For those who may be unaware, the Biden administration* has elected to appeal Judge Misselle’s vacating of the mask mandate.
Marxist Masklarkey
Control — I Like To Have A Lot
Spencer Brown: “Psaki admits that the Biden administration’s decision to appeal the CDC mask mandate ruling from a federal judge is to ‘preserve that authority for the CDC to have in the future’ — that is, it’s not about science, it’s about protecting power.”
Jon Nicosia: “They can’t let power slip away without a fight.”
Daily Malarkey throwback: “Masks are their red hats — and they can own youby forcing you to don them. They won’t let go so easily.”
Nick Adams: “Democrats don’t love masks, they love control.”
Daniel Kotzin: “Wearing a mask was never a sign of respect for others. It was always a mark of obedience to authority.”
Don Jr.: “The democrats can’t let go of the stranglehold they had on you and all aspects of your lives. It’s not about science it’s about control and they ain’t giving it up if they don’t have to.”
Lisa Boothe: “It’s fun watching the Left meltdown because they are losing the ability to controlour lives. Freedom is a beautiful thing 🇺🇸”
Oppressors Again Play Oppressed
Epic Federalist headline: “Mask NazisWho Terrorized Americans For Years Are Worried They Might Get Mocked For Mask Obsession”
Wishful Thinking Again Trumps Common Sense
Karlyn Borysenko: “This dude @JradRabel tweeted a satire post about flight attendants yelling ‘this is MAGA airspace’ after ripping their masks off…and a New York Times reporter took it seriously and asked him for comment. What a time to be alive.”
Andy Ngo: “‘A Jussie Smollet-inspired satire tweet by @JradRabel about flight attendants sneezing into their hands was followed-up upon by a New York Times reporter”
Blaze: “‘Got a NYT journalist caught in my satire’: NYT correspondent asks to interview man who tweeted that flight attendants removed their face masks and shouted ‘this is MAGA airspace’”
Mia Cathell: “‘Unfortunately it’s satire that only someone at the NYT would believe,’ the prankster told the NYT journalist when asked for comment.”