Tag: Arizona

  • Legislators From All 50 States Come Together Against Election Fraud

    Legislators From All 50 States Come Together Against Election Fraud

    Steve Bannon interviews Senator Wendy Rogers of Arizona and this has to be one of the most positive, inspiring and hopeful conversations I have listened to in some time. Feel the energy and enthusiasm of the room during these 14 minutes.

    Also, please consider the fact, all 50 States came together in Unity to protect the Integrity of the US Election process- this is huge !!

    Rumble Link: https://rumble.com/vl2gar-legislators-from-all-50-states-come-together-against-election-fraud.html

  • Ballots in Arizona County Found Shredded in Dumpster…

    Ballots in Arizona County Found Shredded in Dumpster…

    Ballots in Arizona County Found Shredded in Dumpster, Days Before Senate Audit

    Discovery emerges in Maricopa County, Arizona before 2020 election audit starts

    Thousands of paper ballots have been found shredded in a dumpster in Maricopa County, Arizona, according to reports.

    The troubling discovery has emerged just days before a Senate audit of the county’s 2020 election results is due to begin.

    For months, the Board of Supervisors in Maricopa County has been blocking and delaying any independent audit performed by the Arizona Senate of the County’s results in the 2020 presidential election.

    The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) eventually agreed to have an audit – but only if they could pick the auditors – after being subpoenaed by the Arizona Senate, and then suing the Senate to prevent a Senate audit of their 2020 election results.

    The two companies they picked claimed were the only firms that were certified by the governmental body the US Election Assistance Commission (EAC).

    However, these firms were reportedly not certified at the time they were selected by the MCBOS.

    Piles of ballots were reportedly found shredded in a dumpster

    The MCBOS went ahead and hired the firms they wanted to perform their audit but the audits were never structured to find any suspected fraud in the county, according to The Gateway Pundit.

    The validity of the 2 million ballots in the county was never even considered in the programs reportedly used by these audit firms.

    The move has raised questions about why these audits were set up the way they were, and whether it was done so to mask potential fraud.

    The auditors came to Phoenix and performed their work and some patriots found out that they could be observed on cameras in the facility where they were doing the work.

    These patriots watched and even sent a couple of individuals down to the center to check things out late one night.

    These individuals were greeted with a network that was labeled “f##k you.”

    The Arizona Senate finally stepped in and passed a bill that would grant the Arizona legislature the authority to subpoena election records like ballots and tabulating equipment and ignore any laws to the contrary.

    The Senate is now in the process of selecting an auditor(s) to perform their audit.  As the day for their audit approaches the heat must have gotten too hot for those guarding the ballots in Maricopa County.

    The ballots have been found just days before the Senate audits is due to begin

    According to the GWP, a source on the ground in the county went by the Maricopa County Tabulation and election center on Saturday and found doors wide open with seeming uninhibited access to the facility.

    Today some other interested individuals in the county stopped by the same facility and found huge piles of ballots in the dumpster outside the facility.

    Someone ordered the ballots be shredded.

    We do not yet have the complete information on the shredded ballots.

    This is not the first state where we found shredded ballots after the election. 

    This also occurred in Georgia, another state where Biden won by a very slim margin.
    https://newsthud.com/ballots-in-arizona-county-found-shredded-in-dumpster-days-before-senate-audit/ By:Neon Nettle March 7, 2021

    Oh, but wait….it gets even better. Now a mysterious fire occurred at the farm of Clint Hickman, District 4 Supervisor later in the afternoon, of Saturday March 6, 2021

    Crews from several different fire departments were called out to a huge fire at Hickman’s Family Farm in Arlington early Saturday afternoon. Arlington is about 50 minutes west of Phoenix. According to a Hickman’s Family Farm spokesperson, about 165,000 egg-laying hens died when two of the 10-lane barns burned.

    After Finding Shredded Ballots in the Dumpster Earlier Today – A Mysterious Fire Breaks Out at Maricopa County Official’s Farm

    The Arizona Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) on Wednesday loaded its 2020 Election ballots on a truck for delivery to the Arizona Senate.  After months of attempting to obtain access to the ballots, the Senate won a court case where the judge ordered the ballots to be produced to the Senate.  So immediately before being told when and where to deliver the ballots, the MCBOS loaded the ballots onto a truck even though the Senate had not yet asked for the ballots.  It is not believed that this move of the ballots was performed under the proper chain of custody.


    The video is very accurate. The ballots were moved without direction from the Senate. This was likely illegal.
    They were loaded on a truck without having a location to ship to.
    There is no evidence the ballots were moved under the proper chain of custody which is also illegal.
    The media was called to make up a story about how the Senate wasn’t ready for the ballots.
    The ballots were then stored in an open warehouse where it looked like anyone could get into.
    Individuals in the county found shredded ballots at this location today (Saturday, March 6th).

    And now tonight two barns on the farm of one of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors caught on fire. 
    Complete Article here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/03/finding-shredded-ballots-dumpster-earlier-today-mysterious-fire-breaks-maricopa-county-officials-farm/ By: Joe Hoft March 7, 2021

    Comment: How is this craziness even possible? Children behave better than these supposed adults.

  • 9th Circuit Issues Stay in Arizona Vote Case

    9th Circuit Issues Stay in Arizona Vote Case

    A three judge panel of the 9th circuit court of appeals has issued an emergency stay in an Arizona election law case. I noted a separate case out of Arizona in today’s View.

    The law in question required early voters to return their ballots along with a signed ballot affidavit to polling officials by 7:00 PM on Election Day. Any ballot deemed to have an insufficient affidavit (including one that is missing a signature) is to be disallowed by polling officials. If an early voter returns a ballot with an unsigned affidavit, the law affords the early voter an opportunity to cure the problem, but only until the general Election Day deadline.

    US District of Arizona Judge Douglas Rayes, an Obama appointee, enjoined Arizona election officials from enforcing the election day deadline for “curing” a defective early-voter ballot and affidavit, and ordered the State of Arizona:

    “to create and to institute a new procedure that would grant voters who failed to sign their ballots up to five days after voting has ended to correct the error.”

    The 9th circuit order reads in part:

    Under the familiar “Anderson-Burdick” framework for evaluating ballot-access laws, a nondiscriminatory, minimally burdensome voting requirement will be upheld so long as it reasonably advances important regulatory interests….  The State has made a strong showing that its ballot-signature deadline does so. All ballots must have some deadline, and it is reasonable that Arizona has chosen to make that deadline Election Day itself so as to promote its unquestioned interest in administering an orderly election and to facilitate its already burdensome job of collecting, verifying, and counting all of the votes in timely fashion…. [T]here can be no doubt… that allowing a five-day grace period beyond Election Day to supply missing signatures would indeed increase the administrative burdens on the State to some extent. . .

    And, as we rapidly approach the election, the public interest is well served by preserving Arizona’s existing election laws, rather than by sending the State scrambling to implement and to administer a new procedure for curing unsigned ballots at the eleventh hour. Indeed, the Supreme Court “has repeatedly emphasized that lower federal courts should ordinarily not alter the election rules on the eve of an election.”

    The last paragraph is a shot across the bows of any district judge thinking of taking it on themselves to change election laws this close to the election. Judges O’Scaillan, Rawlinson, and Christen were appointed by Presidents Reagan, Clinton, and Obama, respectively.

  • Arrest Made in Arizona Dem Office Arson

    Arrest Made in Arizona Dem Office Arson

    You can’t make this up. . .

    A few days ago, there was a firebombing of the Maricopa County Democratic Party Headquarters in Phoenix Arizona. The Arizona Democratic Party shares the building with Maricopa County Democratic Party, but the county side received the brunt of the damage.

    Steven Slugocki, Chair of MCDP commented “While this poses new challenges in an already critical election, we want to assure you that this will not hinder our efforts to elect Democrats across the county. We will continue to lead and we are ready to win.”

    Recommended: Mr. STEEL BALLS

    Well, you’ll never guess who set the fire.


    Matthew Egger was a former volunteer and Democrat who was banned from the premises. According to a joint press release from the Phoenix fire and police departments Egler had been banned from volunteering at the Democratic office “due to the nature of his previous behavior,”.