Tag: AFT

  • Teachers Unions Write COVID-19 Policies?

    Teachers Unions Write COVID-19 Policies?

    Teachers unions. The least needed and most destructive labor union force in the nation. Until we are rid of that bureaucratic hobble, the U.S. public education system will continue to devolve until formally renamed, the Division of Social Services Information Centers (SS-IC.) To a self-deluded US of American ear, Social Services seems a far less pernicious moniker than does Communism.

    Solid, intelligent, devoted teachers are getting lost under a facile miasma of over-educated and well-indoctrinated “educators.” Not because parents do not approve of a teachers methods or classroom conduct, our good teachers are being run out of town by a mandatory labor union system all public school teachers must support with their hard-earned money. Teachers unions dictate educational standards for tomorrow’s teachers, todays student agenda and classroom content, as well as the actual form of learning our children receive. While K Street political lobbies do influence public policy, labor unions hold a firm grasp on many politician’s pens. Particularly powerful is the voice of the teachers union. Today’s Teamsters observe the NEA and AFT in a state of awe, whispering “that used to be us,” while watching teachers hold America hostage for an increase in pay, or to be rid of recess. Teachers unions are a bureaucracy all their own, wielding an incredible amount of power and influence over elected officials and national policy. Labor unions, like our national and local teachers unions, have evolved away from being institutions that protect the interests of industry and employees and have become political action committees; using mandated dues to finance US of American policy pursuits.

    For over a year, the CDC and Dr. Anthony Fauci of the NIAID have insisted that all of their public health and safety driven edicts – aka, COVID Cooties decisions and guidelines – have been science-based, period. Pshaw. Tell that to somebody who doesn’t know how to read. Actual science-minded and driven people know the federal government considers data and motivators far from scientific when making blanket choices and issuing mandates for all . . . for an illness that occurs in different pockets of the nation, at different times. A New York Post article published over the weekend reveals the cold, unvarnished truth about one of the motors that has been driving federal Cooties justified decisions to keep our children out of their classrooms – teachers unions. Through FOIA documents, the Post has discovered the American Federation of Teachers helped write CDC guidelines for in-class teaching during the Cooties hysteria. A political group, the AFT, provided advice and language used in official CDC guidelines and documents. Way to not create/author policy based on unscientific opinion or outside political pressures, CDC!

    New York Post story dated 01 May 2021:
    Powerful Teachers Union Influenced CDC on School Reopenings, Emails Show

    As of a few weeks ago, every single US of American over the age of 18 is able to get a vaccine designed to prevent one from dying of COVID-19. That’s right, every adult who wishes to protect themselves from dying of the COVID Cooties (free of a handful of bizarre and rare medical cases) can get a shot. Period.

    People in High Risk groups no longer need to worry about Little Davey or Little Juan or Little Rayneesha killing Grandma because he or she picked up the Cooties while at school, bringing them home to a multi-generational household. There is no legitimate reason for our children to continue this distance learning nightmare. Other than fat teachers with high blood pressure who would rather persecute the very people they say they live to serve in order to keep safe from catching a sometimes vicious virus that might end up taking their life. Lazy and entitled are qualities presumed to be implicit within a group of peoples who make demands if we wish them to do the job they were hired to perform. ( See, Government Teachers’ Unions Unveil New COVID-19 Demand: Pay Us For Doing Nothing and, California teachers’ latest demand: Free child care for examples of teachers union audacity) Call me Steven Crowder and Change My Mind on that, if you’d care to do so. I’m no fascist.

    Y’all have had enough time . . . you fear-filled, control freak entities like teachers unions . . . it’s our turn. We’re taking it back. We, the People shan’t allow a unscientific, self-preservation driven bureaucracy to turn our vibrant nation into an uninteresting, unchanging landscape made up of shades of grey. Some things are black and white.
