Tag: Energy

  • The engine that is turning…

    The engine that is turning…


    The engine that is turning the United States upside down: it is 80 years old and runs on a fuel that we have just invented


    Several well-known car brands are developing ambitious projects based on the use of hydrogen as an engine fuel. These initiatives range from the development of more advanced hydrogen vehicles to the creation of large-scale hydrogen refueling and distribution infrastructures. In addition, some brands are exploring the use of hydrogen in industrial and commercial applications.

    A great twist on the most promising fuel of the moment

    Hydrogen has gained significant importance as a fuel in recent times due to its numerous benefits for both consumers and the environment. Compared to conventional gasoline or diesel vehicles, hydrogen cars offer a cleaner and more efficient drive, with reduced emissions of polluting gases and a longer range.

    In addition, hydrogen is an attractive option for large manufacturing industries, as it offers opportunities for innovation and expansion in a growing market. Its growing relevance is driving innovation and investment in this sector, with the potential to transform both the automotive industry and other key sectors.

    The redesign of a century-old device by hydrogen engineers and specialists is a significant milestone in the evolution of propulsion technology.  By using hydrogen as a fuel instead of gasoline or diesel, this engine offers the promise of improved power and more efficient performance.

    Moreover, it significantly reduces the environmental footprint. The brand wanted to make a residency to improve the performance of hydrogen, especially at low temperatures, a challenge that this fuel can overcome much better than electricity.

    Innovative engine brings the automotive industry to a standstill

    In this context, Achates Power, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory, has focused on developing internal combustion engines optimized to run on hydrogen. These engines offer improved efficiency and reduced emissions, making them an attractive option for a wide range of industrial and commercial applications.

    Achates Power’s redesign of opposed-piston engines represents a significant advance in the propulsion industry, especially in the context of the transition to cleaner, more sustainable energy sources. These engines, invented more than a century ago, have been adapted to run on clean hydrogen as fuel.

    The main objective of the project is to match or even exceed the efficiency, power density and torque of conventional diesel engines. This is essential to ensure that vehicles equipped with these opposed-piston engines can compete in performance and functionality with their traditional counterparts, while reducing exhaust emissions.

    Significant funding for this project

    This milestone was made possible by funding and support provided by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Vehicle Technologies. With an allocation of $133 million for research into advanced vehicle technologies, the project has been able to conduct extensive testing and demonstrate the feasibility of using hydrogen as a fuel in vehicle engines.

    Thanks to the financial support provided to the project, Argonne scientists have been able to devote substantial resources to research and development of this innovative technology. This financial investment has provided a solid foundation for the exploration of new approaches, extensive testing and continuous process improvement.

    In addition, it has facilitated collaboration with experts from various disciplines and the acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment, which has further strengthened the team’s research capabilities, including the demonstrated ability of the impeller to run on hydrogen, the team has been able to generate power with a higher power output than conventional engines.

    What can we draw from this impressive discovery? When we use a futuristic fuel together with an engine that is 80 years old, we can see firsthand the viability of hydrogen, even in older prototypes. Of course, this is an experiment that has shown how the residue of an old enginecan be a boost for the mobility of the future, with zero-emission fuels that surpass even electricity.

  • Science Sunday-Hydrogen

    Science Sunday-Hydrogen

    First of Its Kind Discovery in Mali: Vast Reservoirs of Clean Hydrogen Gas

    Andy Corbley for Goodnewsnetwork.org

    The Bourakébougou pilot hydrogen unit – credit Petroma, released

    In the beautiful West African country of Mali, a huge discovery has a town drawing a flammable gas from the earth that produces loads of electricity without CO2 emissions.

    The town called Bourakébougou was prospected by Malian energy entrepreneur Aliou Diallo, who believed the mysterious gas which in the daytime shone with a blue color like sparkling ocean water, and at night like golden dust, could represent a fortune.

    In 2012, he recruited Chapman Petroleum to determine what the gas was. It was 98% hydrogen. Months later, Diallo’s firm Petroma had installed a pilot unit to turn the gas into electricity that produced water as an exhaust product, and transformed the village into one with reliable, plentiful electricity.

    In the decade since, belief that a potential inexhaustible natural energy source that’s zero emissions saw scientists and energy companies fly into action, scouring academia and the world for more information on underground hydrogen reservoirs

    In 2018, a science team published a paper on the Bourakébougou hydrogen well, which concluded from evidence obtained from a dozen exploratory wells in the vicinity that it was “possible to confirm the presence of an extensive hydrogen field featuring at least five stacked reservoir intervals containing significant hydrogen that cover an estimated area well superior to 8 km in diameter.”

    Furthermore, the study found that the current estimate of its exploitation price is much cheaper than manufactured hydrogen, either from fossil fuels or from electrolysis.

    Cratons and cash

    It was long believed, a feature in Science Magazine details, that hydrogen gas reservoirs were extremely rare. It’s rare to find them in places where energy companies drill for oil and natural gas, true, but if one knows where to look, they’re more common.

    One such place are Earth’s “cratons,” the oldest and stablest parts of the tectonic plates. Some continents have more than one craton, others like the North American craton, are much larger and so cover most of the continent.

    Olivine, a mineral believed to create hydrogen gas underground CC 2.0. דקי

    Unlike oil and gas which need thousands of years to form from decomposing organic matter, hydrogen gas is constantly being made underground as water interacts with iron minerals at high pressures and temperatures.

    Among these iron minerals is olivine, which through a chemical reaction called serpentinization, steals an oxygen molecule from water percolating down from Earth’s surface to transform olivine into serpentinite, and the water into hydrogen gas.

    Deposits of olivine are richest in an underground, cratonic feature called a “greenbelt.” It’s thought that these greenbelts, because of their high concentration of olivine, act as Earth’s hydrogen gas engine.

    Hydrogen fuel has huge potential to transition off fossil fuels as it’s the best currently perceived alternative for diesel or kerosene-based transport such as semi-trucks, jet aircraft, and cargo ships.

    Currently, the Malian wells could produce hydrogen gas at 50 cents per kilo, one-tenth of the cost of hydrogen created through electrolysis with solar, wind, geothermal, or other green energies.

    Ian Munro, CEO of Helios Aragon, a startup pursuing hydrogen in the foothills of the Spanish Pyrenees, told Science his break-even costs might end up between 50 and 70 cents, adding that would revolutionize energy production.

    As for Diallo, he started a new company called Hydroma, which now produces electricity for the area via the hydrogen reservoir, and is looking into using it as a means to create green hydrogen via electrolysis.

  • U.S. Agency Wants…

    U.S. Agency Wants…

    U.S. Agency Wants Offshore Oil Companies to Look for Shipwrecks Before They Drill

    Andy Corbley for Goodnewsnetwork.org

    Photo Credit: Remains of the whaling ship Industry, found by an offshore oil producer Credit NOAA

    As part of existing requirements for offshore energy production, 600 shipwrecks have been found in the Gulf of Mexico alone by oil and gas producers, however scientists and historians reckon this number is just a fraction of how many are actually out there.

    A new proposal to the Federal Register by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management would obligate offshore energy companies to conduct maritime archaeological surveys before undertaking any operations that would disturb the seafloor off the continental shelf.

    In 2011, an unnamed energy company spotted a shipwreck near its operations which was excavated last year by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin. (NOAA). It turned out to be the 207-year-old whaling ship Industry 

    The Boston-built Brig was associated with freed-slave and maritime entrepreneur Paul Cuffe, and hunted whales across the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean, and the Gulf of Mexico for 20 years. It was lost when a strong storm snapped its masts and opened its hull to the sea on May 26, 1836.

    Current methods used to preserve undiscovered shipwrecks involve predicting where they could be found based on historic reports in newspapers and state records, as well as weather patterns and historic shipping lanes, but scientists now believe it’s a method that notably undercounts how many ships are actually down there.

    Furthermore, oil and gas companies are currently only required to conduct a survey when they have “reason to believe” that a shipwreck may be present in their area of operations.

    “By improving our reporting requirements, we can increase the likelihood of identifying these important resources before they are inadvertently damaged by an [oil or gas] operator and help ensure compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act,” James Kendall, BOEM Gulf of Mexico regional director, told Science.

    The new proposal, currently open for public comment, puts oil, gas, and offshore wind all on the same page for survey requirements. Typically working beyond 5.5 kilometers from the shore, these installations must be preceded by an archaeological survey of the area before they begin construction.

    Public comment will carry on until mid-April.

    Yet another means to slow or stop excavation for new energy sources!

  • Biden War On Energy…

    Biden War On Energy…

    Biden War On Energy Helps China, Saudi, & Venezuelan Dictators

    Protesters in China shout “Down with Xi” and “Free Xinjiang” in reference to the province where 10 people were killed by a fire, and where solar panels are made by oppressed Uyghur Muslims.

    Michael Shellenberger – Substack – 11-27-2022

    President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, on Thanksgiving (left). President Xi Jinping (right)

    President Joe Biden ran for and was elected president in 2020 by promising to stand up for human rights. He attacked President Donald Trump for not doing more to pressure Saudi Arabia. Biden came out for “stronger multilateral sanctions” on Venezuela. And he denouncedChinese Premier Xi Jinping as a “thug” and promised to “unite the economic might of democracies around the world to counter abusive economic practices.” 

    And yet Biden has drastically softened U.S. policy toward Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and China, over the last two years. 

    Biden yesterday lifted oil sanctions on Venezuela, which the U.S. State Department says is a dictatorship that uses the military and violent gangs to engage in “extrajudicial killings,” “forced disappearances,” and “torture and cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment.”

    Biden publicly begged the Saudi government to produce more oil during the summer and two weeks ago granted immunity to the prime minister, a son of the king, and a man who US and foreign intelligence services say killed a Washington Post reporter.

    And, in early June, Biden issued an emergency order for the U.S. to continue importing Chinese solar panels and products from Xinjiang province, where the U.S. State Department says the government is committing genocide against Uyghur Muslims.

    Defenders of the president say: the lifting of Venezuela sanctions “was not connected to the administration’s efforts to boost global energy production” and were simply “to support newly restarted negotiations” between the government and the opposition; granting the Saudi prime minister immunity was a mere formality; and the lifting of solar panel sanctions is only until the summer of 2024.

    Those are bogus excuses and every sentient person in official Washington knows it. The Venezuelan government has done nothing of significance to merit a lifting of sanctions, only agreeing to talks. The main motivation of Biden to lift sanctions on Venezuela is so it will produce more oil so the U.S. doesn’t have to. That’s the same reason the Biden administration granted immunity to the Saudi prince. 

    Students protesting at the Communication University of China, Nanjing. (Source: Manya Koetse)

    They talked about how Trump bowed to “strong men dictators”. Hmmm…does the phrase ‘pot/kettle’ become fact. Biden will do everything in his power to prevent the US from returning to ‘energy independence’.

  • Science Sunday – Oil

    Science Sunday – Oil

    If the radical greenies had their way, all fossil fuels would be verboten. Maybe if they fully understood the products created using fossil fuels, they would rethink their position. Nah, that is wishful thinking. Nowhere have they shown the word ’think’ is in their processes.

    One 42-gallon barrel of oil creates 19.4 gallons of gasoline. The rest (over half) is used to make thousands of other products. Although the major use of petroleum is as a fuel, (gasoline, jet fuel, heating oil), and petroleum and natural gas are often used to generate electricity, there are many other uses. Example…. All plastic is made from petroleum and plastic is used almost everywhere.

    Asphalt used in road construction is a petroleum product as is the synthetic rubber in the tires. Paraffin wax comes from petroleum, as do fertilizer, pesticides, herbicides, detergents, phonograph records, photographic film, furniture, packaging materials, surfboards, paints, and artificial fibers used in clothing, upholstery, and carpet backing. Individual Americans, on average, consume petroleum products at a rate of three-and-a-half gallons of oil and more than 250 cubic feet of natural gas per day each!

    Solvents * Diesel Motor Oil * Bearing Grease * Ink * Floor Wax * Ballpoint Pens * Football Cleats * Upholstery * Sweaters * Boats * Insecticides * Bicycle Tires * Sports Car Bodies * Nail Polish * Fishing lures * Dresses * Tires * Golf Bags * Perfumes * Cassettes * Dishwasher * Tool Boxes * Shoe Polish * Motorcycle Helmet * Caulking * Petroleum Jelly * Transparent Tape * CD Player * Faucet Washers * Antiseptics * Clothesline * Curtains * Food Preservatives * Basketballs * Soap * Vitamin Capsules * Antihistamines * Purses * Shoes * Dashboards * Cortisone * Deodorant * Footballs * Putty * Dyes * Panty Hose * Refrigerant * Percolators * Life Jackets * Rubbing Alcohol * Linings * Skis * TV Cabinets * Shag Rugs * Electrician’s Tape * Tool Racks * Car Battery * Cases * Epoxy * Paint * Mops * Slacks * Insect Repellent * Oil Filters * Umbrellas * Yarn * Fertilizers * Hair Coloring * Roofing * Toilet Seats * Fishing Rods * Lipstick * Denture Adhesive * Linoleum * Ice Cube Trays * Synthetic Rubber * Speakers * Plastic Wood * Electric Blankets * Glycerin * Tennis Rackets * Rubber Cement * Fishing Boots * Dice * Nylon Rope * Candles * Trash Bags * House Paint * Water Pipes * Hand Lotion * Roller Skates * Surf Boards * Shampoo * Wheels * Paint Rollers * Shower Curtains * Guitar Strings * Luggage * Aspirin * Safety Glasses * Antifreeze * Football Helmets * Awnings * Eyeglasses * Clothes * Toothbrushes * Ice Chests * Footballs * Combs * CD’s * Paint Brushes * Detergents * Vaporizers * Balloons * Sun Glasses * Tents * Heart Valves * Crayons * Parachutes * Telephones * Enamel * Pillows * Dishes * Cameras * Anesthetics * Artificial Turf * Artificial limbs * Bandages * Dentures * Model Cars * Folding Doors * Hair Curlers * Cold cream * Movie film * Soft Contact lenses * Drinking Cups * Fan Belts * Car Enamel * Shaving Cream * Ammonia * Refrigerators * Golf Balls * Toothpaste * Gasoline * Ink * Dishwashing liquids * Paint brushes * Toys * Unbreakable dishes * Insecticides * Antiseptics * Dolls * Car sound insulation * Fishing lures * Deodorant * Tires * Motorcycle helmets * Linoleum * Sweaters * Tents * Refrigerator linings * Floor wax * Electrician’s tape * Plastic wood * Model cars * Glue * Roller-skate wheels * Trash bags * Soap dishes * Skis * Permanent press clothes Hand lotion Clothesline Dyes Soft contact lenses Shampoo Panty hose Cameras Food preservatives Fishing rods Oil filters Combs Transparent tape * Anesthetics * Upholstery * Dice * Disposable diapers * TV cabinets * Cassettes * Mops * Sports car bodies * Salad bowls * * * House paint * Purses * Electric blankets * Awnings * Ammonia * Dresses * Car battery cases * Safety glass * Hair curlers * Pajamas * Synthetic rubber * VCR tapes * Eyeglasses * Pillows * Vitamin capsules * Movie film * Ice chests * Candles * Rubbing alcohol * Loudspeakers * Ice buckets * Boats * Credit cards * Fertilizers * Insect repellent * Water pipes * Toilet seats * Caulking * Roofing shingles * Fishing boots * * Life jackets * Balloons * Shower curtains * Garden hose * Golf balls * Curtains * Plywood adhesive * Umbrellas * Detergents * Milk jugs * Beach umbrellas * Rubber cement * Sun glasses * Putty * Faucet washers * Cold cream * Bandages * Tool racks * Antihistamines * Hair coloring * Nail polish * Slacks * Drinking cups * Guitar strings * False teeth * Yarn * Petroleum jelly * Toothpaste * Tennis rackets * Perfume * Wire insulation * Folding doors * Shoe polish * Fan belts * Shower doors * Cortisone * Carpeting * Artificial turf * Heart valves * LP records * Artificial limbs * Hearing aids * Vaporizers * Aspirin * Shaving cream * Wading pools * Parachutes ……. and thousands more !!

    Windmills & Solar Panels can never make these things possible !! Ready to do without the above ??

  • Researchers Make….

    Researchers Make….

    As it currently stands, the Biden administration policy is to decimate the US energy sector. Their green policies only seem to focus on two alternative energy sources. They never mention nuclear or hydrogen.

    This afternoon, you can have new green science information.

    Researchers Make ‘Giant Leap’ to Produce Affordable Renewable Hydrogen
    Good News Network Mar 18, 2022

    An Australian company has invented a totally new electrolyzer to expand use of hydrogen fuel, which they say represents the first real revolution in the technology in 200 years.

    Separating water into hydrogen gas and oxygen through electrical current, known as “electrolysis,” is both the chief method behind green hydrogen energy, and expensive and inefficient.

    Yet for long-haul trucking, steel manufacturing, and more, hydrogen could be the only input available in green energy’s arsenal to replace petroleum products. The Swedish company SSAB is already making steel a bit greener by using hydrogen power to replace coal as a carbon input.

    The Australian firm Hysata has changed the design of the major component to make the cost of pure hydrogen fuel competitive with fossil fuels by decreasing the heat and resistance generated through separating hydrogen.

    “What we did differently was just to start completely over and to think about it from a very high level,” Gerry Swiegers, Hysata’s chief technology officer and a professor at the Univ. of Wollongong, New South Wales, toldthe Guardian. “Everyone else was looking at improving materials or an existing design.”

    In a scientific paper, published in Nature, demonstrating their new electrolyzer’s potential, they first outline the problem with the old ones—namely that even state-of-the-art water electrolyzers typically require ~53  kilowatt-hours of electricity to produce 1 kg of hydrogen, which contains 39.4 kWh of energy: a deficit of ~12.

    Bubble Trouble

    University of Wollongong

    Before we can understand why that deficit exists, it bares a short explanation of how these devices work.

    An electrolyzer consists of an anode and a cathode separated by a sponge-like membrane. H2O is sent into the anode, where its electrons are stripped and turned into electricity, powering whatever it’s connected to. Its positively charged protons then cross through the membrane into the cathode, where oxygen is pulled into. There, the protons, reunited with their electrons post-electricity harvest, combine with the oxygen to form water and heat: the only emissions.

    Where Hysata break from long tradition is that in their electrolyzer’s circular shape, the hydrophilic membrane sits immersed only a little in an electrolyte reservoir in the same place as where the water enters. The membrane continuously pulls up the water and the electrolyte in steady amounts that allow electrolysis to occur without the formation of hydrogen gas bubbles typical of electrolyzers which house the anode and cathode entirely within the hydrogen reservoir.

    These gas bubbles block physical access to the catalyst on the anode and cathode, reducing efficiency. The elimination of the gas bubble problem results in Hysata’s efficiency rate of 95%, or 41.5 kWh per kilogram of hydrogen.

    Hysata aren’t just scientists however, and the economics of their electrolyzer make sense. The membranes are easy to manufacture and the process can be automated at scale.

    The International Renewables Energy Agency set a target of 2050 to invent new methods of electrolysis that will reduce the kWh required per kilogram produced to 42. Hysata are now the only entity on Earth to have achieved that, and if a long-haul trucking sector required 1 million tons of hydrogen per year, generating that with Hysata’s technology would save $3 billion.

  • Malarkey –  Energy

    Malarkey – Energy

    The Biden cabal continues to seek oil from everyone in the world; Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Iran. Further, there is discussion of waiving sanctions against Venezuela to obtain oil from there. Hmmm, why use sources readily available when you can deal with tyrants and despots?

    Ordering Takeout From Filthy Foes​​

    There’s No Fool Like An Old Fool
    Bobby Jindal op-ed headline: “Biden’s War on Affordable Energy”

    Steve Milloy: “Putin threats nuclear war. Biden frets CO2 emissions. Amazing.”

    “From high gas prices to compromised national security, Biden is crushing Americans with climate idiocy.”

    Blue Check Beth: “Joe Biden does in fact have a robust plan to address climate change: nuclear winter.”

    Newsmax: “Joe Biden has steadfastly doubled down on his energy and climate policies – a stubborn persistence that experts say is not only costing Americans at the pump but also has unraveled a burgeoning shift toward U.S. energy independence.”

    WSJ Ed Board headline: “A Lesson in Energy Masochism”

    Progressive Puppet Masters
    Larry O’Connor: “Biden’s climate change and Iran nuclear deal agendas have influenced his decisions on Russia/Ukraine. He’s compromised. Not by Putin, but by the radical agenda of his Party.”
    Steve Hilton: “Biden is too scared of the extremist ‘climate’ zealots running his party to stand up to Putin properly”

    Sleepy’ With The Enemy
    Dinesh D’Souza: “Does anyone think it’s better for the US to get its oil from Tehran than Texas?”
    Sen. Rubio: “Rather than produce more American oil he wants to replace the oil we buy from one murderous dictator with oil from another murderous dictator”
    David Reaboi: “Imagine how stupid you have to be to support the halt domestic energy production while going to Iran and Venezuela in the midst of a conflict with Russia (while still buying its oil). Mind-boggling.”
    As The World Burnz: “Iran: ‘Death to the west! US: ‘Please, may we have your oil?’”

    Unilateral Disarmament
    Dean Stoltzfus: “Explain to me like I’m 5 why drilling for oil in Russia or Iran or anywhere else doesn’t harm the environment? Only in North America does drilling for oil put us on the verge of climate annihilation.”
    Steve Hilton: “Biden is ok with Russian oil. He wants OPEC and Saudi Arabia to pump more oil. Now he even wants Iranian oil. Democrat ‘climate’ policy: oil is good, unless it’s American.”
    Catharine O’Neill: “According to the Biden Admin: The climate crisis worsens when the US drills for oil & gas and builds new pipelines. However, when Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Iran, & Russia drill and build pipelines with little to no regulations, the climate crisis…disappears! Like magic!”
    Michael Greer: “What difference to ‘Climate Change’ does it make if we get our oil from Russia, Iran or USE OUR OWN? Why are we BUYING oil when we could be SELLING it? Please someone explain how buying oil from our enemies instead of drilling our OWN helps ‘Climate Change.’”
    Sen. Manchin: “It makes no sense to be the superpower of the world and to be this vulnerable… This is wrong.”
    President Trump: “Unless everybody is going to do it, it makes us non-competitive.” 

    Desperate Times Yet?
    FOX: “A ‘MUSK’-READ: Tesla CEO @elonmusk takes unlikely position on US oil production”
    FOX: “UNLEASHING OUR OIL: @SenTedCruz introduces bill to ‘restore American energy independence’” 

  • Manchin Shows How Bereft of Sense Biden Is Right Before SOTU

    Manchin Shows How Bereft of Sense Biden Is Right Before SOTU

    By Nick Arama | RedState

    What’s astounding about Joe Biden and some of the Democrats is that they are still refusing to acknowledge how his bad policies have led to this situation with Russia invading Ukraine. Perhaps more importantly for our own country, he fails to understand how these bad policies have put us in a box and made us more dependent not just on foreign oil but on Russian oil specifically.

    Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said it in a nutshell, “Joe Biden becoming president is the best thing to happen to Vladimir Putin.” He helped Russia get their Nord Stream 2 pipeline completed and he cut our energy production ability into the bargain, two things that Russia couldn’t want more. Meanwhile, our buying of Russian oil increased under Joe Biden, with us still reportedly buying 595,000 barrels a day, even now, after they’ve invaded.

    So what did the administration say in response to this? Are they planning to do anything to change that? Nope.

    As we reported before, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki indicated they weren’t planning on making any changes to increase American production and she reiterated that over the past couple of days on ABC “This Week” on Sunday and then on Fox. She just says that we should reduce our need for oil.

    Now, you wouldn’t want sanctions to affect Americans more than Russians, but she’s not saying they’re going to make any effort at all to move away from Russian oil and produce more of our own. That’s madness, especially given the stark reality of what that oil dependence can lead to.

    But now, while the White House is still refusing delivery on reality and is going to try to spin some kind of tale to the American public tonight about how wonderful everything is, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) — the sane Democrat — isn’t buying it. Manchin is calling for Biden to ban all Russian crude oil imports.

    “It makes no sense at all for the United States to be buying millions of barrels of Russian oil and other petroleum products while Russia attacks the free and sovereign nation of Ukraine,” the West Virginia senator tweeted on Tuesday. [….]

    Russia provided more oil to the U.S. than any other country except Canada last year, U.S. Energy Information Administration data showed. In total, the U.S. imported nearly 3 billion barrels of oil, or roughly 670,000 barrels per day, from Russia in 2021.

    Manchin, who chairs the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee said that this dependence posed a national security threat and he called for increasing domestic production.

    “The entire world is watching as Vladimir Putin uses energy as a weapon in an attempt to extort and coerce our European allies,” Manchin said in a statement Monday. “While Americans decry what is happening in Ukraine, the United States continues to allow the import of more than half a million barrels per day of crude oil and other petroleum products from Russia during this time of war.

    “This makes no sense at all and represents a clear and present danger to our nation’s energy security,” he said. “If there was ever a time to be energy independent, it is now.”

    Of course, that makes a lot of sense. Manchin says he wants to hear a plan from Biden to deal with inflation and deal with these issues. That should be the message that Biden delivers. But chances that Joe Biden will listen to Manchin’s sense? No chance at all. As we previously noted, they’re still talking with Russia about things like climate change and not cutting that off. Priorities.

    Biden should listen to Manchin, but of course, he won’t. He is completely in the pocket of the left which means he will do this country in if it means bowing to their climate narrative. You may hear a tip of the hat to how he cares about prices going up for Americans — yet he will do nothing to make it stop or move us back to the independence that we had under President Donald Trump.

    Original Here

  • Malarkey-Energy


    Today’s edition of “Malarkey” deals with oil. Specifically, how this administration deals with oil energy…to benefit everyone but the United States!

    Out of Sight, Out Of (His) Mind

    Oil & Gas Not Greener On Other Side
    This Calgary Herald column sets the table: “U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration put out a statement urging OPEC to hike its oil production to help bring U.S. gasoline prices down. This from the man who, on the first day of his presidency cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline.”  

    “You’d think Biden and his administration would be celebrating high oil and gas prices because that means less will be used and therefore there will be less emissions, but no, he’s on his hands and knees begging those dictatorships that belong to OPEC and who fund terrorism against the West and Western interests to increase production so more cheap oil and gas can be used by Americans.” 

    See No Evil

    Rep. Andy Barr tweeted:“Biden’s energy policy makes NO sense: 

    ❌ Cancels the Keystone Pipeline

    ❌ Ends drilling on federal lands


    ✅ Waives sanctions on Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline 

    ✅ Wants OPEC to produce more oil 

    America energy bad, global energy good!”  

    House GOP Leader McCarthy:”We could have been more energy independent. We could have developed it cleaner. And with American workers. But Biden would rather put America last.”