Tag: Appointment

  • Biden Reportedly Considering..

    Biden Reportedly Considering..

    Biden Reportedly Considering Andrew Cuomo For Attorney General

    Per Bloomberg, Biden is considering Andrew Cuomo for his Attorney General.

    Additional names oh his list include; Alabama Senator Doug Jones, U.S. Circuit Court Judge Merrick Garland and former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates.

    Personally, I cannot see Cuomo as a viable choice, nor Sally Yates. Both have to much baggage to survive confirmation. 

    Judge Garland would, likely, be easily confirmed as a sop to his not making it to SCOTUS. One has to wonder if he would want to give up a seat on a Federal District Court for an uncertain tenure. 

    As to Senator Jones, what a lovely opportunity. His replacement would be selected by Alabama’s Governor, who just happens to be a Republican. Having said that, it is unlikely, in my personal opinion, that Biden’s team would overlook that salient point. Would they chance placing another Republican in the Senate? 

  • Biden Busy Thursday

    Biden Busy Thursday

    Biden Busy Thursday

    Along with Susan Rice, the Biden team announced other individuals for positions. 

    Denis McDonough has been selected to head Veteran’s Affairs. For those who have been blessed with obama years memory blanks, he was White House Chief of Staff during obama’s Second term. (The fact he is not a Veteran and his predominant background is in Latin America fails to occur to the Biden team.)

    Three other position announcements were made:

    Representative Marcia Fudge (D., Ohio) for secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development

    Tom Vilsack, for secretary of Agriculture, a role he held under Obama

    Katherine Tai, a top trade lawyer on the House Ways and Means Committee, for U.S. trade representative.

    One has to wonder who is really making these choices. At least, Czar Kerry will not have to worry about the issue of recycling. The Biden team is showing a propensity for such.

  • Susan Rice Selected for….

    Susan Rice Selected for….

    Susan Rice Selected for Role in Biden Administration

    U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice speaks to the media in New York City, January 26, 2009. (Mike Segar/Reuters)

    Susan Rice has been selected to head Biden’s White House Domestic Policy Council. This position does not require Senate confirmation. (It is my personal, opinion the Benghazi liar in Chief would not have been confirmed.)

    The transition team believes she will “turbocharge” the “build back better” agenda. (Really? Exactly what is her domestic policy background? Foreign policy has been her bailiwick for years.)

    In a press release, the Biden team stated:

    “Rice is among our nation’s most senior and experienced government leaders with the skills to harness the power of the federal government to serve the American people,” 

    Of course, one has to wonder which “American people” they are referring to as well as how their “build back better” is going to work.

  • Biden Nominates Defense Secretary

    Biden Nominates Defense Secretary

    Joe Biden Has Nominated a Defense Secretary

    Featured Image Source: AP Photo/Khalid Mohammed

    Former Vice President Joe Biden has nominated General Lloyd Austin to serve as his Defense Secretary.


    Information on Lloyd’s background from the American Academy of Diplomacy

    General Lloyd J. Austin III culminated his military career serving as the 12th Commander of U.S. Central Command from 22 March 2013 to 30 March 2016. In this capacity, he was responsible for military strategy and joint operations throughout the Middle East and Central and South Asia. He also served as the Combined Forces Commander, overseeing the military campaign to defeat the terrorist organization, ISIL in Iraq and Syria.

    A native of Thomasville, Georgia, General Austin attended the United States Military Academy at West Point, graduating in 1975 with a commission in Infantry.

    During his nearly 41 years of military service, he commanded units at every echelon, with duty in Germany, Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan, and the United States. He also has the extraordinary distinction of having commanded troops in combat at the 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-star levels. After his first assignment with U.S. Army Europe, General Austin was assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, N.C., where he commanded a company and served as an assistant brigade operations officer. General Austin then commanded a second company in Indianapolis, IN before earning a Master’s Degree from Auburn University and serving as a Company Tactical Officer at West Point.

    After retiring, General Austin was associated with Raytheon Technology, which is likely to cause angst amongst the progressives.

    Biden was under great pressure to nominate a Black person to be his defense secretary, because we all know melanin is the most important criteria for any job.