Tag: Feds

  • Governmental Changes

    Governmental Changes

    Term Limits rank high on the list of changes the American public wishes to see implemented as part of a series of governmental reforms.  In order that there be said reforms, one of the most important must be Term Limits.  The only true avenue to break the hold of the “Good Old Boy” network that controls both the House and Senate must be the implementation of Term Limits!!

    I therefore recommend that House members be limited to 3 terms in Congress with 2 terms for members in the Senate.  Some members have said that they need more time to institute some needed reforms, to that I say BULLSHIT!!!  If you cannot advance your bills, changes or other issues within these time frames, YOU DO NOT BELONG IN THE CONGRESS!!!

    Roll Call Votes are another of the necessary changes that need be addressed.  There is NO EXCUSE for any vote to NOT be a Roll Call vote other than sensitive National Security issues!!!  For congressional members to hide behind procedural votes, middle of the night votes or hand count majorities most assuredly allows the members to hide from the electorate how they voted on issues that affect WE THE PEOPLE!!!

    Single Issue Bills are another issue that needs to be addressed!!!  Amendments and Ear Marks are NOT part of the regular business of congress and do not give the electorate the information they need in order for them to make informed decisions about issues being discussed by the members of the House and Senate.  Amendments and Ear Marks have resulted in things like the “Bridge to Nowhere” and have no business being included in any bill the affects the voting public!!!

    Campaign Finance Reform is another issue that needs to be addressed.  Foreign money and outside influence have no business in the conduct of issues that have detrimental effects on legislation that is supposed to be part and parcel of GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE!!!

  • Feds Explored Charges for Officials in Oregon

    Feds Explored Charges for Officials in Oregon

    A new report from AP says federal prosecutors weighed bringing charges against public officials in the wake of the rioting in Portland.

    Portland officials, from the mayor to the district attorney, have repeatedly and publicly refused to crack down against the rioting.

    The revelation that federal officials researched whether they could levy criminal or civil charges against the officials — exploring whether their rhetoric and actions may have helped spur the violence in Portland — underscores the larger Trump administration’s effort to spotlight and crack down on protest-related violence. The majority of the mass police reform demonstrations nationwide have been peaceful. . .

    The department had done research on whether it could pursue the charges, spokesperson Kerri Kupec said. She declined to comment on the status or whether charges would be brought. But bringing criminal civil rights charges against city officials for protest-related violence would likely present an uphill court battle for federal prosecutors.

    The department did not comment about whether and charges were pending or the status of any investigations in to the matter.

    Recommended: The View from Here

    What they have commented on is the numbers of people charged with federal crimes in connection with the rioting in Portland. More than 100 have been arrested and charged under federal law in Portland, and 300 nationality. Compare that to the 100 arrested and 70 charged by local authorities in Portland.
