Tag: C-19

  • Biden Officials Shut Down Wuhan Lab Theory

    Biden Officials Shut Down Wuhan Lab Theory

    Biden Officials Shut Down State Department Investigation Into Wuhan Lab Leak Theory

    Yesterday, Peter Doocy asked Jen Psaki why President Biden wasn’t pressing for more information on the Wuhan lab leak theory. “We have repeatedly called for the WHO to support an expert-driven evaluation of the pandemic’s origins,” Psaki replied. That answer was very troubling, I observed in our story on Psaki’s response. Is there an American investigation still ongoing into the question from the Biden team, I asked? Because it doesn’t sound like it, from what Psaki was saying — and because we surely can’t trust anything that WHO concludes on the matter, given their prior actions.

    Turns out that was a good question to ask. Because now there are reports that Joe Biden actually shut down an investigation into that very question.

    There’s a new CNN story out that breaks that bombshell news. But it looks like someone knew this information would be leaking out soon and this is part of the effort to soft-pedal the termination of the investigation.

    The inquiry was launched in the State Department last fall under President Donald Trump to look into the origin of the pandemic and the leak theory. But the Biden folks cut the leak inquiry this spring. Here comes the spin as to the why.

    But the inquiry quickly became mired in internal discord amid concerns that it was part of a broader politicized effort by the Trump administration to blame China and cherry-pick facts to prove a theory.

    The decision to terminate the inquiry, which was run primarily out of the State Department’s arms control and verification bureau, was made after Biden officials were briefed on the team’s draft findings in February and March of this year, a State Department spokesperson said. Questions were raised about the legitimacy of the findings and the project was deemed to be an ineffective use of resources, explained a source familiar with the decision.

    Sources involved in the Trump-era inquiry rejected criticisms over the quality of their work and told CNN their objective had been to examine scientific research and information from the US intelligence community which backed the lab leak theory and shone more light on how it could have emerged in the lab.

    President Donald Trump rightly blamed China for the unquestionable cover-up that we already knew about. The “politicization” of the issue was on the part of the Democrats and some in media, like CNN, who were so focused on being anti-Trump and terming the lab leak question a conspiracy theory that they couldn’t be bothered to investigate.


    But if “politicization” was the issue, why didn’t the Biden folks just launch their own investigation? The answer seems clear: They weren’t interested in the truth, despite the fact that they should have been looking into it. That’s concerning.

    We know that the intelligence community had been looking into it as I mentioned in another story earlier today. Is that still ongoing? Or did Biden shut that down, too? The CNN report says they are still looking into the question of the lab leak. What is the status of these investigations into the lab leak theory? Republicans in Congress have to be asking these questions since obviously, the Biden team and Democrats haven’t, despite all the harm that this has been wrought on the country.

    The Biden team says they are still looking into the origins. But according to CNN, the Biden effort “is primarily focused on rallying pressure and support for the WHO’s investigation to be transparent and fulsome, explained a Biden administration official.”  We already know that the answers from WHO can’t be trusted, so why would you count on them for the truth? Unless you didn’t care about the truth.
    Credits: Nick Arama – May 25, 2021 https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/05/25/biden-officials-shut-down-state-department-investigation-into-wuhan-lab-leak-theory-n386447

    Comment: more of that transparency thingee. Democrats work from a position of reverse narrative – if they say it is good, then you know it is bad. If they say it is safe, you know it is dangerous. If they say it is free, you know they emptied the bank account.