Tag: Arizona Audit

  • Jovan Pulitzer Reveals It’s Not the ‘Watermarks’ on the Ballots – It’s Better

    Jovan Pulitzer Reveals It’s Not the ‘Watermarks’ on the Ballots – It’s Better

    Jovan Pulitzer Reveals It’s Not the ‘Watermarks’ on the Ballots – It’s Better (VIDEO)

    Yesterday Jovan Pulitzer reported that the Arizona Audit Report of the 2020 Election in Maricopa County will be provided to the Arizona Senate on Friday:

    But on Wednesday Pulitzer released something nearly as significant.  It was a Pulitzer Surprise! It Wasn’t Watermarks They’ve Been Looking For.  It’s Much, Much Better!

    Jovan Pulitzer surprised us all once again and likely scared the hell out of any election fraudsters in the process.  In a video he released Wednesday on Twitter, Jovan explained that identifying markings are in fact on the ballots and are exactly what they were looking for during the audit!  He explained it wasn’t bamboo paper as audit detractors claimed, and it wasn’t secret “watermarks” either.

    It was, however, a secret printer identifying protocol established years ago by the Secret Service to help catch counterfeiters. Here is the video: (note – unable to insert link to the video, please access link to the article below, to watch)


    The matrix decodes the placement of the markings and reveals the precise identity of the printer by serial number along with the exact date and time the document was printed.

    This goes to show that there is more than just “bean counting” involved in a forensic audit.  An example of the printed microdots:

    Micro Dots

    Jovan Pulitzer has proved to be an invaluable asset and amazing patriot in the fight for election integrity and truth.

    Hat tip Kevin Moncla
    August 19, 2021 https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/jovan-pulitzer-uncovers-not-watermarks-ballots-better-video/

    Comment: Jovan indicated the Arizona Audit results would be available on Friday; however, as most of us recognize the chaos the Biden Administration has created in Afghanistan has drawn everyone’s attention away from the results. Second thoughts: Never, the less Afghanistan is providing evidence of who is receipt of the technology and equipment. Enter the Taliban & ISIS (middle men)? Our domestic BLM & AntiFa appear to be rather quiet?

    But, Dr. Kelli Ward answers that question – as to the anticipated deliver of the results of the Arizona Audit (below)

    America’s Audit Update: Dr. Kelli Ward Blasts Democrat Secretary of State Katie Hobbs and RINO Maricopa County Recorder’s “Prebuttals”

    Arizona GOP Chairwoman Dr. Kelli Ward issued another amazing Americas Audit Update late last night.

    In her address, she includes comments on the radical, deplorable-hating Secretary of State Katie Hobbs and RINO Maricopa County Recorder Steven Richer.  These two have released some ludicrous preliminary responses to the coming final report.

    Dr. Kelli Ward gave the following update.

    Ward: Hello everyone Welcome to America’s audit update from the Republican Party of Arizona. I am your Chairwoman, Dr Kelli Ward. Now, we are being told by the audit team that their report is going to be delivered to the Arizona State Senate, early next week. The State Senate is going to review the results for clarity, and for accuracy, and then they’re going to release the final report to the public. Now, like all of you, I am anxiously awaiting that final report.

    Now, opponents of the audit are apparently anxious about that report too. They can’t wait. In the last 24 hours Democrat Secretary of State, radical, leftist, progressive, Trump supporter hating Katie Hobbs released what she named a “report on the partisan review of the 2020 general election in Maricopa County”, the media, they dubbed it a prebuttal. In other words, she’s making up stories to misinform and mislead the public, as usual. The ridiculous, ridiculous Maricopa County Recorder, who’s been vocal in his disdain for the audit, put out an open letter to Maricopa County, hilariously pious. Remember, he doesn’t want attention. He wants the office to be boring again, but he did have time to put on makeup and head over to CNN and MSNBC, to avoid any attention. Of course, these fantasies were sent out to their liberal allies in the media and rolled out at the press conference by a supposedly nonpartisan group. I’m sure no sane person read Richard’s 38 Page manifesto and even fewer watched their performance.
    Am I in a time warp here? These opponents are responding to the audit before the [final] report is even been given to the State Senate. Do they have a crystal ball? Can they see into the future? I don’t think so. But what they do have is smoke and mirrors. Hobbs tried to criticize the audit for not having adequate security procedures, but many, many observers praise the audit for how secure it was. It was much greater security than ever existed at the Maricopa County tabulation center. Of course, Hobbs fails to comment on the breach of the Maricopa County election system that occurred shortly before the election. Hey Katie, omissions are also lies.

    The Maricopa county recorders, open letter. Oh, it is as sad, a communication as I’ve ever seen, that has come from an elected official. It’s filled with numerous woe is me anecdotes, and undeserved, unfounded, and even egregious attacks on audit contractors. ironically, there is a section titled, “I was never anti audit.” OMG, he’s a comedian. Actions speak louder than words Stevie. This county recorder has tried to hinder the audit at every step of the way. It’s embarrassing he’s a Republican. Responding ahead of time to a report that has yet to be filed is not responsible governing. These two sets of documents were very, very long, lengthy and they were released at the same time. This is not a response to the audit. It is a naked attempt to control the narrative.

    These are just more failed attempts to cover their tracks when this report shows the serious discrepancies, which have been found so far.

    They still refuse to provide system admin access and router access.


    August 21, 2021 https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/americas-audit-update-report-delivered-early-next-week-audit-opponents-release-sad-prebuttals/

  • Arizona Audit – State Officials Move to Decertify Election

    Arizona Audit – State Officials Move to Decertify Election

    Arizona Audit – Estimated 311,000 ‘Phantom Voters’, State Officials Move to Decertify Election

    It’s Friday, July 23, 2021 and we are in the fight for our Constitutional Republic. We are in the fight for our freedom, we are smack dab in the middle of the fight for our lives as we are faced battling to retain our right to speak freely, our right to lawfully hold onto the firearms we possess that we have been promised as citizens of the United States shall not be infringed, we are in a battle to preserve our medical freedom which quite simply means we are in the fight for our lives.

    At the center of all of the aforementioned is the right to vote. Democrats will tell you that every vote should count, while it remains my position that every legal vote should count, and that the importance of returning integrity to our election process is pivotal in addressing all of these things. We send people to positions of power and influence, not to use that influence as a weight for their platform, but as the weight of you, of me, of us. The agenda for every single one of these people must be focused on protecting our sovereignty and fighting for We The People. Period. There is no other agenda.

    Marjorie Taylor Greene was on the War Room with Steve Bannon and she said this. (clip) They’re scared of We The People. They know their lies are generally exposed, and that although you may not know the intricacies involved with the theft of your vote, your voice and our country, you do know who’s responsible for that theft and you will not stand for it.

    Rumble Link: https://rumble.com/vk8bjo-arizona-audit-estimated-311000-phantom-voters-state-officials-move-to-decer.html