Tag: Drones

  • New Biden Policy on Drone Use Says Fighting Terrorism Is No Longer a US Priority

    New Biden Policy on Drone Use Says Fighting Terrorism Is No Longer a US Priority

    FILE – This Sunday, Jan. 31, 2010 file photo shows a U.S. Predator drone as it flies over the moon above Kandahar Air Field, southern Afghanistan. A U.S. drone fired a pair of missiles that hit a vehicle in northwestern Pakistan, near the Afghan border killing three suspected militants, in Datta Khel village of North Waziristan tribal region at about midnight Thursday, two intelligence officials said. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth, File)

     streiff | RedState

    The New York Times has obtained an unclassified version of the Biden White House’s drone strike and commando raid policy away from conventional battlefields. This policy prescribes how US forces may use drones and deploy US commandos to kill or capture high-value targets (HVT). In most cases, a strike requires the personal okay of Joe Biden, and there must be a “near certainty” that no civilians will be injured. These rules overturn a more permissive set of rules promulgated by President Trump.

    How Does This Change Things?

    According to “a senior administration official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive security matters,” the new policy only recognizes Iraq and Syria as conventional battlefields. In the past, Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan were considered areas of conflict.

    This means that nearly all strikes by drones, Delta Force, or Navy SEALs will require Biden’s personal approval. In the past, lower-ranking officers were allowed to make calls. What it means, in fact, is that we will never authorize a strike or raid against a target not in Iraq or Syria because by the time Biden can be given enough methamphetamine to keep him lucid and briefed on the mission, the target will have disappeared.

    There is a carve-out in the policy for

    strikes carried out in defense of American forces stationed abroad or in the “collective self-defense” of partner forces trained and equipped by the United States. Such strikes are permitted in the cases of “foreign partners and allies who are under attack or are threatened with an imminent attack,” the document says.

    This expands the area of decentralized drone use to include places like Somalia, where US-armed and trained Somali soldiers fight an Islamic insurgency.

    Under President Trump, the standard for direct action was that “due care” be taken to prevent civilian casualties. Under the new system, your career is at risk if anything goes wrong. Like the rule on personal approval by Biden, this rule assures no strikes will be made.

    The policy requires the Pentagon and CIA to publish annual reports quantifying the number of drone strikes and civilians killed and injured in those strikes. The Trump administration did not issue reports. Like the previous changes, this makes authorizing any strikes a high-risk, potential-prison-time affair and “do nothing” as the safest course of action. I think we’re seeing a pattern.

    All terrorist risks to the US and its overseas installations must be prioritized “amid competing national-security threats and resource constraints.” Translated, this means that fighting terrorism has ceased to be a priority.

    The Impact

    Even without the new policy, drone strikes were out of favor with the Biden White House. The number of drone strikes dropped dramatically under President Trump due to winding down the war in Afghanistan, but they have cratered under Biden. In 2019 there were 224 strikes; in 2020, there were 56; and in 2021, there were 13. No numbers are available for 2022.

    The policy only permits drone strikes in situations where drone operators “operators deem “infeasible” any option of capturing the targeted person alive in a commando raid.” I have no idea how a drone operator could make such a call or why anyone would take such a call made outside of a SOF planning cell as anything but laughable. We can take a moment, though, to examine what happens next. In Steven Coll’s book Ghost Wars, he described how the Clinton administration allowed itself to tie itself in knots and permit Osama bin Laden to live freely in an area where we had quite a bit of reach. Executive Order 12333, signed by Ronald Reagan, prohibits US involvement in assassination. The Clinton Administration determined that killing bin Laden would violate this order. So any plan to get bin Laden had to have a plausible way to capture and extract him from Afghanistan. Getting people to kill him was easy; the CIA was offered multiple chances to use in-country allies to do just that. What they could never develop was a plausible plan to get him out of Afghanistan. This will have much the same effect. Every potential hit will have to be studied to show that capture isn’t possible. By then, the target will have moved on.

    This policy, on paper, would not have prevented the drone strike that wiped out an Afghan family, see That’ll Teach ‘Em. US Drone Strike Targeting Suicide Bombers in Kabul Kills Family of Nine, Including Four Kids Under Age Five. This is because US military forces were in the area, making it a “conventional battlefield” and under imminent threat of attack. In reality, it would have almost certainly stopped the drone strike because no one would take the risk of calling the shot. The follow-up attack against the “planner” of the suicide attack on US forces at the Kabul airport would probably never happened because it would have required presidential approval, see Biden Makes Good on Threat: US Airstrike Targets ISIS Member in Retaliation for Kabul Bombing.

    Bottom Line

    This policy basically ends the US war on international terrorism that began on September 11, 2001. It raises the bar so high for using drones that it will be nearly impossible to get the requisite permission in a timely manner. Before any drone attack can be ordered, a feasibility study has to determine that Delta or SEALs can’t capture and exfiltrate the target alive. The White House is in the kill chain.

    We are back to where the Clinton White House was. You can be mostly opposed to drone strikes and still see how this is not a good thing.

    The decision to honor a FOIA request for a classified document and provide experts to talk about it on background shows the Biden White House is sending a message to the world that it is no longer interested in keeping terrorist organizations from gaining the initiative.

    Original Here

  • The Good, the Bad and the Incredibly Ugly

    The Good, the Bad and the Incredibly Ugly


    Swarms of inexpensive drones, please meet your archnemesis – THOR

    Task & Purpose photo illustration / Air Force digital image

    A new Air Force weapon will wipe out drone swarms with the push of a button

    One of the biggest threats to U.S. troops abroad isn’t a stealth fighter, a nuclear missile, or a massive cyber attack. It’s a swarm of cheap drones that can overwhelm the expensive defense systems troops have on hand now.

    “I’m talking about the [drone] you can go out and buy at Costco right now in the United States for a thousand dollars, four quad, rotorcraft or something like that that can be launched and flown,” Marine Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, the head of U.S. Central Command said last summer. “And with very simple modifications, it can be made into something that can drop a weapon like a hand grenade or something else.”

    In sufficient numbers, those drones can spy on friendly bases, destroy infrastructure and attack personnel, explained the Air Force Research Laboratory in a recent video. How? Because machine guns don’t have the range or accuracy to destroy the nimble fliers; anti-aircraft missiles are too expensive to use on the cheap devices; and most military bases don’t have enough missiles to destroy an entire swarm.

    Enter Thor, the Norse god of Thunder, who serves as the namesake to one of the Air Force’s newest weapons. While the Air Force’s Tactical High Power Operational Responder (THOR) may not look like a hero, it could save the day for American troops if their far-flung combat outposts are ever attacked by hundreds of cheap kamikaze-style enemy drones.

    THOR isn’t much to look at: the weapon consists of a big satellite dish mounted on top of a 20-foot long shipping crate. But simplicity is a virtue, as the weapon can be transported easily aboard a C-130 transport plane and set up within three hours by a crew of two, according to the Air Force Research laboratory, which is leading the development of THOR.

    Once THOR is set up, it can detect an incoming threat and silently shoot a beam of energy to knock out drones in a wide target area, exactly like what you might find in a drone swarm. The beam is a high-powered microwave that instantly triggers a counter-electronic effect in the targeted drone. AFRL boasted that the system took out hundreds of drones in real-world tests. That real world setting may have been somewhere in Africa, where the Air Force tested out THOR starting in December.

    “I’ve watched it in action and it’s really quite impressive,” said Air Force chief scientist Richard Joseph at the time.




    The State of New Hampshire and some of its residents have schooled “River Dave” Lidstone in most brutal fashion: A good man living off the grid on other people’s property may reap bad rewards, if government finds out

    David Lidstone, 81, who for nearly three decades has lived in the woods of Canterbury, N.H. along the Merrimack River in a shack, growing his own food and cutting his firewood. JODIE GEDEON VIA AP

    Fire burns cabin of New Hampshire man jailed after nearly 3 decades in the woods

    For almost three decades, 81-year-old David Lidstone has lived in the woods of New Hampshire along the Merrimack River in a small cabin adorned with solar panels. He has grown his own food, cut his own firewood, and tended to his pets and chickens.

    But his off-the-grid existence has been challenged in court by a property owner who says he’s been squatting for all those years. And to make Lidstone’s matters worse, his cabin was burned to the ground Wednesday afternoon in a blaze that is being investigated by local authorities.

    Lidstone, or “River Dave” as he’s known by boaters and kayakers, was jailed July 15 on a civil contempt sanction. He was told he’d be released if he agreed to leave the cabin, but he has stayed put.

    “You came with your guns, you arrested me, brought me in here, you’ve got all my possessions. You keep ’em,” Lidstone told a judge in a court appearance Wednesday morning. “I’ll sit here with your uniform on until I rot, sir.”




    A female driver in Los Angeles has shown us there is no need to change one’s plans for the day after causing an automobile accident, even if the accident was running over and killing a 91-year old woman

    Up to $50,000 reward offered by LAPD for info on the driver of this vehicle

    Fatal Hit-and-Run NR21202

    Los Angeles: The Los Angeles Police Department’s South Traffic Division detectives are asking for the public’s help in providing any information that would lead to the identification of a hit-and-run driver involved in a traffic collision that resulted in the death of a pedestrian.

    On August 2, 2021 at 7:00 a.m., an elderly woman, approximately 91-years-old, was struck while walking across an alley on Ellendale Place just south of Adams Blvd. The vehicle was traveling westbound in the alley backing unsafely when the suspect vehicle collided with a pedestrian that was walking westbound in the alley.

    The driver exited the vehicle and observed the pedestrian laying on the roadway. The driver moved the vehicle out of the roadway, stood around her vehicle for approximately three minutes, then returned to her vehicle and left the location failing to render aid.

    The Los Angeles Fire Department responded and transported the victim to California Hospital where she died from her injuries.


  • So – Just “Who” Is Driving This Ship?

    So – Just “Who” Is Driving This Ship?

    Some very strange reports continue to surface

    And by that – what do I mean?

    4 ships off UAE in Gulf of Oman warn they’ve lost control

    DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — At least four ships off the coast of the United Arab Emirates broadcast warnings Tuesday that they had lost control of their steering under unclear circumstances as authorities reported “an incident” was underway in the area.

    It wasn’t immediately clear what was happening off the coast of Fujairah in the Gulf of Oman.

    The vessels — oil tankers called Queen Ematha, the Golden Brilliant, Jag Pooja and Abyss — announced around the same time via their Automatic Identification System trackers that they were “not under command,” according to MarineTraffic.com. That typically means a vessel has lost power and can no longer steer.

    The British military’s United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations only warned ships that “an incident is currently underway,” without elaborating. An Oman Royal Air Force Airbus C-295MPA, a maritime patrol aircraft, was flying over the area where the ships were, according to data from FlightRadar24.com.

    The U.S. military’s Mideast-based 5th Fleet and the British Defense Ministry did not immediately return calls for comment. The Emirati government did not immediately acknowledge the incident.

    The event comes just days after a drone struck an oil tanker linked to an Israeli billionaire off the coast of Oman, killing two crew members. The West blamed Iran for the attack, which marked the first known assault to have killed civilians in the yearslong shadow war targeting commercial vessels in the region.

    Iran denied playing any role in the incident, though Tehran and its allied militias have used similar “suicide” drones in attacks previously.

    Israel, the United States and United Kingdom vowed a “collective response” to the attack, without elaborating.

    And now another ship appears to be in trouble


    So – what exactly is taking place on the high seas?