Tag: Conversation

  • Welcome to Conversation on Thursday, March 27

    Welcome to Conversation on Thursday, March 27

    Over Black Coffee and Gunpowder Tea served with 

    Things we are told are bad and things we should believe.

    For those who may be owned by felines, you know it is true.

    Surprise, another Faberge egg!

    I offer you truth in the following.

  • Welcome to Conversation on Tuesday, March 25

    Welcome to Conversation on Tuesday, March 25

    Over Black Coffee and Gunpowder Tea served with 

    One wonders what the effect would be if Elon purchased…

    Although I do not have a d o g four footer, even I know…

    What egg offering is on tap this AM?

  • Welcome to Sunday Scripture and Conversation, March 23

    Welcome to Sunday Scripture and Conversation, March 23

    Over Black Coffee and Gunpowder Tea served with 

    This Sunday’s scripture is…

    Reflection on Today’s VerseFrom versefortheday.com

    Words matter. God tells us to be careful with what we say. Not just to avoid swearing or gossip. It goes deeper than that. Our words should help, not hurt.

    Think about the last thing you said to someone. Did it build them up? Or did it tear them down? Even small comments can leave deep marks. Sometimes we don’t mean harm, but the damage is done.

    God wants our words to bring life. Kind words. Honest words. Encouraging words. Not fake or shallow, but real and good. Words that lift people up when they’re low. Words that remind them they matter.

    This isn’t always easy. Especially when we’re tired or upset. But that’s when it matters most. The Holy Spirit can help us pause before we speak. He can shape our hearts so our words follow.

    Jesus never used His words to tear people down. Even when He corrected others, He spoke with love. We’re called to do the same.

    Let’s ask God to help us speak like that. Words that heal. Words that shine His light. Words that leave others better, not bitter.

  • Welcome to Conversation on Saturday, March 22

    Welcome to Conversation on Saturday, March 22

    Over Black Coffee and Gunpowder Tea served with 

    As I continue my egg art offerings, remember these are unaffordable eggs for the majority of people.

  • Welcome to Conversation on March 21, Common Courtesy Day

    Welcome to Conversation on March 21, Common Courtesy Day

    Over Black Coffee and Gunpowder Tea served with 

  • Welcome to Conversation on the Spring Equinox, March 20

    Welcome to Conversation on the Spring Equinox, March 20

    Over Black Coffee and Gunpowder Tea served with 

    For those whom may be grocery shopping this weekend and thinking of purchasing eggs, here is some information on current pricing.

    I would ask that you raise your hand if this would be applicable to you; however, my feeling is the vast majority of you are significantly better at the password remember thing than am I.

    Today is an another egg art offering; however, I pilfered it from WhyNot.

  • Welcome to Conversation on Wednesday, March 19

    Welcome to Conversation on Wednesday, March 19

    Over Black Coffee and Gunpowder Tea served with 

    Climate Change continues to rear its head as it has done since…

    Hopefully, all you have purchased floatation devices.

    It is difficult to comprehend the patience Faberge had to create such gorgeous eggs.

    We are half way there.

  • Welcome to Conversation for Tuesday, March 18

    Welcome to Conversation for Tuesday, March 18

    Over Black Coffee and Gunpowder Tea served with 

    This AM a bit of political philosophy from P. J. O’Rourke

    Animal humor of the feline variety.

    Need I even define what the AM art is?🤔🤓😎😄

  • Welcome to Conversation on Saint Patrick’s Day

    Welcome to Conversation on Saint Patrick’s Day

    Over Black Coffee and Gunpowder Tea served with 

    As it is being proclaimed President Trump is a Nazi…

    Parents should, and usually do, understand they must be careful about language.

    Yes, there are more Peter Carl Faberge offerings.

    St Patrick’s Breastplate (an excerpt from this famous prayer, attributed to St Patrick – patron Saint of Ireland)

    Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ when I arise, Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me, Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me.

  • Welcome to Conversation on Saturday The Ides of March

    Welcome to Conversation on Saturday The Ides of March

    Over Black Coffee and Gunpowder Tea served with 

    multiple choices

    First the Democrats/socialists/communist (D/s/cs) loved Tesla cars.Now…

    We have Punology for the Ides.

    A cop started crying while he was writing me a ticket.  I asked him why and he said, 

    “It’s a moving violation.”

    Continuing with Peter Carl Faberge’s fabulous eggs.