Tag: American Flag

  • Against the Pride Flag

    Against the Pride Flag

    As today is Flag Day, this opinion piece seems timely. It is not a perspective of the designated day but a perspective of other flags being flown this month.

    Against the Pride Flag

    Rich Lowry for National Review

    Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm helps to raise the Progress Pride flag outside of the Department of Energy in Washington, D.C., June 7, 2023.(Drew Angerer/Getty Images)none

    It’s June, when one can be forgiven for thinking we live in the United States of LGBTQIA2S+.

    Old Glory is, at best, supplemented with, and sometimes supplanted by, the pride flag in all its varieties.

    The flag, which has become more and more unsightly, is ubiquitous. Its increasingly elaborate jumble of clashing stripes — whether seen in a store, at a ball game, or on U.S. government buildings — is a reminder to get with the program, and that the program is always changing.

    Team Biden draped what is known as the Progress Pride flag, with no fewer than 11 different colors, on the White House in between two American flags, giving it — no pun intended — pride of place.

    Flags aren’t trifling matters. People rally to them and live and die for them. The firing on the flag at Fort Sumter at the outset of the Civil War, for instance, had a galvanizing effect on the North. “On forts and ships, from church-spires and flag-staffs, from colleges, hotels, storefronts and private balconies, from public edifices, everywhere the old flag was flung out,” historian George Preble writes in a passage that could almost as accurately describe the unavoidable June displays of the pride flag.

    Whereas the power of the Star-Spangled Banner is its extraordinary history, its relatively simple design, its easily understood symbolism, and its call to unify all Americans — not to mention the sacrifices made to defend it — the pride flag is the opposite.

    It’s always being refashioned (the version displayed on the White House dates all the way back to 2018), it’s an aesthetic disaster, it’s inscrutable, and it’s a banner concerned with the recognition of splinter groups.

    If you wanted to create a visual representation of “intersectionality,” the latest iterations of the flag would be it.

    The old, quaint rainbow flag had the virtue of being simpler than its subsequent renditions and of representing broad categories of things (life, sunlight, etc.), rather than specific groups of people. The flag started as eight stripes and got dropped to six for pragmatic reasons before additional stripes started getting layered in.

    As it happens, there are dozens of separate flags out there for every gender identity and sexual orientation — pansexual, non-binary, gender fluid, asexual, you name it. How could they be left out?

    First, the City of Philadelphia added black and brown stripes to the top of the flag in 2017 to recognize people of color. The next year, a designer took the black and brown stripes — along with light blue, pink, and white stripes incorporated from the transgender flag — and put them in a horizontal chevron to make the Progress Pride flag.

    Yet another update added a yellow triangle with a purple circle from the intersex flag.

    The resulting banner has all the visual appeal of a TV test pattern. It’s hard to see any principle by which other groups should be excluded. By the time it’s all said and done, the thing could look like a Sherwin-Williams fan deck, if it doesn’t already.

    Like the LBGTQ+ cause generally, the flag has become increasingly esoteric and obsessed with identity politics — there’s always another letter or another stripe. But what better representation of a movement that has gone down the rabbit holes of such bizarre causes as insisting that males compete in women’s sports and minors get life-altering “gender-affirming care” that other advanced countries are turning away from as a terrible mistake?

    Yet, it flies everywhere as though it were a quasi-national flag with universal popular assent. Even U.S. government buildings here at home and U.S. embassies abroad are bedecked with the flag. If Republicans ever get unified control of government, they should ban this practice. The government shouldn’t be promoting boutique causes, and we already have a flag that includes everyone, that doesn’t require constant ideological makeover, and that isn’t an eyesore.

    The Stars and Stripes should be sufficient for this and every month.

     © 2023 by King Features Syndicate

  • Artist Paints Huge American Flag

    Artist Paints Huge American Flag

    Artist Paints Huge American Flag for High School Gym so Classmates Can Say Pledge

    The son of two U.S. Air Force veterans has made his town proud by painting an American flag mural for his high school—a project that took a whole semester to complete.

    Eighteen-year-old Hunter Delsite, from the military town of Mountain Home, Idaho, tackled the project with encouragement from his art teacher. The pair noticed that every classroom had a flag to say the pledge to, except the gymnasium.

    The young artist was up for the task of painting one, though.

    “I started drawing it out and it took a while to get it done,” the Mountain Home High senior told KTVB 7. “Then it was figuring out how big to do it.”

    Epoch Times Photo
    (Screenshot/Google Maps)

    Delsite settled on a mammoth 8-by-16-foot composite mural, a surface that would take him over 3 months to cover and finish in full detail. It’s the teen’s largest project, to date.

    The artist drafted a flying flag, rippling in the wind, the colors bold and bright, with a pole and cable across an overcast sky, with a stark white background creating dramatic contrast.

    The plan was to to have it mounted in the gymnasium, behind the bleachers.

    Epoch Times Photo
    The artist (L) posing with his finished American flag mural. (Courtesy of Brenda Raub)

    Delsite has practiced art for years, but started taking it “a lot more seriously” when he landed Brenda Raub as his art teacher—who pushed him to take his work further.

    She said she’s lucky to have had Delsite as a student and was impressed with him from the start.

    “When you have a kid that you see for four years and teach, and they just keep doing amazing things, there’s just not much you can ask for,” she told the station.

    Epoch Times Photo
    Hunter Delsite and his huge American flag mural. (Courtesy of Brenda Raub)

    It wasn’t just for the school that Delsite took on the project, though; he also painted it for his parents who once served their country as Airmen.

    While working, Delsite contemplated the flag’s significance, and what it mean to him—union, freedom, and being able to speak one’s mind.

    “The flag to me really means coming together, that union of all of us … Americans are really from everywhere,” he said.

    Raub posted photos of her student’s finished work on Facebook; both teacher and student were blown away by the reception it garnered, as likes, comments, and shares amassed.

    Delsite’s own father proudly commented, “That’s my son!”

    Epoch Times Photo
    Delsite’s American flag mural completed. (Courtesy of Brenda Raub)

    “Everybody loves it,” Delsite told the station. “I just thought I would put it on the wall and people would say the pledge to it. There has been a lot of love for it.”

    The painter graduated on May 28, and now plans to study architecture at the University of Idaho—leaving the mural behind to inspire future classes of students.

    “It’s really, really awesome to get to say that I left something that big here at the school, you know?” Delsite exclaimed. “Not a lot of students get to do something like that.

    “It makes me really happy.”
    By: Louise Bevan – June 8, 2021 https://www.theepochtimes.com/artist-paints-huge-american-flag-for-high-school-gym-so-classmates-can-say-pledge_3844172.html

    Comment: Mara Gay was threatened by the appearance of the American flag this past Memorial Day weekend – possibly, she should chose another flag which represents her values & consider relocating.

  • Contractor Outraged…Northam Removes American Flag

    Contractor Outraged…Northam Removes American Flag

    Contractor Outraged After Northam Removes American Flag: ‘Stop Letting the Inmates Run the Asylum!’

    By Tyler O’Neil Jul 04, 2020 1:42 PM EST

    On the eve of the Fourth of July, Virginia’s state government ordered a contractor to remove a massive American flag from the side of a new office building the contractor is erecting in Richmond. The state government expressed concerns about the “safety” of workers because “protesters” might view the American flag as a “target.” An actual worker slammed the government for “letting the inmates run the asylum.”

    “Over the past month we’ve seen buildings and structures around Capitol Square vandalized and flags, dumpsters, a bus and other items set ablaze during demonstrations around the city,” Dena Potter, spokeswoman for the Department of General Services, told The Washington Post. “When we saw the flag, we were concerned that it could become a target so we told the contractor to remove it.”

    “They were very responsive when we asked them to remove it,” Potter added. “Of course the safety of the workers on the job and the public is our No. 1 concern, but we also did not want to see the flag damaged in any way.”

    The order to strike Old Glory infuriated a subcontractor, Eric Winston of American Coatings Corp. His fireproofing company used tarps to make a supersized American flag, about as tall as a full story of the building, which is part of a $300 million project.

    Winston shared the flag on Facebook.

    “This is the flag that our company made out of tarps we use on buildings. We thought it would be a good idea to hang it, which we did this morning at the new General assembly job, downtown Richmond. Early on it got great reviews by all, and thank you to the [General Contractor] for allowing us to do it… BUT the GC got a call and we now have to remove it,” he wrote.

    “It seems the ‘State’ deems it a target this weekend for protestors. Since when is this flag, on this weekend, IN THIS COUNTRY, a Target!! Let me guess, if I had a black lives matter flag it would be ‘ok’!?” the subcontractor wrote, sardonically. “‘F’ you & your feelings.”

    “Look, Mr. Governor, Mr. Mayor, or whoever made the call, stop letting the inmates run the assylum!” Winson added. “Grow a pair, and stop thinking everything we have or had in this once great state is offensive.”

    “The American Flag is a symbol of Freedom! Many men and women died to maintain this freedom, many more fought and still fight to keep this freedom, and you make us remove it??” he added. The subcontractor said he stands for American freedoms like protesting and taking a knee during the National Anthem. “That’s what this flag represents!”

    “It’s bulls**t that you made us take it down, but don’t forget, your actions have consequences too! You will now see this flag hanging at the Lake and I promise you it will NOT be removed!” Winston added. “Happy Birthday America!”

    It is truly outrageous that Virginia, the state that gave America both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson (the author of the Declaration of Independence) would order the removal of the American flag before the Fourth of July because protesters — let’s call them what they are, violent mobs of rioters and vandals — might view it as a target. This is utterly shameful.

