Journal entry: so there I was

Sipping a coffee, looking at my lake, not my fault, it’s they who lit my fuse.…

Let’s take a ride

See that, only one way to view it, when Death comes around repeat after me get…

Just a quickie

Bridge?, I don’t need no stinking bridge! don’t know if you know this, so I’ll tell…

Maybe tomorrow

Looking at the ice on the lake with a coffee, sips coffee, thing about tomorrow, it…

Journal entry 3/9/23

Ever rethink a position, I’ll explain, Don’t you highly dislike things rubbed in your face, I…

Welcome to Sunday, February 26, Conversation

Over Black Coffee and Gunpowder Tea served with 

I need a goat horn

Ever have bad thoughts?, I have a head full, for good reason. Just one example, the…

Mark Houck, a tale of persecution and prosecution by the powers of the US government

For several years beginning twenty years ago, Mark stood outside an abortion clinic praying with and…

Tidings on the wind

Wolves of Ilse Royal 13 below, snowing sideways, a day not fit for man or beast…

Cabin fever

Potholes/crappy road, truck has rust and a house of sorts out in the middle nowhere… who…