is by no means a terrible choice – if you have one and you’re used to the recoil impulse of 10mm, this will do you just fine. But like the first two, it’s overkill – and as Mr. Wizard pointed out, if the mob has gotten this far, they’ve gotten past both of your long guns. Either you ran out of ammunition, or you dropped them. The Glock 20 is a fine handgun, but it’s not meant to be a last-ditch weapon against anything smaller than a bear.

    As before, you want something that will make the appropriate lights and noises on command, and preferably have a large magazine capacity. The bigger and louder, the better. So I’m going to completely buck all of the advice that you’d normally get from columns about choosing a defensive weapon and recommend the Kel-Tec PMR-30 in .22 Magnum. With a few caveats.

    Because .22 WMR is meant for rifles, it makes quite the fireball in this little handgun, and has the appropriate muzzle report to match. No one in the mob is likely to know what this is, but if they confront you after sunset it’s going to look more like you have a flamethrower on burst mode rather than a tiny, toylike handgun. Mount a quality green laser sight to the underbarrel accessory rail, and maybe an RMR to the slide, and you’re good to go – the small amount of smoke this pistol generates will really add to the intimidation factor once the laser becomes visible.

    On the caveats – make sure this gun is fully broken in, along with the magazines. The gun and mags both are a bit stiff when factory new, and you don’t want anything malfunctioning if you have to use it. And with that in mind, make sure the ammunition you’ve loaded is both loaded correctly in the magazine (to avoid rimlock) and that the projectiles are 40 grains or heavier, or it won’t cycle properly.

    Also: Kel-Tec offers a replacement fluted, threaded barrel and a flash suppressor from their website. Unfortunately, there isn’t anything you could mount to the muzzle in this case that would do any good. You want the fireball and the noise, so neither a suppressor nor a flash hider will help. So don’t bother getting it. That said, MCARBO and Tandemkross both offer a few aftermarket accessories for the PMR-30 that you may like.

    Go lighter, shoot faster and be more accurate, your life will depend on it.

    This is a second reply to an original article found in Townhall: Three Essential Firearms for Civil Unrest