Your managing Editor is pinch-hitting today, so today we’re having all the leftover veggie and cheese omelet MREs I have collected.

Your managing Editor is pinch-hitting today, so today we’re having all the leftover veggie and cheese omelet MREs I have collected.
Served with
For all of you coffee drinkers…
Hopefully our personal unicorn is not making these grievous errors.🤔😳😲
Speaking of our WhiteUnicorn, you all have an assignment from Thursday through Sunday. You must direct target accuracy karma toward New Jersey, where she will be killing clay. If she does not do well, each of you will be held accountable.
As it is Sunday, I thought It would be fun to start with “church” humor.
We hope you will join us here every morning to share your thoughts, dreams, aspirations, frustrations, and anger, in the company of fellow Veterans and non-veteran Patriots.
So sit back, take a sip, and tell us what’s on your mind!