I wrote about WWII Vet Carl Reid’s request for Birthday cards a couple of weeks ago. I promised I’d follow the story and provide an update.
Well, here it is.
Carl’s 100th birthday was yesterday,15 June, and so far he’s gotten more than 4500 cards.
In interviews with local media, Carl’s son Phillip mentioned, it’s been a long road, but they made it, “It’s really, really, good. We’ve run through a lot of issues in the last few months, you know, and being able to celebrate with him for 100 years is, he’s been looking forward to it time,” he smiled. “He’s been shooting for 100 years, so we’re happy to see that he’s here and still in good health.”
Carl’s grandson, Carl Reid III said, “We’ve had an amazing response, from around the world I think. Some cards from Italy, Germany, so world-wide. Happy birthday Papa! Congratulations on 100 years, and I hope to see 101!”
“We’re over 4,500… it’s just amazing that people would take that kind of time to acknowledge his accomplishment of getting to 100,” said Donald Reid, another of Carl’s told local media.
As for how Carl felt about how his birthday went? Well… to say he greatly appreciated it is an understatement.
“It’s nice to have all my friends here,” said Carl. “[I was] broken up when I got out there.”
WWII Veteran U.S. Army Corporal (CPL) Carl Reid, turns 100 on June 15. Carl is a resident of the Lamun-Lusk-Sanchez Texas State Veterans Home (TSVH) in Big Spring Texas.
CPL Reid served in the U.S. Army during World War II, entering active duty on September 26, 1944. During the war, he worked as a supply clerk managing several clerical and stock handling duties. He was also an Army truck operator transporting personnel, supplies, and equipment. CPL Reid received the Good Conduct Medal and the Victory Medal for his service.
To help celebrate this once-in-a-life-time occasion, you can send birthday cards to him at the Lamun-Lusk-Sanchez TSVH addressed to:
Mr. Carl Reid Re: 100 for 100 c/o Lamun-Lusk-Sanchez Texas State Veterans Home 1809 N. Hwy 87 Big Spring, Texas 79720