Tag: Duty

  • Duty


    That which a person is bound by moral obligation to do or not to do           

    Webster’s New Collegiate: circa 1941

    As a citizen of this nation, we have a moral obligation to be cognizant of current affairs and how they will affect the population at large.  This duty is often ignored by lack of engagement, complacency and procrastination.  We might also include willful ignorance, but as a citizen we have no excuse when we fail to do our duty to not only ourselves, but our fellow citizens as well.

    Duty is the grandest of ideas, because it implies the idea of God, of the soul, of liberty, of responsibility, of immortality.

    Jean Baptiste Lacordaire (1802-1861) Fr. Dominican friar

    What is most concerning about this is that what befalls one befalls all.  Do they think that simply because they have good intentions but fail to become involved that they will be spared the consequences of non-engagement?  If that is what they think, they are sadly mistaken.    

    The “Deep State” seems to have no conscience in that it is “Hell Bent” on fulfilling its devious agenda.  An agenda that seeks to remain in power despite the efforts of honest men to make corrections in the path of government and the way it deals with the citizenry.  

    All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. 

    Thomas Jefferson

    We need look no further than the travesty that is January 6, 2021 to see the depths to which the Deep State will go to thwart any effort to rein in their powers.  If you believe I have over-stated the issue, you have not been paying attention and that is the very issue I am trying to high-light.

    If we as citizens fail to recognize the looming disaster, we deserve whatever befalls us!  The construction of a “Police State” is and has been in the rear-view mirror for some time.  It is with care that we must gather our resources to dismantle this threat to our Republic.  Failure is not an option if we are to retain that which the Founders created.

    This nation was founded on the preposition that “We the People” were the government, not courts and judges who feel it is their right to wield power over us making us subjects, (slaves) instead of citizens.  If “We the People’ are to retain our status, we must fight and destroy the Deep State.  We must never allow “Government of the People, by the People and for the People” to be silenced, for if we do, we are no more than serfs.

    Walt Mow 2023

  • Duty


    That which a person is bound by moral obligation to do or not to do           

    Webster’s New Collegiate: circa 1941

    Duty is the grandest of ideas, because it implies the idea of God, of the soul, of liberty, of responsibility, of immortality.

    Jean Baptiste Lacordaire (1802-1861) Fr. Dominican friar

    As a citizen of this nation, we have a moral obligation to be cognizant of current affairs and how they will affect the population at large.  This duty is often ignored by lack of engagement, complacency and procrastination.  We might also include willful ignorance, but as a citizen we have no excuse when we fail to do our duty to not only ourselves, but our fellow citizens as well.

    What is most concerning about this is that what befalls one befalls all.  Do they think that simply because they have good intentions but fail to become involved that they will be spared the consequences of non-engagement?  If that is what they think, they are sadly mistaken.    

    All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. 

    Thomas Jefferson

    The “Deep State” seems to have no conscience in that it is “Hell Bent” on fulfilling its devious agenda.  An agenda that seeks to remain in power despite the efforts of honest men to make corrections in the path of government and the way it deals with the citizenry.  

    We need look no further than the travesty that is January 6, 2021 to see the depths to which the Deep State will go to thwart any effort to rein in their powers.  If you believe I have over-stated the issue, you have not been paying attention and that is the very issue I am trying to high-light.

    If we as citizens fail to recognize the looming disaster, we deserve whatever befalls us!  The construction of a “Police State” is and has been in the rear-view mirror for some time.  It is with care that we must gather our resources to dismantle this threat to our Republic.  Failure is not an option if we are to retain that which the Founders created.

    This nation was founded on the preposition that “We the People” were the government, not courts and judges who feel it is their right to wield power over us making us subjects, (slaves) instead of citizens.  If “We the People’ are to retain our status, we must fight and destroy the Deep State.  We must never allow “Government of the People, by the People and for the People” to be silenced, for if we do, we are no more than serfs.

    Walt Mow 2023