The text, which came from a member of Congress, said “FYI…Henry Cuellar was just carjacked in front of our building (the dorm) by 3-4 men at gun point. They took his car, phone and sushi but he is ok.”
“I know I have let my guard down when I walked home but we need to all be aware,” the member of Congress wrote in the group chat, which was relayed to The Messenger.
🚨#BREAKING: Democrat U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar was carjacked at gunpoint outside of his apartment building in Washington DC tonight.
At this time there are no reports from D.C. or Capital Police officials, and Cuellar has not offered a public statement.
UPDATE: 12:00 AM EDT, October 3, 2023
Rep. Cuellar’s office released a statement, saying:
“As Congressman Cuellar was parking his car this evening, 3 armed assailants approached the Congressman and stole his vehicle. Luckily, he was not harmed and is working with local law enforcement. Thank you to Metro PD and Capitol Police for their swift action and for recovering the Congressman’s vehicle.”
The Metropolitan Police Department of Washington, D.C. issued a statement to ABC News confirming that a carjacking occurred in that area but did not name Cuellar as the victim.
]”There was a report of an armed carjacking that came in at approximately 9:32 pm at the intersection of New Jersey and K Street, Southeast. We do not have victim information at this time.”
Uh, yeah. He’ll get no sympathy from me. He and his cohorts are directly responsible for what happened, not only to him, but to thousands of people across the country every single day. You watch, he will not learn the lesson from this incident. I’d bet my last dollar that within a couple of hours he will come out with a statement about this saying something to the effect of we need to be understanding or this is the effect of systemic racism.
I rarely indulge in schadenfreude, but in this case I’ll make an exception.
Exposing The Plan To Siege the US Capitol On January 6th, 2021
What happened on January 6, 2021 was part of a well prepared contingency plan to disrupt President Trump’s chances of contesting the election results riddled with accusations of fraud.
I previously exposed some of these plans on the website, where I even show a tactical map that has the US Capitol as a primary target:
Interactive Map on Main Link
ShutDown DC : Defend Democracy ArcGIS Map
My report “Election Night Coup D’etat”, from November 2, 2020, has a thumbnail showing the US Capitol being targeted with it graphically on fire for emphasis.
Video on Main Link
We had the leaked tactical map from inside leftist organization leadership and recorded zoom chats of them discussing taking over buildings in Washington, DC to prevent Trump from remaining President under any circumstances; all prior to the election.
Segment from “Simulation Exercise” from September 19, 2020
Video on Main Link
Subversive agent provocateurs hijacked the grassroots effort to support the President.
Ali Akbar, or Ali Alexander, who has a longstanding reputation as a political dirty trickster and agent provocateur, sidelined the ‘Women For America First’ events, taking credit for being the organizer while mislead donors to give him money.
When you click the donate button, it directs you to Ali’s personal links for ‘donation’ which had no affiliation with the official events nor the event organizers.
It became apparent Ali was planning to “storm the Capitol” in Washington, DC on January 6th using other state capitols for practice dry runs while dragging in innocent participants as fodder for eventual accusations.
Video on Main Link
Ali had another website, which has since been taken down –
Ali never had an actual stage or event set up at the listed location.
However, the “come here” location on the ‘Wild Protest’ map coincides with a nearby location where alleged ‘Proud Boys’ agent provocateurs gathered prior to storming the US Capitol.
John Sullivan, another agent provocateur, who affiliates with Antifa and Black Lives Matter, also planned to infiltrate the ‘March for Trump’ event on January 6th. On his website ‘Insurgence USA’ Sullivan had an invitation for other agitators to disrupt the ‘March for Trump’ events.
John Sullivan has a brother, James Sullivan, that affiliated with Ali and the Proud Boys. These brothers allegedly organized events having Antifa, Black Lives Matter and Proud Boys show up to escalate opposing political groups towards violence while simultaneously capturing it all on camera for a Netflix documentary.
James Sullivan and John Sullivan filming for their documentary.
John Sullivan recorded himself inside the US Capitol with documentarian Jade Sacker. Sullivan’s own footage shows him breaking windows while trying to provoke others into more violent actions such telling others “we gotta get this shit burned”.
According to multiple sources that know the Sullivan brothers and have met their adoptive father “Jack” Sullivan who self-proclaims to be involved in “psyops”, or tactical psychological operations, and was attempting to work through his sons to infiltrate political movements.
Meanwhile, Proud Boy’s leader Henry “Enrique” Tarrio was outed by Reuter’s investigative journalists as being an FBI informant.
Just days before the January 6th riot at the Capitol, Tarrio was arrested for bringing two high-capacity rifle magazines to Washington, DC. He was picked up for allegedly burning a Black Lives Matter banner in DC on December 12, 2020.
While in custody he was questioned about social media posts instructing Proud Boys to go to Washington, DC on January 6th dressed “incognito” in all black like Antifa.
On January 6th, there were several radical groups participating in the riot at the Capitol such as Proud Boy’s, Black Lives Matter, Groypers, Antifa and white supremacist groups all working together mutually creating mayhem.
The riot was a who’s-who of social media influencers know for instigating trouble, none of whom attended the ‘March for Trump’ rally where President Trump spoke that day. Yet, we are supposed to believe the so-called ‘insurrection of the Capitol’ was President Trump’s fault?
Whether it was leftist agitators or rightwing extremists, both executed a plan to interfere with the legitimate process in the Joint Session of the House and Senate debating a contested election as allotted by the 12th Amendment of the Constitution.
Had the riot not happened, President Trump, his legal teams and ‘white hat’ hackers would have been able to present their alleged evidence of election fraud.
Comment: Independent Journalist, Millie Weaver ( and Whistle Blowers, Patrick Bergy and Tore continue to take personal risks to insure the truth is exposed, the Constitution is upheld and the election integrity is re-established.
Mr Wizard covered the riots at the Capitol here yesterday. Today we’re going to take a look at the fallout from that event.
Let’s start with the rioters hoped to forestall when they stormed the Capitol building. The certification of the Electoral College went on. The Joint Session reconvened late last night, and despite several objections to certification of some states electors, the electoral votes were counted and Joe Biden was named as president elect.
We all know about Ashli Babbitt, the Air Force Vet who was shot inside the Capitol building yesterday. However, she wasn’t the only death yesterday. 3 other people died during the protests and subsequent rioting. Details are thin about them, I can’t find any information about who they are, what the cause of death was or even their gender. The DC police chief, Robert Contee III held a presser and only said 3 other had died and 10 were injured. He also said that 57 people had been arrested, most for curfew violations.
Several members of President Trump’s staff have resigned in the wake of the riots. So far, White House Chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Matthews, East Wing Chief of Staff Stephanie Grisham, Social Secretary Rickie Niceta, Ryan Tully, the senior director for European and Russian Affairs at the U.S. National Security Council, Deputy National Security Adviser Matt Pottinger, and Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao have all submitted their resignations. Expect more to come. Mulvaney had the following to say in an interview on CNBC “I can’t stay here, not after yesterday, You can’t look at that yesterday and say I want to be a part of that in any way, shape or form.”
Now on to some analysis. Yesterday’s events caused irreparable harm to the MAGA movement. It couldn’t have caused more damage had the establishment Republicans scripted it. Had it remained a peaceful protest, it would have shown solidarity across the spectrum on the right. But because it devolved into a riot, it has chased away a large portion of those who were on the fence about Trumpism. What’s more, it’s given big tech all the excuse they needed to crack down on any speech they don’t agree with.
There are thousands of Trump supporters gathering in DC and in cities across America for the Million MAGA March. In DC, the President surprised his supporters by driving thru the rally there.