Tag: Election Fraud

  • White House Occupant Delivers Angry Speech in Philadelphia

    White House Occupant Delivers Angry Speech in Philadelphia

    White House Occupant Delivers Angry Speech in Philadelphia Demanding All Resources Must Activate to Defend His Legitimacy

    The speech Joe Biden delivered Tuesday in Philadelphia was not the rant of a righteous or confident man.  [READ IT HERE]  Instead the speech was a bitter, angry and divisive plea for help from those extreme leftists who supported his installation.

    The need for control is a reaction to fear.  That fear was what Biden displayed above all other attributes.  A fear that more American people will begin to see the false construct of his installation.  A fear that those who perpetrated the fraud of his election will be exposed because the scale of their manipulation is far too great to continue hiding.

    The fear that a small amount of actual investigation, with more audits looming, will reveal how a few key corrupt counties coordinated a massive election fraud.  Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, the location of Tuesday’s sanctimonious diatribe -delivered by a naked emperor- was the location of the largest fraud.  Other locations include: Clark County (NV), Fulton County (GA), Maricopa County (AZ), Wayne County (Mich) and Milwaukee County (Wisc).

    The angry speech was full of projection, denial and extreme defensiveness.

    Yup, the need for control is a reaction to fear, and it was very obvious Joe Biden feels the control is slipping away.  The White House has never been more defensive than they were Tuesday.  Biden demanded the DOJ, FBI, DHS and every agency of the executive branch must initiate a full defense of his regime.  It was not a good look… it reeked of FEAR.  [Full Speech Here] Link: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2021/07/13/remarks-by-president-biden-on-protecting-the-sacred-constitutional-right-to-vote/

    “The assault on free and fair elections is just such a threat, literally. I’ve said it before: We’re are facing the most significant test of our democracy since the Civil War. That’s not hyperbole. Since the Civil War. … I’m not saying this to alarm you; I’m saying this because you should be alarmed.”  ~ Joe Biden
    July 14, 2021 https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/07/14/white-house-occupant-delivers-angry-speech-in-philadelphia-demanding-all-resources-must-activate-to-defend-his-legitimacy/

    Comment: So, is this an admission & command for the Federal agencies to weaponize against the states? “Biden demanded the DOJ, FBI, DHS and every agency of the executive branch must initiate a full defense of his regime

  • Wow, It was McSwain – Bill Barr Efforts to Block Investigation of Election Fraud

    Wow, It was McSwain – Bill Barr Efforts to Block Investigation of Election Fraud

    Wow, It was McSwain – President Trump Releases US Attorney Letter Notifying Him of Bill Barr Efforts to Block Investigation of Election Fraud

    Yesterday we were uncertain if it was US Attorney William M McSwain who notified President Trump of Bill Barr’s corruption and blocking of election investigations. {Go Deep}  Today President Trump released the letter confirming it was McSwain.  [pdf HERE]

    In previous comments attributed to AG Bill Barr,  he claimed to have seen no evidence of election fraud.  The Atlantic Article cites Bill Barr stating to an AP journalist December 1st 2020: ” To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election,” and then the article covers the fallout with the White House from that AP interview.

    There’s a big difference between not seeing election fraud and purposefully blocking a United States Attorney from investigating allegations of fraud with a motive not to see it.  This is blood-boiling:


    You can read the full BACKSTORY HERE.

    July 13, 2021 https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/07/12/wow-it-was-mcswain-president-trump-releases-us-attorney-letter-notifying-him-of-bill-barr-efforts-to-block-investigation-of-election-fraud/

  • Small Problem With Barr’s Profanity-Laced Claim

    Small Problem With Barr’s Profanity-Laced Claim

    There’s a Small Problem With Barr’s Profanity-Laced Claim About No Election Fraud

    Yesterday, we reported how former Attorney General Bill Barr left no doubt he was exiting the Trump orbit when he told ABC’s Jonathan Karl what he thought about the claims of election fraud. He sat down with Karl in a series of interviews for a piece in The Atlantic in the spring. The piece regarding the interviews was published yesterday.

    From The Atlantic:

    “My attitude was: It was put-up or shut-up time,” Barr told me. “If there was evidence of fraud, I had no motive to suppress it. But my suspicion all the way along was that there was nothing there. It was all bullshit.”

    Now, we pointed out how, even if he thought there was no election fraud, it was pretty vile to go to Karl, someone who was constantly attacking the Trump administration.

    But there’s another point to be made here, and it’s even revealed in The Atlantic story, as President Donald Trump’s attorney, Jenna Ellis, points out.


    According to The Atlantic, the DOJ never opened a formal investigation into any of the claims.

    Think about that for a second. Of course, if they never open any investigation, they’re never going to find anything. Yet he applied that expletive to it anyway.

    So what did he actually do, if anything?

    According to The Atlantic:

    As proof of fraud, Trump’s allies had pointed to videos showing boxes filled with ballots arriving at the TCF Center, in Detroit, to be counted after the 8 p.m. deadline for votes to be cast. But Barr quickly found that there was a logical explanation. It had to do with how the 662 precincts in Wayne County, home to Detroit, tabulate their votes. “In every other county, they count the ballots at the precinct, but in Wayne County, they bring them into one central counting place. So the boxes are coming in all night. The fact that boxes are coming in—well, that’s what they do.” [….]

    Barr also looked into allegations that voting machines across the country were rigged to switch Trump votes to Biden votes. He received two briefings from cybersecurity experts at the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI. “We realized from the beginning it was just bullshit,” Barr told me, noting that even if the machines somehow changed the count, it would show up when they were recounted by hand. “It’s a counting machine, and they save everything that was counted. So you just reconcile the two. There had been no discrepancy reported anywhere, and I’m still not aware of any discrepancy.”

    That’s it. As Ellis framed it, no interviews of witnesses or investigations into any of the affidavits.

    So how do you ascribe that expletive to it, when you’ve done virtually nothing to look into it?
    By: Nick Arama – June 28, 2021 https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/06/28/theres-a-small-problem-with-barrs-profanity-laced-claim-about-no-election-fraud-n403478

    Comment: Uill, Will beag – chan eil thu nad ionmhas gun tagradh

  • SCOTUS to Hear Election Fraud Cases

    SCOTUS to Hear Election Fraud Cases

    SCOTUS to Hear Election Fraud Cases for Pennsylvania, Michigan & Georgia

    Supreme Court schedules cases from Sidney Powell, Rep. Mike Kelly & Lin Wood

    The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) is set to hear a number of high-profile election fraud cases.

    The SCOTUS is now scheduled to consider the voter fraud cases for Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia on February 19, 2021.

    Justices will hear the cases that allege widespread fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

    Among those to be heard are Republican Rep. Mike Kelly’s Pennsylvania election case, pro-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell’s Michigan election case, and attorney Lin Wood’s Georgia election case.

    BREAKING: The United States Supreme Court has scheduled the Pennsylvania election case, Sidney Powell’s Michigan election case, and Lin Wood’s Georgia election case for its February 19 conference— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) February 5, 2021

    The cases include challenges to the 2020 election results.

    The cases challenge the 2020 election results and take issue with mail-in ballots

    Nearly every lawsuit takes issue with the expanded use of mail-in ballots by many states, according to The Washington Examiner.

    The decision came after the court declined to fast-track all election-related litigation in early January.

    In nearly every plea for expedition, lawyers backing President Donald Trump told the court that if the cases were not heard before Joe Biden’s inauguration, their success would be unlikely.


    But after the court pushed them off, many lawyers said that the challenges were still important and could have long-term implications for election fairness.

    Trump lawyer John Eastman told the Washington Examiner that even with Trump out of office, it was important to settle the issues raised by expanded mail-in voting.

    “Our legal issue,” he said, referring to the way in which Pennsylvania conducted the 2020 election, “remains important and in need of the court’s review.”

    Attorney Lin Wood’s Georgia election fraud case will also be heard

    Similarly, Kelly’s lawyer Greg Teufel warned that the 10-year congressman and major Trump ally had no intention of dropping the suit.

    As election litigation continues to play out in the courts, many Republican state legislators have begun introducing bills to curb mail-in voting through law.

    Speaking about her case recently, Powell shared her thoughts on the 2020 election during Joe Biden’s Inauguration on Skyline News.

    “He [Trump] had about 80 million votes, and Biden had much less than that, aside from the fact that hundreds of thousands of Biden votes were fraudulent from the get-go,” Powell said.

    “There were hundreds of thousands of fraudulent ballots,” she added.

    “There were flipped votes in algorithms run in the various machines and not just the ones from Dominion.”
    https://neonnettle.com/features/1894-scotus-to-hear-election-fraud-cases-for-pennsylvania-michigan-georgia By: Jay Greenburg February 14, 2021

    Comment: One way or the other – We The People deserve their day in Court

  • March Forth:  2020 Election

    March Forth: 2020 Election

    The following 2 hour video – documentary by Mike Lindell provides the evidence that voter fraud did occur:

    Here it is! Mike Lindell of My Pillow’s documentary titled Absolute Proof dealing with the 2020 Elections. Watch it and Please Share it.


    Main Stream Media attempts to get ahead of the narrative and reveals much in doing so:

    The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election


    A weird thing happened right after the Nov. 3 election: nothing.

    The nation was braced for chaos. Liberal groups had vowed to take to the streets, planning hundreds of protests across the country. Right-wing militias were girding for battle. In a poll before Election Day, 75% of Americans voiced concern about violence.

    Instead, an eerie quiet descended. As President Trump refused to concede, the response was not mass action but crickets. When media organizations called the race for Joe Biden on Nov. 7, jubilation broke out instead, as people thronged cities across the U.S. to celebrate the democratic process that resulted in Trump’s ouster.

    Continued……. https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/

    An analysis of Main Stream Media’s – Time Magazine Report:

    ANALYSIS TIME Mag: “Trump Was Right. There Was A Conspiracy… Well-Funded Cabal, Powerful People Changing Laws, Steering Media & Controlling Information.”

    By:  Raheem Kassam – February 5, 2021

    Time Magazine has published intricate details of what they deem “a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance from CEOs. Both surprises were the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans.”

    The article even confirms both The National Pulse’s reporting on former Obama lawyer Ian Bassin, as well as Revolver.news’s assertion of the involvement of Norm Eisen in what amounted to a major admission of a globalist set up to leverage the coronavirus, mail-in voting, and corporate interest to oust President Trump from office.

    In a 6500-word article, author Molly Ball lays out how it all happened:

    The handshake between business and labor was just one component of a vast, cross-partisan campaign to protect the election–an extraordinary shadow effort… Their work touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding.

    Time Magazine is scarcely a right-wing website, and the article goes to lengths to make excuses on behalf of the “shadow” campaign, they claim: “The scenario the shadow campaigners were desperate to stop was not a Trump victory. It was an election so calamitous that no result could be discerned at all…”

    But the piece concedes “much of this activity took place on the left.”

    Time alleges campaigners “successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation and used data-driven strategies to fight viral smears.”

    By the eighth paragraph, Ball quotes Norm Eisen, who in early September 2020 the Revolver.news website described as the “Legal hatchet man and central operative in the “color revolution” against President Trump.”

    By the eleventh, they note the efforts of Ian Bassin, who The National Pulse exclusively reported on – also in September.

    Ball writes that “participants” like Eisen and Bassin now “want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream–a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.”

    Ball identifies Mike Podhorzer, political director at AFL-CIO, as “the architect” of the conspiracy.

    Changing American Elections Forever. Continued….. https://thenationalpulse.com/analysis/time-mag-trump-was-right-there-was-a-conspiracy-well-funded-cabal-powerful-people-changing-laws-steering-media-and-controlling-the-flow-of-information/

    A secondary analysis of Main Stream Media – Time Magazine’s facilitators (Lawfare):

    Interesting Admissions – Lawfare Outlined as Part of ‘Secret Campaign Group’ Coordinating to Influence 2020 Election

    Posted on February 5, 2021 by Sundance

    CABAL“: the contrived schemes of a group of persons secretly united in a plot (as to overturn a government); also: a group engaged in such schemes…

    In a rather remarkable article today [Time Article Here] there is an interesting outline of several leftist groups who aligned to influence the 2020 election.  One of the interesting aspects is their admission to secret and close coordination with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce; a notorious Wall Street-focused multinational lobbying outfit.

    According to the article the U.S. CoC (Tom Donohue Inc.) had an agreement with big labor (AFL-CIO Richard Trumpka etc.) to coordinate their efforts to remove the “America-First” agenda represented by President Trump.  Their alignment was essentially a predictable outcome as both groups rely on Big Government and multinational corporate favoritism.

    TIME – […] “the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans. The pact was formalized in a terse, little-noticed joint statement of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and AFL-CIO published on Election Day.”

    Continued: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2021/02/05/interesting-admissions-lawfare-outlined-as-part-of-secret-campaign-group-coordinating-to-influence-2020-election/

    According to many Congress doesn’t write the Bills; K Street does. And who does K Street serve or lobby on behalf of – special interests, social media, banking, Wall Street?

    Flashback: These 150-plus multinational corporations have CEOs demanding that Biden be made president immediately

    (Natural News) In spite of all the election fraud, the following CEOs of more than 150 of the nation’s largest multinational corporations have signed on to a letter demanding that Joe Biden be installed in the White House immediately, rather than on Jan. 20.

    The following signatories, falling right in line with the propaganda of the day, claim that only Biden can help “the country to move forward.” They further claim that Biden and Kamala Harris “won the Electoral College and the courts have rejected challenges to the electoral process.”

    “Congress should certify the electoral vote on Wednesday, January 6,” the letter adds. “Attempts to thwart or delay this process run counter to the essential tenets of our democracy.

    The letter also goes into dramatics about the “urgent task” of “defeating COVID-19,” which they say can only be done through Biden and Harris, who will restore “the livelihoods of millions of Americans who have lost jobs and businesses during the pandemic.”

    Continued and listing of 150 CEO’s…… https://www.dcclothesline.com/2021/01/10/these-150-plus-multinational-corporations-have-ceos-demanding-that-biden-be-made-president-immediately/

    Comment: Patriots are not being deterred in their perseverance in obtaining the Constitutional truth; no matter where it leads them. All Admiral qualities….persistence….tenacity…..determination…..resolve…..resolution

  • Calm Before the Storm?

    Calm Before the Storm?


    We now enter day 55 subsequent to the election of November 3. While many leaders throughout the world were quick to praise the success of Joe Biden, who spent the majority of his time in his basement, rather than campaigning; inclusive of Kamala Harris’ rare appearances. The MSM also declared Biden’s bid as victorious, as though the media were the ones to call the election results. Not true – but, according to those who have interfered for decades in elections past – this decision rested solely with themselves. So, now we arrive almost two months later; wherein, they were still counting ballots 2 weeks after November 3. A total of 52,408 Americans have filed affidavits as witnesses to voter fraud. Dominion Voting Systems/Smartmatic operated with servers in Frankfurt, Germany and Barcelona, Spain which was the voting system used in 31 States. Expert testimonies and analysis has been provided by Patrick Byrne former CEO of Overstock, as well as Phillip Kline director of the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, plus others. Sidney Powell, Lin Wood and Rudy Guillani held multiple evidence based testimonies in swing states; inclusive of filing multiple legal court challenges showing China, Iran & Venezuela+ foreign interference. Mark Zuckerberg, FaceBook’s CEO spent $400 million to interfere in the election results in the swing states, which was illegal. Ballots produced in China, were transported from Canada and Mexico; as well as, ballots were driven and flown across multiple states lines – also, illegal. Texas, who refused the use of the DVS voting system, filed with SCOTUS as to the implication of the election outcome, caused by the swing states and it was tossed out with a quick dismissal of “No Standing”. Even the FBI, approximately two weeks prior to the election expressed concerns, as to the potential of election interference.

    These are simply the highlights, of the past two months of No election fraud, as it relates to Joe Biden and forget the prior four years of continual attacks to the Trump Russian fraud. Those actions were all warranted and correct /s. And the powers that be, are loosing control, because “We the People” are no longer their $600 subjects, serfs, comrades, or pheasants. The “people” are to exist on $2.50/per day, own nothing and be happy. Gladly, endorsing this subsistence/existence. Slavery is color blind to those who have perpetuated this barbarism for centuries.

  • YouTube Removing Election “Misinformation”

    YouTube Removing Election “Misinformation”

    Effective today, uploading new videos to YouTube which contain allegations that enough fraud took place in the 2020 General Election to change the final results for President and Vice President is verboten!

    This move may or may not be related to a letter executives for the Big Tech video sharing platform received from four Capitol Hill Democrats dated 23 November 2020. Senators Robert Menendez, Amy Klobuchar, Mazie Hirono and Gary Peters dispatched the missive, ” … to express our deep concern regarding the proliferation of misinformation on your platform during and immediately following the 2020 elections and in light of the upcoming Georgia run-off elections. We urge you to immediately remove all election outcome misinformation and take aggressive steps to implement prohibitions, as other social media companies have done, regarding outcomes in future elections.” Silence! Get in line with the rest of the minions! That simple message would have saved the Senator’s taxpayer time, and paper.

    Here is YouTube’s proud announcement of unabashed disrespect for everybody who may not wish to believe everything they hear, as pulled from the series of tweets that fluttered forth today from @YouTubeInsider:

    “1/ Our goal this election was to connect people to authoritative info, limit harmful misinfo & remove violative content. Subsequently, authoritative news was widely watched & recommended, and since Sept, we removed 8K+ channels for violating our policies.

    2/ Yesterday was the safe harbor deadline. Now that enough states certified their Presidential election results, we’ll remove any content published today (or anytime after) that alleges widespread fraud or errors changed the 2020 U.S. Presidential election outcome.

    3/ We’ll also update today our election results info panel, which already surfaced under 200k+ vids and was shown 4.5b+ times. It’ll note that U.S. Presidential election results are certified & link to the 2020 Electoral College Results page by the Office of the Federal Register.

    4/ There’s always more to do. Striking the balance between openness & responsibility is one of our toughest challenges. We’re continuing to make improvements & will apply our learnings from this election, globally.”

    Click here if interested in reading the official statement on YouTube’s blog site. It’s a bit fleshier yet leaves a more bitter aftertaste. Bring a mint.

    For me, this part of YouTube’s boot stomp on freedom especially piqued a bit of curiousity:

    “2/ Yesterday was the safe harbor deadline. Now that enough states certified their Presidential election results, we’ll remove any content published today (or anytime after) that alleges widespread fraud or errors changed the 2020 U.S. Presidential election outcome.”

    Huh, let’s see something . . . be right back. Yep. Entering, 2016 RUSSIAN ELECTION INTERFERENCE, into the YouTube search engine returned bodacious results. Below is a screenshot I took showing a few of the most recently posted videos:



    Some evidence of interference was indeed found so, some videos are to be expected. Think that’s the only thing they say about Russian interference in these postings made to YouTube well after the Russian Witch Hunt had been wrapped up, put to bed, thoroughly de-bunked? Yeah, me neither. Still others are up since being posted after the first, “Trump’s a Commie Lover!” accusations whinged forth. Ain’t that a kick in the double standard head . . . at least they are consistent.



    Your content matter could be next! People are certainly free to make their own video sharing platform choices, sorta. If anybody is interested in starting an account at Rumble, that might be a good way to go. I don’t know much about the service yet so cannot recommend, it’s just a suggestion for people who’ve grown weary of YouTube’s censoring ways. For folks with their own YouTube channels, it is important to know that you cannot migrate the videos from YouTube to Rumble. All videos must be uploaded to the Rumble platform. If you don’t have copies of your uploads to YouTube, I’d start making some.

    Frankly, if Rumble did allow a straight migration that would be a bit worrisome . . . YouTube is a bad influence.

  • Frankfurt Germany Scytl Server Seizure Saga so far

    Frankfurt Germany Scytl Server Seizure Saga so far

    Words or phrases that appear in red-colored font are Hot Links.
    Clicking the red-colored words will open a new window with more information.

    A World View Weekend, World View Report (WVR) telephone interview conducted and aired November 29 has taken the world by storm. Well, the world inhabitants interested in Justice and legitimate elections, at any rate. In the WVR interview, host Brannon Howse talks with Gen. Michael Flynn (his first public comments since receiving a Presidential pardon), Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney and American Report author, Mary Fanning. Fanning and Alan Jones co-authored the book, THE HAMMER is the Key to the Coup “The Political Crime of the Century”: How Obama, Brennan, Clapper, and the CIA spied on President Trump, General Flynn … and everyone else.

    Throughout the interview, Howse asked direct, pertinent questions of his guests and received direct, pertinent replies. This ‘Merican highly recommends taking a watch at the interview in its entirety (here) or reading the transcript (here) for anybody interested in the electronic voting systems fraud investigations underway. Election fraud was the theme of the talk, with a particular focus on the whisperings that a server owned by electronic voting systems tech company Scytl had been seized from a facility in Frankfurt Germany.

    Reports of this potential occurrence were brought to the mainstream consciousness by Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX) when he spoke of the purported operation in a November 12 Facebook video conference call, “Global Prayer For US Election Integrity,” organised by evangelical leader Jim Garlow.

    “I had information from some of our former intel people that there was extremely compelling evidence that could be gleaned from Scytl,” Gohmert said during the video conference, ” … information as to how many votes were switched from Republican for Democrat would have been easily established from the information that Scytl gathered.”

    He further stated, “It turns out, I don’t know the truth, I know that there was a German tweet in German saying that on Monday, U.S. Army forces went into Scytl and grabbed their server. There are some that believe this is the U.S. intelligence that manipulated all this in order to cover their own rear ends.”

    Congressman Gohmert expanded on his comments in an interview with Newsmax’s Chris Salcedo. (comment my own re/translation snafu)

    “I’d suggested that the President might get information from Scytl, and the next day before – and I sent him specifics that he needed to get that would be, would show a lot of fraud movement (slight skip, hard to decipher) – and the next day before that information could be gotten, somebody ordered the U.S. Army, according to the tweet, to go in and seize the server.”

    Gohmert’s comments were reported upon by various news outlets and posted to various Twitter accounts. Soon, his words were being widely proliferated via social media shares and blog posts.

    The “tweet in German” referenced by Louie Gohmert was posted on November 8, 2020 by user Zeynep Mol, an ardent Trump supporter who happens to be a German female. This Twitter account also created an election results map showing nearly all of the USA colored red. Zeynep Mol’s November 8th tweet, when translated into English, reads:

    !! !! The server that contributed to the election fraud is in FRANKFURT AM MAIN !! !! Last night it was seized by a large number! A software was used that calculates how many votes Biden still needs against Trump to win.

    Attorneys Sidney Powell and Lin Wood from the election fraud legal team, as well as respected former Federal officials, have said this information is accurate and the good guys have the server. Two of the louder voices who’ve claimed to know this information to be factual include retired U.S. Army Col. Phil Waldron and retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney. Neither one of these men are intellectual slouches, both are veterans of U.S. intelligence arms and know their cyber warfare stuff.

    Last Monday, November 30, 2020, Arizona legislators held a public hearing about voting irregularities in this 2020 General Election. Invited expert witness, Col. Phil Waldron, offered intriguing and hard to argue evidence that physical electronic voting system devices supplied by Dominion Voting Systems had been connected to the internet and were transferring data overseas. He included his personal, eyewitness testimony that he saw data being sent electronically from vote centers to Germany on Election Day.

    When Waldron was asked by a state legislator, “are you willing to say under oath, that you’ve seen the connection to the internet, that you’ve seen it gone offshore to Frankfurt, Germany?”

    Col. Waldron hesitated before carefully replying, “Yes, our White hat hackers, they have that traffic and the packets.”

    You’re going to hear the term “White hat hacker” quite a bit in this case. A “White” hat hacker is also called an ethical hacker. They are hired by businesses and governments to test network systems security. “Black” hat hackers do the exact same thing at the same skill level, only they do it to exploit systems for their own gain; be that financial or political. “Grey” hat hackers are up to no good but also seek to do no harm; it’s a game for them. There are other colors of hats denoting levels of experience and purpose of the hack. All but the “Green” and “Kiddie” are recognised by their de facto uniform – jeans and a black t-shirt. (“Red” hat hackers may or may not exist – they don’t want to be known so have no interest in White hatting, but, very much enjoy foiling the plans of a Black hat hacker . . . or, so the legend goes.)

    “Traffic and the packets” refers to bits of information sent over the internet.

    Now, back to that WVR interview with Gen. Flynn, Lt. Gen. McInerney and Mary Fanning. Flynn was the first telephone guest interviewed. During their exchange, Howse brought up the Scytl server seizure story and Powell’s firm assertion that the story was not a rumor.

    Brannon Howse: ” … But can you, or can you not speak to any of the hard evidence related to the server in Germany?”

    Flynn: “Yes, I don’t want to speak to that right now. She’s mentioned it, and she’s actually has some really good filings. They just filed another amendment I believe in Georgia. They filed in Georgia. They filed in Michigan today, just today, and probably within the last hour or two, they just filed another amendment to those in Georgia, and back again in Michigan. I think the next couple of priorities, you know, are looking at some of these other states where there’s some big challenges.”

    As I shared yesterday with one of our Patriots, I’ve interpreted Gen. Flynn not speaking on it while turning attention toward more tangible concerns that we can act upon in this election as a subtle way of saying “don’t give rumors your attention and time, give facts all of your attention and time, please.” He’ll speak on a subject when he’s comfortable with the evidence and security of same.

    When Howse got to McInerney, the responses were very different.

    Brannon Howse: “But you are saying that was a CIA facility, and that was where the server was taken from by these special forces, was a CIA facility in Germany.”

    McInerney: “That’s correct. Frankfurt, Germany. We have all this information, General Flynn of course, people most realized, was the senior military intelligence officer in the US commands as a defense intelligence agency. He’s a career intelligence officer, knows this stuff, backwards and forwards. From my experience in the cloud business, this was a trivial operation, relatively speaking, but the magnitude, because so many people, Brannon, were involved. … and that’s why the 305th, the krakens were targeted and selected, I believe, because the President could trust them. That’s why Chris Miller, who is now the acting secretary of defense and a former special operations hero. That’s why Chris Miller is the secretary of defense.”

    McInerney also stated to Howse that “Kraken” is the nickname of the 305th military intelligence battalion. He asserts Sidney Powell’s declaration that she was going to “release the kraken” meant just that. She is releasing and working off of information supplied by the 305th. Per Lt. Gen. McInerney, the 305th and “others” are he and Powell’s information sources about the raid in Germany and other digital manipulations designed to steal elections.

    Evidence offered to support allegations of electronic voting systems fraud – including the story about raiding a purported CIA server farm in Frankfurt Germany – presents as a collection of hacked information, so far. No matter how good and solid, hacked information begotten by the most ethical of White hat hackers is still illegally obtained evidence that cannot be presented in a court of law. Just like evidence seized by police authorities without a warrant renders same inadmissible in court. Citizens like Sidney Powell, Thomas McInerney, Mike Flynn and Phil Waldron who are investigating these systems must possess and produce legally acquired evidence in order to take an action to court for us. Hence, Powell’s repeated requests for anybody who has direct evidence of malfeasance to please contact her office; she has expressed especial interest in the actual software programmers and Smartmatic’s original source code. Smartmatic will not release their source code because they say it is proprietary, yet, their network configuration programming can be downloaded by anybody with an internet connection and the savvy to find the code.

    Such a disorganised start to this election ensured an incredibly disorganised aftermath. One wonders if confusion is not the most favored tool in the arsenal kept by those who chant, “Death to America,” while calling themselves citizens of the USA.

    If anybody has additional or corrective info, please share! Ideally, providing internet links to an original source (not, to blog posts of somebody read something someplace kinda hearsay stuffs.) It would be great to have all the publicly available information all in one place.
    The truth must be routed out, identified and punished, that’s all that matters. Looks like We, the People, will need to do the work generally taken care of by the press, the Department of Justice and nearly every elected official in the Land. Thank goodness for people like Powell who are unafraid to enter the lion’s den and wrassle the beastie to the ground.

  • Sidney Powell’s Twitter Account Suspended

    Sidney Powell’s Twitter Account Suspended

    main image of Sidney Powell from, Defending the Republic

    Over the past seven days, Kraken Releaser/Attorney Sidney Powell has appeared on just about every news program being broadcast, except for Tucker Carlson’s show. There was a bit of a hullabaloo . . . Carlson claims he was denied evidence of Powell’s accusations of rigged elections when negotiating her guest appearance. Powell has refuted this story, saying Carlson declined her offer to review an affidavit previously unseen by pundit eyes as well as the opportunity to interview one of her witnesses. Carlson says Powell’s refusal to show him all her discovery evidence renders her claims unbelievable. Powell says she will never appear on Tucker Carlson’s show because he is a rude jerk (paraphrased.) One wonders if basic manners aren’t hiding out on the island with Tupac Shakur and Elvis.

    Aside from the Tucker Carlson dust up, Sidney Powell has been busy improving political talk show ratings with her unique manner and intriguing accusations. It seems as though Powell’s definitive statement style is rubbing our Big Tech Big Brothers the wrong way, though. Last night, Ms. Powell’s twitter account was reportedly suspended for twelve hours. Without knowing her Twitter account had been suspended, observers of Twitterverse events that had unfolded over the past 16 hours or so mistakenly labeled Powell’s surprising reticence as The Silence of the Guilty Accused.

    Silent? Sidney Powell? Pshaw.

    Ms. Jenna Ellis, one of the lawyers leading the Trump Legal Team investigating election fraud, started this whole mess when she set the world afire by tweeting out the following statement (timestamp 5:23 PM – Nov 22, 2020):

    Wow. Clearly stating established fact or do the other members of the team think Sid is bat sh*t crazy and don’t want to get any on ’em? 🤔

    A few hours after Ms. Ellis’ news hit the Twitter waves, former national security adviser Mike Flynn, who is being represented by Ms. Powell in his personal legal battle against Federal perfidy, tweeted out (timestamp 7:37 PM – Nov 22, 2020) some Sidney Powell news of his own:

    OK, then, I suppose. It’s suspected Powell’s account was suspended because she has been naming names, accusing politicians and voting system companies of being part of a great election fraud conspiracy. Go get in the corner and think about what you’ve done, bad girl! (Jack Dorsey has a secret room full of guilty pleasures, I’ll just bet.)

    Though silenced by the God of Twit, Ms. Powell found a way to release her own statement in response to the Trump Legal Team tweet in which she confirms the news that she is not, and never has been, formally retained to work for President Trump or his campaign. She’s not billed them for her services, either. (I’ve not found the original To and From designees for this statement; archived copy can be found, here)

    #KrakenOnSteroids, love it. 😄

    While some are eager to write off this declaration and confirmation of non-separation (she was never part of the legal team so is unable to separate from same) as evidence that Sidney Powell is a QAnon conspiracy theorist intoxicated by wingnut fumes so her allegations ought not be considered or taken seriously, there are other ways to interpret a clearly communicated difference in legal objectives.

    The investigation into Dominion and Smartmatic has always been Sidney Powell’s puppy rather than the entire team’s pet. During last week’s press briefing, Joseph diGenova (another “senior member” of the legal team), looked uncomfortable when Powell would accuse a particular person of having a hand in election fraud schemes, or when she made definitive statements about certain election technology companies. Those are big accusations to toss around, even if they are able to be proven in a court of law. If one never gets to the courtroom to validate the accusations, one is open to all manner of lawsuits. Not to mention the effect unsubstantiated claims of malfeasance tend to have on career-related ambition; especially if one has also been branded a, “conspiracy theorist” by cowpokes trying to play cowboy in our press outlets.

    Detractors of the US Constitution have found it an easy trick, spinning Powell’s suggestions of a corrupt electronic voting system industry into conspiracy theory bunk. Doing so imbues all instances of election fraud accusation with a puff of doubt and colors supporters of these accusations as twitchy people wearing foil hats. Driving these doubts makes it simpler for people seeking a national, fundamental transformation to turn the gazes of others away from valid election integrity concerns. Keeping the investigators looking into electronic voting systems apart from the attorneys looking into and prosecuting other instances of election fraud helps stem any CONSPIRACY! bleedover. Powell working independently for We, the People also provides her a great deal of liberty she may not have enjoyed working under Presidential retainer; she is free to wander wherever the trail may lead. Her findings are not constrained to the narrow parameters of proving or disproving innocence or guilt for one client; Powell is working for 74 million of us. Neither can Donald Trump be accused of sending “his” attorney out to dig up dirt against our enemies if he has not hired the attorney. Smart.

    Election fraud is real, just like COVID-19. How widespread and malignant are the questions. Hokey nonsense and anomalies ran amock in our 2020 General Election. Nonsense and anomalies like over-representation (more votes than voters), dead people submitting ballots, people receiving more than one ballot, falsified documents, batches of ballots sent from one location, lack of oversight while tallying absentee votes, etc – all of the accusations of fraud warrant a second, close look. Claims and allegations of exploited vulnerabilities in our election process abound in discussions that do not include electronic voting systems. Endeavoring to expose wrongdoing in an international technology industry will take a long time and potentially involve nations other than just the United States of America. Another good reason why legal proceedings against digital election system vendors ought be pursued separate from other more readily resolved challenges in US of A election processes.

    At the end of the day, Sidney Powell’s Twitter account will be up and running and by Friday, we should see if her declaration of big news this week ultimately proves out. That’s about all the prognosticating ability I can muster on this one, Powell plays her cards close to the vest. Let’s hope it’s a royal flush she’s holding and not a pair of threes.

    What do you think?
    Is Sidney Powell going to send Mr, Kraken to Washington or does she just want to show off all of her animal print apparel?

  • Smartmatic Denies, and Lies

    Smartmatic Denies, and Lies

    Smartmatic International Corporation – also dba, Smartmatic Asia-Pacific, Smartmatic TIM Corporation, Smartmatic USA Corporation and Smartmatic International Holding B.V. – is one of the electronic election voting system technology companies being accused of monkeying election tallies. The corporation has formerly denied any technological or fiscal relationship with Dominion Voting Systems, Inc. – also dba, Dominion Voting Systems International Corporation and Dominion Voting Systems Corporation – another voting system company under the election fraud microscope. “Smartmatic’s response to disinformation” statement as posted on their website can be read in full, here. The corporation’s firm refutation of any financially enriching or technology sharing relationship between Smartmatic and Dominion includes:

    Smartmatic has never owned any shares or had any financial stake in Dominion Voting Systems. Smartmatic has never provided Dominion Voting Systems with any software, hardware or other technology. The two companies are competitors in the marketplace.

    Well, the last sentence is true, technically. However, “… never provided Dominion Voting Systems with any software, hardware or other technology,” is a flat out lie, if paper trails count for anything in the Year of the Idiot. Legal filings seem to back up this denunciation of Smartmatic’s claim to have never shared technology with, or had any kind of financial stake in, Dominion.


    Exhibit A
    The Sequoia Voting Systems acquisition

    We’ve touched on the Smartmatic/Sequoia/Dominion love triangle in our post, Election Voting Systems by County – PA, MI, WI. Evidence of the 2010 acquisition of Sequoia Voting Systems by Dominion is available for review in a The Gateway Pundit article titled, “Smartmatic Denies Transfer of Technology to Dominion Voting Systems — Articles Scrubbed from Website — But Internet Archive Never Lies.” The article contains internet archived documents detailing the reality that Dominion Voting Systems purchased Sequoia Voting Systems, a former Smartmatic property. Logic suggests a Smartmatic company uses Smartmatic technology, ergo, Dominion and Smartmatic use shared technology if Dominion uses Sequoia technology. Purchasing or acquiring assets requires an exchange of funds, as well.

    Smartmatic sold a voting technology business they owned to Dominion.
    – Technology shared, check.
    – Financial stake, check.


    Exhibit(s) B
    The 2010 Phillipine elections

    Technically, this would be a Dominion sharing technology with Smartmatic issue, technically.

    2010 marked the inaugural year for automated Filipino elections. There are still lawsuits and investigations over accusations of fraud, agency and elected official responsibilities, compromised voting equipment and software as well as contract violations. Rather than hash all out in a tedious timeline fashion, please find below links to documents including legal complaints filed and judicial decision on same. Click the hot link (letters in burgundy) if interested in reviewing the entire document or article. While not a legal expert, I’ve taken an excerpt or two from each filing I find eyebrow arch worthy in light of Smartmatic’s cleverly worded claim of no technological or financial connection with Dominion.

    Filipino Supreme Court Decision 10 February 2010
    And besides, the Licensing Agreement between Smartmatic and the Dominion Voting Systems indicates that the former is the entity licensed by the latter to use the system in the Philippines. p. 9

    At any rate, the clear terms of the Licensing Agreement between Smartmatic and Dominion Voting Systems indicate that the former is the entity licensed exclusively by the latter to use the system in the Philippines.” p.101

    Joint Complaint-Affidavit 10 June 2013
    23. Smartmatic is not the owner of the Technology but outsourced the Automated Election System to Dominion International, in violation of the Bid Specification of COMELEC and the Philippine Procurement Law.” p.6

    Article from the Phillipine Star, “Comelec: No More Mock Elections” 17 February 2013
    Meanwhile, House Minority Leader and Quezon Rep. Danilo Suarez hit Brillantes for his continued cavalier attitude on the international dispute between Smartmatic, which was contracted by the Comelec to supply the PCOS machines, and Dominion Voting Systems that owns the software to run the equipment.

    There was a Licensing Agreement in place between Smartmatic and Dominion during the 2010 Filipino elections, at least.
    – Technology shared, check.
    – Financial stake, check.


    Smartmatic v. Dominion 11 September 2012

    Smartmatic International Corp/Smartmatic USA Corporation/Smartmatic International Holdings B.V. v. Dominion Voting Systems International Corporation/Dominion Voting Systems, Inc./Dominion Voting Systems Corporation and Iron Mountain Intellectual Property Management, Inc.
    In 2009, Smartmatic International and Dominion International executed a License Agreement in which Dominion granted to Smartmatic a worldwide license to market, make, use and sell precinct count optical scan (“PCOS”) voting systems utilizing Dominion’s optical scan voting system technology. The License Agreement obligated Dominion International to provide Smartmatic International with, among other things, the hardware, software, firmware and technical support needed to enable Smartmatic to exploit the broad license granted by Dominion.” p. 4

    Smartmatic is suing Dominion for violating their Licensing Agreement. Licensing involves the sharing of technology and paying a fee for use of same.
    – Technology shared, check.
    – Financial stake, check.


    See also: The View From Here


    Smartmatic may wish to check themselves for a pants related fire.

    This ‘Merican’s Perspective:
    It’s one of those, technically, both sides are not indulging in mistruths . . . on paper, with good lawyers.

    The voting systems people say there is no connection between two entities . . . two entities with a variety of registered names, who’ve been playing swapsies with other registered businesses. Individuals accusing these companies of rigging elections for the highest bidder are also telling the truth when they say it’s a close family, those competing vendors competing for election contracts.

    If one embraces the Smartmatic posit that their engineers were inspired to create a secure, electronic voting system after the 2000 US General Election hanging chad disputes in Florida, and that said systems are up for sale to rig elections, it would not be beyond the pale to suggest every election, in every nation, that has used these electronic voting systems since the 2000 US General Election has been decided on fraudulent results.