Tag: DHS

  • Noem Rounds ’em up to Send ’em Home

    Noem Rounds ’em up to Send ’em Home

    Newly sworn Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem was on-site during an early morning ICE raid in NYC today.

    The former South Dakota governor, who was sworn into office on Saturday, joined an operation in the “sanctuary city” of New York early Tuesday to witness ICE agents nab illegal aliens, most of whom are criminals. 


    Enforcement operation in NYC. Criminal alien with kidnapping, assault & burglary charges is now in custody – thanks to @ICE.

    Dirtbags like this will continue to be removed from our streets.

    A spokesman from DHS said the dawn operation targeted “murderers, kidnappers, and individuals charged of assault and burglary.”

    The thing that irks me is the fact that DHS and ICE knew where these ‘fine folks’ were. I mean, if Boden and Co. had done their jobs, these criminals would be gone already.

  • Looks Like Biden DHS Is Admitting Trump Was Right…

    Looks Like Biden DHS Is Admitting Trump Was Right…

    Oh My: Looks Like Biden DHS Is Admitting Trump Was Right About the Wall

    Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead

    The first thing that Joe Biden did when he got into office was try to do away with the border policies of President Donald Trump including stopping the building of the wall that had been such a high priority of the Trump Administration.

    Of course, the result then was a flood of illegal aliens into the country now that they knew Biden was doing away with the protections put in place by Trump.

    But Biden is now up a creek without a paddle. The border crisis and the numbers are just growing and he doesn’t seem to know how to stop it.

    It’s now even caused him to contemplate the unthinkable — implicitly admitting that Trump was right.

    According to The Washington Times, the DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told employees that he was considering restarting the border wall to fix “gaps in the wall.”

    “It’s not a single answer to a single question. There are different projects that the chief of the Border Patrol has presented and the acting commissioner of CBP presented to me,” the secretary said.

    “The president has communicated quite clearly his decision that the emergency that triggered the devotion of DOD funds to the construction of the border wall is ended. But that leaves room to make decisions as the administration, as part of the administration, in particular areas of the wall that need renovation, particular projects that need to be finished,” he said.

    Whoops. Translation: they’re realizing the importance of what Trump was doing, how important it is to plug the gaps and they’re hearing it straight out from the experts on the scene — the Customs and Border Patrol officials.

    Trump built about 460 miles of the wall, mostly replacing where there may have been ‘barriers’ like vehicle barriers that didn’t stop anyone from crossing or old sections of wall with a far superior system that wasn’t just about a better “wall” but included roads and technology to help detect incursions. That’s something that Democrats always left out of the description when they tried to attack Trump over it. But because of what Biden did when he came in, stopping what was in process, Biden left things like roads which had been completed, but then part of the wall or the technology undone. So then cartels in Cochise County, Arizona were making use of the roads that had been built. “We just built roads for the cartels,” Sheriff Mark Dannels explained. Thanks, Biden!

    There are also potential legal problems with how they stopped this, as we previously reported, which is why the GAO is presently investigating Biden, who may have violated the Impoundment Control Act (ICA) since Congress allocated the money for the building and are claiming Biden interfered in their constitutional authority of the purse.

    This is going to send some on the far left into a tizzy.

    Can you imagine what Trump will say when he hears this? These are the moments when you really need him on Twitter. But doubtless, a statement will be coming and I’m willing to bet it will be glorious.
    By: Nick Arama – April 6, 2021 https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/04/06/oh-my-looks-like-biden-dhs-is-admitting-trump-was-right-about-the-wall-n356127

    Comment: Never in my career and having completing hundreds of acquisitions and divestitures, have I ever witnessed someone slash & burn a predecessor files or work. Quite simply, it is acquisition suicide. Aside from the standard due diligence prior, it is standard operating to complete a functional three to six months analysis before implementing any changes. By my count that is 52 (EO) disasters in the making. Guess, Mr. Biden can now consider himself the Human, Drugs & Illegal Guns President

  • Feds to Leave Portland

    Feds to Leave Portland

    According to reports, an agreement has been reached between the federal government and the state of Oregon for federal officers to leave Portland. Under the agreement, the Oregon State Police will take over external security at the Federal Court house in Portland. US Marshalls and the Federal Protective Service will continue to secure the interior of the building.


    Despite what Oregon governor Kate Brown says, the additional agents will not be leaving Portland immediately. Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf issued a statement saying the additional agents would stay in place until the attacks stop.


    So this is putting the state folks on the front line, and saying, “It’s on you.” And if they are not up to the task, it’s on them and the federal agents are still there, ready to take over.

    If the unrest continues, and why wouldn’t it, it takes apart the narrative that the riots in Portland were due to the feds.

  • I Don’t Need Invitations

    I Don’t Need Invitations

    ‘I don’t need invitations’

    The governor of Oregon has stated she did not invite Federal law enforcement. The ACLU is suing. The mayor of Chicago has said Federal officers will create more chaos, though one wonders how, after the mass shooting at a funeral. 

    To the wailing and gnashing of blue elected officials, the Acting Secretary of Homeland Security stated; 

     “I don’t need invitations by the state, state mayors, or state governors to do our job.”

    “We’re going to do that, whether they like us there or not,” Wolf said. “That’s our responsibility.”

    In point of fact, DHS does not need an invitation. The U.S. Code provides:

    40 U.S. Code § 1315. Law enforcement authority of Secretary of Homeland Security for protection of public property

    (b) Officers and Agents.—(2) Powers.—While engaged in the performance of official duties, an officer or agent designated under this subsection may—

    (A) enforce Federal laws and regulations for the protection of persons and property;

    (B) carry firearms;

    (C) make arrests without a warrant for any offense against the United States committed in the presence of the officer or agent or for any felony cognizable under the laws of the United States if the officer or agent has reasonable grounds to believe that the person to be arrested has committed or is committing a felony;…

    These ongoing riots, and make no mistake, they are riots not protests, need to be quelled. This is nothing but a test of the will of government to govern. Obviously, some governments are unwilling to do so. 

    If these anarchist had their way, the Federal Portland Courthouse would be a pile of ashes. It is time to make it clear such will not be allowed and those attempting to destroy it be arrested, charged and taken to court. 

    As to sending these “officers and agents” to other locales, I am somewhat ambivalent. If those in Chicago wish to continue killing each other, so be it. The same is applicable for many other jurisdictions. 

    If Federal facilities are not involved, let the heathens do as they will as the elected officials have no will to stop it. 

    As a final observation, and putting on my tinfoil chapeau, the purpose of these riots, is to frighten citizens away from re-electing Trump. This will continue in some way or shape through the election. It has never been about George Floyd. Had it not been the incident with him, it would have been someone else. They need this chaos to stir fear. In your fear, Trump supporters are to turn away from supporting him to gain peace.  

    Please, do not be like the people in the following cartoon.