Tag: Dogs

  • Dog Scientists Determine…

    Dog Scientists Determine…

    For those with four footers, who consume water from the toilet, a study shows there may be benefits.

    Dog Scientists Determine Water From Toilet Contains Essential Vitamins Not Found In Water Bowl

    PHOENIX, AZ — After collecting data from thousands of toilets across the country, dog scientists have definitively determined that toilet water contains essential nutrients not found in a water bowl. 

    “Water bowls simply do not provide adequate nutrition for the canine community,” said Dr. Hairy Pawter. “For the zinc, phosphorous, and clostridium every dog needs, nothing beats a nice, full toilet.”

    Dr. Pawter expressed optimism that the findings would help reduce the long-standing stigma surrounding toilet water. “For years, dogs have been shamed by their owners for drinking out of the commode,” said Dr. Pawter. “We have even been subjected to bigoted accusations of being ‘disgusting’ and ‘horrifically nauseating’. I hope the big people will at last realize we are only guilty of supporting strong bones and healthy hearts.”

    The team of dog scientists collected samples of toilet water from across the country to analyze the composition across different owners and environments. “This was a very rigorous, well-designed study,” said fellow researcher Dr. Sherlock Bones. “While water bowls remain fine for hydration, holistic care for your dog should include several good tongue-laps of toilet water every day. We recommend always leaving the door unlocked and the lid up to help lower the barrier to good nutrition.”

    The team of dog scientists has reportedly begun a follow-up study examining the long-term cholesterol benefits of eating shoes.

  • Dogs & us – The secrets of an unbreakable friendship

    Dogs & us – The secrets of an unbreakable friendship

    Several thousand years ago, humans and dogs made an emotional pact. Today, that pact of friendship is still unbroken. Whether hunting, sledging or herding, dogs have accompanied humans everywhere, from deserts and jungles to the ice-covered ends of the earth.

    But while the dog has long embodied true friendship and boundless loyalty, only recently have we started to understand this magnificent animal. What do we really know about our four-legged friends?

    “Dogs & Us – The Secret of a Friendship” tells beautiful, exciting and extraordinary real-life stories of dogs and humans around the world. From the shelter dog helping a prison inmate find courage, to the specially trained four-legged companion of a young autistic woman, to the rescue dog using smell to locate missing people. In breathtaking pictures, the documentary shows dogs’ special skills and uncovers why they are essential to our society. Why can dogs communicate with us so well? How far does this understanding go? And what exactly is the secret of this wonderful friendship?

  • Bear dog

    Bear dog

    Was about this time of year

    September 29/30th the traveler showed up, at first all I heard was a screechin “there’s a bear outside!”.

    well if it’s looking for something to eat it’s SOL

    “come look!”

    ok kid

    was more dark then light so I can understand the kid’s mis- identification being all of 4/5 years of age

    I flipped on former Military landing strip lights ( had 4 of them) instant daylight

    never mind where I (found them)

    Kid it’s dog

    “can we keep it?”

    When I hit the lights, the dog sat there not moving just looking at me

    ok dog I’m coming out, grabbed the 12 gauge above the door went out sat down on steps

    the dog never moved , just sat there looking at me

    Kid! go to the fridge

    grab something, she comes back with what was left of supper roast beef and tatoes (few carrots onions )

    skinned over gravy

    So much for lunch tomarrow which I didn’t say but was thinkin it

    started tossing a few tatoes maybe an onion

    the dog just sat there lookin at me

    What the hell dog I said, got up started walking towards the dog, he didn’t move

    I seen no collar, lots of burdock in it’s hair offered the back of my hand while saying

    Bozhoo Aaniish naa ezhiyaayin

    ( hello how are you )

    Wegnesh ezhinkaazin?

    ( what’s your name )

    moving my hand to an ear and rubbing it some

    the dog didn’t move at all, again… what the hell ok this is wierd I’m thinking

    looking down I notice he’s favoring the right paw, it was on the ground but tender like, then I noticed the bloody tracks behind him. Where ever that dog came from, he had walked his pads off, all of them were bloody and worn raw tissue, about half of the front pads were worn off, bloody mush, no wonder the dog just sat there. Umm ok, this is a first, no problem pickin him up, no fight no reaction at all. Thinking total exhaustion

    I still wonder what that dog was thinking while sitting out front

    What sort of humans live here maybe?

    He slept for almost 2 days straight , very gentle taking food from the 3 us

    had to cut a lot hair off because of the burdock burs

    Bear dog never liked being inside I piled up 18 bales straw tossed some plywood sheets over the top

    Bear dog was happy with that

    His tail never wagged like a happy dog would, low wag at best

    Took a good long while for his pads to heal proper

    About a year and a half he stuck around

    I pull up in the truck find the kid cryin and carrying on

    sittin in the truck I’m thinkin… Now what

    with kids, ya never know, I didn’t get no book

    what’s wrong?

    you hurt?

    where’s your mother?

    Bear dog is gone

    add more cryin an carryin on here

    what you mean he’s gone ?

    we looked everywhere , more cryin

    look kid maybe Bear dog was on a journey,

    looking for something maybe someone

    I don’t know

    are you not happy you helped him on his path?

    He was in rather ruff shape

    you did real good with the Bear Dog

    yea, but I miss him already

    me to kid, me to

    Now why I did tell you all that?

    I got this call the other night from the kid about 1000 miles away

    called me because she wanted to talk about Bear dog

    ok kid

    let’s talk about Bear dog


    with kids ya never know

    Bear Dog’s favorite place?

    laying top of the picnic table just watchin

  • What could possibly go wrong?

    What could possibly go wrong?

    Ever wonder if that question is asked in any LAB , government or private.

    The Vision 60 quadruped robot is NOT a dog

    it’s nothing more than wires an circuit boards with blinking lights

    hell a sex doll is all that

    Replacing Women and dogs?

    that’s line that shouldn’t be crossed

    nothing good will come of it

    This here is AMIEE

    AMMIEE is not herself

    Tech. Sgt. John Rodiguez patrols with a Ghost Robotics Vision 60 prototype during the Advanced Battle Management System exercise on Nellis Air Force Base.

    Ghost Robotics doesn’t say much about the Vision 60 on its website, other than calling it “unstoppable” and capable of both “tele-operated” control and autonomous operation. The company claims that using legs is superior to other methods of movement.

    Military robots are inevitable, and robots that mimic actual animals and roles for those animals—in this case military working dogs—will probably be adopted quickly. The airmen in the exercise seem to have taken to the robots, which they openly call dogs.

    No Gentlemen, it’s not a dog, it’s a cold machine

    This is a dog whose name is


    Kabang lost her snout and upper jaw when she leapt in front of a motorcycle to save two little girls in the Philippines.
  • North Korea Confiscates Dogs

    North Korea Confiscates Dogs

    The North Korean regime has launched a crackdown on dog ownership. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un issued a ban on pet ownership in July, denouncing it as “a ‘tainted’ trend by bourgeois ideology.”

    From Chosun Ilbo, a Korean news outlet:

    “Authorities have identified households with pet dogs and are forcing them to give them up or forcefully confiscating them and putting them down.”

    Some of the dogs are sent to state-run zoos or sold to dog meat restaurants, the source added.

    Pet owners are “cursing Kim Jong-un behind his back,” but there is little they can do, according to the source.

    Most dog owners in the impoverished country are well to do, and this stoked resentment among the rest of the people, or so the official line goes.

    “Ordinary people raise pigs and livestock on their porches, but high-ranking officials and the wealthy own pet dogs, which stoked some resentment,” Chosun Ilbo’s source added.

    The move comes as the Hermit Kingdom faces food shortages and is struggling to keep the masses fed.

    This editor is an adventurous eater, but dog is not something I’ve ever eaten, however, it remains a popular dish on the Korean peninsula.