Tag: Cold Anger

  • Texas the State with no Standing

    Texas the State with no Standing

    No, that wasn’t true

    Every legal vote was effected by the cheating the commierat party injected into the eletion

    We know it, they know it, they know we know it

    there’s one more who knows it

    Lin Wood@LLinWoodI have long had questions about “the John Roberts” on Jeffrey Epstein private jet flight logs. I suspected it was our Chief Justice. MSM has shown no interest in investigating issue to find TRUTH. America is now entitled to know the answer. Every lie will be revealed. Pray.

    Lin Wood@LLinWoodCorruption & deceit have reached most powerful office in our country – the Chief Justice of U.S. Supreme Court. This is a sad day for our country but a day on which we must wake up & face the truth. Roberts is reason that SCOTUS has not acted on election cases. Others involved.

    There a movement in Texas called TEXIT

    Barrowing a video from a Texas Prepping site

    I’ve said it to a couple of commierat bastards before I’ll meet you in the middle and don’t be late

    there’s a another way of seeing

    ” I’ll meet you in the middle”

    I do wonder how in the Detriot school system would know about this item

    a meet you in the middle item

    In a way…. I find myself behind enemy lines

    injects words from a song

    ” I learned a thing or two from Charlie don’t ya know”

    Kansas City Missouri or close to looks like the middle and a good place to place a Historical marker

    We could get Ray “Bubba” Sorensen II to do something cool

    Ray “Bubba” Sorensen II

    does cool stuff