Tag: Esprit de Corps



    looking at all the crap the democrats have to offer

    —-> do notice you cannot spell democrats without RATS <—

    They constantly attack everything good, all the time in every way possible

    think about it for a moment, do you have anything in common with those people… anything?

    I don’t

    their contrived, twisted Social constructs I want no part of

    They hate everything I like. The difference between them and US, is we have something called


    yes, they can an are doing great damage to the 3 pillars of America

    the Mind the Spirit the Body. the AINOs out in street are proof

    American in name only = AINOs

    have a coffee, sit an learn what MOTIVATION can accomplish

    do not forget to smile

    the Left may see our smile as a weakness, & that’s their first mistake

    they don’t know who they be fuckin with

    “For the honor of the fallen, for the glory of the dead”, Edgar Guest wrote of Belleau Wood, “The living line of courage kept the faith and moved ahead.” They are all gone now, those Marines who made a French farmer’s little wheat field into one of the most enduring of Marine Corps legends. Many of them did not survive the day. But their action has made them immortal. The Corps remembers them and honors what they did, and so they live forever. Dan Daly’s shouted challenge takes on its true meaning – if you hide in the trenches you may survive for now, but someday you will die and no one will care. If you charge the guns you may die in the next two minutes, but you will be one of the immortals. All Marines die, in the red flash of battle or the white cold of a nursing home. In the vigor of youth or the infirmity of age all will eventually die, but the Marine Corps lives on. Every Marine who ever lived is living still, in the Marines who claim the title today. It is that sense of belonging to something that will outlive your own mortality that gives people a light to live by and a flame to mark their passing.

    Marines call it esprit de corps.