Over Black Coffee & Gunpowder Tea
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And y’all know what day it is, right?

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And y’all know what day it is, right?
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Normally I am a Monday grouch, but for the sake of the rest of y’all . . .
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Today we must pray to the Apple gods that AuntiE’s iPad can be fixed. We will know by tomorrow; with news being bad if I am putting up the daily thread again – RU
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Yes, the Mackster and I are still being silly….But alas, all good things must come to an end. We travel back to our respective domiciles later today….
May the rest of you have a happier Monday!
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I would probably try to avoid this medical facility…. Jus’ sayin’
But, after eating that breakfast, you might want to know where the nearest Cardiac Care Center is located……
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I have always loved the music a pan flute produces. To start your day, here is André Rieu & Gheorghe Zamfir performing The Lonely Shepherd live in Romania.
Over Black Coffee and Gunpowder Tea
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We have trophy presentations this AM, thought they were won on Thursday. Our very own RogueUnicorn won a pretty trophy.