Tag: Borderless

  • MSM & Journalism & Borderless

    MSM & Journalism & Borderless

    On day one, January 20, 2021 the Biden Administration’s expressed their intent to modernize the Immigration system, as seen here:

    Then there was a “surge” of immigrants at the border, as those who had previously occupied the camps on the Mexican side of the border, quickly emptied. Included in his modernization plans was a halt to the construction of the border wall. Initially, President Biden denied the claims that he had encouraged the overwhelming number of immigrants. That is, until the video was replayed during his debate with former President Trump and he had indeed emphatically stated he would encourage a “surge”.

    Then as reports continued to surface regarding the fact that Customs & Border Patrol agents were unable to handle the massive number of applicants, illegal crossing and unattended children; Press Secretary Psaki continued to refer to the human implosion at the border as a “situation”. Ignoring the fact that FEMA had been called and requested to assist with the “situation”. All the while, repetitively stating that they, the Biden Administration supported “transparency”.

    As the southern border crisis heightened; finally Press Secretary Psaki was forced to acknowledge that yes, indeed there was a “crisis”. Next, the press corps continued to request a confirmation as to how many, as in, number of immigrants were at the border. Again, Press Secretary Psaki, not to be deterred from providing a non-circle back response, suggested they speak with the DHS, as that was their department’s responsibility and it was not within the purview of the White House. At this point, things took a rather interesting turn in the daily WH pressers. And some within the press were bold enough to ask – why they were not being allowed ride along privileges or why they were not being allowed access to the immigration holding facilities or why the CBP were not allowed to speak with the press?

    Yes, the flood gates were starting to open and rather than the normal spoon feeding and 4 AM talking points that are provided by AP, which the MSM have become accustomed to and conditioned to expect, the potential for actual journalism took root. However, this concept is basically quite foreign to many , with the exception of those in what is referred to as, the alternative media.

    I would suggest the emergence has begun of actual journalist, if CNN’s recent ratings are an indication as seen below:

    National Pulse reported: FACT CHECK: Biden Claims He Didn’t Invite Migrants To The U.S. Border… He Actually Told Them To “Surge” There.
    Biden first tried to deny the ongoing catastrophic surge was irregular, then denied that he sent the wrong message on immigration, then denied that children are held in cells, then finally said “quite clearly, don’t come.”

    On the surge: “There was a surge the last two years in ’19 and ’20, there was a surge as well.”

    “This one might be worse,” Stephanopoulos chimed in. 

    “No—well it could be,” Biden replied. (His own DHS chief confirmed this week that the biggest surge in 20 years is underway.) “But here’s the deal. First of all, the idea that Joe Biden said ‘come’ is—I heard the other day that they’re coming because they know I’m a nice guy, and I won’t do what Trump did.” 

    Daily Caller reported: ‘Definitely Not’: Illegal Immigrant Says He Wouldn’t Have Crossed The Border If Trump Was President
    A father who crossed the U.S.-Mexico border illegally told ABC’s Martha Raddatz that he would not have done so if former President Donald Trump were still in office.

    During a segment of “This Week” that aired Sunday morning, Raddatz interviewed a man from Brazil who had crossed the border with his wife and children — and he told her that he made the choice not to come until President Joe Biden took office.


    RedState reported: Biden Is Considering Sharing the Flood of Illegal Aliens With More States
    Right now, it’s primarily the states at the border who are having all the ‘fun’ of dealing with the flood of illegal aliens at the border. But if the Biden folks have their way, they want to spread that fun around to a few more states.

    According to The Washington Post, the Biden team is considering flying some of the illegal aliens to states along the border with Canada and to coastal states. The CBP hasn’t decided what states to send them to yet.

    NeonNettle reported: Human Traffickers Raking In Almost $14M a Day Under Joe Biden
    Human trafficking cartels are taking advantage of Joe Biden’s border policies and raking in as much as $14 million a day, according to border patrol sources.

    Former Tucson Border Patrol Chief Roy Villareal said, “trafficking is a multibillion-dollar industry.”

    “A lot of these vulnerable populations use their life savings,” he added.

    “Some are essentially indentured servants, and they’re working off this debt for a long period of time. In other cases, some of these migrants are asked to transport narcotics or some form of crime to work off a different part of their debt.”

    But as human traffickers benefit from Biden’s lax policies, American taxpayers are paying as much as $5 million a day due to the border crisis.

    Shelter costs at $800 per migrant.

    And as a final note – the transport of illegal aliens to the northern border next to Canada is by no means an accident. It is completely intentional and that being part of the borderless #Great Reset or Agenda 21 or 2030 and that the Prime Minister Trudeau is very complicit in these actions.