Tag: FBI

  • BREAKING: Former FBI counterintel official arrested for violating sanctions on Russian oligarch; UPDATE: Money laundering, and more

    BREAKING: Former FBI counterintel official arrested for violating sanctions on Russian oligarch; UPDATE: Money laundering, and more

    (AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko, File)

    Ed Morrisey | HotAir

    Last September, I called this allegation “too bad to check.” Now we can call it “too bad to ignore.” The FBI agent who helped kickstart Operation Crossfire Hurricane and created more than two years of panic over Russia collusion has been arrested today for … wait for it …

    A former top FBI official in New York has been arrested over his ties to a Russian oligarch, law enforcement sources told ABC News Monday.

    Charles McGonigal, who was the special agent in charge of counterintelligence in the FBI’s New York Field Office, is under arrest over his ties to Oleg Deripaska, a Russian billionaire who has been sanctioned by the United States and criminally charged last year with violating those sanctions. …

    McGonigal is charged with violating U.S. sanctions by trying to get Deripaska off the sanctions list.

    McGonigal’s status as the FBI’s point man for counterintelligence in its New York field office makes this bad enough. However, as Business Insider reported in September, McGonigal’s efforts helped launch a fruitless two-years-plus “witch hunt” against Donald Trump and his campaign over the kind of collusion with Russia’s oligarchs that McGonigal allegedly conducted himself:

    Before his retirement in 2018, McGonigal led the WikiLeaks investigation into Chelsea Manning, busted Bill Clinton’s national security advisor Sandy Berger for removing classified material from a National Archives reading room, and led the search for a Chinese mole inside the CIA. In 2016, when reports surfaced that Russia had hacked the email system of the Democratic National Committee, McGonigal was serving as chief of the cybercrimes section at FBI headquarters in Washington. In that capacity, he was one of the first officials to learn that a Trump campaign official had bragged that the Russians had dirt on Hillary Clinton, sparking the investigation known as Operation Crossfire Hurricane. Later that year, FBI Director James Comey promoted McGonigal to oversee counterintelligence operations in New York.

    The connections go even deeper. The US had sanctions on Deripaska in relation to his connections to Paul Manafort, which turned out to be unrelated to the Trump campaign — an investigation that the Department of Justice dropped until after Trump’s election. Robert Mueller resurrected it to pressure Manafort into turning on Trump, but as it happened, Manafort didn’t have anything to give.

    As I wrote at the time, this raises all sorts of questions about what McGonigal has been playing at:

    So why would someone who saw a dumb brag by a low-level campaign consultant as a national security risk agree to work with the oligarch playing a role in the supposed conspiracy? If those connections took place after McGonigal’s retirement, it speaks to the risk that McGonigal truly saw from Deripaska. At the very least, it leaves the impression that McGonigal never bought the Russia-collusion theory even as he and his colleagues pursued it for years.

    If those connections started before McGonigal’s retirement, though … hoo boy. This comes at the same time that we discover that the FBI actively paid Igor Danchenko as a confidential informant starting in early 2017, even as it became obvious that his claims in the Steele dossier were nonsense — and just a few years after the FBI investigated Danchenko as a suspected Russian-intel operative. That’s an awful lot of apparent collusion between the FBI and a couple of Russians. It leaves us to wonder just where the collusion problem may really have been all along.

    Indeed it does. Stay tuned, in other words. Perhaps McGonigal may have more to say on that.

    Update: The Associated Press reports that McGonigal has been charged with money laundering as well as attempting to assist Deripaska in a feud with another Russian oligarch:

    McGonigal, 54, and the interpreter, Sergey Shestakov, 69, were arrested Saturday. McGonigal was taken into custody after landing at John F. Kennedy International Airport. They are scheduled to appear in court in Manhattan on Monday. Both are being held at a federal jail in Brooklyn.

    McGonigal and Shestakov are charged with violating and conspiring to violate the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, conspiring to commit money laundering and money laundering. Shestakov is also charged with making material misstatements to the FBI.

    McGonigal was separately charged in federal court in Washington, D.C. with concealing $225,000 in payments he received from an outside source with whom he traveled to Europe.

    What part of this involves Operation Crossfire Hurricane? Maybe this part:

    The New York indictment alleges that McGonigal was introduced by Shestakov in 2018 to a former Soviet diplomat who functioned as an agent for Deripaska. That person is not identified in court papers but the Justice Department says he was “rumored in public media reports to be a Russian intelligence officer.”

    According to the indictment, Shestakov asked McGonigal for his help in getting the daughter of Deripaska’s agent an internship with the New York Police Department. McGonigal agreed, prosecutors say, and told a police department contact that, “I have interest in her father for a number of reasons.”

    Or this part, perhaps, rinsed through Albania?

    The Justice Department says McGonigal also hid from the FBI key details of a 2017 trip he took to Albania with a former member of that country’s intelligence service who had given him the $225,000.

    McGonigal apparently neglected to report these contacts fully, as required for FBI agents generally and counterintelligence officials more specifically.

    Like I said earlier … stay tuned. This is going to get ugly for the Bureau and for the DoJ.

    Original here

  • Fast Food Raid

    Fast Food Raid

    The Felonious Bloviating Imbeciles continue their political witch hunt. This time pursuing the extremely dangerous criminal at a Hardees fast food drive thru.

    MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell claims the FBI seized his phone on Tuesday.

    The mustachioed businessman said the encounter happened at a Hardee’s drive-thru on his way home from Iowa in Mankato, Minnesota.

    “I open my door and I say, ‘Who are you?’ And he says, ‘We’re FBI,’” Lindell recalled on his show, the Lindell Report. He said the FBI agents showed him their badges upon request and told him to pull over.

    “He goes, ‘We’re taking your cellphone. We have a warrant for your cellphone.’ I go, ‘No.’ I said, ‘My whole company, I run five companies off of that. I don’t have a computer. My hearing aids run off of this. Everything runs off of my phone,’” Lindell said. “I said, ‘If I don’t give it to you, will you arrest me then?” At that point, the agents apparently handed him the search warrant for his phone.

    Lindell said he was advised by his lawyer, whom he was allowed to call, to hand over his phone to the FBI. He added that he wasn’t given a chance to back up his phone.

    This recent event, again, provides from mockery of said agency through memes. Enjoy!


  • Mar-A-Lago Affidavit Released

    Mar-A-Lago Affidavit Released

    Last week, federal magistrate William Reinhardt ordered the DoJ and FBI to produce and release a redacted version of the underlying affidavit used to secure the warrant to search the residence of former President Donald Trump. You can read the warrant below.

    The supporting affidavit for warrants supply information that the magistrate or judge needs to determine if the warrant is supportable. As a rule, those affidavits are kept under seal, however in this case the magistrate determined that there was a compelling public interest for a release. The magistrate issued an order to release the affidavit with suitably redacted. In typical FBI fashion, their internal phone directory is classified after all, the majority of the document is redacted. You can find the complete affidavit here, as I couldn’t find it on scribd or any place else that I could embed from.

    The first few pages cover the statutory information of the laws involved. From there it covers the offences and finally any supporting evidence of potential crimes. The redactions start at the top and are liberally sprinkled through the first sections of the affidavit, and these are mostly understandable as they are names of FBI agents and others. Once the document gets to the supporting evidence, it turns into a blob of black.

    There are several pages that are nothing but heading numbers and redactions. Even the section that lays out the probable cause is redacted.

    Now, on to my thoughts. As a former holder of a TS/SCI clearance, a couple of things stand out to me. First, and really the most important, POTUS IS the classification authority. If he decides that something is either classified or not, that is that. Anything else is window dressing. I realize that Trump is now a former President, but any declassifications he made while in office are still valid. Second, and I know some of you may disagree, if there were NDI (national defense Intelligence) marked documents in his possession, declassified or not, they shouldn’t have been in some storage room at Mar-A-Lago with a single lock on the door. There were multiple reports of Trump being somewhat cavalier with classified documents while in office. I can see no reason why that would have changed. Third, and finally, this smacks of a political hit job. The Courts have ruled many times that the fPOTUS’s decisions on what constitute personal records are not up for judicial review, the Presidential Records act not withstanding. Why the acting director of the National Archives believed that she could or should press this issue is beyond me.

    In closing I’ll leave you with a quote from Richard Nixon. “Well, when the president does it … that means that it is not illegal

  • Pence Is Wrong. DOJ and…

    Pence Is Wrong. DOJ and…

    Again, from The Federalist, an outlook on the politicalization of the FBI.

    Pence Is Wrong. DOJ And FBI Rot Spreads Way Past Garland

    Jonathan S. Tobin, Senior Contributor for The Federalist

    When it comes to the way the deep state regime is at war with Republicans, former Vice President Mike Pence’s No. 1 priority is showing that his main concern is to keep playing the “good cop” to the “bad cop” of former President Donald Trump. 

    Speaking in New Hampshire last week, Pence characteristically tried to have it both ways over this unprecedented attack on norms that the incident represented. After vaguely calling for transparency, Pence said: 

    I also want to remind my fellow Republicans that we can hold the Attorney General accountable for the decision that he made without attacking the rank and file law enforcement personnel at the FBI. The Republican Party is the party of law and order. Our party stands with the men and women who serve on the thin blue line at the federal, state, and local levels. These attacks on the FBI must stop. Calls to defund the FBI are just as wrong as calls to defund the police. The truth of the matter is we need to get to the bottom of the matter and let the facts play out, but more than anything else, the American people need to be reassured of the integrity of our justice system.

    Conservatives are justifiably venting outrage over the banana republic-style raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home by FBI agents acting on the orders of Attorney General Merrick Garland. But the soft-spoken Pence thinks the priority is to reassure the administrative state that Republicans won’t be unreasonable in their pushback against attempts to delegitimize opposition to the Biden administration. 

    With the help of a friendly judge who hates the former president so much he had to recuse himself from a lawsuit between Trump and Hillary Clinton, FBI agents were allowed to go on what turned out to be an open-ended search for anything that might somehow be used by the Democrats to indict Trump on still unspecified bogus charges. This comes after the FBI’s participation in a Russia-collusion hoax that was nothing short of a soft coup attempt against Trump.

    Since their Russia ploy flopped, little has changed. In the last year and a half, the bureau and the rest of the Department of Justice have also been all in on President Joe Biden and Garland’s attempt to convince the country that the real threat to the homeland is “domestic terrorism” from white supremacists. In practice, it seems to be more about politics than terrorism. The government’s actions seem to indicate their belief that Trump supporters, especially those that push back against their outrageous politically-biased approach to law enforcement, as well as parents who oppose critical race theory indoctrination in schools, ought to be the principal focus of law enforcement.

    That means the proper response to the Mar-a-Lago raid can’t be to sit back and wait patiently for the DOJ and the FBI to make their case, as so many did during the three years of a Russia investigation that was based on manipulation, lies, and misconduct from within the federal bureaucracy. As a stream of DOJ inspector general reports has shown, misconduct and even malfeasance (as was the case with the Russia hoax) are not rare. 

    But the Mar-a-Lago raid takes the critique of the FBI to a different level. It is unprecedented not merely for the way it targets a former president and likely political opponent of the current administration. At best it’s the criminalization of a dubious dispute about records. At worst, it’s a fishing expedition whose only purpose may be to search for nonexistent proof of unspecified crimes relating to the Democrats’ desire to criminalize skepticism about the 2020 election results and to falsely brand all Republicans as insurrectionists. That is what makes it the straw that broke the camel’s back with respect to the FBI’s credibility.

    Pence claims it is possible to hold Garland accountable for his politicization of justice without a more broad-based critique of the work of the FBI. The latter, he said, would be a betrayal of the GOP’s belief in law and order and comparable to the left’s calls for defunding the police. The two issues are completely different since “reimagining” the FBI won’t cause a crime wave but would, instead, allow the agency to return to fighting crime rather than Biden’s enemies.

    As the Russia hoax illustrated, in recent decades, the FBI has morphed into as much of a domestic spy agency as it is the vaunted organization dedicated to investigating cases that local police don’t have the resources or training to solve.

    That’s part of the reason why left-wingers — who in past generations were quick to identify the agency with J. Edgar Hoover’s abuses, including spying on a host of non-criminal domestic figures and dissident groups — now love it. The hypocrisy here is as absurd as it is transparent. Tim Weiner, a former New York Times national security correspondent and author of a critical history of the FBI, has been gleeful about the prospect of jailing Trump on a documents charge but also tried to differentiate between Hoover’s wiretapping of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the agency’s treating the former president like an organized crime figure who needs to be taken down by any means necessary. According to Weiner, Hoover’s actions were “witch hunts,” but agents browsing through Trump’s records is an “espionage investigation.” Of course, the only real difference here is that Hoover spied on people the left liked while Garland’s DOJ’s lawless behavior is directed at the person they hate most.

    That supposedly serious people on the left actually still think Trump is a suspected foreign spy should signal to Republicans that what’s going on here is a rerun of the Russian farce. We’re seeing the same agency overreaches, leaks, and breathless reports in corporate media about the federal legal establishment finally getting the goods to lock Trump up.

    In the face of this partisan hijacking of the DOJ and the FBI, tame complaints about Garland aren’t enough. Ultimately, no one in the bureau or DOJ was held accountable for the Russia hoax, something that undermined, perhaps fatally, confidence in the system. But for the same agencies to lead the country down the same kind of conspiratorial rabbit hole against the same political target is beyond the pale.

    That’s created the kind of threat to the republic that requires Republicans to treat this as an emergency, rather than just another in a list of problematic actions by the Biden administration.

    This isn’t about loyalty to Trump or whether Pence should have obeyed the president’s unreasonable request about him overturning the Electoral College vote. Pence’s compulsion to play the moderate conservative isn’t new. His betrayal of conservatives over the Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act in 2015 while he was governor, in order to play to acceptable liberal opinion, shouldn’t be forgotten.

    Defunding the FBI is an argument that will be easily misconstrued. But what conservatives need from those who aspire to lead them — and Pence is acting as if he wants to run for president in 2024 — is clarity and strength when it comes to confronting the administrative state. The Mar-a-Lago raid provided even more evidence that Trump is right to endorse a plan to fundamentally reform so-called “civil service” because of its proven partisan corruption. That would call for making at least 50,000 employees with policy decision-making power to be appointed by the president rather than act as a permanent, unelected, and unaccountable state within the state that assists Democrats and hinders Republicans, especially those like Trump or anyone like him who want to actually drain the D.C. swamp.

    Pence’s joining the chorus of leftist pundits carping at conservative critiques of the FBI isn’t a matter of him not kowtowing to Trump. Rather, it is a sign that he can’t be trusted to effectively fight the left and the deep state that is determined to label all those who push back against the Biden/Garland war on dissent as criminals or potential terrorists. This is more proof that he’s someone who, though not lacking in personal virtue, doesn’t know what time it is. Someone who is that clueless about this crisis can’t lead Republicans in a struggle not so much to save Trump as it is to rescue the republic from the leftist war on wrongthink.

    The FBI has proven it is no longer a reliably non partisan agency. There may be ’pockets’ of agents in smaller field offices who perform their duties in accordance with past FBI standards; however, the DC Field office, as well as other major city field offices, have shown their allegiance is to politics.

  • Think The FBI Deserves…

    Think The FBI Deserves…

    Merrick Garland, Christopher Wray and none other then Mike Pence have berated those who may have the unmitigated audacity to question the FBI’s most recent actions. Tristian Justice of The Federalist has completed an excellent representation of the FBI’s pass behaviors to explain the current attitude toward Felonious Blasphemies Illegal actions.

    Think The FBI Deserves The Benefit Of The Doubt? Think Again

    Tristan Justice for The Federalist

    Can the FBI be trusted? A Federalist analysis of agency lies over the last decade is an unequivocal no. 

    FISA Warrants

    In the summer of 2016, FBI bureaucrats launched a deep-state operation, known as Crossfire Hurricane, to thwart then-candidate Trump’s presidential ambitions. It began by targeting Trump campaign foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos and quickly branched out as bureaucrats expanded their surveillance. The spy agency used the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) as a legal pretext to investigate and spy on Papadopoulos, in addition to former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn, former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, and former Trump adviser Carter Page. Several were interviewed by undercover FBI informant Stefan Halper, whose own investigation would prove a bust. 

    According to a declassified transcript between Papadopoulos and a Crossfire Hurricane confidential human source (CHS), Papadopoulos repeatedly denied the Trump campaign was working with Russian-backed entities to capture the 2016 election. The FBI, however, wrote off Papadopoulos’s recorded answers as rehearsed and omitted his denials of campaign collusion with overseas actors in FISA court warrant applications and renewals. These were two of the 17 “significant inaccuracies and omissions” identified in the Department of Justice (DOJ) inspector general’s blockbuster report on the investigation in December 2019. 

    Papadopoulos, who pled guilty to making a false statement to the FBI in a perjury trap, was far from the only individual to face political persecution from the federal government’s dystopian investigation. 

    Not one of the four FISA warrants obtained by the FBI was legally justified, according to DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report. In fact, at least two of the warrant applications to spy on Page were declared illegal by a federal judge. Following Horowitz’s blistering report outlining FBI misconduct throughout the entire operation, another federal judge declared that agency malfeasance “calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable.”

    Subsequent reporting revealed gross abuses of power within the FBI to prosecute political opponents. According to Horowitz, the FBI’s FISA warrants “relied entirely” on DNC-funded opposition research compiled by former British intelligence official Christopher Steele known as the “Steele dossier.” The dossier, which outlined supposed Trump-Russia collusion and has since been thoroughly debunked, included salacious allegations such as supposed “pee tapes” featuring Trump engaging in golden showers with Russian prostitutes at a Moscow hotel. 

    The FBI knew the dossier lacked credibility as early as January 2017 and knew Steele’s material itself contained Russian disinformation. Desperate to continue their deep-state operation, however, officials lied to the FISA court about Steele’s credibility and hid incriminating info related to the former British intelligence official who was later fired over leaks to the press. An 18th omission, overlooked by the inspector general’s report but documented by Federalist Senior Legal Correspondent Margot Cleveland, was that Steele’s sources did not include the ones he developed as a British official. 

    Even after Steele’s termination as a reliable source, DOJ attorney Bruce Ohr continued to feed information from Steele to the FBI over the course of its investigation. Steele met with Ohr 12 times after the former’s tenure ended as a confidential human source for the bureau, according to the inspector general. Ohr also promoted his wife’s opposition research to FBI investigators and did not disclose she was paid by Fusion GPS, the DNC-contracted firm that commissioned the Steele dossier. 

    The FBI never told the FISA court that the Trump dossier written by a source who was fired for lying, did not undergo independent verification, and was funded by Hillary Clinton and the DNC.

    Despite the overt abuse of the nation’s surveillance apparatus to spy on political opponents, only one FBI official has faced criminal conviction for his role in the probe. In January last year, former FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith was sentenced to just 12 months probation after pleading guilty to fabricating evidence to obtain a FISA warrant. By December, Clinesmith was re-admitted to the D.C. Bar Association in good standing. 

    Steele’s primary sub-source, Igor Danchenko, was indicted in November on five counts of making false statements to the FBI. In May, a D.C. jury acquitted former Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussmann on charges of lying to the FBI when submitting supposed evidence of Trump-Russian collusion to federal investigators. 

    Misleading Congress

    Following the collapse of the grand Russia-collusion hoax, lawmakers on Capitol Hill began demanding answers about FBI misconduct. Former FBI Director James Comey lied to Congress, claiming the bureau was just investigating four individuals, not the Trump campaign, in a dubious spin. 

    “Late July of 2016, the FBI did, in fact, open a counterintelligence investigation into, is it fair to say the Trump campaign or Donald Trump himself?” asked then-Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., in a 2018 hearing. 

    “It’s not fair to say either of those things, in my recollection,” Comey said. “We opened investigations on four Americans to see if there was any connection between those four Americans and the Russian interference efforts. And those four Americans did not include the candidate.”

    Horowitz also contradicted the FBI in a December 2019 hearing on the release of his report documenting FISA abuses. In September 2017, the FBI told Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, that the bureau gave the Trump campaign a defensive briefing about Russian interference in the 2016 race. 

    “In August of 2016 the FBI provided a counterintelligence defensive briefing to then candidate Donald Trump and other senior campaign officials,” wrote FBI Assistant Director of Congressional Affairs Gregory Brower in response to a letter from Grassley. “This defensive briefing was conducted by an experienced FBI counterintelligence agent and focused on the broad range of threats posed by foreign intelligence entities.”

    Horowitz testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee that there was no briefing given.

    Misleading DOJ Leaders

    Not only was Congress led astray as FBI officials conducted a rogue operation to defend the incumbent regime, but so was senior leadership in President Trump’s DOJ. 

    Handwritten notes revealed in the Sussmann trial exposed how FBI agents sought to cover up malicious misconduct, wherein DOJ leaders tasked with FBI oversight were misled about the investigation’s progress. The notes show FBI agent Peter Strzok wrongly told DOJ supervisors the surveillance warrant on Page had been “fruitful.” Strzok also concealed knowledge that Steele’s sources were not credible and claimed instead that the dossier was “CROWN reporting” from MI6, the CIA’s British counterpart. The FBI said the dossier was being used to examine the RNC and Trump campaign’s effort to soften the GOP platform on NATO and Crimea for Russian energy stocks, but the document made no mention of NATO or Crimea. 

    Strzok also said Trump’s 2016 joke about Russia uncovering Clinton’s 30,000 deleted emails triggered Crossfire Hurricane, with an Australian diplomat tipping off the government about Papadopoulos at the American embassy in London. The tip that Papdopoulos was coordinating collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, however, came before Trump made the joke.

    Strzok is the same agent whose text messages show he conspired with his mistress and FBI colleague, attorney Lisa Page. Strzok, a lead investigator for Crossfire Hurricane, assured Page of a mysterious “insurance policy” in place if Trump were to be elected, likely in reference to the agency’s inside operations. Page, according to the DOJ inspector general’s 2019 report, told colleagues to go easy on investigating Clinton because “she might be our next president.”

    When Page fretted that Trump might actually win the 2016 contest, Strzok assured his romantic partner, “we’ll stop it.”

    Misleading Trump

    Comey thought the Crossfire Hurricane investigation was important enough to brief outgoing President Barack Obama on the probe but kept Trump in the dark. In fact, Comey later confirmed that he told Trump three times the president was not being investigated and refused to tell him Clinton funded the dossier. 

    Michael Flynn

    In June 2020, a federal judge ordered that all charges be dropped against Flynn, whom Trump subsequently pardoned in the waning days of his administration. Prior to his exoneration, Flynn was facing heavy fines and prison time for making false statements to federal officials in another perjury trap orchestrated by Comey, who bragged about the setup in the first week of the Trump White House.

    According to Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Flynn lied to a pair of FBI agents about conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak as the incoming national security adviser. Flynn, prosecutors claimed, spoke with Kislyak about financial sanctions against Russian individuals after the 2016 election and then lied about it during an interview with Comey’s agents. Sending a pair of agents to question a senior White House official in the Situation Room, Comey said at a 2018 conference, was “something I probably wouldn’t have done or even gotten away with in a more organized investigation, a more organized administration.”

    “We placed a call to Flynn and said, ‘Hey, we’re sending a couple guys over, hope you’ll talk to them.’ He said ‘sure,’” Comey explained at the 92nd Street Y conference. “Nobody else was there, they interviewed him in a conference room at the White House situation room, and he lied to them.”

    Flynn initially pled guilty to making false statements to the FBI before firing his attorneys and hiring new representation to withdraw his guilty plea. His reversal followed the release of declassified transcripts, which revealed Flynn never spoke with Kislyak about sanctions. The two only discussed expulsions of Russian individuals under a different process. Handwritten notes from the FBI agents also revealed the sole purpose of their questioning was “to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired.” A bizarre 2017 inauguration day email by Susan Rice to herself also revealed Comey knew there was no legitimate reason to question Flynn. 

    Andrew McCabe

    Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was fired from his top role at the bureau for lying to the agency inspector general four times over multiple abuses during his tenure in senior leadership. Those abusesincluded efforts to set up former White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus for obstruction charges, the sabotage of an investigation into Clinton emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop before the 2016 election, and failure to report conflicts of interest. While running for a Virginia state Senate seat in 2015, McCabe’s wife accepted a political donation from a close Clinton ally as her husband was tasked with investigating the former secretary of state. 

    A 2018 DOJ inspector general report blasted McCabe as a serial leakerwho lied about it. That same year, a letter from Grassley shined a spotlight on McCabe’s purchase of a $70,000 table on taxpayers’ dime that the agency sought to cover up.

    Clinton Emails

    The FBI repeatedly told journalists there was no evidence that a foreign power had reviewed Clinton’s emails that she improperly handled on a private server. According to an inspector general report in 2018, however, texts show they almost certainly did, “at least one of them classified,” as Federalist Senior Editor David Harsanyi wrote. 

    “It is more accurate to say,” read a text from Strzok, “that we know foreign actors obtained access to some of her emails (including at least one Secret one) via compromises of the private email accounts of some of her staffers.”

    Weiner Laptop

    In 2018, Comey told lawmakers over the course of the investigation into Clinton’s emails that agency officials thoroughly reviewed the laptop belonging to Clinton aide Huma Abedin and her now-ex husband Anthony Weiner. The FBI was able to accomplish such a feat within a short timeframe “thanks to the wizardry of our technology” enabling agents who worked “night after night after night” to comb through the remaining material before the 2016 election. 

    “But virtually none of his account was true,” explained RealClearInvestigations’ Paul Sperry. 

    In fact, a technical glitch prevented FBI technicians from accurately comparing the new emails with the old emails. Only 3,077 of the 694,000 emails were directly reviewed for classified or incriminating information. Three FBI officials completed that work in a single 12-hour spurt the day before Comey again cleared Clinton of criminal charges.

    Roger Stone

    In 2019, former Trump associate Roger Stone was raided by the FBI after being indicted by Mueller. A CNN camera crew happened to be the only network present at Stone’s Fort Lauderdale home before the sunrise raid, suggesting the friendly press had been tipped off in advance. The FBI, however, refused to comply with a Federalist open records request for any and all emails to or from CNN on the day of the raid. 

    Jan. 6 Capitol Riot

    The Jan. 6 saga has become the sequel in Democrats’ efforts to indict Trump, before FBI agents hatched a plot to go after the former president over supposed espionage. 

    In October, the bureau refused to offer House Republicans conducting their own independent investigation of the Capitol riot the same material given to congressional Democrats. The FBI’s refusal, the agency claimed, was because officials were already working with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Select Committee on Jan. 6. Pelosi’s committee, however, was established in violation of House rules. Rep. Jim Banks, R-Ind., the minority appointment as ranking member, is entitled to the documents presented to Democrats. 

    Senior FBI officials have also refused lawmakers’ questions about how many informants were present at the Capitol on Jan. 6 and stonewalled inquiries surrounding Ray Epps, the mysterious figure who disappeared from the most-wanted list after he encouraged rioters to swarm the Capitol. 

    At an Aug. 4 Senate hearing, FBI Director Christopher Wray sought to downplay agency negligence, claiming “we did not have any credible intelligence that pointed to thousands of people breaching the Capitol.” But according to Newsweek, the agency deployed commandos with “shoot to kill authority,” and even Capitol Hill parking attendants knewthere were going to be mass protests. The FBI has also been less than forthcoming about a pair of pipe bombs planted at the RNC and DNC headquarters. 

    At the same time, the FBI has embarked on a nationwide manhunt, to incarcerating demonstrators who have been declared such a threat to the republic over trespassing that they’ve been denied a fair and speedy trial and held in detention for more than 18 months. 

    Julian Khater, one of two accused of assaulting a Capitol Police officer with pepper spray and whose case has been documented by Julie Kelly at American Greatness, appears to have been outright coerced into making an unconstitutional confession. Khater was detained in March 2021 and has remained in federal custody ever since after intense interrogation without an attorney present. 

    Kamala Harris on Jan. 6

    The presence of Vice President Mike Pence and then-Sen. Kamala Harris at the U.S. Capitol has been the basis for nearly 800 people being charged with at least one count of violating 18 U.S. Code, section 1752, accordingto Kelly, which indicates that any building or complex hosting the vice president is a restricted area and therefore closed to the public. 

    “But the Justice Department recently was forced to admit that Harris was not in the building for most of the day on January 6,” Kelly reported, highlighting that Harris, at the time, remained a U.S. senator, not vice president. In the late morning, Harris was moved to the DNC headquarters where a pipe bomb had supposedly been planted. 

    “Prosecutors have begun amending language in court filings to reflect the fact Harris was not inside the Capitol despite making the assertion in thousands of charging documents,” Kelly wrote. 

    March 4, 2021

    The FBI released a joint memo with the Department of Homeland Security warning that “domestic extremists” were preparing to launch an insurrection by overwhelming the Capitol and removing Democratic lawmakers “on or about the 4th of March.”

    Nothing happened. 

    Hunter Biden Suppression

    In July, Grassley’s office published a blockbuster whistleblower reportwherein senior agency officials alleged that the bureau is actively trying to sabotage Trump and provide cover for President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter. 

    “Multiple FBI whistleblowers, including those in senior positions,” Grassley’s office wrote in a press release, “are raising the alarm about tampering by senior FBI and Justice Department officials in politically sensitive investigations ranging from election and campaign finance probes across multiple election cycles.”

    Washington Field Office Assistant Special Agent in Charge Timothy Thibault and Director of Election Crimes Branch Richard Pilger, the whistleblowers alleged, coordinated to amplify defamatory information against Trump while giving cover to Hunter Biden, dismissing Biden intelligence as disinformation.

    The agency reportedly knew of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop full of incriminating information on the first family as early as 2019, and Grassley’s whistleblower report highlights how officials may have undermined DOJ investigations into Hunter Biden’s finances in Delaware and Pittsburgh. In March, FBI Assistant Director of the Cyber Division Bryan Vorndran told lawmakers he did not know the whereabouts of Hunter Biden’s laptop. 

    Gretchen Whitmer Plot

    In October 2020, the FBI revealed that a plot to kidnap Michigan Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer had been heroically foiled by federal law enforcement. A group of far-right militiamen, the story goes, conspired to kidnap the governor and try her as a “tyrant” in Wisconsin. In July last year, however, BuzzFeed revealed that at least 12 people involved were FBI informants orchestrating another entrapment. 

    “The problem with the case is that it appears the FBI, through informants and undercover agents, hatched the kidnapping plotserved in the key leadership positions of the militia group, trained the militia members in military tactics, actively recruited participantsand funded much of the militia’s activities,” reported former CIA Paramilitary Operations Officer Max Morton. “Then, when various members of the Watchman militia became uncomfortable with the kidnapping plot, with several quitting, the FBI’s primary informant pushed the plot along, eventually becoming the militia group’s leader.”

    In April, a jury refused to convict four of the 14 defendants charged. Two were found not guilty, another two concluded the trial with no verdict, and another two took plea deals. 

    Ralph Northam Plot

    Dan Chappel, the primary informant in the Whitmer kidnapping conspiracy, targeted a senior disabled veteran named Frank Butler using the same formula to go after then-Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, another Democrat.

    “Just as in the Whitmer plot, Chappel lured Frank Butler into attempting to build an explosive device,” Kelly explained in American Greatness. “Chappel also invited Butler to a field training exercise in Wisconsin during the last weekend in October, an excursion attended by some defendants in the Whitmer caper.”

    Unlike the FBI’s victims in the Whitmer plot, however, Butler did not participate and has not been charged with any crime.

    Sen. Ted Stevens’ Conviction

    Former Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, became the victim of FBI corruption in 2008 when forced to defend himself on charges of false statements to federal officials. Stevens lost his seat as the scandal played out, only to be later exonerated when a judge conducting an independent investigation concluded that prosecutors inappropriately hid evidence.

    Prosecutors indicted Stevens on charges that he had concealed that he did not pay full value for renovations on an Alaskan cabin less than 100 days out from the 2008 election.

    “In fact, Ted Stevens and his wife had paid more than $160,000 for renovations that independent appraisers valued at less than $125,000 at the time,” Roll Call reported.

    Prosecutors, however, secured a conviction by hiding evidence that incriminated their own witnesses, one of whom came up with testimony right before trial, with inconsistent statements concealed from the defense, according to the D.C. paper. 

    Likewise, the government concealed evidence that its star witness had suborned perjury from an underage prostitute with whom the star witness had an illegal sexual relationship. And the government concealed evidence that another witness — whom the government flew back to Alaska away from the Washington, D.C., trial after their mock cross-examination of him went poorly — had told the senator that the bills he received and promptly paid included all of the work that was done. Government prosecutors mocked Stevens when he explained that on the stand — all the while knowing that they had a witness who would have supported him, but whom they had removed from the trial.

    Rep. Jeff Fortenberry’s Conviction

    Former Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, R-Neb., was sentenced to two years of probation with a $25,000 fine and 320 hours of community service in March after a Los Angeles jury convicted him of lying to the federal government after he was entrapped by the FBI. 

    The saga began in 2019 when a pair of FBI agents showed up at Fortenberry’s Nebraska home ostensibly over a national security issue, not a criminal investigation. Prosecutors ultimately convicted Fortenberry for scheming to conceal material facts to federal officials and two false statements to the FBI. 

    One false statement was attributed to Forteberry not recognizing a person whose 10-year-old picture was presented to him by agents on their trip to his Nebraska residence. In July 2019, the FBI lied to Fortenberry and his attorney, Gowdy, claiming Fortenberry was not under federal investigation when he was. Fortenberry resigned from the House during his ninth term following conviction. 

    Pulse Nightclub Shooting

    In June 2016, a 29-year-old gunman named Omar Mateen stormed the gay Orlando nightclub Pulse, killing 49 and injuring 53 more in the name of Islamic terrorists killed in Iraq and Syria. Mateen’s father, Seddique, was an FBI informant, whom documents published by The Intercept suggest convinced the bureau to stop investigating his son. 

    The bureau turned instead to charging Mateen’s widow, Noor Salman, with material support and obstruction of justice. Prosecutors sought to conceal the father’s status as an FBI informant, according to the Intercept, in pursuit of Salman’s conviction. 

    “Seddique Mateen has not faced criminal charges despite a tip to the FBI that he raised money for terrorism in Pakistan, and an ongoing investigation into money transfers he allegedly made to Turkey and Afghanistan,” the Intercept reported. “Omar Mateen was researching flights to Turkey at the same time that his father was sending payments there, according to defense lawyers’ summary of FBI evidence.” Salmon was apparently unaware of their possible plans to travel to either country.

    Meanwhile, the New York Times reported on Salmon’s 2018 trial:

    Testimony from an F.B.I. agent revealed that prosecutors knew early on, but did not reveal, that one of their crucial initial pieces of evidence — that Ms. Salman had admitted driving by the nightclub with her husband in the days before the attack — most likely did not happen.

    Salmon was ultimately acquitted after a 12-hour jury deliberation. 

    Texas Synagogue Attack

    On Jan. 15, 44-year-old Malik Faisal Akram took hostages in a Texas synagogue near Dallas and demanded the release of Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani national also known as “Lady Al Qaeda” serving an 86-year sentence for assault and attempted murder of federal agents and military personnel. 

    Matthew J. DeSarno, the FBI’s special agent in charge of the Dallas field office, said the attack on a synagogue had nothing to do with targeting Jews. 

    “We do believe from our engagement with this subject that he was singularly focused on one issue, and it was not specifically related to the Jewish community,” DeSarno said at a press conference. 

    But as Chuck DeVore of the Texas Public Policy Foundation reported, Akram “was heard to say via the live stream that operated from the synagogue for much of the incident that he chose it because he thought it was the closest assemblage of Jews to the federal facility holding Siddiqui.”

    “There are about 1,000 churches in the Fort Worth area within a half-hour drive of Siddiqui’s place of incarceration, compared to seven Jewish centers of worship,” DeVore wrote. “But sure, Special Agent DeSarno, the terrorism was ‘not specifically threatening to the Jewish community.’”

    Congressional Baseball Shooter

    The FBI designated the death of a shooter who attempted to gun down Republican lawmakers at a 2017 congressional baseball practice as motivated by a desire to commit “suicide by cop.” Last year, the bureau doubled down on the designation. 

    “It’s fair to say the shooter was motivated by a desire to commit an attack on members of Congress and then knowing by doing so he would likely be killed in the process,” Jill Sanborn, the executive assistant director of the FBI, told the House Appropriations subcommittee. 

    “The FBI still doesn’t know exactly what the shooter was up to,” McCabe, now a CNN contributor, said last summer. “They never really uncovered the sort of detailed evidence that laid out a specific plot or an objective.”

    On the contrary, the 66-year-old shooter who almost killed House GOP Whip Steve Scalise left behind a long record of extremist social media posts dripping with contempt for Republicans, even branding them as the “Taliban of the USA” on Facebook. The FBI also found a list of six congressmen in a rented Virginia storage locker but refused to call it a “hit list.”

    Inflating Extremism Cases

    Whistleblowers claim the FBI is inflating the number of “domestic violent extremism” cases to fit President Biden’s overarching narrative that home-grown extremism is the nation’s worst national security threat.

    “From recent protected disclosures, we have learned that FBI officials are pressuring agents to reclassify cases as ‘domestic violent extremism’ even if the cases do not meet the criteria for such a classification,” Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, wrote in July, detailing whistleblower allegations in a letter to Wray. “Given the narrative pushed by the Biden Administration that domestic violent extremism is the ‘greatest threat’ facing our country, the revelation that the FBI may be artificially padding domestic terrorism data is scandalous.”

    Ignoring Larry Nassar Abuse

    The FBI turned a blind eye as former USA gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar abused dozens of young female athletes. According to the DOJ inspector general last year, “senior officials in the FBI Indianapolis Field Office failed to respond to allegations of sexual abuse of athletes by former USA Gymnastics physician Lawrence Gerard Nassar with the urgency that the allegations required.”

    “We also found that the FBI Indianapolis Field Office made fundamental errors when it did respond to the allegations, failed to notify the appropriate FBI field office (the Lansing Resident Agency) or state or local authorities of the allegations, and failed to take other steps to mitigate the ongoing threat posed by Nassar,” the inspector general added. 

    Kyle Rittenhouse

    Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted of politicized charges brought against him last summer when he shot three men in self-defense. Two died, and contrary to the media’s racialized coverage of the trial, all three were white. 

    During the proceedings, wherein an 18-year-old Rittenhouse (now 19) faced life in prison, prosecutors used aerial footage from FBI surveillance in their effort to convict Rittenhouse. When the defense tried to access “the rest” of the FBI footage from the night in question, however, the bureau claimed it no longer existed. 

    Demonizing James Rosen

    In 2010, the Obama administration began aggressive surveillance of journalist James Rosen who was working for Fox News at the time. The Justice Department tracked Rosen by falsely claiming the reporter was a potential terrorist collaborator and accused him of violating the Espionage Act. 

    The Obama administration tracked Rosen’s movements and, according to Fox News, even seized the phone records of his parents.

    Deadly Wrongful Conviction

    A 2007 ruling against the government cost the FBI $102 million after agency misconduct resulted in the deaths of two men. In order to protect a mob informant, the FBI was caught deliberately withholding evidence in a case that led to the wrongful convictions of four men, three of which were sentenced to death, two of whom died before true justice was served. 

    Martha Stewart

    Most Americans today believe Martha Stewart was convicted 20 years ago on charges of “insider trading.” Her actual conviction that sent her to federal prison was conspiracy to lie about the crime for which she was never charged over a trade that had already taken place.

    Stewart’s quarter-million-dollar sale of ImClone stock served as the pretext for which federal prosecutors, led by none other than Comey, went after the media mogul. Comey’s case, however, was so weak that prosecutors pursued a novel legal theory to secure a conviction. 

    According to the theory they pursued, Stewart engaged in “securities fraud” when she declared that she was innocent, which prosecutors said was designed to prop up the value of her company, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia. In other words, Stewart’s proclamation of innocence was declared a crime by federal law enforcement, and she spent six months incarcerated. 

    Mar-a-Lago Raid

    The Department of Justice appears to be following the same playbook agency officials have used for years in the Democrats’ series of manufactured scandals to bring down Trump. 

    Last week, the FBI executed an unprecedented raid of the former president’s Florida residence ostensibly conducted to enforce the Presidential Records Act. Federal officials confiscated more than a dozen boxes from the 128-room mansion pursuant to the rarely prosecuted law, claiming Trump harbored classified information related to the nation’s nuclear secrets. Leaked claims to the Washington Post that Trump possessed sensitive nuclear records, which came hours after Attorney General Merrick Garland professed the agency’s professionalism, however, showcase the sensationalism crafted by officials desperate to justify the raid, which included more than 30 agents. 

    At a press conference last week, Garland admitted to personally signing off on the raid he called “narrowly scope[d].” An examination of the warrant, however, reveals that it authorized FBI agents to seize any and every document Trump came into contact with as president. Furthermore, none of the three criminal statutes the DOJ cited in the warrant required the material to be classified, according to Cleveland. 

    The FBI also attempted to dispel claims that federal officials stripped the president of his passports, telling CBS News that the agency was not in possession of the documents after Trump blasted that they had been confiscated. An email made public by Trump spokesman Taylor Budowich, however, exposed the FBI’s lie. The email from Jay Bratt, the chief of the counterintelligence and export control section in the DOJ’s National Security Division, confirms that “the filter agents seized three passports belonging to President Trump, two expired and one being his active diplomatic passport.”

  • Durham Drops Another Bombshell, Reveals FBI Lied About Hillary Clinton-Supplied Disinformation

    Durham Drops Another Bombshell, Reveals FBI Lied About Hillary Clinton-Supplied Disinformation

    AP Photo/Seth Wenig

    Bonchie | RedState

    The trial of Michael Sussmann began another week on Monday, with more witnesses being called as Special Counsel John Durham continues to build his case against the former Hillary Clinton lawyer.

    Sussmann is charged with lying to the FBI, something he allegedly did when he hid who he was working for while sharing the now-debunked Alfa-Bank story. That disinformation campaign, which was meant to falsely assert Donald Trump was colluding with the Russians during the 2016 election, has now been directly tied to Hillary Clinton during the trial after it was revealed that she approved its dissemination.

    But apparently, Sussmann and Hillary Clinton by proxy weren’t the only ones lying. According to documents presented by Durham, the FBI lied about the Alfa Bank smear’s provenance, telling agents it had come from the DOJ. In reality, Sussmann had brought it directly to the FBI, with the leadership being aware of its origins as badly done political opposition research.


    FBI agents probing since-debunked claims of a secret back channel between Donald Trump and a Russian bank believed that the allegations had originated with the Department of Justice — when in fact they came from Hillary Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussmann, who had shopped them to the bureau’s then-general counsel days earlier.

    In the latest revelation to emerge from Sussmann’s trial in DC federal court on a count of lying to the FBI, special counsel John Durham’s prosecutors revealed that investigators had received an electronic communication citing a referral from the DOJ “on or about” Sept. 19, 2016, the same day Sussmann met with James Baker, then the FBI’s top lawyer.

    To pull back the layers here, it appears the FBI purposely misrepresented the situation by using a false DOJ referral to make it seem as if the Alfa Bank had come from an anonymous third party. In reality, it came from Hillary Clinton, and the FBI was well aware of who had told them the information and his connections to her campaign.

    I won’t pretend to be an expert on this. Obviously, there are times when investigators are kept in the dark in order to keep separation from a source. Still, how was such a hold justifiable given the origins of the information?

    In fact, FBI Agent Ryan Gaynor, who testified for the prosecution on Monday, noted that the decision to keep the agents in the dark on the source was made by the highest levels of the FBI. He also said that had he known Sussmann was working for Hillary Clinton, he would have possibly handled the matter differently, including not volunteering to run point in the first place.

    In one Oct. 3, 2016, email, agent Heide wrote to Gaynor, “We really want to interview the source of all this information. Any way we can track down who this guy is and how we’re getting this information?”

    Supervisory Special Agent Daniel Wierzbicki followed up: “An interview with the source of info … may allow us to understand the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of the white paper.”

    Gaynor responded that it was being discussed at headquarters, but did not provide the identity of the source.

    On Monday, he said he may have come to a different conclusion about the hold hindering the investigation if he had known Sussmann was acting as an attorney for the Clinton campaign when he turned over the information.

    To summarize, the lower-level agents were asking to interview Sussmann (though, they didn’t know who he was at the time) in order to garner more information about his claim. Instead of allowing that, Gaynor kept the hold in place because his superiors did not give him all the information on who Sussmann was. Had he known Sussmann was motivated by politics, it would have changed things.

    That leads to the obvious question. Why did former FBI Director James Comey and the rest of the FBI leadership purposely obfuscate the source of the Alfa Bank story? Why lie about it coming from the DOJ? I certainly have my suspicions, and that’s putting it lightly. The only reason to do those things is to push a false narrative that otherwise wouldn’t hold up under nominal scrutiny. Comey and his lackeys obviously wanted the Alfa Bank story to be true, and they did what they had to do to keep it in the fold

    In the end, it feels like everyone was in on this scam, and no one is paying a price. It’s a travesty, and hopefully, Durham continues to expose it for all to see.

    Original Here

  • FBI Suspending Security Clearances….

    FBI Suspending Security Clearances….

    It would seem the management of the Felonious Babbling ignoramus agency is suspending security for a select few agents. Why you may ask. What horrid act did they commit? It seems on their day off on January 6 they had the utter gall to go to the White House to hear President Trump speak. They DID NOT go anywhere near the Capitol complex. The reason this is now coming to light is because of a ’Whistleblower’. Following is an article, from The Federalist, providing more information.

    Jim Jordan Demands Answers For FBI Retaliation Of Employees Who Peacefully Protested On J6

    Tristan Justice– The Federalist May 06, 2022

    FBI Headquarters

    Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan is demanding an FBI briefing for members of Congress after a whistleblower report alleged agency retaliation against those who attended peaceful protests on Jan. 6, 2021. 

    “We have been alerted that the Federal Bureau of Investigation appears to be attempting to terminate the employment of FBI employees who were engaged in protected First Amendment activity on January 6, 2021,” Jordan wrote in a Friday letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray.

     “According to several whistleblowers, the FBI is suspending the security clearances of FBI employees for their participation in protected First Amendment activity on January 6, 2021.”

    Revocation of security clearances often signals the first step in employment termination as those clearances are required for agency personnel. On Wednesday, Jordan’s office received notice that the Department of Justice had opened a probe into whether the law enforcement agency is violating civil service laws by its conduct.

    One employee, whose identity has been redacted, faces agency expulsion after three decades of service — 20 in the military and 10 with the FBI. The targeted individual is allegedly among several who attended public events in the capital with their spouses while on leave. Attendance at any and all events on Jan. 6, however, have become criminalized by House Democrats in collusion with the Biden administration, who have conflated peaceful White House demonstrations with the violence on Capitol Hill. 

    In October, President Joe Biden’s FBI blocked requests from Republican lawmakers to review the same material offered to Democrats related to the Capitol riot. The same agency began to target concerned parents who showed up at school board meetings to raise objections to extreme Covid-19 protocols and sexually explicit material in the classroom with domestic terrorism tags. 

    “Given these facts, it is extremely concerning that the FBI would seek to suspend the security clearances of these employees and begin the process to potentially terminate their employment altogether,” Jordan wrote on Friday. “Even more insulting is that the FBI would openly question the patriotism of long-time FBI employees, including at least one veteran, because they exercised their First Amendment rights on their personal time without breaking any laws.”

    Jordan demanded that Wray offer lawmakers a full briefing on the issue by May 20.

    Not mentioned in the article is on what basis this action is being taken by the Felonious Babbling Ignoramuses. They are asserting ”non allegiance to the United States”.

  • Massive Blow to the FBI After Gretchen Whitmer Kidnapping Verdict Drops

    Massive Blow to the FBI After Gretchen Whitmer Kidnapping Verdict Drops

    Bonchie | RedState

    AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

    If you’ve followed the saga of the supposed plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, you’ve been privy to a variety of twists and turns over the last year or so. Those include the high probability that the FBI orchestrated the entire thing to entrap people and reinforce a politicized narrative, i.e. that the “right” is a domestic terror threat to Democrats. That fit right into what was being pushed prior to the 2020 election.

    Sure enough, several different pieces of evidence emerged showing that FBI agents, including one who ended up being arrested for physically abusing his wife, were central to organizing and goading vulnerable, disturbed men to go along with the plot. Why did that happen? Again, it sure feels like politics was at the center of everything.

    Now, we’ve got the verdicts in the trial of two of the men charged over the ordeal, and they represent a massive blow to the FBI’s credibility.

     Jurors on Friday acquitted two men of conspiring to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, and said they were deadlocked on charges against two others, in a significant defeat for federal prosecutors in one of the highest-profile domestic terrorism cases in decades.

    The jury of six men and six women found Brandon Caserta and Daniel Harris not guilty of all charges against them, and did not reach any verdicts on the charges against Barry Croft and Adam Fox. All four of the men had been accused of plotting to snatch Ms. Whitmer, a Democrat, from her vacation home in 2020.

    As the verdicts were read, federal prosecutors and F.B.I. agents sat in silence while Mr. Harris and Mr. Caserta hugged their lawyers.

    “Obviously we’re disappointed in the outcome,” Andrew Birge, the United States attorney for the Western District of Michigan, said outside the courthouse. He added: “We still believe in the jury system, and really, there’s not too much more I can say at this time. I appreciate the time the jury put in. They listened to a lot of evidence, deliberated quite a bit.”

    The jury also hung regarding the charges against two other men, which means this is pretty much a clean sweep of failure for the government’s case. How did this happen? Well, as the above links to prior RedState reporting show, there was a lot of evidence of FBI misconduct, from how everything started to the informants who were used to build the prosecutions. Further, the totality of the evidence against the men charged boiled down to some less than proper rhetoric, mostly over text messages. Apparently, the jury was not impressed by how all this went down, and it’s good to see that the legal system can still sometimes smell a rat when there is clearly one present.

    In the end, it appears that there was never any serious attempt to kidnap and kill Whitmer. Rather, some men of less than solid repute were herded and groomed to be part of a plot that never would have taken place without the FBI’s involvement. That’s not how any of this is supposed to work. Domestic terrorism plots are not supposed to be invented by the government in order to support the political narratives of a single party. Yet, that’s exactly what it seems happened here.

    And don’t kid yourself — none of this happened right before the 2020 election by accident. There’s no doubt in my mind the FBI and DOJ wanted Donald Trump to lose, and what better way to help that along than to make it seem as if his supporters were domestic terrorists?

    The FBI and DOJ continue to see their credibility collapse, and it’s well deserved.

    Original Here

  • House Judiciary Committee Receives Whistleblower Documents …

    House Judiciary Committee Receives Whistleblower Documents …

    House Judiciary Committee Receives Whistleblower Documents Showing DOJ and FBI are Using Domestic Terrorism Taskforce to Monitor Parents

    Despite the obvious instructions to the FBI, Attorney General Merrick Garland previously gave testimony before congress denying that parents who attended school board meetings were being targeted by an FBI Counterterrorism task force.  However, today the House Judiciary Committee has received a ‘whistleblower complaint’ showing the FBI is indeed using the Counterterrorism Division as the tool to target parents. [Document Source]

    The day before AG Merrick Garland testified to congress, the FBI instructed all national heads of the Counterterrorism Division to begin using internal tags to create a notification list containing the names of parents they considered to be domestic extremists.

    “My purple crayons taste like grape”…


    Comment/Opinion: So the FBI & DOJ has decided to target parents. That probably explains why they also chose to ignore the gymnastic doctor (Nassar) who sexual assaulted so many young athletes.

  • Rank and Vile Followup, FBI Director Chris Wray Says He’s Sorry…

    Rank and Vile Followup, FBI Director Chris Wray Says He’s Sorry…

    Rank and Vile Followup, FBI Director Chris Wray Says He’s Sorry For The FBI Systemic Corruption That Led to Sexual Abuse of Gymnast Victims

    CTH had originally reported on this stunning story back in June [SEE HERE].  After previously refusing to fire the FBI agents involved in the case, today FBI Director Chris Wray finally said he fired the main FBI agent, Michael Langeman, responsible for facilitating the abuse of young female gymnasts.  During his testimony before congress Wray stated: “I want to begin by saying to the brave women who testified this morning … I’m deeply and profoundly sorry to each and every one of you.”  {link}

    BACKSTORY – An absolutely damning Inspector General investigation released in June, reflected horrific FBI conduct in the rape and sexual assault of U.S. Gymnasts revealing how FBI agents facilitated Larry Nassar’s sex crimes by taking no action despite numerous witness statements to them.

    Worse yet, the FBI never reported the sexual assaults to local law enforcement… and to top it off, the FBI agents lied during the investigation of their conduct, and the DOJ under AG Bill Barr refused to prosecute the FBI liars.

    The entire IG report [Must Read pdf Here] reveals layer-upon-layer of FBI wrongdoing, misconduct and false statements in an effort to cover-up their activity when the internal investigation of their conduct began. This report is a total condemnation of the FBI rank and file. It really is quite stunning.

    IG Report Excerpt – […] “The OIG found that, despite the extraordinarily serious nature of the allegations and the possibility that Nassar’s conduct could be continuing, senior officials in the FBI Indianapolis Field Office failed to respond to the Nassar allegations with the utmost seriousness and urgency that they deserved and required, made numerous and fundamental errors when they did respond to them, and violated multiple FBI policies.

    The Indianapolis Field Office did not undertake any investigative activity until September 2nd, five weeks after the meeting with USA Gymnastics—when they telephonically interviewed one of the three athletes. Further, FBI Indianapolis never interviewed the other two gymnasts who they were told were available to meet with FBI investigators.

    This absence of any serious investigative activity was compounded when the Indianapolis Field Office did not transfer the matter to the FBI office (the Lansing Resident Agency), where venue most likely would have existed had evidence been developed to support the potential federal crimes being considered, even though the Indianapolis office had been advised to do so by the USAO and had told USA Gymnastics that the transfer had occurred.

    Additionally, the Indianapolis office did not notify state or local authorities of the sexual assault allegations even though it questioned whether there was federal jurisdiction to pursue them. As a result, the Lansing Resident Agency did not learn of the Nassar allegations until over a year after they were first reported to the FBI and then learned of them only from the MSUPD.

    Moreover, the FBI conducted no investigative activity in the matter for more than 8 months following the September 2015 interview. During that period of time, as alleged and detailed in numerous civil complaints, Nassar’s sexual assaults continued.” (read full report)

    Do not overlook this part:

    The FBI originally responded to the IG report with this statement:

    FBI Response to IG – “As the Inspector General made clear in today’s report, this should not have happened. The FBI will never lose sight of the harm that Nassar’s abuse caused. The actions and inactions of certain FBI employees described in the report are inexcusable and a discredit to this organization. The FBI has taken affirmative steps to ensure and has confirmed that those responsible for the misconduct and breach of trust no longer work FBI matters.

    Prior to today, the FBI initiated improvements to make sure that serious allegations, such as these, are promptly shared with our law enforcement partners and within the FBI. As a continuation of these efforts, the FBI is fully committed to implementing all of the recommendations made by the Inspector General.

    We will take all necessary steps to ensure that the failures of the employees outlined in the report do not happen again.” (link)
    September 15, 2021 https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/09/15/rank-and-vile-followup-fbi-director-chris-wray-says-hes-sorry-for-the-fbi-systemic-corruption-that-led-to-sexual-abuse-of-gymnast-victims/


    “Worse yet, the FBI never reported the sexual assaults to local law enforcement… and to top it off, the FBI agents lied during the investigation of their conduct, and the DOJ under AG Bill Barr refused to prosecute the FBI liars.”
    Very bad day at the office for the clean-up & cover-up, crew.

    As for the victims “sorry” should suffice /s