Tag: DoD

  • DoD Revokes Permit

    DoD Revokes Permit

    The Department of Defense revoked a permit that would have allowed AMVETS to utilize the parking lot at the Pentagon as a rally point for the annual Rolling to Remember event. The organization has been meeting at the Pentagon parking lot and using it as a rally point/parking area for their Rolling to Remember event on Memorial Day for the past 32 years.

    Unfortunately, the department has disapproved AMVETS permit request. The department took into careful consideration all aspects of AMVETS request, to include the current Health Protection Condition status on the Pentagon Reservation; substantial community transmission of COVID-19 in Arlington County, Virginia; number of Americans fully vaccinated across the nation; nature of this event with its decreased ability to maintain physical distance; and large crowds in one location for an extended period of time. This event draws national attention and participation; therefore the risk of exposure from participants from other communities extends well beyond the National Capital Region,” the Pentagon said in a statement.

    If COVID-19 conditions permit, the department would gladly consider supporting a future event request from AMVETS, potentially as soon as this Labor Day weekend,” the statement continued. “The department looks forward to supporting future events with AMVETS, and as always, we appreciate AMVETS’ support of our veterans, their families, and their communities, including promoting better awareness of veterans’ issues, as well as AMVETS continued support for our missing-in-action service members.”

    I said in the headline the permit had been revoked. That’s true, AMVETS had been given a permit in March. The Pentagon dropped the revocation late on friday, presumably to bury the story.

    I-Team Reporter Scott Taylor asked: “These military vets are coming to Washington, D.C. regardless if the Pentagon participates or not, correct?”

    “You are absolutely right,” said AmVets Executive Director Joe Chenelly. “We are seeing it on websites and social media all over the place. Much smaller groups. They’re planning their own smaller rallying points and they’re coming in.”

  • U.S. Space Command Sr. … Posts Second Video

    U.S. Space Command Sr. … Posts Second Video

    U.S. Space Command Sr. Enlisted Leader Who Previously Attacked Tucker Posts Second Video

    We’ve been writing about how Tucker Carlson questioned whether Joe Biden’s focus should be on maternity flight suits and updated requirements for hairstyles, as Biden in fact said, or whether it would really should be on the real threats that we face from countries like China, that perhaps their focus was on the wrong things.

    Then members of the Defense Department proved his point by showing indeed their focus wasn’t on the right things as official military Twitter accounts, even the DOD website itself, attacked him, a Fox host, and misrepresented what he said, suggesting that he was saying that women shouldn’t be serving in the military.

    These were perhaps the three worst responses.


    It’s extremely concerning when you have actual official military accounts and military in uniform attacking a private citizen in an unprecedented political attack, not to mention misrepresenting what was said. The military is not supposed to take a side, it’s supposed to be apolitical, this shows how problematic it has become that this has happened now under Joe Biden, that this was clearly allowed as a response if even the official DOD website and official accounts were engaging in this.

    As we wrote, the Official U.S. Marine Corps Twitter for the II MEF Information Group may have learned at least something after getting a huge backlash from former and presently serving military as to how improper this was.


    But the Command Senior Enlisted Leader of U.S. Space Command, Master Gunnery Sergeant Stalker, U.S.M.C., posted another video. This time, at least he was out of uniform, although still posting from his official account. He still showed that he clearly was missing the point, stop proving Tucker right already.


    He tried to defend his statement clearly not thinking it wrong in any way and thought it was only about trying to silence dissent. No, Master Gunnery Sergeant, it’s also about your focus. Why are you responding at all, not to mention misleading about what Tucker said suggesting he was attacking pregnant women? You still show your focus is in the wrong place when you post videos like this. And yes, we can comment (at least at the moment) about problematic statements like Joe Biden’s and yours, even if we have zero time in the military because we are Americans.

    These statements from the military show a real and significant problem in the military that needs to be addressed when they are so politically corrupted. Because if it isn’t, it places all of us in danger.
    By: Nick Arama https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/03/14/u-s-space-command-sr-enlisted-leader-who-previously-attacked-tucker-posts-second-video-n343195

    Comment: All of this in 280 characters postings at one time from the Twitterverse.