Tag: Citizens

  • Malarkey – ‘Customer’

    Malarkey – ‘Customer’

    The Customer Is Always Wrong

    Root Root Root For The Home Team. If They Don’t Win … Blame The Fans
    MSNBC: “President Biden’s approval rating has fallen to lowest level of his presidency despite booming economy, according to new NBC News poll.”

    FOX: “MSNBC laments Biden has low approval rating ‘despite booming economy’”

    FOX: “MSNBC, CNN, WaPo and more worry about Biden’s poll numbers, fretthat he isn’t getting enough credit”

    The Feeling Is Mutual
    Politico quoting bitter Dem operative: “What I’m seeing — and from talking to people — is a little bit of this exasperation. We’re trying to do the right things here … But our society seems to have gone batshit.”

    Kraushaar reax: “Never good politics to blame voters.”

    Nathan Robinson: “I think Democrats should run on the slogan ‘Actually the economy is great and you’re wrong to be upset’”

    Eli Lake cracks: “If Democrats want to avoid a mid-term wipe out, they need to stop talking about inflation, crime and the economy. Voters care about 3 things right now: Trump’s collusion with Russia in 2016; abolishing the gender binary and protecting public school students from their parents”

    Truthfully, this administration has, consistently, blamed the citizens for things going badly or not understanding. If you would just go buy a $46,000 electric car, it would solve those pesky high gas prices. Speaking of fossil….