Tag: AOC

  • Homan Refers AOC

    Homan Refers AOC

    Border Czar Tom Homan has officially referred Alexandria Occasional Cortex to the Department of Justice. He want’s the DOJ to look into her violations of title 8 US Code §1324(a)(1)(i)-(v).

    That subsection prohibits alien smuggling, domestic transportation of unauthorized aliens, concealing or harboring unauthorized aliens, encouraging or inducing unauthorized aliens to enter the United States, and engaging in a conspiracy or aiding and abetting any of the preceding acts.

    AOC, Dumbass-NY, held a webinar detailing how to evade ICE enforcement as an illegal alien under a deportment order. That would seem to be a direct violation of §1324 and as such would land any of us in the federal slam for up to 10 years.

    I have no doubt that she will attempt to evade any responsibility via the Speech and Debate clause of the Constitution. However, that clause does not protect her from prosecution for illegal acts committed while not engaged in the course of normal Congressional duties. Hosting a webinar on how to break federal law is most certainly not an activity protected by the Speech and Debate clause.

    We’ll have to see where this goes. I for one have hopes that she’ll learn a harsh lesson about life.

  • Random News And Notes

    Random News And Notes

    It’s Super Tuesday. Primaries are being held in Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma,Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia and American Samoa. I think we can dispense with any coverage of the contests. We all know who’s gonna be the big winner.

    On a related (or not) note, FaceBook and Instagram all went down today, at least partially. If I were a conspiracy minded individual, I might take that little factoid as something more than a regular outage given the day. . .

    Your intrepid editor has spent an unusually large amount of time doing firearms training this winter. I suppose I have to thank the weather gods for a very mild, snow-free winter up here in CNY. It’s 5 March, and there is nary a flake of snow on the ground here right now. Normally, I cannot get into my training facility due to the snow. Last year, I was unable to access the range until the end of March.

    Trust me, this is going somewhere other than a discussion about the weather.

    My shooting is in mid-season form. The times and scores for the various drills I regularly run are what I would expect to see in mid-July, not early March. So, what’s my point? Shooting is a perishable skill, and even a short layoff can and will erode your performance. Get out and shoot. If you have any questions about what drills to do, I conveniently have a post about that. You can find it here.

    I have to wonder how long Fani Willis is going to keep her law licence. The latest out of Atlanta shows she seemingly engaged in witness tampering/intimidation. I am no Kreskin, but based on what I’ve seen the judge in the Georgia case, Scott McAfee, looks ready to disqualify her from the case. Judges generally do not take two weeks in a case like this unless they are working on an iron-clad opinion for removal.


    Remember when Keith Olbermann was a mediocre sports anchor on ESPN? Yeah, good times. Sports Center with Dan Patrick and Olbermann was must see TV for me. Too bad he thought anyone was interested in his take on politics. Anyway, he’s gone an unhinged – even for him – rant on Twitter X that seems to involve his love for urine on his face.


    And Aloha means gooodbye. . .

    Alexandria Occasional Cortex is getting a taste of her own medicine, and she doesn’t like it. A pro- Hamas protester accosted Ms Cortex outside a theater in New York the other day and wanted her to call what’s happening in Baja Israel genocide.


    How’s that shoe feel on the other foot Sandy?

    Got a story to share? A comment on anything above? Just want to rant about something? Go ahead and let us know in the comments below.

  • Hey AOC, There Is No Moral Equivalency Between Hamas and Israel

    Hey AOC, There Is No Moral Equivalency Between Hamas and Israel

    AP Photo/Ariel Schalit


    (This column is Part 2 of a series of articles explaining the fallacies that have led to the world’s leftists supporting Palestine, Gaza, and Hamas’ horrors.)

    The concepts of “Palestine” and “Palestinians” did not exist before the mid-20th century, but truth has little meaning to the left when it is in conflict with their anti-Semitic/anti-Israel/Marxist/socialist/destruction-of-Western-culture agenda. Even when confronted with the facts, they attempt to justify the truly evil actions of Hamas.

    The latest argument against Israel is that Israel’s retaliation against Hamas is not “proportional.” We are already being inundated with images of the wounded in Gaza. Israel is being called an aggressor and worse. The images of war will be shown more and more in the coming days until the leftist agenda of removing the last week’s images from our minds is achieved.

    But we cannot let that happen. We must always remember what Hamas has done, and how they degraded all of humanity with their conscious targeting of civilians. We must never forget the images of people being dragged out of their cars to be stomped on until they die by Hamas, the videos that Hamas proudly took of homes being invaded and children killed, or the horrors of videos of victims being filmed on the victims’ own cell phones and then sent to their families from their phones.

    Hamas has demonstrated a barbarism unseen in humanity for hundreds if not thousands of years, and we must not let anti-Semitic Marxists like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) change the narrative in an attempt to transform Hamas and the people of Gaza into victims.

    Ocasio-Cortez and her ilk are calling for Israel to be stopped as they feel that Israel’s response is too aggressive and uncalled for. The Swiss foreign minister is one of many using the new leftist term “proportional reaction,” a term that is being picked up everywhere by pro-Hamas supporters like Ocasio Cortez and the BBC.

    Since they can’t really hang their hat on the fallacy of a historical Palestine, they are trying to stop Israel from destroying the evil of Hamas based on the idea that Israel is doing worse to Hamas than Hamas did to Israel. Even while history, common sense, and the most basic ethical standards of humanity demonstrate that Hamas and its supporters have descended to a level below even animals; let us evaluate this concept of proportionality.

    General Wiliam Tecumseh Sherman of the Union Army is credited first with the saying, “War is hell.” There is no proportionality in war: you fight for your survival, and it is uglier than any human being should have to experience. In some ways, that’s the point of war: to make it so horrible that people will do almost anything for peace. If Hamas didn’t want hell rained down on Gaza, it should not have consciously and specifically targeted the elderly, women, and children.

    Hamas CHOSE to drop into a music festival and rape, kidnap, and murder young people celebrating life through music. There was no pressure on Hamas to video its acts of horror and send those images to families with the express intention of traumatizing them. Terrorists did choose to perform these heinous acts, and there is every justification to make sure this never happens again.

    But the left is now claiming that this isn’t right — that Israel’s actions are greater than what they suffered. They are demanding that Israel abides by the “principle of proportionality,” a term that they think means that while Hamas can kill Israeli babies, Israel cannot kill any civilian even by accident.

    Related: There Is No Such Thing As ‘Palestinians’

    Ironically, the Lieber Institute for Law and Warfare at Westpoint has established that “there is [sic] no reliable reports that the IDF have [sic] ever intentionally targeted civilians.” Juxtapose this against Hamas’ specific intent to cause terror among civilians. The Israeli Air Force is the only one in the world that gives notice to civilians to exit a building before destroying it, and Israel handcuffs itself in battle by doing everything possible to avoid civilian casualties. While Israel defends all civilians, Hamas uses children and its own civilians as human shields to protect themselves.

    Simply put, Israel uses the IDF to protect its citizens. Hamas uses its citizens to protect Hamas. The civilian pain that is happening in Gaza as Israel now attacks is a direct result of Hamas’ practice of shielding itself with babies. The principle of proportionality is very specific: attacks that might affect civilians are prohibited unless they are excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated.

    Since the military advantage is to get Hamas out of Gaza and its supporters defeated forever, then Israel is following that principle perfectly. The Israeli military’s need to remove any vestige of Hamas from the world is so necessary that, sadly, civilians may get hurt. But remember, given that the IDF gives advance notice, the only reason for a civilian to be in Gaza is if they support Hamas or if Hamas is using them as human shields.

    There is no real “Palestine”; Hamas targets civilians in the cruelest of ways; and Israel still does everything possible to avoid collateral damage. But these anti-Israel fanatics still say that too many Gaza citizens are getting hurt or dying. They think they are the official arbiter of how many Gaza casualties are too many and castigate Israel for defending herself.

    If these supporters of the fanatical and evil Hamas really want to crunch numbers to determine how many is too many, consider the following: If these Marxists want “proportionate precision” based on percentages; a literal “eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” (which only ultimately leads to blind men with no teeth), then let us review the statistics. There are over 1,500 times more Arab Muslims than Israeli citizens (9.5 million vs 1.5 billion), and over 1,300 Israeli civilians have been kidnapped, raped, and/or killed in this war so far.

    Since there are over 1,500 times more Arab Muslims who are supporting Hamas in the region, we multiply 1,500 times over 1,300 victims. By their logic of precise proportionality, we would need to kill 2 million Arab Muslim civilians to be pari-passu with Hamas, and God forbid we ever have to do that.

    While Israel works hard to keep Gaza’s civilian casualties down, Hamas consciously aims for civilians. While Israel strives to remove civilians from fighting areas, Hamas uses children, babies, and the elderly as human shields. When the left is complaining that too many Gaza citizens are getting injured, they are rejecting the mathematics that demonstrates how Israel really is restraining herself.

    This entire rhetoric of principled proportionality is just another public relations scheme that, when accompanied by painful images of war, is an attempt to destroy Israel in the minds and hearts of people around the world. We must not let this publicity stunt, which capitalizes on the devastation that Israel is required to perform on Hamas, subvert our support for Israel and her actions.

    Israel and the Israel Defense Force is the most ethical army in the history of the world. Rather than condemning its precise efforts to keep civilians safe, we must laud it. And we must always remember: while Israel uses the IDF to protect civilians, Hamas is killing its own civilians to protect Hamas.

    As Golda Meir is credited with saying, “If the Arabs lay down their weapons, there will be peace. If the Israelis laid down their weapons, there would be a massacre.” We just experienced the truth of her words and the massacres and horrors of Israel not holding their weapons strongly enough. Do not ask us to invite other massacres in the future, God forbid, by using the leftist argument that Israel needs to restrain herself against villains who use babies as shields and then turn to their advantage the deaths of those babies that Hamas is directly responsible for murdering.

    Israel will always strive to save civilians while destroying the evil of Hamas and its supporters. But there is no moral equivalency, and we cannot let fools like Ocasio-Cortez and her squad be left unanswered.

    Original Here

  • AOC Wasn’t Even in the Capitol Building …

    AOC Wasn’t Even in the Capitol Building …

    AOC Wasn’t Even in the Capitol Building During Her ‘Near Death’ Experience

    We’ve reported various aspects of the account of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) of what happened to her on Jan. 6 during the breach at the Capitol. But there are some very critical facts that have been missing from her story that I wanted to talk about here.

    The story, as it was initially related by AOC, suggested that she was about to be assassinated by rioters in her office in a video that has been viewed over 6 million times.


    Newsweek even claimed that’s what AOC said.

    Ocasio-Cortez said that rioters actually entered her office, forcing her to take refuge inside her bathroom after her legislative director Geraldo Bonilla-Chavez told her to “hide, hide, run and hide.”

    “And so I run back into my office,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “I slam my door. There’s another kind of like back area to my office, and I open it, and there’s a closet and a bathroom. And I jump into my bathroom.”

    As it turns out, however, as my colleague Bonchie reported earlier, AOC said in her Instagram drama that the person who came to her office was a Capitol Police officer. But she denigrated the officer who came to help, claiming he “didn’t feel right” and that he was looking at her “in all of this anger and hostility.” Her staffer reportedly wondered if he would have to fight the officer and suggested that he might put them in a “vulnerable situation.”


    So, basically, this story is about hyping the danger to the members and trying to say people still have to fear those inconsiderate uncaring police (even when they’re coming to help you). She’s even been called out by folks on the left for the effort to demonize the officer and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), as my colleague Sister Toldjah observed.

    But a few important things to note that seem to have been left out of this whole story.

    AOC wasn’t even in the Capitol building where all the action was going down. If she was in her office, she was in the Cannon Building which is nearby, but a different building. But of course, many didn’t get the logistics and just assumed that she was in the Capitol building.

    According to Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC), who has an office in the same hall as AOC, two doors away, there were never any rioters in their hall so there was never any physical danger from rioters coming in at any point.


    AOC’s building appears to have been briefly evacuated during the day as police checked on a nearby suspicious package that was later cleared.

    So her “near-death experience” was an overreaction to a Capitol Police officer knocking on her door to direct her to another building, the Longworth Building, where she then stayed in the office of Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA). Instead of thanking the officer, she paints him as somehow a possible danger of which to be afraid. The Capitol Police were likely trying to evacuate the building quickly, it’s possible the officer was focused on getting people out quickly so likely didn’t have time for all the niceties.
    https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/02/03/321029-n321029 By: Nick Arama

    Comment: I know that I shouldn’t; however I tend to completely ignore AOC – she has cried wolf one too many times. And appears to be nothing more than a compulsive liar. Yet, here is the aspect which I find so disturbing. She has thousands of followers, who are just as immature and just as irresponsible. By her directing everyone’s attention towards Sen. Ted Cruz and accusations him of almost murdering her. You can read her followers comments/rants – so, is she creating another Steve Scalise situation? It may be a good choice to initiate a Recall before she causes someone’s injury. She is 31 years old – this is not high school & the mean girl in the class


  • Goya Foods CEO Named…

    Goya Foods CEO Named…

    Goya Foods CEO Named Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ‘Employee Of The Month’ 

    Unanue explained that her calls to boycott had actually drawn more attention to the brand, creating a sharp spike in sales. 

    “When she boycotted us, our sales actually increased 1000%.”

  • Its Started Already

    Its Started Already

    Sooper Genius™ Alexandria Occasional Cortex tweeted out one of the more frightening things she’s ever tweeted today.


    You know who else made lists of their political opponents? That list is long and sordid. The Soviets, the Nazis, the Chicoms, the Khymer Rouge, the list goes on and on.


    Normally, I’d put this down to AOC being one of the Stupidest Politicians on Capitol Hill (the title of stupidest goes to Hank “what if Guam tips over” Johnson), but in this case I’m fairly sure even if she’s unaware of the historical parallels she has the same intent as the rest of the list makers.

  • Gone In 60 Seconds

    Gone In 60 Seconds

    60 seconds. That’s how much time Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (S, PRNY) has to deliver her remarks at the Democratic National convention.


    I have to wonder, is that 59 seconds too long? AOC however isn’t complaining, at least not publicly. Maybe she’s not smart enough to realize that she’s being insulted.


    See also: The View from Here

    I understand the necessity of having her speak. Unlike sleepy Joe and top cop Kamala, she excited the younger members of the party. Any longer would allow her to insert her foot in her mouth, and the party powerbrokers can’t have that.

  • AOC Now Calling to Defund. . .

    AOC Now Calling to Defund. . .

    Military Recruitment in High Schools

    Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, C, PRNY, has previously called for the defunding of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Border Patrol and police departments across the country. The billion dollar cut to the NYPD budget wasn’t enough for her.

    “Defunding police means defunding police. It does not mean budget tricks or funny math. It does not mean moving school police officers from the NYPD budget to the Department of Education’s budget so the exact same police remain in schools,” she released in a statement. “These proposed ‘cuts’ to the NYPD budget are a disingenuous illusion. This is not a victory. The fight to defund policing continues.”

    Now she has a new target: high school military recruitment. From The Hill

    Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) has introduced a pair of amendments to a defense appropriations bill that would bar the military from using funding to maintain a recruiting presence in U.S. schools or on digital streaming platforms such as Twitch.

    In a statement to The New York Times, the first-term lawmaker explained that the amendments are intended to curb a trend of military recruiters targeting low-income students.

    “Whether through recruitment stations in their lunchrooms, or now through e-sports teams, children in low-income communities are persistently targeted for enlistment,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

    “In many public high schools where military recruiters have a daily presence, there is not even a counselor,” she continued. “As a result, the military stops feeling like a ‘choice’ and starts feeling like the only option for many young, low-income Americans.”

    The armed forces, she told the Times, “can for some provide a rewarding career,” but recruitment should not be targeted to poorer students while “low-income Americans are not being given anywhere near the same information or access to trade schools, college or other post graduate opportunities.”

    I dunno, this lower middle class kid from upstate NY did pretty well during and after my term of service. Utilizing the programs available to me, I got my BA in history while I was still enlisted and squeaked out a Master’s degree in military history after I got out.


    Mystery Seeds

    “While in service, members have access to up to $4,500 a year in Tuition Assistance. TA is paid to the school on a per class basis. Servicemembers can also use GI Bill benefits,” according to military.com

    “The centerpiece of armed services educational benefits is the GI Bill which encompasses several Department of Veterans Affairs education programs including the Post-9/11 GI Bill, The Montgomery GI Bill for Active Duty and Veterans (MGIB-AD), Montgomery GI Bill for Selected Reserves (MGIB-SR),the Fry Scholarship, the Spouse and Dependents Education Assistance (DEA), and the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) program. You may be eligible for more than one educational benefit,” says military.com,  “Remember that each service has its own tuition assistance programs, college funds and other means that may be able to help you in ways beyond those of the ‘standard’ benefits.”