Tag: Chicago

  • As Chicago Crime Wave Soars, Police Advise Business Owners to Install Bulletproof Glass

    As Chicago Crime Wave Soars, Police Advise Business Owners to Install Bulletproof Glass

    Mike Miller | RedState

    Does the above headline read like a satire piece from The Babylon Bee? It should. As Chicago’s violent crime wave continues with no end in sight, the Chicago Police Department is actually advising business owners to install bulletproof glass to protect themselves. How reassuring — and insane.

    But, it’s no parody; it’s true:

    As reported by Fox Business, the Chicago Police Department (CPD) is advising business owners in Wicker Park, a neighborhood in the West Town community area of Chicago, and Humbolt Park — also on the city’s West Side — to install ArmorPlast, an “invisible shatterproof shield produced by a company called Riot Glass,” to protect themselves and their businesses from armed robbery, or worse.

    Neither outgoing Mayor Lori Lightfoot nor incoming Mayor Brandon Johnson were available for comment.

    According to Fox Business, CPD’s advice follows a string of burglaries in which thieves usually break in through side or front glass windows using rocks, bricks, or a crowbar, then enter the business to steal money, liquor, and other valuable items. How refreshing that the burglars don’t just shoot out the glass and walk brazenly into businesses, have their way, then stroll out. [sarc]

    The CPD told CBS News that they specifically recommended ArmorPlast in an alert to business owners, which founder Brad Campbell says can help keep thieves out.

    We want to keep the bad guys outside the building —and that’s what the product does.

    Why do I think that if a sufficient number of prime business targets in the area install the product, the bad guys would simply employ other, perhaps more violent, tactics to get what they want?

    Here’s more, via Fox Business:

    According to Chicago Police Department data, burglaries in the city are on pace to reach 2,253 this year, which would represent a 6% increase over 2022 numbers.

    The rise in what some have called “smash and grabs” have employees in businesses throughout the city on edge, with some reporting being the target of multiple burglaries in recent months.

    An employee at a local business, Tamer Jaradat, shared that they have been “hit multiple times”:

    “Usually, people fear their lives too. Like, I have seven kids,” Tamer Jaradat, and employee at Western Food & Grocery, told CBS News. “If it takes me having to protect my life or my business, I’m going to do it.”

    Jaradat said the business has been hit multiple times in recent memory, including one instance where thieves stole an entire ATM from the building.

    “Three months ago, they broke in – they stole the ATM machine,” Jaradat said.

    However, police response times are now slower, Jaradat said, meaning employees often have to fend for themselves in an emergency.

    And there it is — that last line.

    The Bottom Line

    With violent crime soaring out of control in areas of Chicago — and virtually every other large Democrat-run city in the country — police departments must employ triage, of sorts, with an eye on “supply and demand” of officer resources, and a weighting of one crime vs. another. And, practically speaking, violent crime leads to more violent crime, to the point where police officers simply can’t keep up.

    While police departments can continue recommending the “Band-Aids on windows” approach, crime rates across America will continue to rise until Democrat politicians remove revolving doors from jail cells and stop sending repeat offenders back to the streets to pick up where they left off. That observation is neither racist nor heavyhanded: it is reality. 

    Original Here

  • Good News – It’s Over

    Good News – It’s Over

    Poof – just like magic, soon all the Democrat run states & cities that have had your best COVID interests at heart are opened for business and just in time for the Biden inauguration.

    And here is a start to that wondrous event….


    Yes, the timing is suspect. However, for those who have suffered through this last year of lockdowns, or lost your job, or been evicted from your apartment, or suffered mentally and physically. Please, never forget and think carefully about 2020 come the 2022 midterm elections and then once again come 2024. Yet, I am still grateful that it is over.

    And they will all point that their recent decision or change in direction; is due to a January 5, 2020 report delivered from Stanford, as to their explanation for the reversal of the lock downs; which shows they were of no benefit. Meanwhile, thousands of medical professionals were silenced in the interim and lives lost, for no other reason than the lock down. And maybe a page from history would have been a better choice of reference.

    However, Just remember those who are much kinder and wiser, did what was right. Shannon Harshbarger, post commander, American Legion Post 16 donated not one, but both his Stimulus checks to the local food bank.

    These last year has been difficult at times, but never the less 2020 is in the rear-view mirror.

  • Chicago Wracked by Looting Last Night

    Chicago Wracked by Looting Last Night

    The city of Chicago was hit by a wave of looting and destruction last night.

    The cause? The Chicago PD shot an armed man after he shot at them.


    Police were responding to a call of a man with a firearm in the Englewood area on the South Side of the city. When they arrived the suspect fled. During the chase, he allegedly turned around and fired shots at the police officers who returned fire and hit the suspect. Sounds like a normal night in Chiraq so far. But as the Chicago Tribune reports, there were rumors flying around after the shooting.

    Some members of the community had heard a “young person” had been shot, while others were responding to a report that a witness who videotaped the shooting had his phone taken by officers. She said those reports were inaccurate.

    That was apparently enough to kick start the riots and looting. The criminals targeted Chicago’s nicest commercial areas and neighborhoods. Hundreds of people rampaged through stores along the Magnificent Mile in the city and in other parts of the downtown, smashing and looting, even shooting at the cops at one point and attacking the police including beaning a cop in the head.


    Chicago mayor Admiral Akbar err Lori Lightfoot and Police Superintendent David Brown held a press conference about last night’s violence. During the event, both Brown and Lightfoot talked about how there needs to be consequences for rioters and looters who are arrested, seemingly taking veiled swipes at prosecutor Cook County State’s attorney Kim Foxx:


    At one point ABC 7 reporter Craig Wall asked “it almost sounds as though you’re saying this is — the reason [rioting/looting is happening] is because the courts and the prosecutors were not doing their job, that they were going too easy on the looters from the last time around. Is that what you’re saying?”

    As Brown attempted to answer, Lightfoot jumped in, saying “don’t bait us”.

    “Craig, let’s be clear. Don’t bait us, okay? No, no, don’t — do not bait us! Do not bait us. This is a serious situation. People are concerned about their safety. Officers are concerned about their safety. So don’t bait us.

    What we are saying is as a result of what happened last night, there have to be consequences. We’ve got teams of people that are aggressively out there identifying the people responsible, looking at the plates and we’re gonna bring them to justice. But when we do and we do make those arrests our expectation is that this is going to be treated with the level of seriousness that it should be, period.

    Don’t try to bait us, mischaracterize, pit one against the other, we’re not playing that. We are in a serious situation here and we need a serious response. That’s what we’re saying, period.”


    Last nights looting and violence had nothing to do with police brutality. It was all about the loot. They were looking for an excuse to “redistribute” some wealth, just like the BLM manifesto says.

  • Operation Legend

    Operation Legend

    President Trump announced today that federal law enforcement will be moving into Chiraq err, Chicago.

    “This bloodshed must end, this bloodshed will end,” Trump said during a speech at the White House.

    “Today I am announcing a surge of federal law enforcement into American communities plagued by violent crime,” he announced.


    Federal law enforcement officers currently working out of Chicago, including FBI officials, US Marshalls, DEA and ATF, will be loaned to the Justice Department to help fight crime as part of the program. The Chicago expansion is expected to involve about 100 federal law enforcement officers.

    Of course Chiraq mayor Lori Lightfoot had something to say.


    That tweet came across as more than a little tone-deaf, as it was made shortly after a gang related shooting that left at least 15 injured.