White House Occupant Delivers Angry Speech in Philadelphia

White House Occupant Delivers Angry Speech in Philadelphia Demanding All Resources Must Activate to Defend His…

Wow, It was McSwain – Bill Barr Efforts to Block Investigation of Election Fraud

Wow, It was McSwain – President Trump Releases US Attorney Letter Notifying Him of Bill Barr…

Small Problem With Barr’s Profanity-Laced Claim

There’s a Small Problem With Barr’s Profanity-Laced Claim About No Election Fraud Yesterday, we reported how former Attorney…

SCOTUS to Hear Election Fraud Cases

SCOTUS to Hear Election Fraud Cases for Pennsylvania, Michigan & Georgia Supreme Court schedules cases from…

March Forth: 2020 Election

The following 2 hour video – documentary by Mike Lindell provides the evidence that voter fraud…

Calm Before the Storm?

We now enter day 55 subsequent to the election of November 3. While many leaders throughout…

YouTube Removing Election “Misinformation”

Effective today, uploading new videos to YouTube which contain allegations that enough fraud took place in…

Frankfurt Germany Scytl Server Seizure Saga so far

Words or phrases that appear in red-colored font are Hot Links.Clicking the red-colored words will open…

Sidney Powell’s Twitter Account Suspended

main image of Sidney Powell from, Defending the Republic Over the past seven days, Kraken Releaser/Attorney…

Smartmatic Denies, and Lies

Smartmatic International Corporation – also dba, Smartmatic Asia-Pacific, Smartmatic TIM Corporation, Smartmatic USA Corporation and Smartmatic…