Tag: Canada

  • Canadian Judge Denies Bail to Trucker Convoy Organizer Tamara Lich for Mischief

    Canadian Judge Denies Bail to Trucker Convoy Organizer Tamara Lich for Mischief

    Screenshot of Tamara Lich talking about GiveSendGo fundraiser for Canadian Truckers. Credit: @ChrisJo00291974/ Twitter


    I have to give it to “Star Wars” creator George Lucas, being he got a couple of things right in the middle, three movies of the Skywalker saga. Well, actually the first three, which depends on if you start at the beginning of all nine films or go by release date — but more on that in a minute.

    Earlier on Tuesday, I had written about a bail hearing to happen this morning for Canadian Trucker Protest Organiser Tamara Lich. She had been sitting in jail since her arrest on Thursday, and her bail and release should have been a matter of dotting some I’s and crossing some T’s. Here is that article.

    As we are finding out here in the States, the Canadian system has a lot of checks but no balances.

    My colleague Nick Arama covered Tuesday morning that vote that took place in the Canadian House of Commons Monday night, essentially giving Justin Trudeau UNLIMITED POWER, until they decide not to rubber-stamp Prime Minister Comrade Emergency Act and put him back in a box.

    From Nick’s article Canada: The Vote on the Emergencies Act Is in and It Isn’t Good

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau grabbed extraordinary powers on February 14 by invoking the Emergencies Act, claiming it was necessary to do so because of the blockades and the occupation of Ottawa by protesters. The Act — which came into being in 1988 — had never been invoked before. There was a good reason why that’s the case — because to invoke it would require an emergency the nature of which doesn’t exist and the invocation a suspension of civil liberties. But that didn’t stop Trudeau who declared the unmitigated right not only to stomp all over people’s rights, but to freeze their bank accounts if he so chose, or even conscript people to work for the government. He admitted he had forced tow truck drivers to work against their will to clear out the protest.

    As we reported yesterday, the invocation of those powers was so concerning, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association came out against it, calling for Parliament to reject it. They noted that the alleged excuse for the Act no longer even existed — the blockades (without the need for the Act), even the occupation in Ottawa were over.

    The measure passed 185 to 151, giving Trudeau and his brown shirts in training another 30 days of romping the countryside, looking for people to jail who oppose their mandates. Of course, they only do this because they care so damn much.

    Well, Tamara Lich did have her bail hearing, and the judge denied it. So, Ms. Lich will sit in jail until her next court date in early March.

    According to the CBC

    Tamara Lich, a major organizer of the so-called Freedom Convoy, was denied bail Tuesday morning in Ottawa.

    Lich, the Alberta woman behind a now-halted GoFundMe campaign that raised over $10 million to support the protest in Ottawa, was arrested and charged Thursday with counselling to commit mischief.

    Before her arrest, she told journalists she wasn’t concerned about being arrested, didn’t think the protest was illegal and also said her bank account was frozen.

    On Tuesday, the judge said she was not convinced Lich would go home, stay there and stop her alleged counselling.

    “This community has already been impacted enough by some of the criminal activity and blockades you took part in and even led,” said Ontario Superior Court Justice Julie Bourgeois.

    “You have had plenty of opportunity to remove yourself and even others from this criminal activity but obstinately chose not to and persistently counselled others not to either.

    “In Canada, every citizen can certainly disagree with and protest against government decisions but it needs to be done in a democratic fashion in abidance with the laws that have been established democratically.”

    Can’t you just read the nitpickiness dripping from this judge and, really, from the writer of this article? I get that the CBC is essentially Canadian government-sponsored Pravda, but chill out. What the truckers and those supporting them have done is not a so-called freedom convoy, kiddies; it is.

    So in Canada, if you are counselling to commit mischief, you can be held in jail for a certain period of time, and if your Prime Minister is ticked that you didn’t roll over and die with all of his mandates, you can be held hostage until you do so.

    Once again, I know that the Canadian and American systems of justice are different, but think about this.

    Mischief in Canada means…

    *Peacefully protesting in your capital city. Sorry if horns bug you, but mandates from the government based on feelings bug even more people.

    *If you help raise money for those protestors that are, once again, peacefully protesting, you can have your bank account frozen. If you even donate to that cause, you can have your banks account seized.

    * If you choose to disagree with the government, do it in the way the government says you must do it. What that means, of course, is not doing it at all.

    All mischievous things indeed.

    All the judge here has done and by extension, Prime Minister Castro Trudeau, is making people like Tamara Lich famous. Much more famous than they were about a day ago. And their overreaction to this is 100 percent the reason why. Even the people who are online cheering this result are just aiding her cause with their misplaced glee. I would chastise you, but I’m good with you continuing this because history is replete with how these things turn out in light of this type of government idiocy.

    In the meantime, let’s revisit a famous scene from the third or sixth film in the “Star Wars,” nine-movie set (depending which way you look at it), which the liberals and progressives always love to post. The fear of democracy dying by some strong-armed dictator like Donald Trump, or in Canada, a conservative like Stephen Harper. We always hear about how rights are being taken away by these folks, yet I’m not recalling any of the moves Trudeau has just done being done before in Canada, or here in the States during Trump.

    So, here ya go, you, silly fascist lovers. Just remember you won’t like it when it is you on the other end of this stick.

    Emperor Trudeautine:

    In order to ensure the security and continuing stability, the republic will be reorganized into the first galactic empire. For a safe and secure society.

    The rest of the world:

    So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause.

    Applause, or truck horns.

    Original Here

  • Kamloops residential school… ‘genocide’ in Canada

    Kamloops residential school… ‘genocide’ in Canada

    Kamloops residential school has woken up world to ‘genocide’ in Canada, Bellegarde says

    Assembly of First Nations National Chief Perry Bellegarde on June 18, 2021, in Ottawa.

    The detection of remains of children at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia has woken up both the country and the world to genocide in Canada, says Assembly of First Nations National Chief Perry Bellegarde.

    Mr. Bellegarde, who will be leaving his role on July 6 ahead of the election of the next national chief, said in an interview with The Globe and Mail that residential schools, which involved the removal of Indigenous children from their families, language and culture, meet the definition of genocide outlined in the Genocide Convention, including inflicting harm, forcibly removing children and death.

    It is a human-rights violation of the highest degree that children who attended the institutions were buried and forgotten, he said.

    “This is a validation of what survivors of residential schools have been saying,” he said. “It has woken up the country; it has woken up the world to that genocide. And Canadians are demanding justice and reconciliation.”

    The Kamloops residential school’s unmarked graves: What we know about the children’s remains, and Canada’s reaction so far

    “It’s unfathomable:” Canada’s lost residential school children

    At the end of May, Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc Kukpi7 (Chief) Rosanne Casimir said a preliminary search using ground-penetrating radar discovered the remains of 215 children at the former Kamloops residential school. The announcement immediately touched off commemorations across Canada and demands for provincial governments and Ottawa to take greater action, including to help communities search the grounds of former schools.

    Embracing the truth, as difficult as it is, has to happen, Mr. Bellegarde said. Canadians are demanding from their leaders at the federal and provincial levels that “this has got to be dealt with,” he added.

    He said there were more than 130 residential schools that operated in Canada, with Kamloops being just one of them. The next step is to ensure that proper research and investigation of former schools can be done in a respectful way, he said, noting work will need to be led by leadership in First Nations, along with elders, community members.

    “This is sacred work. This is spiritual work. It has be done properly.”

    It is incumbent upon governments to ensure there are proper human and financial resources when requested, Mr. Bellegarde said, to ensure that calls to action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission are fully implemented with respect to missing children and burial information. The TRC spent six years examining the legacy of Canada’s residential schools.

    Mr. Bellegarde said there needs to be investigation, remembrance and commemoration of all sites where “these deaths happened to these little ones.”

    Last week, after the Kamloops announcement, Ontario said it would spend $10-million over three years to identify, investigate and commemorate residential-school burial sites across the province.

    The federal government has said it will send $27-million to communities on an urgent basis to help Indigenous peoples research missing children, hire archeological search companies and commemorate the dead. Mr. Bellegarde said this amount will not be enough to do what is required but said it is a commitment that can be built upon.

    The Catholic Church and any institution involved with the administration of the schools that has records should open up those records as well, Mr. Bellegarde added.

    “People need to know: Who are these little ones? Who are these children? Where did they come from? How did they die?”

    Former TRC chair Murray Sinclair told The Globe the federal government needs to pay for investigators to find out what happened to Indigenous children who died or went missing from the schools, to determine if “cover-ups” took place. He said experienced investigators would need the power to subpoena records from governments and the churches that ran the schools, and have access to the locations.

    Mr. Bellegarde said survivors told the TRC, for example, about young girls who were impregnated by priests, and there are questions about what happened to the babies.

    “There has to be adequate human and financial resources put aside so this proper research and investigation can happen,” he said, adding there are “215 spirits waking up everybody toward truth and reconciliation and accountability and restitution.”

    “They were forgotten,” he said. “They just said, ‘Hey, we’re here.’ ”

    Mr. Bellegarde, who was first elected to his role in late 2014 and again in 2018, is also reflecting now on the past seven years he spent as national chief of the AFN, an advocacy organization representing more than 900,000 First Nations people in 634 communities across the country.

    In December, the 58-year-old announced he would not be seeking re-election in July and that he would instead spend the remainder of his term on advocacy. He insists that he does not know what is next for his career and that he will be taking time to rest and reset.

    During his tenure as national chief, Mr. Bellegarde, from Little Black Bear First Nation in Saskatchewan, emphasized the need to educate Canadians and governments so that they can understand the need to close the divide between First Nations and non-First Nations people on issues including housing, water, infrastructure, access to broadband and proper health and education.

    He said while there has been progress, this does not mean parity.

    “We’ve definitely moved the yardsticks,” he said. “But we need to maintain momentum and we need Canadians to get it – that this momentum must be maintained.”
    By Kristy Kirkup – June 20, 2021 https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-kamloops-residential-school-has-woken-up-world-to-genocide-in-canada/

    Note: Kevin Annett is a Canadian writer and former minister of the United Church of Canada.  He has authored books about Indigenous people in Canada, exposing a history of abuse and atrocities among Indigenous children in the church’s residential schools. 

    Comment: As a Canadian, you can be assured that all who swear their allegiance to the Crown (not to Canada) they will be complicit in the cover-up at some level; even turning a blind eye. Who swears allegiance to the Crown? (politicians, lawyers, senators, doctors, judges, military, some media, Attorney General, new immigrants).

    We can’t change history – but, we can acknowledge the truth; rather than perpetuating more lies.

  • Honeywell Fined For Sharing F-35 Secrets To China

    Honeywell Fined For Sharing F-35 Secrets To China

    Slap On The Wrist: Honeywell Fined For Sharing F-35, Other Secrets To China

    On May 5th, the US State Department announced that it had reached a $13 million settlement with defense contractor Honeywell.

    The settlement is over allegations it exported technical drawings of parts for the F-35 fighters and other weapons platforms to China, Taiwan, Canada and Ireland, according to the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs’ charging document.

    Honeywell voluntarily disclosed to the Department the alleged violations that are resolved under this settlement.  Honeywell also acknowledged the serious nature of the alleged violations, cooperated with the Department’s review, and instituted a number of compliance program improvements during the course of the Department’s review.  For these reasons, the Department has determined that it is not appropriate to administratively debar Honeywell at this time.”

    The State Department alleged some of the transmissions harmed national security, which Honeywell acknowledges with the caveat that the technology involved “is commercially available throughout the world. No detailed manufacturing or engineering expertise was shared.”

    Overall, the materials pertained to the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the B-1B Lancer long-range strategic bomber, the F-22 fighter, the C-130 transport aircraft, the A-7H Corsair aircraft, the A-10 Warthog aircraft, the Apache Longbow helicopter, the M1A1 Abrams tank, the tactical Tomahawk missile; the F/A-18 Hornet fighter, and the F135, F414, T55 and CTS800 turboshaft engines.

    Honeywell would only pay its fine, essentially, and keep working for the US government, because it voluntarily admitted to violating national security.

    Between 2011 and 2015, Honeywell allegedly used a file-sharing platform to inappropriately transmit engineering prints showing layouts, dimensions and geometries for manufacturing castings and finished parts for multiple aircraft, military electronics and gas turbine engines. Its first disclosure of violations to the government came in 2015.

    “The U.S. Government reviewed copies of the 71 drawings and determined that exports to and retransfers in the PRC [People’s Republic of China] of drawings for certain parts and components for the engine platforms for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, B-1B Lancer Long-Range Strategic Bomber, and the F-22 Fighter Aircraft harmed U.S. national security,” the charging document read.

    In a statement, Honeywell said it has since taken steps to ensure there are no repeat incidents.

    “Under an agreement reached with the State Department to resolve these issues, Honeywell will pay a fine, engage an external compliance officer to oversee the Consent Agreement for a minimum of 18 months, and will conduct an external audit of our compliance program,” Honeywell’s statement on the matter reads in part.

    “Since Honeywell voluntarily self-reported these disclosures, we have taken several actions to ensure there are no repeat incidents. These actions included enhancing export security, investing in additional compliance personnel, and increasing compliance training.”

    Interesting enough, the US was concerned that the F-35 flying disaster’s secrets would be shared through Turkey’s purchase of an S-400 missile defense system.

    Turns out, a US corporation simply sold the secrets to China and others, simply for profit.

    But it is all well, since it apologized after the fact, reinforcing the notion that it is much simpler to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission.
    By: Tyler Durden – May 6, 2021 https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/slap-wrist-honeywell-fined-sharing-f-35-other-secrets-china

    Comments: Fines or penalties appear to be the most effective manner in which to curb these repeat disclosures of intellectual property

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  • Woman Arrested in Ricin Case

    Woman Arrested in Ricin Case

    A woman has been arrested in connection with the ricin-filled package that was sent to the White House last week. She allegedly also sent similar poison letters to an unspecified number of federal prisons, but the intended recipients were not disclosed.

    The as yet unidentified woman was apprehended at the Canadian border crossing near Buffalo NY. The only details we have are her gender and that she is a Canadian citizen.

    According to reports, the woman was in possession of a handgun when taken into custody at the Peace Bridge, which connects Buffalo NY to Fort Erie in Ontario.

    The package Containing the ricin was intercepted at an off-site mail sorting facility. The letter was reportedly mailed from St. Hubert, Quebec.

  • QUIZ: About Those Neighbors to the North…

    QUIZ: About Those Neighbors to the North…

    Cannucks are a strange lot, eh?

    (Just kidding, good neighbors)

    How much do you know about our neighbor to the north?

    Take the quiz below and share your results!

    [HDquiz quiz = “813”]