The choice we are facing is just this brutal!! We either fight like hell, or we acquiesce which will bring down our Republic!! If you think I am wrong, I don’t think you have been paying attention!! The road map in front of us tells the story, for the American citizen to win against the globalists we must fight with all the intensity that drove young Americans to charge the beaches of Normandy!! No matter how you cut it, it’s either fight or resign ourselves to defeat!!
Our freedoms are the envy of the world; yet we have elected officials who are HELL-BENT on driving the American people to the point of irrelevance! Is this what you want to see happen? Or are you ready for the political fight of our lives! I for one am more than ready to fight the globalists with all the strength this old man’s body can muster!! Do I stand alone? I certainly hope not as the choices are dark and dim for those we leave behind. I have no wish to see my progeny living as serfs in what was once the greatest nation on earth.
This fight must start with the defeat of any more Continuing Resolutions and Senator Langford’s immigration bill. First is the CR, it must be that the government be SHUT DOWN or our southern border CLOSED!!! As for the Senator from Oklahoma’s immigration bill; allowing 5,000 illegals a day entry into the country will bring a total of One Million, Eight Hundred Twenty Five Thousand illegals in just ONE YEAR!! This is nothing short of INSANITY!!!
Trump’s Iowa win last night may give us some comfort, but the Globalist Left will not give up. They feel they must win in order for their agenda to come to fruition!! They will throw everything they can think of at us. More Plandemics, Climate Change, Illegal Immigration and any other devious and destructive action they can dream up in their twisted minds.
To my dying breath I will fight for the continuance of our Republic! I will use every legal effort available to me to this end. My concern is that it may not be enough and it surely will not be enough unless ALL we Deplorables decide to FIGHT and STAND in the breach!!