Tag: Babylon Bee

  • To Promote Inclusion, California Passes Law Requiring Men To Sit When They Pee

    To Promote Inclusion, California Passes Law Requiring Men To Sit When They Pee

    LIFESTYLE·Sep 5, 2022 · BabylonBee.com

    SACRAMENTO, CA — This week, the California State Assembly announced that they have passed a new measure requiring men to demonstrate solidarity with the trans community by sitting when they pee.

    “When the state legislature first introduced bill P.33.51T, or the ‘Sit Together’ Act, I knew we had to make this happen,” said California Governor Gavin Newsom. “I mean, I’ve never once peed standing up – but as always, I am the exception that proves the rule of bigotry.”

    The law includes provisions for the demolition of existing urinals, with “reading stations” rebuilt in their place. These reading stations will include copies of inclusive reading material helping cis-men learn to do better. The government said it plans to pay for the reading material with all the money saved on janitors since men should no longer miss the pot and pee on the floor.

    Critics say that the men’s bathroom lines may now exceed women’s bathroom lines, but advocates foresee an expected windfall for mobile game developers. Some industry leaders have already driven up the stock of the biggest mobile games, with genius stock-guesser Paul Pelosi recording a massive gain in his portfolio following the legislation.

    At publishing time, the state’s 9 remaining conservatives were taken into custody after being caught standing up to pee. They are expected to undergo gender re-education training, followed by gender reassignment surgery to help really increase their inclusiveness.

    Original Here

  • Hunter Biden Arrives At White House In Fake Mustache And Glasses To Receive Free Crack Pipe

    Hunter Biden Arrives At White House In Fake Mustache And Glasses To Receive Free Crack Pipe

    WASHINGTON, D.C.—A few days after the Biden Administration announced its new “Free Government Crack Pipes for Equity” program, the president’s son Hunter was seen sneaking around the premises in a false mustache and glasses to see where he could get one for himself.

    “Pssst! Hey you!” said Hunter to one White House staffer from behind a red curtain. “I’m the new… um… crack pipe inspector. Y’all know where I can get me one of them free government crack pipes, you know, to inspect it?”

    The staffer pointed the strange-looking yet vaguely familiar man to a storage room in the West Wing where the President keeps all his extra crack pipes. 

    Experts say that distributing free crack pipes will make America a more racially equitable place somehow. When pressed over how this would work exactly, the experts demanded to stop being questioned due to them being experts.

    Unfortunately, the crack pipes will not make it into the hands of poor drug-addicted Americans as they all mysteriously disappeared from the White house this morning. 

    From the Babylon Bee.

    If you want to know more about the background of this piece, and yes the Hologram is giving away crack pipes, check out this piece.

  • Texas Annexes Oklahoma, Turns Entire State Into One Giant Buc-ee’s

    Texas Annexes Oklahoma, Turns Entire State Into One Giant Buc-ee’s

    OKLAHOMA—Texas has announced the unilateral annexation of Oklahoma. The entire state will be leveled and turned into one giant Buc-ee’s convenience store, according to sources within the Texas state government.

    The move was made as part of an attempt to find a use for the state to the north of Texas, as it seemed to just be acres and acres of nothing worthwhile.

    “There, that’s a far better use of these 7,000 useless square miles,” said Texas Governor Greg Abbott as bulldozers began demolishing the trailer parks, exotic cat zoos, and lame gas stations with fewer than 48 pumps that made up the state of Oklahoma. “Finally — weary travelers just passing through Oklahoma can experience fine refreshments, plenty of gas pumps, and extremely tasty snacks.”

    Abbott then bit into a glazed pistachio. “Oh, man. This is to die for.”

    The governor then cut a ribbon with a bayonet attached to an AR-15, officially opening the massive Buc-ee’s. The new fueling station has 800,000,000 pumps, 50,000 barbecue pits, hundreds of square miles of delicious flavored nuts, and over 10,000,000 of the cleanest bathrooms you’ll ever use.


  • The Bee Strikes Again

    The Bee Strikes Again

    The Babylon Bee published a story earlier this week that the scolds over at USA Today felt compelled to fact check.


    Then the actual US Navy weighed in.
