The engine that is turning… The engine that is turning the United States upside down: it is 80 years old…

Science Sunday-Hydrogen

U.S. Agency Wants…

U.S. Agency Wants Offshore Oil Companies to Look for Shipwrecks Before They Drill Andy Corbley for Photo…

Biden War On Energy…

Biden War On Energy Helps China, Saudi, & Venezuelan Dictators Protesters in China shout “Down with…

Science Sunday – Oil

If the radical greenies had their way, all fossil fuels would be verboten. Maybe if they…

Researchers Make….

As it currently stands, the Biden administration policy is to decimate the US energy sector. Their…

Malarkey – Energy

The Biden cabal continues to seek oil from everyone in the world; Russia, Saudi Arabia, and…

Manchin Shows How Bereft of Sense Biden Is Right Before SOTU

By Nick Arama | RedState What’s astounding about Joe Biden and some of the Democrats is that they are…


Today’s edition of “Malarkey” deals with oil. Specifically, how this administration deals with oil energy…to benefit…