Tag: Campaign

  • BREAKING: Biden Drops Out of Race

    BREAKING: Biden Drops Out of Race

    POTATUS has just announced he is not seeking re-election.

    It is unclear how the Democrats will proceed in the search for a candidate at this point. All this editor knows is it is going to be a mess.

    Current election law requires that any funds donated to the Biden campaign can only be used for Biden or Harris.

    This is a breaking story and will be updated when more info becomes available.

  • Biden Campaign Schedule

    Biden Campaign Schedule

    Joe Biden is making an appearance in North Carolina today and won’t be seen again in public until the debate on Thursday.

    Ostensibly, this is for debate prep, or so his surrogates are saying. Realistically, it’s to prevent any enterprising reporter from asking him about the influence peddling scheme he and his son Hunter cooked up. Polls taken since the news broke are showing a negative effect for Joe, his numbers are down, on average, by 2% points.

    I’ll admit to being somewhat skeptical of the NY Post story when it first broke, however it’s becoming more and more clear that the Biden’s have been selling influence to whomever they could. The latest emails, from a former Hunter Biden business associate, paint a clear picture of Joe being a direct beneficiary of this scheme.

    There has been no denial from the Biden camp of any of the allegations other than a weak, “it wasn’t on his official calender” statement early on.

  • Trump Campaign Rally, Sanford FL

    Trump Campaign Rally, Sanford FL

    Join us for live coverage of the Trump Campaign Rally in Sanford Florida.

    The president is scheduled to speak at 1900.

  • Live Event: Trump Rally in Fayetteville NC

    Live Event: Trump Rally in Fayetteville NC

    Join us for our live coverage of the Trump Campaign Rally in Fayetteville NC. The rally is scheduled to kick off at 1800 eastern.

  • Trump Campaign Event Livestream

    Trump Campaign Event Livestream

    The Trump campaign is holding a rally in Londonderry New Hampshire today.

  • Trump Announces 2nd Term Agenda

    Trump Announces 2nd Term Agenda

    In advance of the Republican Convention, President Trump has released his agenda for his second term. From the campaign:

    President Trump: Fighting for You!


    ·Create 10 Million New Jobs in 10 Months

    ·Create 1 Million New Small Businesses

    ·Cut Taxes to Boost Take-Home Pay and Keep Jobs in America

    ·Enact Fair Trade Deals that Protect American Jobs

    ·”Made in America” Tax Credits

    ·Expand Opportunity Zones

    ·Continue Deregulatory Agenda for Energy Independence


    ·Develop a Vaccine by The End Of 2020

    ·Return to Normal in 2021

    ·Make All Critical Medicines and Supplies for Healthcare Workers in The United States

    ·Refill Stockpiles and Prepare for Future Pandemics


    ·Bring Back 1 Million Manufacturing Jobs from China

    ·Tax Credits for Companies that Bring Back Jobs from China

    ·Allow 100% Expensing Deductions for Essential Industries like Pharmaceuticals and Robotics who Bring Back their Manufacturing to the United States

    ·No Federal Contracts for Companies who Outsource to China

    ·Hold China Fully Accountable for Allowing the Virus to Spread around the World


    ·Cut Prescription Drug Prices

    ·Put Patients and Doctors Back in Charge of our Healthcare System

    ·Lower Healthcare Insurance Premiums

    ·End Surprise Billing

    ·Cover All Pre-Existing Conditions

    ·Protect Social Security and Medicare

    ·Protect Our Veterans and Provide World-Class Healthcare and Services


    ·Provide School Choice to Every Child in America

    ·Teach American Exceptionalism


    ·Pass Congressional Term Limits

    ·End Bureaucratic Government Bullying of U.S. Citizens and Small Businesses

    ·Expose Washington’s Money Trail and Delegate Powers Back to People and States

    ·Drain the Globalist Swamp by Taking on International Organizations That Hurt American Citizens


    ·Fully Fund and Hire More Police and Law Enforcement Officers

    ·Increase Criminal Penalties for Assaults on Law Enforcement Officers

    ·Prosecute Drive-By Shootings as Acts of Domestic Terrorism

    ·Bring Violent Extremist Groups Like ANTIFA to Justice

    ·End Cashless Bail and Keep Dangerous Criminals Locked Up until Trial


    ·Block Illegal Immigrants from Becoming Eligible for Taxpayer-Funded Welfare, Healthcare, and Free College Tuition

    ·Mandatory Deportation for Non-Citizen Gang Members

    ·Dismantle Human Trafficking Networks

    ·End Sanctuary Cities to Restore our Neighborhoods and Protect our Families

    ·Prohibit American Companies from Replacing United States Citizens with Lower-Cost Foreign Workers

    ·Require New Immigrants to Be Able to Support Themselves Financially


    ·Launch Space Force, Establish Permanent Manned Presence on The Moon and Send the First Manned Mission to Mars

    · Build the World’s Greatest Infrastructure System

    ·Win the Race to 5G and Establish a National High-Speed Wireless Internet Network

    ·Continue to Lead the World in Access to the Cleanest Drinking Water and Cleanest Air

    Partner with Other Nations to Clean Up our Planet’s Oceans


    ·Stop Endless Wars and Bring Our Troops Home

    ·Get Allies to Pay their Fair Share

    ·Maintain and Expand America’s Unrivaled Military Strength

    ·Wipe Out Global Terrorists Who Threaten to Harm Americans

    ·Build a Great Cybersecurity Defense System and Missile Defense System

    Recommended: Quiz: U.S. Presidents

    Stay tuned for our live coverage of the convention. We plan on streaming all the primetime speakers starting around 1830 for the entirety of the convention.

  • BREAKING: Parscale out as campaign manager

    BREAKING: Parscale out as campaign manager

    President Trump announced tonight that Brad Parscale is out as campaign manager. He is being replaced by Bill Stepien. Parscale will remain in his role of digital and strategy manager.

    I’m not one to say I told you so, but I told you so here.

    My take? The campaign lacks a coherent direction. For every positive step forward, there seems to be a step or two backwards. For historical perspective, this was the position his campaign found itself in 2016. What happened to change it? He brought in Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway to run everything. Perhaps it’s time for a shake up.

    We’ll have to see how this shakes out, but from my perspective, it’s a step in the right direction.