Tag: All Hands

  • Changes at MilVets And Patriots

    Changes at MilVets And Patriots

    MilVets and Patriots was founded as a place for Vets and Patriots to exchange and comment on the news of the day. From the start we’ve had a very liberal comment policy, more or less based on the basic Disqus policy with a few small additions. No threats, no doxxing of any kind, no racist comments, no name calling and a modicum of civility.

    We recognize the need for unfettered speech, and value the same.

    Spammers aside, our banned list is vanishingly small. And to be completely honest, all but a couple were nothing but trolls. We have never banned for political views.

    However, given the big tech crackdown on Right of Center voices, there are going to be some changes to our moderation policy going forward.

    As managing editor, I have directed the moderation team to delete any comment that we deem as inciting violence, threatening anyone, or calling for insurrection. We do not make this change lightly. It goes against all I stand for, but at this moment in time, I feel it is a necessary step to ensure the continued existence of MilVets and Patriots as it is today.

    We ask that you, Dear Constant Reader, help us keep MilVets and Patriots around. If big tech can de-platform the President, what’s stopping them from doing it to a small site like this one?

    Because there is the chance for misunderstanding, if you feel a comment was deleted for no reason, tag either Rogue Unicorn or me. We will discuss the deletion with the moderator who deleted it, find out why, and make a decision from there. Keep in mind, the team here are all very experienced moderators and the executive team has great trust in their judgement.

    Another thing to keep in mind: we’re not banning anyone if there is an occasional comment that gets deleted. Severe and repeated violations may, at the discretion of the executive team, result in time-outs or permanent bans, but unless you are persistently violating our rules you shouldn’t have a problem.

    If anyone has any questions about the new policy, the reasons behind it, or the implementation of the policy, drop a comment below. We’ll answer as best we can. With any luck, this change will be temporary, and we can get back to the way things were up till now.

    KITDAFBS, Managing Editor MilVets and Patriots