Tag: Bill de Blasio

  • “F*ck Cuomo and DeBlasio”

    “F*ck Cuomo and DeBlasio”

    That’s what a street mural painted in Brooklyn said. The mural went up around 1 a.m. Saturday on North 15th Street between Wythe Avenue and Banker Street in Williamsburg, according to the New York Post.


    “It was a big hit. The crowds cheered, even the cops chuckled.” said one attendee.

    The city DOT arrived around 10pm to cover up the mural. “They told the partygoers it came from up top and they were told the sign said ‘F–k the police,’” the attendee told the Post.

  • The Best Six Seconds You’ll Spend Today

    The Best Six Seconds You’ll Spend Today

    Max Rose

    Max Rose is a Democrat who represents New York’s 11th congressional district, which includes all of Staten Island and parts of southern Brooklyn. He just released the Best. Political. Ad. Ever.

    The digital ad is all of six seconds long and consists of him saying “Bill de Blasio is the worst mayor in the history of New York City. That’s the whole ad.”


    While this editor is a political junky, he doesn’t watch many political ads. This one however, is an exception. Not only is it the most truthful ad I’ve seen in a while, it’s short and sweet. And, it’s Dem on Dem violence. . . .