Tag: Biden

  • Joe Finally Asked About Hunter

    Joe Finally Asked About Hunter

    It took 2 days and a nationally televised Townhall, but someone finally asked Joe Biden about the NY Post story and Hunter Biden’s emails.

    Bo Erickson from CBS asked Joe for comment about the story last night.


    Joe’s response was fairly typical. Whenever he gets a question he doesn’t like, he lashes out at whoever dared to ask it. Remember look, fat.

    Related: Biden Bombshell

    There still hasn’t been a full-throated denial of the email story. The first response from the Biden camp was a half-hearted there’s no such meeting on the official calender. Which soon turned into it may have been an informal event. Which tells me that there was in fact a meeting between Joe and the Burisma rep.

  • Opinion: Debate Observations

    Opinion: Debate Observations

    Let me start off by saying I thought the debate turned into a shit show after the first five minutes.

    In that starting few minutes, I really thought the debate was going to be, not decorus, but at least collegial. It seemed to me that Trump was a little surprised it turned as quickly as it did. That said, he adapted quickly.

    Trump was peak Trump last night. He made his points, despite it being 2 to 1 at times, and didn’t allow Joe to skate most of the time.

    Joe was lucid, for the most part. A win for his camp. There were a couple of occasions when it looked like he was going off the rails, but either Trump or Wallace bailed him out.

    The biggest disappointment of the debate was the performance of the moderator, Chris Wallace. He asked leading questions, feigned ignorance, allowed Joe to not answer questions and interrupted Trump far more than Biden.


    The oddest takeaway from last night’s debates comes courtesy of Frank Luntz. Luntz ran one of his realtime focus groups last night. Out of 15 undecided voters in the virtual event, four said they were supporting Joe Biden after the debate and two backed President Donald Trump. The rest remained undecided.


    While nothing I saw last night changed my opinion of either candidate, well maybe a little bit about Joe, it did manage to turn this inveterate political junky off a bit.

  • Trump v Biden the First Debate

    Trump v Biden the First Debate

    Welcome to our live coverage of the first 2020 Presidential Debate.

    Tonight’s debate is presented by Fox News and is moderated by Chris Wallace.

  • Can’t Make This Sh*t Up

    Can’t Make This Sh*t Up

    The Chowderheads screwed up a Biden yard sign. It had 12 words. Short words for the most part. The only long one, 13 letters, they got wrong.

    Understandable, mistakes do happen, if it wasn’t the Name Of The STATE.

    Massachsuetts, that’s what the sign said. What’s worse, is it’s spelled correctly elsewhere. And I’m guessing the sign company did that.

  • Debate Negotiation Details

    Debate Negotiation Details

    Some behind-the-scenes info has come out regarding the negotiations between the Trump campaign and the Biden campaign for tonight’s debate.

    Fox News producer Pat Ward tweeted out some of the details.

    Doesn’t seem like a real good look for Joe. He can’t go 90 minutes without a break? Won’t let someone check to see if he’s cheating?

    Come on man. . . .

  • Uh, How Did This Get by Everyone?

    Uh, How Did This Get by Everyone?

    Footage has surfaced of Joe Biden calling troops “Stupid Bastards” while visiting an undisclosed location in Southwest Asia (read afghanistan) in 2016.

    During his remarks, Biden tells the military members that they should “Clap for that, you stupid bastards, come on, man.” He then followed it up with telling them they were a “dull bunch,” saying “must be slow here.” WATCH:

    See also: SCOTUS Chatter

    This comes on the heels of the thinly sourced story from the Atlantic that claimed President Donald Trump had called military members disparaging names during a trip in France to honor military dead.

  • Why Is Joe Limiting His Press Availability?

    Why Is Joe Limiting His Press Availability?

    Joe Biden called a “lid” today, the 9th time since the beginning of September.

    For those who aren’t as immersed in politics as this editor, a “lid” is called when there isn’t going to be press availability or any events scheduled for the candidate from the time it’s called until the next day.

    Today’s excuse is debate prep. But what’s the excuse for the last 8? Joe himself said he hadn’t done any debate prep before today.

    Charles CW Cooke over at National Review has some thoughts:

    Those with suspicious minds have started to wonder if there is something wrong with Biden. Perhaps he is unable to work every day? Perhaps his schedule needs to be set up in such a way as it can be amended without notice? There are, of course, other explanations for Biden’s absence. It may be that he is determined to avoid contracting coronavirus, or that he has noticed that he’s winning from his redoubt and so wishes to avoid rocking the boat. Irrespective, the dynamic surely has to be worrying some observers. The dirty little secret of 2016 was that Donald Trump outworked Hillary Clinton. Trump held more rallies, visited more states, and made himself more available to the press. This worked. It could plausibly work again.

    I’m a little harsher in my analysis. Joe’s handlers know his decline is real. All of the “interviews” he’s done are tightly managed. His rallies and appearances are such that if they had to be cancelled at the last moment, nobody would notice.

    Everything they do is designed to keep him out of situations where he could go off script. He’s been busted using a Teleprompter during interviews. His off-the-cuff comments are generally a mish-mash of word salad that make no sense to anyone.

  • New Florida Poll Shows Good News for Trump

    New Florida Poll Shows Good News for Trump

    A new Bendixen & Amandi International and the Miami Herald poll shows increasing Hispanic support for Trump in Miami-Dade county. The poll also shows Trump Gaining ground overall compared to 2016.

    Trump now splits Latinos, 48/47 — a sign that Biden may well lose the Sunshine State, and not by a small amount. Clinton won the hispanic vote 62/35 statewide in 2016. A poll of 1,000 Florida Hispanic voters released last week by the Democratic Latino research firm Equis Research showed Biden with a 16-point lead statewide among registered Hispanic voters. 

    In 2016, Hillary Clinton won the county by 30 points, but still lost the state by 1.2 percent. But Biden is only up by 17 points. The poll of 500 likely Miami-Dade voters, released Tuesday, found Trump behind Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden 38% to 55% in Miami-Dade. Democrats typically need to run up the score there in order to compete in statewide races.

    Other polling shows the Herald post isn’t an outlier, Quinnipiac showed similar results in a recent poll.

  • Pelosi: Biden Shouldn’t Debate Trump

    Pelosi: Biden Shouldn’t Debate Trump

    Nancy Pelosi (S, CA) said she thinks Joe Biden shouldn’t debate President Trump in an interview on C-SPAN.

    “I don’t think there should be any debates,” Pelosi said. “I wouldn’t legitimize a conversation with him, nor a debate in terms of the presidency of the United States.”

    The Biden campaign released a  statement  saying: “We certainly agree with Speaker Pelosi on her views of the President’s behavior. But just as she has powerfully confronted that behavior in the Oval Office and the Cabinet Room, Joe Biden looks forward to doing the same on the debate stage.”


    Steve Scalise noticed and had something to say:

    See also: Three For Three

    Republican National Committee (RNC) Rapid Response Director Steve Guest also reacted to Pelosi’s comments saying:

  • Trump Gaining on Biden in Key States

    Trump Gaining on Biden in Key States

    According to a new poll from CNBC, Trump is gaining ground on Biden in several key states.

    Despite the increase in the president’s approval rating in six states that will help to determine who wins the election, the poll shows a challenging environment for him. Swing-state voters said by a 51% to 49% margin that they think Biden and Democrats would do a better job than Trump and the GOP of handling the coronavirus.

    Though the survey shows a competitive presidential race, it found Biden leading Trump by a 49% to 46% margin across the key states. He has an edge over the incumbent in five of the six states, while North Carolina is virtually tied.

    Arizona: Biden 49%, Trump 47%

    Florida: Biden 49%, Trump 46%

    Michigan: Biden 50%, Trump 44%

    North Carolina: Biden 48%, Trump 47%

    Pennsylvania: Biden 49%, Trump 46%

    Wisconsin: Biden 49%, Trump 44%

    Pollster Frank Luntz pointed out the comparison to 2016 polling from the same date.

    While this is good news, there are still challenges for the President to overcome. The majority of those polled think Joe Biden would do a better job of handling the Chinese coronavirus than Trump, by a 51% to 49% margin. That difference is just outside the 1.5% point margin of error though. The virus is a concern to the majority of voters, with 66% of respondents saying they have serious concerns.

    Recommended: Quiz: Weather, Planets & Elements

    Other recent polls have shown Trump Gaining on Joe in recent days. I still don’t trust most polls, simply because they got 2016 so wrong.