Tag: Arrest

  • Louisville Cop Shooter Arrested

    Louisville Cop Shooter Arrested

    Local Louisville outlets are reporting that an arrest has been made in the shooting of two Louisville Metro Police officers.

    The two officers were shot early yesterday evening and are both in stable condition with non-life threatening injuries. Their names have not been released.

    The suspect however has been named. Larynzo Johnson, 26, has been charged with 14 counts of wanton endangerment on police officer and two counts of assault on police officer.

    More than 100 arrests took place on Wednesday night in Louisville after those who took place in the Breonna Taylor protests refused to disperse. They were charged with violating curfew and unlawful assembly. A curfew went into effect at 9:00 p.m. and lasted until 6:30 this morning.

  • Woman Arrested in Ricin Case

    Woman Arrested in Ricin Case

    A woman has been arrested in connection with the ricin-filled package that was sent to the White House last week. She allegedly also sent similar poison letters to an unspecified number of federal prisons, but the intended recipients were not disclosed.

    The as yet unidentified woman was apprehended at the Canadian border crossing near Buffalo NY. The only details we have are her gender and that she is a Canadian citizen.

    According to reports, the woman was in possession of a handgun when taken into custody at the Peace Bridge, which connects Buffalo NY to Fort Erie in Ontario.

    The package Containing the ricin was intercepted at an off-site mail sorting facility. The letter was reportedly mailed from St. Hubert, Quebec.