Tell us again how Joe Biden expects to run for a second term, Democrats. I triple dog dare you. In the latest Harvard-Harris/CAPS poll, a majority of American voters believe Biden isn’t mentally fit now, and even more think Biden has demonstrated that he’s already too old for the job. Given that, Biden’s topline job approval of 41% almost seems Herculean.
Here’s the money slide from the latest Harvard-Harris report, parts of which got leaked to The Hill yesterday, but not this:
On the mental fitness question, Biden gets majority support from all of the usual Democrat-allied demos, but it’s not convincing. Among Democrats in general, Biden gets an 81/19 on mental fitness, for instance, rather than a 99% you’d expect. Two thirds of black voters think he’s mentally fit, which would be a long way below the 90%+ Biden would need for a 2024 run. Urban voters go 61/39, although suburban voters cut more closely in the other direction (43/52). Hispanics give Biden a wan 52/48 on the mental fitness question, with most other demos scoring majorities for unfit. Particularly troublesome for Democrats: women, who rank him 47/53 on mental fitness.
It gets even worse on the age question. Fully 62% think Biden is “showing” that he’s too old for the job, meaning not just crossing some sort of vague forced-retirement boundary in people’s minds. What about those friendly demos above? Well …
Democrats: 29% too old, 71% showing fitness for presidency
Black voters: 50/50
Hispanics: 57/43
Urban voters: 53/47
Suburban voters: 64/36
Women: 62/38
Imagine having to run on Biden’s leadership in suburban House districts, or appealing to women on the basis of Biden’s competence in 2022. With these numbers, Democrats could lose urban districts without either turning on Biden or getting a lot of organizational help, especially since these voters might blame current Democrat incumbents for foisting an unfit old man onto them in the first place. And then think how bad this will be in 2024. Democrats have begun leaking like sieves over this very concern lately, and now we see why. It’s not just Republicans and conservative pundits that are pointing out that the emperor has no cognitive clothes.
This is the sort of problem from which a president cannot recover. The economy can change. Foreign policy can shift. Perceptions of the opposing party can deteriorate. But once people think you’re old and mentally unfit, you’re toast.
It’s recoverable if a president can do something dramatic to counter that impression. In Ronald Reagan’s second term, his opponents tried to paint him as too old and tired (at 73) to be trusted with another term. Reagan knew that and turned the tables on Walter Mondale, in part to counter the impression he left in their first debate that he’d lost a step:
Walter Mondale later said he knew he’d lost the election in that moment. Does anyone think Biden has anything like this kind of a rebound in him? Does anyone think Biden ever had the wit of Reagan, or even enough of it to know that he needed to make this kind of an emphatic rebuttal? No, which is why Cooke is correct that this will be unrecoverable for Biden. Those of us who have watched most of Biden’s career know it’s not just unrecoverable, but that this reckoning was inevitable.
How long has Joe Biden been down in the polls? Ever since last year and the debacle in Afghanistan. That’s a long time and he hasn’t been able to figure out a way to get out of the basement.
Biden may have thought that dealing with the Russian situation might have helped him and would have people rallying around him. Except the problem is he’s handled it poorly right down the line, ever since he came into office and waived sanctions on Nord Stream 2 and cut our own energy production ability, then waved a flag to Vladimir Putin essentially signaling a “minor incursion” wasn’t going to be met with a severe backlash.
While he had sanctions he could have dropped and Ukraine was begging for them to be dropped to prevent the invasion, he refused. Then he said “no sanctions would have prevented it” even though his team had been saying for a month that the threat of sanctions was designed to prevent Putin from acting.
Americans look at his actions like that and 59 percent say Putin moved in because of Biden’s weakness. They can see it. 62 percent also said the invasion wouldn’t have happened under President Donald Trump.
So no, Biden isn’t getting any lift in the polls from this situation at all and when you look at the polls toward 2024, even the Democrats are saying no, no, no to Joe Biden just before he is about to deliver his State of the Union address.
According to the Washington Examiner, just 23% of Democratic primary voters would choose Biden for a second term, according to a survey from McLaughlin & Associates, a GOP polling firm. That’s got to make the Democrats sit up and take notice and realize they have a problem. He’s practically screaming to get primaried with numbers like that.
But the problem is that the people whose names have been tossed around as the “back-ups” are just as bad and their numbers are even worse than Biden’s.
Notably, support for 2016 Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, who has stirred new reports that she’s eager to run again, came from just 4% of Democratic primary voters. And Vice President Kamala Harris is also an afterthought at 7%.
Hillary Clinton has been doing all she can to get out there and have people see her again. Of course, that’s the problem. When they see her they’re reminded of all the reasons people didn’t vote for her.
The top issue that is hurting Joe Biden is inflation.
In his analysis for Newsmax, McLaughlin said, “Two-thirds, 64%, of all voters say that America is on the wrong track. Only 32% say, ‘right direction.’ As gas and food prices rise, the top issue is inflation. The number of voters saying the economy is in recession rose to 57%. Two-thirds, 63%, of the voters say the economy is getting worse, and only 31% said that it is getting better. This is the worst economic result since the coronavirus pandemic caused the economic shutdown in March and April of 2020.”
Meanwhile, Biden is trying to sell that the economy is just great and people are just “psychologically” upset over COVID. It’s a disconnect that keeps offending the voters.
The survey found a lot of desire for President Donald Trump to run again and he indicated during his CPAC speech that he might do just that. It also found that he’d crush the competition.
The survey said that not only do Republican primary voters want Trump to run for a third time, 66%-22%, but it also found that Trump would beat Biden, Clinton, and Harris.
In fact, pollster John McLaughlin predicted an “electoral landslide,” telling Secrets, “Trump would win the needed battleground states by an even higher margin” than in 2020.
They now can see the reality of Biden – and not what they were sold by the Democrats – and can compare it more fairly to Trump. It’s not surprising that a lot would now be running back to Trump.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Announces Lawsuit Against Joe Biden’s Illegal Human Trafficking Operations
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced Tuesday that he is triggering a three point plan to confront Joe Biden’s human trafficking operation.
One measure includes a lawsuit against the federal government for illegal human trafficking operations into the state of Florida. A second measure includes an executive order which -in part- allows the Florida Dept of Law Enforcement to impound any aircraft or transportation vehicle that is used by the Biden administration in carrying out their human trafficking of illegal aliens into the state. The final measure is the appointment of Larry Keefe as a public safety czar to “ensure that the actions directed by this executive order, as well as many other things are carried out.”
Trump Cuts Biden’s Excuses Right out From Under Him in Statement About Afghan Withdrawal
President Donald Trump issued a statement today in response to the testimony of Joint Chiefs Chair Mark Milley, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, and CENTCOM head Gen. Frank McKenzie before the Senate Armed Services Committee.
It’s written in typical Trump style and is pretty much right on point, in far fewer words than were said today during the hearing.
The botched and embarrassingly incompetent withdrawal from Afghanistan had nothing to do with past Administrations or things that happened “from 20 years ago,” (other than we should not have been in the Middle East in the first place!). The horrible “withdrawal” was caused, in particular, because the Military was taken out before American citizens and $85 Billion worth of the highest-grade Military equipment anywhere in the world. This withdrawal was developed by a child’s mind, and only the Biden Administration is responsible for it. When I left office, the Taliban was held at bay, we had as long as we wanted, there was no reason to rush, no soldiers were killed or even shot at for over 18 months, and if they didn’t meet certain conditions, we would have hit them very hard. But then Biden and Milley removed the Military in one of the dumbest Military moves in history, and it all began. So sad for our Nation!
As we’ve previously noted, Joe Biden and the Democrats have tried to suggest that somehow Biden was locked into something by the Trump deal. But as Trump notes, if they didn’t meet the conditions of the deal, “we would have hit them very hard, there was no reason to rush.”
That’s actually an incredibly important point to make here. A lot of the disaster that occurred was based on this artificial rush timeline that Biden demanded — allegedly because of the deal with the Taliban.
But as Gen. Milley confirmed today, the Taliban did not hold to the provisions of the deal, such as working out a power-sharing deal with the government. Trump’s deal was conditioned on a lot of things; it wasn’t just a naked pullout like Biden. If they weren’t adhering to the deal, Biden was under no obligation to hold to the withdrawal or to pull out of Bagram.
As it was, Biden didn’t hold to the date that had been agreed — May 1. He actually changed the date twice — from May 1 to September 11 and then to August 31. So, when he tries to claim he was somehow locked into anything, it’s just a lie, as he demonstrably deviated from the deal on the date.
He’s also shown he had absolutely no compunction about throwing things that Trump did under the bus. So, Biden frequently whining he was somehow locked into this, or that Trump was to blame for Biden’s incompetent withdrawal, just doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.
Biden had months to work out a competent withdrawal. We were urging him since at least May to get out our Afghan allies, fearing he would leave them there. Who could have dreamed he’d also even leave American citizens?
Comment/Opinion: I too watched the testimonies of Milley, Austin & MacKenzie yesterday and thought to myself; you weren’t deserving of your rank and sullied the very uniforms you wore.
It Was A Con – White House Has No Idea When, or Even If, OSHA Will Ever Provide Rules to Support Legally Enforceable Worker Vaccine Mandate
On September 9th, Joe Biden made the announcement that all employers with more than 100 workers would be required to enforce a national worker vaccine mandate. The White House stated that OSHA would, “develop a rule that will require all employers with 100 or more employees to ensure their workforce is fully vaccinated.”
However, following the announcement we noted OSHA was not taking any steps needed to engage with business interests to trigger the first-step in the organization of a process to initiate a rule-making process.
I’m only talking about the basic guidance aspect. The labor discussions with internal and external customers of the DoL, OSHA, etc. to set a calendar for how to implement “guidance”, just that part. There was nothing, and there is nothing.
Finally today, three weeks later, a stenographer for the regime asked the question. Pay close attention to the White House response: [13:45 Prompted] WATCH:
As noted in the obtuse response, the White House has no idea what the current plan is for OSHA to create this rule that will require a national mandate for private sector workers. The emphasis is on voluntary compliance as an outcome of the decree that a mandate would be forthcoming.
Folks, this looks like a complete con job, pushed by the Biden administration to provide cover for corporations to create a mandate on their own. Meaning the intent of the announcement was to create momentum for increased vaccinations, while the Biden regime never did or does intend to use OSHA as a national enforcement mechanism.
There are three elements: (1) Federal worker mandate; (2) Federal contractor mandate; and the big controversial one, (3) a national worker mandate for companies with over 100 employees.
Focusing on #3, the big one. The only material from the White House on the BIG CONTROVERSIAL national worker mandate is a small paragraph on the WH COVID PLAN section:
That’s it folks. Three weeks later, and that’s the sum total of everything about the biggest economic and workforce disruption in the history of the nation. That one paragraph posted on September 10th.
Why is this important?
Well, the U.S. Department of Labor website has ZERO mentions of this national mandate. ZERO, nothing… nada, zilch. [SEE HERE]
Looking at the OSHA COVID information portal, used by employers and legal execs, will show you the exact same result. Nothing. [SEE HERE]
Notice there’s no date for DoL or OSHA delivery of any employer guidance or details. Nothing.
Think about this. This is the largest nationwide change to employment eligibility requirement in U.S. history. Nothing else is even close… and yet, if you didn’t watch the Biden announcement or read the media discussion about the Biden announcement, you wouldn’t be able to find a single detail about it – anywhere.
This is not normal; not even close to normal… even for the federal government.
If there was a federal intent to actually force American workers to get forcibly vaccinated as a condition of employment, there would be daily updates from a massive inter-agency network of compliance offices, regulatory agencies and private sector business interests giving updates and briefings. And yes, that pertains only to the anticipated guidance part, not to the actual setting of a deadline and working through the implementation phase of the national mandate.
I’m only talking about the basic guidance aspect. The labor discussions with internal and external customers of the DoL, OSHA, etc. to set a calendar for how to implement “guidance”, just that part. There’s nothing.
The absence of even a scintilla of material to indicate the White House or any federal agency is organizing an action plan of how to structure the guidance itself is telling. The silence of the machine tells us it is not turned on. The bureaucracy has not been triggered. The machinery of the federal government has not been instructed to begin any process to execute on the instruction that OSHA will, “develop a rule that will require all employers with 100 or more employees to ensure their workforce is fully vaccinated.” Nothing.
The silence is deafening.
It appears the Department of Labor has no intention of ever even triggering the process to get OSHA to begin evaluating how they could even begin to pull this off…. and again, for emphasis, I’m only talking about the tiny step of delivering initial guidance to employers that would indicate to them that OSHA was developing a rule.
There’s no deadline for OSHA to generate the guidance – and there’s certainly no deadline for the OSHA rule itself, which will come as an outcome of that initial guidance part.
Some have speculated that Joe Biden’s big White House announcement was nothing more than a distraction. There’s no way for them to ever get over the hurdles that would come from immediate employer backlash on the federal mandate; and they have no intent on even trying. Meaning, it was all a big distraction -never intended execute- and always intended to clear the national conversation of all Biden-centric controversies and reset the administration.
That speculation looks exactly correct.
If 80 million Americans are unvaxxed, and even if only a quarter of those are Main Street employed, the entire social and economic system would grind to a halt if 20 million heavily productive people quit working for 100+ employee companies and went to work much smaller operations. Remember, this is the workforce that was called “essential workers” last year. They were essential for a reason.
A grocery chain cannot lose 20 essential people per store, + warehouse and distribution, and still function. A WalMart cannot lose 50 essential workers per store, + warehouse and distribution, and still function. A hospital or hotel cannot lose 20 to 50 essential workers per operation and still function.
Ford? GM? Auto-workers in general? Labor Unions? AFSCME? SEIU? Police, Fire, Emergency First Responders? I cannot see a reasonable scenario where the national worker vaccination mandate is even feasible with an eligible 80+ million unvaccinated holding out.
A week after the announcement CTH said, “I would not be surprised to see nothing more ever said about this “National Employment Vaccine Mandate””, and indeed, until today nothing was ever said about it. When questioned today, the White House says that private companies are already moving forward “on their own” without federal rules in place for enforcement.
Comment/Opinion: “When questioned today, the White House says that private companies are already moving forward “on their own” without federal rules in place for enforcement.”
Therefore, one can only assume, individual corporations are prepared to accept ALL liabilities
Quid Pro Joe, Postal Workers Use Leverage from 2020 Mail-in Ballot Fraud to Gain Exemption From Vaccine Mandate
The United States Postal Service (USPS) workers will be exempt from the mandatory vaccine requirements of all federal workers. The most logical reason for the Biden carve-out is the blackmail and leverage carried by the USPS for their role in the 2020 mail-in ballot fraud. Quid pro Joe.
WASHINGTON POST – U.S. Postal Service workers were not included in Biden’s executive order requiring all federal employees to get vaccinated against the coronavirus, according to a White House official speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss not-yet-public portions of the president’s plan. The postal workers would be strongly encouraged to comply with the mandate, the official said.
The move exempts a massive chunk of the federal workforce — 644,000 employees and growing as the agency ramps up seasonal hiring — that interacts daily with an equally large swath of the public. One of the Postal Service’s powerful unions, the American Postal Workers Union, in July criticized the administration’s efforts to require federal workers to be vaccinated and demanded that postal leadership collectively bargain on the issue. (read more)
Comment/Opinion: Serious & immediate steps must be taken in consideration to the removal of President Biden. Daily we witness his diminishing cognitive abilities. Now, this extraordinary aggression towards governors. Quite simply, he is placing ALL Americans lives in danger.
U.S. Intel Hits Biden Again, Leak Transcript and Recording of Call With President Ghani – Biden: “there is a need, whether it is true or not, there is a need to project a different picture”
Team-One (State Dept, CIA, Intel Community) continue to pummel Team-Two (Biden, WH, Pentagon, NSC) with leaks to media.
After Joe Biden delivered his speech to the nation claiming no-one saw the collapse of the Afghan government coming, the intel group leak the transcript and recording of a July 23rd phone call between Biden and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani showing everything Biden said today was a lie.
(Reuters) – […] Reuters reviewed a transcript of the presidential phone call and has listened to the audio to authenticate the conversation. The materials were provided on condition of anonymity by a source who was not authorized to distribute it.
[…] In much of the call, Biden focused on what he called the Afghan government’s “perception” problem. “I need not tell you the perception around the world and in parts of Afghanistan, I believe, is that things are not going well in terms of the fight against the Taliban,” Biden said. “And there is a need, whether it is true or not, there is a need to project a different picture.”
[…] In a follow-up call later that day that did not include the U.S. president, Biden’s National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, General Mark Milley and U.S. Central Command commander General Frank McKenzie spoke to Ghani. Reuters also obtained a transcript of that call.
In this call, too, an area of focus was the global perception of events on the ground in Afghanistan. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Ghani “the perception in the United States, in Europe and the media sort of thing is a narrative of Taliban momentum, and a narrative of Taliban victory. And we need to collectively demonstrate and try to turn that perception, that narrative around.”
“I do not believe time is our friend here. We need to move quickly,” McKenzie added.
A spokesperson for McKenzie declined to comment. A spokesman for Milley did not respond by publication time. (read more)
Centcom Responds to Reports of Biden Authorized U.S. Drone Strike Near Kabul Airport Killing Innocents Including Allies and Children – Whoops, Our Bad, We’ll Check
There have been various and increasing ¹reports all day that a Biden-authorized U.S. drone strike targeting ISIS-K, in retaliation for their Kabul terrorist attack, not only killed Islamic terrorists, but also killed allies, innocent civilians and children.
[NOTE: I hate to keep harping on this, but it is important context. Remember CNN represents the official position of the State Dept. If CNN reports it, that is Team #1 (Dos/CIA), positioning a narrative to put Team #2 (White House and Pentagon) in a compromising position.]
New York Post – Multiple Afghan civilians, including relatives and children, were reportedly killed in Sunday’s US airstrike near the Kabul airport.
US officials said the drone strike wiped out a vehicle carrying multiple suicide bombers that posed an “imminent ISIS-K threat” to the city’s airport.
The exact amount of casualties was not immediately clear, but a relative of those killed told CNN that nine of his family members died in the drone strike. Six children, ranging in age from 2 to 10, and three adults were among the dead, the relative told the news outlet. (read more)
[Original CNN report HERE] – As the media start to pick up the story, dig and verify the reports of innocents as collateral damage, unbelievably U.S. Central Command (Centcom) releases a public statement seemingly admitting to the issue.
The media reports must be accurate because CentCom would never release a bulletin like that if the claim wasn’t valid. The Pentagon appears to be positioning to say that the vehicle was full of material that made the targeted explosion much worse…. yikes.
Bad situation…
♦ TEAM One – The Department of State is aligned with the CIA. Their media PR firms are CNN, CNNi and the Washington Post. Their ideology is favorable to the United Nations. Their internal corruption is generally driven by relationship with foreign actors. References: Hillary Clinton, Clinton Global Initiative, John McCain, Qatar, Muslim Brotherhood, Samantha Powers, Susan Rice, Cass Sunstein, Brookings Institute, Lawfare, China-centric, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Council on Foreign Relations.
♦ TEAM Two – The White House is aligned with the Pentagon (DoD) and National Security Council (NSC). Their media PR firms are domestic in nature. New York Times, Politico, etc. Their internal corruption is generally driven by domestic influence. References: Barack Obama, George Bush, Wall St, Big Banks, Multinational Corporations, Defense Contractors, FBI (state police), Judicial Branch, and community activists writ large.
Comment: Although, I continue to make this comment sarcastically, I believe there is increased merit in utilizing Epstein’s Island. We have Team 1 and Team 2.
One could almost, not quite, but almost feel pity for Xiden. Preventing any semblance thereof is his attitude. On to today’s Malarkey offering.
Biden’s Belated Beatings
Honeymoon’s Over National Review’s John Fund wrote: “Liberals covered for Biden, they pampered him, they excused his clearly slipping energy and coherence. They protected him from stories such as Hunter Biden’s laptop.
“Despite all of their efforts, now Biden has insisted on embarrassing THEM.”
Airing of Grievances ABC‘s Terry Moran: Biden “adrift from the facts” on the ground.
ABC‘s Jonathan Karl: “He is saying things that simply do not comport with reality.”
Marriage Counseling Media Research Center’s Tim Graham wrote: “Is there anything funnier than CNN complaining about ‘over the top’ negative coverage? On Sunday’s Reliable Sources, host Brian Stelter came rushing to Joe Biden’s defense, complaining about hyper-critical coverage of the fiasco in Afghanistan. You could never be critical enough of Trump, and Biden should be granted a wide berth.”
The following succinctly describes what the media has been doing for Biden for decades.
Oh My: Looks Like Biden DHS Is Admitting Trump Was Right About the Wall
Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead
The first thing that Joe Biden did when he got into office was try to do away with the border policies of President Donald Trump including stopping the building of the wall that had been such a high priority of the Trump Administration.
Of course, the result then was a flood of illegal aliens into the country now that they knew Biden was doing away with the protections put in place by Trump.
But Biden is now up a creek without a paddle. The border crisis and the numbers are just growing and he doesn’t seem to know how to stop it.
It’s now even caused him to contemplate the unthinkable — implicitly admitting that Trump was right.
According to The Washington Times, the DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told employees that he was considering restarting the border wall to fix “gaps in the wall.”
“It’s not a single answer to a single question. There are different projects that the chief of the Border Patrol has presented and the acting commissioner of CBP presented to me,” the secretary said.
“The president has communicated quite clearly his decision that the emergency that triggered the devotion of DOD funds to the construction of the border wall is ended. But that leaves room to make decisions as the administration, as part of the administration, in particular areas of the wall that need renovation, particular projects that need to be finished,” he said.
Whoops. Translation: they’re realizing the importance of what Trump was doing, how important it is to plug the gaps and they’re hearing it straight out from the experts on the scene — the Customs and Border Patrol officials.
Trump built about 460 miles of the wall, mostly replacing where there may have been ‘barriers’ like vehicle barriers that didn’t stop anyone from crossing or old sections of wall with a far superior system that wasn’t just about a better “wall” but included roads and technology to help detect incursions. That’s something that Democrats always left out of the description when they tried to attack Trump over it. But because of what Biden did when he came in, stopping what was in process, Biden left things like roads which had been completed, but then part of the wall or the technology undone. So then cartels in Cochise County, Arizona were making use of the roads that had been built. “We just built roads for the cartels,” Sheriff Mark Dannels explained. Thanks, Biden!
There are also potential legal problems with how they stopped this, as we previously reported, which is why the GAO is presently investigating Biden, who may have violated the Impoundment Control Act (ICA) since Congress allocated the money for the building and are claiming Biden interfered in their constitutional authority of the purse.
This is going to send some on the far left into a tizzy.
Comment: Never in my career and having completing hundreds of acquisitions and divestitures, have I ever witnessed someone slash & burn a predecessor files or work. Quite simply, it is acquisition suicide. Aside from the standard due diligence prior, it is standard operating to complete a functional three to six months analysis before implementing any changes. By my count that is 52 (EO) disasters in the making. Guess, Mr. Biden can now consider himself the Human, Drugs & Illegal Guns President