Tag: Afghanistan

  • ‘We Were Ignored’:….

    ‘We Were Ignored’:….

    ‘We Were Ignored’: Marine Corps Sniper Testifies Kabul Suicide Bombing Could Have Been Stopped

    U.S. Marines provide assistance at an Evacuation Control Checkpoint during an evacuation at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Afghanistan, August 22, 2021.(U.S. Marine Corps/Staff Sergeant Victor Mancilla/Handout via Reuters)none

    The culminating event of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in August of 2021 was the horrific attack on Kabul Airport’s Abbey Gate. The explosion killed 13 U.S. service members and at least 170 Afghans. It also maimed countless more, including 45 service members like Tyler Vargas-Andrews.

    The U.S. Marine Corps sergeant was one of six witnesses to testify Wednesday in front of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The witnesses described widespread government failure and carnage which saw American soldiers and Afghans butchered as the military tried desperately to evacuate U.S. personnel and allies from Taliban-controlled Kabul.

    In emotional testimony Wednesday, Vargas-Andrews described harrowing scenes he witnessed during those final days.

    A sniper living out of an airport tower, Vargas-Andrews saw thousands of people approach the airport attempting to leave Afghanistan — mothers carrying dying infants, others suffering from heat exhaustion.

    “Countless Afghans were murdered by the Taliban 155 yards in front of our position…We communicated the atrocities to our chain of command and intel assets but nothing came of it,” Vargas-Andrews said, adding that some who were turned away tried to kill themselves on the protective razor wire, thinking it “merciful compared to the Taliban torture that they faced.”

    On August 22, the sergeant and his fellow service members reported to the chain of command that the enemy performed an IED test run. Days later, they received intelligence of IED threats and a detailed description of a suspected suicide bomber and his companion. On August 26, Vargas-Andrews and others spotted a pair at Abbey Gate matching the description exactly and they requested permission to engage.

    “The response: ‘Leadership did not have the engagement authority for us. Do not engage,’” he explained, adding that they waited and waited for a response that never came.

    “Eventually the individual disappeared. To this day, we believe he was the suicide bomber,” he said.

    “Plain and simple, we were ignored,” explained Vargas-Andrews. “Our expertise was disregarded. No one was held accountable for our safety.”

    Later that day, the explosion came. Vargas-Andrews lost an arm and a leg as well as internal organs. He has had 44 surgeries to date.

    No one wanted to hear his post-blast report, Vargas-Andrews said. For him, the withdrawal “was a catastrophe and there was an inexcusable lack of accountability and negligence.”

    The Trump administration had previously negotiated a deal with the Taliban directly, excluding the Afghan government in a controversial move. The deal set in place fighting restrictions between the two sides, provided for the release of thousands of Taliban prisoners, and promised a full withdrawal of NATO and U.S. troops in exchange for counterterrorism guarantees from the Taliban.

    Biden decided to follow through on his predecessor’s commitments. U.S. withdrawal saw a quick collapse of the Afghan government and bloodshed as the Taliban advanced.

    U.S. Army specialist Aidan Gunderson was another service member affected by the explosion.

    “I was born one year before 9/11. For 20 years of my life we were at war, and there I was watching the enemy take over the country’s capital,” Gunderson explained.

     To him, other service members, and Afghan war allies, the war is far from over. Gunderson said he will relive those final days — and the stench of iron and death in the air — for the rest of his life.

    “America is building a nasty reputation for a multigenerational systemic abandonment of our allies that we leave a smoldering human wreckage from the Montagnards of Vietnam to the Kurds of Syria,” explained retired lieutenant colonel David Scott Mann.

    The prevailing image of that month remains the shocking footage of a man clinging to the outside of a U.S. military jet as it departed, plunging to his death.

    “We might be done with Afghanistan, but it’s not done with us,” Mann added.

    According to Francis Hoangexecutive chairman of Allied Airlift 21, private charter companies had to step in to evacuate Afghan allies and their families when the U.S. military failed to do so.

    Hoang, who was himself evacuated from Saigon, Vietnam when the U.S. withdrew from that war, explained that over 80 percent of the Afghans who stood by the U.S. military, at great risk to themselves, have been left behind.

    On August 27, several private companies including Allied Airlift organized a desperate journey through Taliban-controlled territory for hundreds of Afghan allies and Americans on six buses. When the buses reached Mazar-i-Sharif, the private companies spent 3 weeks hiding the allies and Americans through the generosity of American donors until a privately-chartered flight could be organized. More than 350 people were on that September flight, including 128 Americans and 152 children. All are presently safe and free in America.

    “This whole thing has been a gutting experience. I never imagined I would witness the kind of gross abandonment followed by career-preserving silence of leaders, military and civilian,” explained Mann.

    He said 73 percent of Afghan war veterans say they feel betrayed by how this war has ended, adding that he thinks we’re on the front end of a mental-health tsunami.

    “We fought and we bled to build for 20 years an Afghan special operations forces capacity and while I know the meta-narrative is that the security forces withdrew, didn’t fight, the reality is that the Afghan Special Ops did 95 percent of fighting and fought to very end. Most of them ran out of bullets. Many of them were overrun,” Mann explained.

    “I believe that could have been a responsible antibody to violent extremist groups with a small footprint that advise and assist and I believe we could have maintained that,” he said, explaining that pulling support and maintenance hamstrung the special operations forces from doing what they do best.

    Mann added that what the U.S. is now left with is “27 violent extremist groups…now operating on former NATO security bases with Taliban top cover.”

    When one considers the Pentagon leadership, at the time of these events, none of this is a surprise. Their priorities have nothing to do with military readiness.

  • Reminder: Here Are the 13 American Troops Who Lost Their Lives During the Afghanistan Withdrawal

    Reminder: Here Are the 13 American Troops Who Lost Their Lives During the Afghanistan Withdrawal

    SGT. Nicole Gee Sgt. Isaiah Campbell/U.S. Marine Corps via AP

    Cameron Arcand | RedState

    As Americans reflect on the ultimate sacrifice made by service members throughout the many wars in the nation’s history, it’s important to be reminded of the recent Kabul airport bombing during the August 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal.

    While the political conversation has moved on, these families likely have not. People are entitled to their own thoughts about how the withdrawal was executed, but the nation continues to mourn the loss of these young Americans regardless.

    Here’s who they are, as noted in the Washington Post:

    • Army Staff Sgt. Ryan Knauss, 23, of Corryton, Tenn.
    • Marine Corps Cpl. Humberto Sanchez, 22, Logansport, Ind.
    • Marine Corps Cpl. Hunter Lopez, 22, of Indio, Calif.
    • Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum, 20, Jackson, Wyo.
    • Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Dylan R. Merola, 20, of Rancho Cucamonga, Calif.
    • Marine Corps Cpl. Daegan William-Tyeler Page, 23, of Omaha
    • Marine Corps Sgt. Johanny Rosario, 25, Lawrence, Mass.
    • Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz, 20, of Wentzville, Mo.
    • Navy Hospital Corpsman Max Soviak, 22, of Berlin Heights, Ohio
    • Marine Corps Lance Cpl. David Espinoza, 20, of Rio Bravo, Tex.
    • Marine Corps Sgt. Nicole Gee, 23, of Roseville, Calif.
    • Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Darin Taylor Hoover, 31, of Utah
    • Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, 20, of Norco, Calif.

    These soldiers had the rest of their lives ahead of them but bravely gave their last breath while serving on behalf of the United States abroad.

    The situation should be an important reminder to Generation Z-ers like myself that giving up one’s life for their country is not some far and away ancient concept that no longer applies to them. I’m sure these soldiers had family and friends who were worried sick about their deployment, especially when the withdrawal was underway.

    They came from different parts of the country and a wide variety of backgrounds, but they united under the premise of keeping the U.S. and civilians abroad safe in the face of terror. In an era of extreme division on the basis of identity, they all knew what it meant to be an American, whether they realized it or not.

    I never knew these soldiers, and I don’t know their families, either, except, as an American, it’s not difficult to feel a collective sense of empathy for them. This tragedy was less than one year ago, and it must not be forgotten due to the fast-paced nature of our culture.

    Original Here

  • Trump Cuts Biden’s Excuses Right out From Under Him …

    Trump Cuts Biden’s Excuses Right out From Under Him …

    Trump Cuts Biden’s Excuses Right out From Under Him in Statement About Afghan Withdrawal

    President Donald Trump issued a statement today in response to the testimony of Joint Chiefs Chair Mark Milley, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, and CENTCOM head Gen. Frank McKenzie before the Senate Armed Services Committee.

    It’s written in typical Trump style and is pretty much right on point, in far fewer words than were said today during the hearing.

    The botched and embarrassingly incompetent withdrawal from Afghanistan had nothing to do with past Administrations or things that happened “from 20 years ago,” (other than we should not have been in the Middle East in the first place!). The horrible “withdrawal” was caused, in particular, because the Military was taken out before American citizens and $85 Billion worth of the highest-grade Military equipment anywhere in the world. This withdrawal was developed by a child’s mind, and only the Biden Administration is responsible for it. When I left office, the Taliban was held at bay, we had as long as we wanted, there was no reason to rush, no soldiers were killed or even shot at for over 18 months, and if they didn’t meet certain conditions, we would have hit them very hard. But then Biden and Milley removed the Military in one of the dumbest Military moves in history, and it all began. So sad for our Nation!

    As we’ve previously noted, Joe Biden and the Democrats have tried to suggest that somehow Biden was locked into something by the Trump deal. But as Trump notes, if they didn’t meet the conditions of the deal, “we would have hit them very hard, there was no reason to rush.”

    That’s actually an incredibly important point to make here. A lot of the disaster that occurred was based on this artificial rush timeline that Biden demanded — allegedly because of the deal with the Taliban.

    But as Gen. Milley confirmed today, the Taliban did not hold to the provisions of the deal, such as working out a power-sharing deal with the government. Trump’s deal was conditioned on a lot of things; it wasn’t just a naked pullout like Biden. If they weren’t adhering to the deal, Biden was under no obligation to hold to the withdrawal or to pull out of Bagram.

    As it was, Biden didn’t hold to the date that had been agreed — May 1. He actually changed the date twice — from May 1 to September 11 and then to August 31. So, when he tries to claim he was somehow locked into anything, it’s just a lie, as he demonstrably deviated from the deal on the date.

    He’s also shown he had absolutely no compunction about throwing things that Trump did under the bus. So, Biden frequently whining he was somehow locked into this, or that Trump was to blame for Biden’s incompetent withdrawal, just doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.

    Biden had months to work out a competent withdrawal. We were urging him since at least May to get out our Afghan allies, fearing he would leave them there. Who could have dreamed he’d also even leave American citizens?

    So, Biden’s arguments just don’t wash, and this is why the American people have so soundly rejected his explanations, and why he’s cratered in the polls — even in deep-blue states like Minnesota ever since the Afghanistan debacle.
    September 28, 2021 – Nick Arama https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/09/28/trump-cuts-bidens-excuses-right-out-from-under-him-in-statement-about-afghan-withdrawal-n449326

    Comment/Opinion: I too watched the testimonies of Milley, Austin & MacKenzie yesterday and thought to myself; you weren’t deserving of your rank and sullied the very uniforms you wore.

    How fitting China Joe is your Commander & Chief.

  • The UN Announces Its Next Ritual Screwing of American Taxpayers

    The UN Announces Its Next Ritual Screwing of American Taxpayers

    While Americans remained trapped in Afghanistan, including being held hostage, the Taliban are busy making international connections to help prop up their new regime. It wasn’t enough that American taxpayers gave the terrorist government tens of billions of dollars in high-tech military equipment. Now, they are going to make sure and fleece us even after we are gone.

    To make sure that happens, the United Nations has announced a meeting with the Taliban, and that meeting included the promise to keep shoveling money into the bottomless pit that is Afghanistan.

    A normal person might ask why aid should ever be impartially administered, especially when you are dealing with a country now run by terrorists. But we aren’t dealing with normal people. Rather, the UN is made up of a bunch of hypocritical, virtue-signaling tyrants that enjoy sticking their fingers in the eye of the United States. And because the world’s former top super-power is run by pushovers who never want to rock the board, the US will take its punishment and promptly ask for another.

    Meanwhile, the US taxpayer gets screwed as they overwhelming pay the highest percentage of the UNs funding compared to any other nation on earth. So just to recap, we lost a war in Afghanistan after spending $2 trillion dollars there in military assistance and civilian aid, and now we get to give that country more money, except this time it’s run by people that ally with Al Qaeda. Just brilliant.

    An America First foreign policy would really come in handy right now. One that prioritizes responsibility with taxpayer money and doesn’t just give boatloads of it to the UN so it can’t be handed over to terrorists. And don’t kid yourself, there is no such thing as “impartial aid.” Everything that happens in Afghanistan will go through the Taliban, and they will be getting their cut as always. It wasn’t enough that we lost a 20-year war to these people. Now, we have to pay for their retirement too.

    We are run by the dumbest people.
    September 5, 2021 – Bonchie – https://redstate.com/bonchie/2021/09/05/the-un-announces-its-next-ritual-screwing-of-american-taxpayers-n438504

    Comment/Opinion: “To make sure that happens, the United Nations has announced a meeting with the Taliban, and that meeting included the promise to keep shoveling money into the bottomless pit that is Afghanistan.”

    I’m just repeating myself – however, this was all pre-planned. Abandoning Americans, creating hostages, bringing in the barbaric hordes, leaving $85 billion worth of US military equipment, pallets of freshly minted Reserve currency, dismissing Afghan’s President  Ashraf Ghani, providing a list & bio-metrics of the Americans & supporters to the Taliban, cancelling CCR (Crisis & Contingency Response), declining the offer to accept control of Kabul…..now Rothschilds United Nations to the rescue /s Straight out of a Kissinger playbook.

    I want to believe these people (Biden & COMPANY) are not that evil….but, 13 Americans & 170 Afghan’s might say differently.

  • Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley Frames ISIS as Looming Enemy if …

    Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley Frames ISIS as Looming Enemy if …

    Fox News Jennifer Griffin Gives Pentagon Assist, Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley Frames ISIS as Looming Enemy if We Do Not Support Taliban

    Remember the teams [(1) DoS, CIA, Intel -vs- (2) WH, Pentagon, NSC].  As we get deeper into the issues, it will become exponentially more important; because without understanding the ideological connections and individual motives, many misinterpretations of events will occur…. including the Deep State alignment of 2024 presidential candidates on these issues.

    CNN, CNNi, Politico, Reuters and The Washington Post, all aligned with team-one, have been beating team-two in the blame game.  ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX have been trying to protect team-two, but the intel faction within team-one has deployed brutal weapons with leaks against the White House and Pentagon.  The PR body blows against the Pentagon (arrows), by the information warfare team within the State Dept (olive branch), have done serious damage; but the defense department is still on its feet.

    Allied with the larger White House objective, Fox News national security correspondent Jennifer Griffin moves in to help rehabilitate Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley.   [Print Article] This segment of the “exclusive interview” is telling.  As we shared on Thursday, keep an eye out for the BIG SHIFT {Go Deep}.   As soon as they can put the accountability worries behind them, both teams will unite again as part of the U.S. foreign policy mission.   What we are seeing in this interview is part of that shift.  WATCH:

    The State Department will work through the U.N. channels to grant legitimacy to the Taliban (larger agency, The Muslim Brotherhood).  This will be the TEAM ONE avenue for laundering taxpayer money through the auspices of foreign policy.  The U.S. Senate (Foreign Relations Committee) will help them.

    Simultaneously the Pentagon, TEAM TWO, will look to maintain their laundry operation by identifying a new enemy, a ghost enemy, a distinction within the laundry operation easily clouded.   The U.S. Senate (Armed Services Committee) will help them.

    If they can get past the controversy of the Afghan exit, the Deep State can then realign and unify again.   The Taliban will be positioned as an ally in the fight against ISIS, or ISIS-k (or al-Qaeda), which was our U.S. position in the 1980’s.  Yes, history repeating.  The State Dept and Pentagon will no longer be adversarial and will unite in this approach.

    What General Milley was seeding in that interview is exactly this process.  Milley says, “You could see a resurgence of terrorism coming out of this region within 12, 24 to 36 months.”  The implication here is if we do not support the Taliban to “consolidate power and establish governance“, the non-Taliban extremist factions will be terrorists against the United States.  This is the entry door for U.S. intervention, continuing the Pentagon money laundering operation and maintaining a militaristic footprint in the region.

    The Taliban, ISIS, ISIS-k, al-Nusra and al-Qaeda are all factions of the same authentic Islamic ideology.  They are not adversarial in ideology, they are merely factions fighting for power.  The political umbrella covering them all is The Muslim Brotherhood.

    Not too dissimilar from the battle between Blue States and Red States, the Taliban -vs- ISIS (et al) is a competition for control of the country by tribes.  The main difference is the Taliban and ISIS use actual weapons to fight for majority power instead of out-sourcing their armory to big tech, corporations and manipulative media.  By western standards, we say the physical fight is uncivilized; and we recommend they form a representative government and fight it out with words and votes.  Hence, Milley saying, “establish governance.”

    Both American teams are still in the responsibility avoidance phase for the mess they created together in Afghanistan.  The State Department, the CIA, the U.S. Intel Committee writ large, the Pentagon, the White House, the National Security Council and United States Senate all lied about Afghanistan.

    Almost every prior statement, position and outline about the status around Afghanistan was false.  With the collapse of the Potemkin village, the American people are seeing the mess behind two decades of lies in Afghanistan.  Those political lies were used to launder trillions of taxpayers dollars and destroyed thousands of the young lives of our service members.

    The Dept of State, IC , White House and Pentagon are all attempting to avoid accountability until the attention of the American public diminishes.  As soon as there is no further risk of sunlight and accountability, both teams will unite again and the Deep State will continue.
    September 4, 2021 – https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/09/04/fox-news-jennifer-griffith-gives-pentagon-assist-joint-chiefs-chairman-mark-milley-frames-isis-as-looming-enemy-if-we-do-not-support-taliban/

    Fast n Furious.

    IRS Targeting.



    FISA Abuse.



    Comment/Opinion : Some words reverberate from the past, as we recently see equipment being sent from Afghanistan to Iran: “You’re Gonna Have a Fucking War”: Mark Milley’s Fight to Stop Trump from Striking Iran https://www.newyorker.com/news/letter-from-bidens-washington/youre-gonna-have-a-fucking-war-mark-milleys-fight-to-stop-trump-from-striking-iran ……..Or The Anti-Christian Woke Milley:’I should not have been there’: Joint Chiefs Chair Mark Milley says it was a ‘mistake’ to walk with Trump to church https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/06/11/mark-milley-mistake-go-trump-st-johns-church/5341489002/

    Admittedly, the $85 billion worth of armament left for the “peaceful” Taliban/ISIS-K is the biggest gun running operation to date for Team 1 & 2. /s

  • Congressman Markwayne Mullin Bears Personal Witness of Chaos…

    Congressman Markwayne Mullin Bears Personal Witness of Chaos…

    Congressman Markwayne Mullin Bears Personal Witness of Chaos and Discusses His Trip to Afghanistan

    A fascinating interview with Oklahoma Congressman Markwayne Mullin as he describes the frantic effort to help stranded Americans in Afghanistan.  {Direct Rumble Link} Rep Mullin was part of a rescue mission to Afghanistan that ran into a roadblock put into place by the U.S. State Department.

    As more details begin to surface it’s clear the U.S. State Department, now led by Anthony Blinken, was attempting to control chaos in Kabul and down-play events to avoid catastrophic political consequences.   The story by Mullin is gripping and heartbreaking.  WATCH:


    September 4, 2021 – https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/09/04/congressman-markwayne-mullin-bears-personal-witness-of-chaos-and-discusses-his-trip-to-afghanistan/

  • Project Exodus: Afghanistan Special Ops Rescue Mission

    Project Exodus: Afghanistan Special Ops Rescue Mission

    Project Exodus: Afghanistan Special Ops Rescue Mission- RESISTANCE TACTICAL UPDATE (9/3 2:30pm ET)

    I found myself continually frustrated by the information coming from the White House and sought to find other, more reliable sources and came across Emily’s Posts. As I noted in this Cross Roads interview with LTC Scott Mann, there are a number of Patriot Groups and Veterans who are determined to complete the mission which the Biden Administration “failed” to do. And without question the WH Occupant will be mumbling about anything/everything in the days & weeks ahead, beside Afghanistan.

    Emily appears to be reporting on one such group…..read below the Mann video and I only posted Fridays remarks. However, if you click on the link at the bottom of this page….it will take you to Emily’s Posts back to last Sunday, August 29, 2021.

    Pres. Joe Biden lost the final battle in the Afghanistan war. Americans and Afghan allies were abandoned by the U.S. government in the days before the August 31 departure.

    However, brave and patriotic retired military special operators have taken over the mission to leave no man behind. They are giving me information to expose the crisis so that the politicians in DC will stop working against them. Also, rescue operations are being done by international organizations and other former U.S. military.

    All these sources are giving me details from Afghanistan so that people there can get direction in this chaos and the American public knows the reality.








    DoD photo of Marines at an Evacuation Control Checkpoint at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan. #HKIA

    Friday 9/3

    3pm — There is more good news on the battlegrounds in Northern Afghanistan.

    The Northern Resistance Force (NRF) won a big battle against the Taliban yesterday. NRF took a lot of the TB’s military equipment and other stuff. Quotes below are from different members of the Project Exodus team:

    We are in direct comms with NRF and helping them.

    I’m so happy to see a lot of the guys we trained working for the good side.1

    They are moving to Kabul. 

    The Taliban won’t ever take over the north.

    I like how all the stories are spreading about horror, but it’s celebratory fire. That shit happens a lot. I don’t believe too many stories anymore.

    More news about the fighting in Afghanistan today:

    Former Afghanistan vice president Amrullah Saleh the resistance is “based in Panjshir” but will defend the rights of all Afghan citizens. He continues saying that the conditions are of course hard and they are under constant attack by Taliban and Pakistani soldiers from several fronts.

    However, they are holding on to their positions. They have lost comrades however Taliban has lost much more and they will continue defending their country. He denied any reports that he has left Afghanistan.

    1pm — A member of Project Exodus gave this update on the rescue situation in Afghanistan and the region today.

    His key points are that the Taliban controls the airspace, so no rescue attempts can take place by plane. This will only change if Pres. Biden or another global leader makes a diplomatic deal with the Taliban.

    Flights leaving AFG at this point is illegal.

    Every neighboring country recognizes the Talibs as in charge.

    Even the Uzbekistan gov said they want people out by 24-hours time. Even AMCITS. The Qatari government backs the Talibs too.

    To me, it is a critical thing in all of this. If the Taliban controls the air and the neighboring countries are following the rules, they won’t take incoming flights.

    All our hands are tied unless this changes.  DOD and State need to figure out who is in charge – someone has to grab the reins and take control.

    Not trying to be pessimistic. More pragmatic of anything. We are all seeing this played out in real time.

    “I highly doubt any of us thought we’d see our own government leave people behind, especially American citizens.”

    12pm — The six planes in Maz are still there. The State Department says it doesn’t control air space, but it handles where the planes with the American citizens on it can land (military base in the region.)

    The cost per charter is astronomical. Watch this space as I dig into who is profiting off these refugees.

    I told a member of Project Exodus why the State official said the agency couldn’t move forward on directing the planes to fly. My guy’s response:

    I have no words. How do they not have that?! Chick Fil A would hands down run this better than they are.

    Here is the link to Emily’s Posts: https://www.emilypostnews.com/p/afghanistan-evacuation-and-retired

  • Prepare For The Big Shift, U.N/U.S Taliban Narrative Will Be Poor Misunderstood Tribes

    Prepare For The Big Shift, U.N/U.S Taliban Narrative Will Be Poor Misunderstood Tribes

    Prepare For The Big Shift, U.N/U.S Taliban Narrative Will Be Poor Misunderstood Tribes Needing Assistance Against New Enemy, ISISk

    First things first, the Taliban, ISIS, al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, ISIS-k, are all factions of the same ‘authentic Islam’ ideology under the umbrella of the Muslim Brotherhood.  The U.S. and Western media, as well as the State Department and Intelligence Branch of the U.S. government, like to create false distinctions when it fits their need.  However, the groups are aligned – not adversarial, unless there is a geographic contest for power in a specific place.  That’s essentially the only time they are in conflict.

    The ‘extremist’ (by our standard) factions, under the political cover of the Muslim Brotherhood, are united in their dislike of The United States, most of Europe and ‘The West‘ writ large.  They hate our filthy money and the politics that comes with it.

    The two U.S. internal groups attempting to avoid accountability for the mess in Afghanistan break out to: (1) State Dept, CIA, Intelligence community; -vs- (2) WH, Pentagon and NatSec Council.  Currently the State Department and Intelligence Community are winning the blame game.  The White House and Pentagon are being identified by most Americans as responsible for the mess.

    This duality of the State Dept (olive branch) -vs-  Pentagon (arrows) is the internal dynamic depicted on the presidential seal.  However, when the internal mechanisms are trying to save their institutional credibility; and those internal motives are based on trying to retain corrupt systems for affluence and influence; the modern battle is distinctly different.

    U.S. money needs to flow somewhere in order for those who skim and direct the cash to have a cover for the business model created by the flow itself.   The State Dept., CIA and Intelligence Community wants to send money to Afghanistan so they can position their friends and family to benefit from the business end of the process.

    As a result of the State Department winning the blame game, they are now in a great position to flip the narrative and position the Taliban to need financial assistance. However, before they can pull off that shift, they need to change the public impression of the Taliban. After all, the U.S. has been calling the Taliban terrorists for decades….

    … Insert ISIS-k!

    The magical mythical ISIS-k becomes the new enemy allowing the “Good Taliban” shift.   The Taliban go from being terrorists, to being U.S. allies in the fight against ISIS-k.  See how that works?

    By shifting this dynamic the U.S. State Department, CIA and Intelligence Community do not need to take apart their business model.   Remember, the U.S. Senate is aligned in this group.  The Senate supports the Dept of State and Intelligence Branch of government, writ large.  This is also a mutually beneficial financial arrangement for the Senate members, their staff, their families, and the various NGOs that operate as beneficiaries of the support system.

    You might think this is crazy conspiracy theory.  Surely no-one is going to believe the same Taliban that was our mortal enemy a few weeks ago is going to become our ally in the same month as an outcome of U.S. policy?  Well, yes, that’s exactly what is happening – and you don’t need to take my word for it.

    How does the U.S. State Department pull this off?  They do it by positioning the Taliban as poor misunderstood rebels who need “support” to run the country or else… wait for it… yep, a humanitarian crisis will unfold:

    (Reuters) […] The legitimacy of the government in the eyes of international donors and investors will be crucial for the economy as the country battles drought and the ravages of a conflict that killed an estimated 240,000 Afghans.

    Humanitarian organisations have warned of impending catastrophe and the economy – reliant for years on many millions of dollars of foreign aid – is close to collapse.

    Many Afghans were struggling to feed their families amid severe drought well before the Taliban militants seized power and millions may now face starvation with the country isolated and the economy unravelling, aid agencies say. (read more)

    And there, right there, is where the United Nations will step in.

    Which is exactly why I said a few weeks ago: “Team Barack H. Obama is curiously silent as this dynamic plays out. I would advise to watch for signs of Obama aligning with Team State Department. The ideological alignment between Team DoS and Team Obama is much stronger than the Pentagon; and Team Obama would like nothing more than to see the U.S. military weakened on the international stage, because that makes their forward efforts (think United Nations) easier to achieve.”

    Barack Obama is smiling.  The newly mechanized army of the Muslim Brotherhood (Taliban Regiment, Afghanistan Division ) will need to be supported; and the people of Afghanistan will need the magnanimous assistance of Western nations to avoid a humanitarian crisis.  Afghanistan 2022 stops being a terrorist haven and shifts into the Haiti assistance model of 2010.  There are hundreds of billions to be made by groups who will organize that support… and the United States Senate will distribute it.

    But first, the United States will need to beat the Chinese:

    Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid has told an Italian newspaper that the group will rely primarily on financing from China following the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan and its takeover of the country.  In his interview published by La Repubblica on Thursday, Mujahid said the Taliban will fight for an economic comeback with the help of China. (more)

    If we don’t act quick, we will lose our ability to influence Afghanistan.  That will be the pitch…. Obviously, those voices need us to forget how we spent 20 years and untold trillions there until, well, like a few days ago.  But that’s the way it works.

    And so it goes….  Watch for it.

    Comment/Opinion: Same game – new name. Objective – sympathy, resources & control.

  • U.S. Intel Hits Biden Again, Leak Transcript and Recording of Call With President Ghani

    U.S. Intel Hits Biden Again, Leak Transcript and Recording of Call With President Ghani

    U.S. Intel Hits Biden Again, Leak Transcript and Recording of Call With President Ghani – Biden: “there is a need, whether it is true or not, there is a need to project a different picture”

    Team-One (State Dept, CIA, Intel Community) continue to pummel Team-Two (Biden, WH, Pentagon, NSC) with leaks to media.

    After Joe Biden delivered his speech to the nation claiming no-one saw the collapse of the Afghan government coming, the intel group leak the transcript and recording of a July 23rd phone call between Biden and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani showing everything Biden said today was a lie.

    (Reuters) – […] Reuters reviewed a transcript of the presidential phone call and has listened to the audio to authenticate the conversation. The materials were provided on condition of anonymity by a source who was not authorized to distribute it.

    […] In much of the call, Biden focused on what he called the Afghan government’s “perception” problem. “I need not tell you the perception around the world and in parts of Afghanistan, I believe, is that things are not going well in terms of the fight against the Taliban,” Biden said. “And there is a need, whether it is true or not, there is a need to project a different picture.”

    […] In a follow-up call later that day that did not include the U.S. president, Biden’s National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, General Mark Milley and U.S. Central Command commander General Frank McKenzie spoke to Ghani. Reuters also obtained a transcript of that call.

    In this call, too, an area of focus was the global perception of events on the ground in Afghanistan. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Ghani “the perception in the United States, in Europe and the media sort of thing is a narrative of Taliban momentum, and a narrative of Taliban victory. And we need to collectively demonstrate and try to turn that perception, that narrative around.”

    “I do not believe time is our friend here. We need to move quickly,” McKenzie added.

    A spokesperson for McKenzie declined to comment. A spokesman for Milley did not respond by publication time.  (read more)

    August 31, 2021 – https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/08/31/u-s-intel-hits-biden-again-leak-transcript-and-recording-of-call-with-president-ghani-biden-there-is-a-need-whether-it-is-true-or-not-there-is-a-need-to-project-a-different-picture/

    Comment: Flashback (per Biden’s definition – 4 or 5 days ago) further update from the Liars Club.

    CCP’s & Pharma are going to be angry for disabling the US equipment (below) – tsk tsk 🙂

  • It’s Over

    It’s Over

    The Pentagon has announced the Last Flight from Afghanistan left Hamid Karzai International Airport a short while ago. This marks the end of the 20 year war in Afghanistan. (Maybe. . .)

    For the first time in 20 years, after 2,442 U.S. troops dead and 20,666 wounded, and an estimated $2,261,000,000,000, there are no American troops or diplomatic personnel in Afghanistan.