Tag: DOJ

  • DOJ to Investigate Local Officials Opposing Deportations

    DOJ to Investigate Local Officials Opposing Deportations

    Emil Bove with Donald Trump

    The acting Deputy Attorney General Emil Bove has written a memo directing DOJ prosecutors to look into any state or local official who try to obstruct the enforcement of immigration laws.

    Bove, who was Trump’s defense attorney, issued the memo stating it was necessary with Pam Bondi’s nomination still pending and the EO’s regarding the immigration enforcement having already being signed to give needed direction to prosecutors.

    The memo says federal prosecutors must “take all steps necessary to protect the public and secure the American border by removing illegal aliens from the country and prosecuting illegal aliens for crimes committed in U.S. jurisdiction.”

    It directs prosecutors to investigate for potential criminal charges cases in which state and local officials obstruct or impede federal functions. As potential avenues for prosecution, the memo cites a conspiracy offense as well as a law prohibiting the harboring of people in the country illegally.

    “Federal law prohibits state and local actors from resisting, obstructing and otherwise failing to comply with lawful immigration-related commands and requests,” the memo says. “The U.S. Attorney’s Offices and litigating components of the Department of Justice shall investigate incidents involving any such misconduct for potential prosecution.

    You can read the memo here:

  • BREAKING: Hunter Biden Plea Deal Appears to Be ‘Dead and Off Table’

    BREAKING: Hunter Biden Plea Deal Appears to Be ‘Dead and Off Table’

    AP Photo/Susan Walsh

    Nick Arama | RedState

    This is pretty stunning information but it looks now like the plea deal for Hunter Biden — the “sweetheart deal” is off according to reports coming from the court.


    CNN reporter Kara Scannell said:

    She was pressing the prosecution on this investigation and the four corners of this plea agreement .One of the prosecutors said that the investigation was very much ongoing, and then she asked him, well, what is not covered in this plea agreement, if you are leaving the possibility of there being other future charges? So then the judge said, “Would this [the plea agreement] include a possible FARA charge?” That’s not registering as a foreign agent. The prosecutor said no, the deal would not include that.

    It was at that point that she had said to the prosecution, you know, if you are not — if you can charge that, then what does this mean? And the prosecutors — actually, she asked Hunter Biden’s attorneys about that, and he said, “Well, then, there’s no deal.” Then the prosecutor said, “then there is no deal.” So Biden’s team said that the plea agreement, as far as they understood it, was now null and void. They were moving ahead to talk about what the next steps would be in this case. So as of right now the deal appears to be dead and off the table.

    The New York Times is also reporting that the potential that Hunter could still face future charges for failing to register as a foreign agent contributed to the breakdown.


    Original Here

    Frankly, this deal shouldn’t have been on the table. I read somewhere, I forget where exactly, that there have been zero previous deals involving the federal diversion program for 4473 related violations, as it’s against DoJ policy to offer diversion for firearms related offenses. The fact that the crackhead’s err Hunter’s lawyers thought this deal included immunity for any FARA violations is downright funny.

  • Inspector General Reveals Criminal Corruption by Biden US Attorney, AG Merrick Garland Declines to Prosecute

    Inspector General Reveals Criminal Corruption by Biden US Attorney, AG Merrick Garland Declines to Prosecute

    AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

     Bonchie |  RedState

    As RedState reported, Massachusetts US Attorney Rachael Rollins stated her intent to resign on Tuesday in the midst of a DOJ probe into her misconduct while in office. Rollins had served in her role since January 2022, but she had faced increasing pressure to step aside as details of his malfeasance became public.

    Of note is that Rollins was only in her position because Vice President Kamala Harris broke a tie twice to ensure she was appointed. Further, one of the instances of corruption involving the US attorney came via a trip taken with Jill Biden while attending a DNC fundraiser. In other words, Rollins seemed to be pretty close to the power brokers in the Biden administration. She was also widely praised by Democrats in the US Senate.


    But while the ethical violations were already clear, DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz has released his report on the matter, and things are even worse than first thought. According to Horowitz, not only did Rollins act corruptly and abuse her power, but she also broke the law in the process.


    As usual, the cover-up is worse than the crime, and Rollins lied under oath to the Office of the Inspector General when questioned on the situation. She repeatedly denied being the federal law enforcement official that had leaked sensitive information to the Boston Herald. Horowitz further found that she “lacked candor” when questioned about her conversations with a reporter from the Herald. Rollins also apparently ran up against DOJ regulations (and possibly laws) involving the soliciting of illegal gifts as a government official.

    Incredibly, despite so much criminal corruption being laid out so plainly by Horowitz, AG Merrick Garland and the rest of the powers that be at the DOJ decided not to press charges against Rollins.


    There is no argument that Rollins’ lies were not material to any ongoing investigation, which is usually the out DOJ officials use to not prosecute their own. The lies she told were in response to the investigation into her conduct. Worse, she didn’t just lie to a random FBI agent questioning her. She lied to the inspector general himself. If that’s not worthy of persecution, then what is?

    This is why absolutely no one trusts American institutions anymore. There is no rule of law because there are two tiers of justice. If you belong to the Democratic Party and hobnob with Jill Biden, you don’t get prosecuted for lying to the OIG and receiving improper gifts. On the other hand, if you defend your son from being accosted by a pro-abortion zealot, you end up in court with the possibility of a decade in prison on the table.

    Rollins should have been held accountable. There is no excuse to decline to press charges given the extent of her criminal activity and how cut-and-dry it was. This marks yet another politically motivated decision from the DOJ. Throw in on the pile with the rest.

    Original Here

  • Mar-A-Lago Affidavit Released

    Mar-A-Lago Affidavit Released

    Last week, federal magistrate William Reinhardt ordered the DoJ and FBI to produce and release a redacted version of the underlying affidavit used to secure the warrant to search the residence of former President Donald Trump. You can read the warrant below.

    The supporting affidavit for warrants supply information that the magistrate or judge needs to determine if the warrant is supportable. As a rule, those affidavits are kept under seal, however in this case the magistrate determined that there was a compelling public interest for a release. The magistrate issued an order to release the affidavit with suitably redacted. In typical FBI fashion, their internal phone directory is classified after all, the majority of the document is redacted. You can find the complete affidavit here, as I couldn’t find it on scribd or any place else that I could embed from.

    The first few pages cover the statutory information of the laws involved. From there it covers the offences and finally any supporting evidence of potential crimes. The redactions start at the top and are liberally sprinkled through the first sections of the affidavit, and these are mostly understandable as they are names of FBI agents and others. Once the document gets to the supporting evidence, it turns into a blob of black.

    There are several pages that are nothing but heading numbers and redactions. Even the section that lays out the probable cause is redacted.

    Now, on to my thoughts. As a former holder of a TS/SCI clearance, a couple of things stand out to me. First, and really the most important, POTUS IS the classification authority. If he decides that something is either classified or not, that is that. Anything else is window dressing. I realize that Trump is now a former President, but any declassifications he made while in office are still valid. Second, and I know some of you may disagree, if there were NDI (national defense Intelligence) marked documents in his possession, declassified or not, they shouldn’t have been in some storage room at Mar-A-Lago with a single lock on the door. There were multiple reports of Trump being somewhat cavalier with classified documents while in office. I can see no reason why that would have changed. Third, and finally, this smacks of a political hit job. The Courts have ruled many times that the fPOTUS’s decisions on what constitute personal records are not up for judicial review, the Presidential Records act not withstanding. Why the acting director of the National Archives believed that she could or should press this issue is beyond me.

    In closing I’ll leave you with a quote from Richard Nixon. “Well, when the president does it … that means that it is not illegal

  • Law Professor Blasts DOJ…

    Law Professor Blasts DOJ…

    As everyone has seen/read, the DOJ has been leaking like a sieve since the Mar-a-Lago incursion. It seems a well known Democrat, who just happens to be a law professor had some words on this leaking.

    Law Professor Blasts DOJ’s Selective Leaks of Trump Raid Affidavit

    “While the Justice Department has been demanding absolute secrecy, the media has been reporting all of these leaks from the government that are clearly meant to put the Trump team on the defense. These are things going to the past communications with the Trump team. What were they looking for? What caused the search? All of that is sort of leaking out regularly as they are in court telling the judge, my God, don’t release one iota of this affidavit or our investigation will be compromised,” 

    Turley said during an interview with Fox News this week. 

    The DOJ/FBI credibility was already extremely suspect. There is no supposition as to their credibility anymore! They tossed it in a dumpster and lite it on fire.

  • Wait, What?  Jake Sullivan’s Wife Is AG Merrick Garland’s…

    Wait, What? Jake Sullivan’s Wife Is AG Merrick Garland’s…

    Wait, What? Jake Sullivan’s Wife Is AG Merrick Garland’s Legal Counsel At DOJ?

    The first words that crossed my mind were “SERIOUSLY?!”   Joe Biden’s National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, is married to Attorney General Merrick Garland’s legal counsel at the DOJ?….  What the…

    The same Jake Sullivan who was one of Hillary Clinton’s foot soldiers, a foreign policy advisor pushing the fraudulent Trump-Russia conspiracy theory, is now Joe Biden’s national security advisor.  That was always sketchy by itself.  However, to discover that Sullivan’s wife, Margaret Goodlander, is the legal counsel to Attorney General Merrick Garland, opens up an entire world of conflict issues.

    As noted by Chuck Ross, Attorney General Merrick Garland is being advised by Jake Sullivan’s wife and overseeing the John Durham criminal probe, which is looking into the role of Jake Sullivan in the construct of the fabricated Trump-Russia conspiracy, the use of the FBI as a political tool, and Sullivan’s lies in testimony to congress.

    (Washington Free Beacon) – A top adviser to Attorney General Merrick Garland is facing calls to recuse herself from the Justice Department’s investigation of the Trump-Russia probe, which has looked into the actions of her husband, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan. (read more)

    Comment/Opinion: This too will set your wheels a spinning as to why, no one ever seems to be held accountable on any level.

    “It’s all in the family for some well-known members of the Biden administration.

    White House press secretary Jen Psaki, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, national security adviser Jake Sullivan, senior adviser Anita Dunn, White House counselor Steve Richetti, deputy chief of staff Bruce Reed and Presidential Personnel Office Director Cathy Russell each have at least one direct family member working for the Biden administration.”

  • Yikes: Overtly Political CIA and DOJ Covered up Deep State Child Sex Crimes

    Yikes: Overtly Political CIA and DOJ Covered up Deep State Child Sex Crimes

    Just in case your trust in the CIA and other aspects of the intelligence community hadn’t already fully dissipated, I think this latest story might do the trick.

    According to Buzzfeed, almost a dozen CIA employees were caught committing sex crimes, including against children, and were never properly brought to justice. The DOJ, even when the cases were referred to them, passed on prosecution in all but a single instance.

    This is what a two-tiered justice system looks like.

    Over the past 14 years, the Central Intelligence Agency has secretly amassed credible evidence that at least 10 of its employees and contractors committed sexual crimes involving children.

    Though most of these cases were referred to US attorneys for prosecution, only one of the individuals was ever charged with a crime. Prosecutors sent the rest of the cases back to the CIA to handle internally, meaning few faced any consequences beyond the possible loss of their jobs and security clearances.

    The crimes in question are horrific and would have landed a normal American in jail for possibly decades. Here’s a description of some of what occurred.

    One employee had sexual contact with a 2-year-old and a 6-year-old. He was fired. A second employee purchased three sexually explicit videos of young girls, filmed by their mothers. He resigned. A third employee estimated that he had viewed up to 1,400 sexually abusive images of children while on agency assignments. The records do not say what action, if any, the CIA took against him. A contractor who arranged for sex with an undercover FBI agent posing as a child had his contract revoked.

    The revelations appear to date back to the last few months of the George W. Bush years and continued into Barack Obama’s tenure. Requests for information that would have exposed these acts date back to 2012 and were made as recently as 2020.

    What was the excuse for the DOJ not pressing charges in response? They were apparently concerned with exposing “sources and the methods.” So sexual predators were allowed to go free, only facing inter-agency disciplinary action, over the bogus concern that actually charging them would somehow hurt national security.

    That’s an insane contention. We are talking about people who raped kids and viewed masses of child pornography, not super-secret double-agents working to take down China. There is no logic behind the idea that they couldn’t have been prosecuted. Instead, it’s much more likely that the DOJ passed on prosecution for the same reason they always do when it comes to the FBI, CIA, and DOJ itself — because they are all about protecting their own bureaucracies. Had this gotten out in the public sooner, it would have been embarrassing, and they can’t have that. I believe it’s that simple.

    Meanwhile, these are the same outfits that sat on their high horses during the entirety of the Donald Trump administration, squealing about “foreign interference” and pretending they weren’t overtly political. Remember, all of this was known while John Brennan served as CIA Director under Obama. He didn’t ask for accountability, instead, keeping everything hidden. Then he went on MSNBC and CNN every week and waxed poetic about the evils of supposed “Russian collusion.” What a sick, sick way of thinking.

    The deep state is real, and it’s absolutely disgusting.

    December 2, 2021 By: Bonchie https://redstate.com/bonchie/2021/12/02/yikes-overtly-political-cia-and-doj-covered-up-deep-state-child-sex-crimes-n485477

    Opinion/Comment: This is one of the necessary first steps in bringing down the Deep State and scattering them to the “wind”. They have NO fear of being exposed of their illegal arms deals, illegal drug trade, or fiat currency scam. No – no, what they fear the most is the public being made aware & witness to their violent and horrific crimes against our future. Our Children.

  • Rank and Vile !

    Rank and Vile !

    Rank and Vile – Stunning Inspector General Report Shows FBI Facilitating Predator Coach Larry Nassar Rape of U.S. Gymnasts – Worse, The FBI Lied to Investigators and Then The DOJ Refused to Prosecute

    An absolutely damning Inspector General investigation of FBI conduct in the rape and sexual assault of U.S. Gymnasts reveals how FBI agents facilitated Nassar’s sex crimes by taking no action despite numerous witness statements to them.

    Worse yet, the FBI never reported the sexual assaults to local law enforcement… and to top it off, the FBI agents lied during the investigation of their conduct, and the DOJ under AG Bill Barr refused to prosecute the FBI liars.

    The entire IG report [Must Read pdf Here] reveals layer-upon-layer of FBI wrongdoing, misconduct and false statements in an effort to cover-up their activity when the internal investigation of their conduct began.  This report is a total condemnation of the FBI rank and file.  It really is quite stunning.

    IG Report Excerpt – […] “The OIG found that, despite the extraordinarily serious nature of the allegations and the possibility that Nassar’s conduct could be continuing, senior officials in the FBI Indianapolis Field Office failed to respond to the Nassar allegations with the utmost seriousness and urgency that they deserved and required, made numerous and fundamental errors when they did respond to them, and violated multiple FBI policies.

    The Indianapolis Field Office did not undertake any investigative activity until September 2nd, five weeks after the meeting with USA Gymnastics—when they telephonically interviewed one of the three athletes. Further, FBI Indianapolis never interviewed the other two gymnasts who they were told were available to meet with FBI investigators.

    This absence of any serious investigative activity was compounded when the Indianapolis Field Office did not transfer the matter to the FBI office (the Lansing Resident Agency), where venue most likely would have existed had evidence been developed to support the potential federal crimes being considered, even though the Indianapolis office had been advised to do so by the USAO and had told USA Gymnastics that the transfer had occurred.

    Additionally, the Indianapolis office did not notify state or local authorities of the sexual assault allegations even though it questioned whether there was federal jurisdiction to pursue them. As a result, the Lansing Resident Agency did not learn of the Nassar allegations until over a year after they were first reported to the FBI and then learned of them only from the MSUPD. 

    Moreover, the FBI conducted no investigative activity in the matter for more than 8 months following the September 2015 interview. During that period of time, as alleged and detailed in numerous civil complaints, Nassar’s sexual assaults continued.” (read full report)

    Do not overlook this part:

    The FBI responded to the IG report with this statement:

    FBI Response to IG  – “As the Inspector General made clear in today’s report, this should not have happened. The FBI will never lose sight of the harm that Nassar’s abuse caused. The actions and inactions of certain FBI employees described in the report are inexcusable and a discredit to this organization. The FBI has taken affirmative steps to ensure and has confirmed that those responsible for the misconduct and breach of trust no longer work FBI matters.

    Prior to today, the FBI initiated improvements to make sure that serious allegations, such as these, are promptly shared with our law enforcement partners and within the FBI. As a continuation of these efforts, the FBI is fully committed to implementing all of the recommendations made by the Inspector General.

    We will take all necessary steps to ensure that the failures of the employees outlined in the report do not happen again.” (link)

    July 14, 2021 https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/07/14/rank-and-vile-stunning-inspector-general-report-shows-fbi-facilitating-predator-coach-larry-nassar-rape-of-u-s-gymnasts-worse-the-fbi-lied-to-investigators-and-then-the-doj-refused-to-prosecute/

    Comment: There will be no fixing the FBI. As I have pointed out before on numerous occasions; between the FBI, CIA & DoJ it is simply a series of events/FF & cover-ups from all parties. This is very serious business & very serious times and a continuation will totally erode the stability, confidence & trust. If indeed trust even exists at this point.

  • DOJ Declares 3 Cities “Anarchical”

    DOJ Declares 3 Cities “Anarchical”

    The Department of Justice released a statement today labelling three cities as anarchical cities, bereft of law, order, and leadership:

    The U.S. Department of Justice today identified the following three jurisdictions that have permitted violence and destruction of property to persist and have refused to undertake reasonable measures to counteract criminal activities: New York City; Portland, Oregon; and Seattle, Washington. The Department of Justice is continuing to work to identify jurisdictions that meet the criteria set out in the President’s Memorandum and will periodically update the list of selected jurisdictions as required therein.

    The list was published on DOJ’s website today in response to President Trump’s memorandum of September 2, 2020, entitled “Memorandum on Reviewing Funding to State and Local Government Recipients That Are Permitting Anarchy, Violence, and Destruction in American Cities.” 

    “When state and local leaders impede their own law enforcement officers and agencies from doing their jobs, it endangers innocent citizens who deserve to be protected, including those who are trying to peacefully assemble and protest,” said Attorney General William P. Barr.  “We cannot allow federal tax dollars to be wasted when the safety of the citizenry hangs in the balance. It is my hope that the cities identified by the Department of Justice today will reverse course and become serious about performing the basic function of government and start protecting their own citizens.”

    The criteria used to determine what cities are designated as such is below:

    •Whether a jurisdiction forbids the police force from intervening to restore order amid widespread or sustained violence or destruction.

    •Whether a jurisdiction has withdrawn law enforcement protection from a geographical area or structure that law enforcement officers are lawfully entitled to access but have been officially prevented from accessing or permitted to access only in exceptional circumstances, except when law enforcement officers are briefly withheld as a tactical decision intended to resolve safely and expeditiously a specific and ongoing unlawful incident posing an imminent threat to the safety of individuals or law enforcement officers.

    •Whether a jurisdiction disempowers or defunds police departments.

    •Whether a jurisdiction unreasonably refuses to accept offers of law enforcement assistance from the Federal Government.

    •Any other related factors the Attorney General deems appropriate.

    So far, the following cities have been designated:

    New York City

    • Shootings in New York City have been on the rise since looting and protests began on or about May 28, 2020.  For July 2020, shootings increased from 88 to 244, an increase of 177% over July 2019.  In August 2020, shootings increased from 91 to 242, a 166% increase over August 2019.
    • While the city faced increased unrest, gun violence, and property damage, the New York City Council cut $1 billion from NYPD’s FY21 budget.
    • The budget resulted in the cancellation of the new police recruiting class, cuts to overtime spending, and the transfer of certain police functions, including school safety, out of the NYPD.
    • Meanwhile, the Manhattan and Brooklyn District Attorneys have declined to prosecute charges of disorderly conduct and unlawful assembly arising from the protests, and the District Attorneys in Queens and the Bronx have declined to prosecute other protest-related charges.
    • Both Mayor de Blasio and Governor Cuomo have forcefully rejected federal law enforcement support.

    Portland, Oregon

    • This month, Portland marked 100 consecutive nights of protests marred by vandalism, chaos, and even killing.
    • Those bent on violence regularly started fires, threw projectiles at law enforcement officers, and destroyed property. Numerous law enforcement officers, among others, suffered injury.
    • Shootings increased by more than 140% in June and July 2020 compared to the same period last year.
    • In the midst of this violence, the Portland City Council cut $15 million from the police bureau, eliminating 84 positions. Crucially, the cuts included the Gun Violence Reduction Team, which investigates shootings, and several positions from the police team that responds to emergency incidents.
    • In August, Portland Mayor Wheeler sent a letter to President Trump expressly rejecting the Administration’s offer of federal law enforcement to stop the violent protests.

    Seattle, Washington

    • For nearly a month, starting in June, the City of Seattle permitted anarchists and activists to seize six square blocks of the city’s Capitol Hill neighborhood, naming their new enclave the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” (CHAZ) and then the “Capitol Hill Occupied Protest” (CHOP).
    • Law enforcement and fire fighters were precluded from entering the territory.  The Seattle Police Department was ordered to abandon their precinct within the CHOP.
    • Person-related crime in the CHOP increased 525% from the same period of time in the same area the year before, including by Mayor Durkan’s own count “two additional homicides, 6 additional robberies, and 16 additional aggravated assaults (to include 2 additional non-fatal shootings).”
    • The CHOP was allowed to stand for nearly a month, during which time two teenagers were shot and killed in the zone.
    • The Seattle City Council, Mayor Durkan, and Washington Governor Jay Inslee publicly rejected federal involvement in law enforcement activities within the city of Seattle.