Tag: Fire

  • BREAKING. Mysterious Fire Rips Through Secret Russian Bureau …

    BREAKING. Mysterious Fire Rips Through Secret Russian Bureau …

    BREAKING. Mysterious Fire Rips Through Secret Russian Bureau Responsible for Designing Missiles

    Thursday, a fire ripped through the Russian Ministry of Defense’s 2nd Central Scientific-Research Institute in Tver, some 80 miles northeast of Moscow.

    This “research institute” is responsible for designing surface-to-air missiles and ballistic missiles for Russia’s aerospace military programs.

    There is no official number of casualties, but there are dozens injured and some fatalities.


    The official story is that old construction and flammable insulation caught fire.

    There are several takeaways from this conflagration.

    • Housing a critical design facility in a firetrap speaks volumes for the state of Russia’s military.
    • It is a safe bet that a lot of design work is either on computer hard drives or file servers located in the facility; the data loss will be catastrophic.
    • If the number of dead and wounded runs to 40 or 50, that means a significant number of the design bureau’s scientific and engineering staff are out of action.

    What is unclear to me is how any accidental fire could have spread the way this fire did.
    Source: Streiff – April 21, 2022 https://redstate.com/streiff/2022/04/21/breaking-mysterious-fire-rips-through-secret-russian-bureau-responsible-for-designing-missiles-n553632

  • Firefighters Battle Blaze at Texas Plant

    Firefighters Battle Blaze at Texas Plant

    Firefighters are battling a large fire at a Texas plastics manufacturing facility. The blaze broke out at the Poly-America complex in Grand Prairie, just west of Dallas around 1 am Wednesday.

    The Grand Prairie Fire Department said the fire was caused by high-tension power lines falling into the plastic inventory.

    “This is going to be burning late into tomorrow,” Grand Prairie Assistant Fire Chief Bill Murphy said during a Wednesday morning press conference. “These are rolls of plastic sheeting, huge rolls, and they’re stacked sometimes eight feet high. Plastic is hard to put out and it’s just gonna burn.”

    So far, there have been no injuries reported and no evacuation orders issued. However, authorities are recommending anyone with underlying health conditions stay away.


    Poly-America is headquartered in Grand Prairie and specializes in products made from polyethylene, such as trash bags, drop cloths and plastic sheeting, according to the company’s website.

  • Bonhomme Richard fires out

    Bonhomme Richard fires out

    The fires aboard the USS Bonhomme Richard are said to be contained. The blaze, which started Sunday, caused significant damage to the ship. As firefighters battled the blaze, the 40,000-ton ship listed toward both its port and starboard sides, the Navy said, likely due to the massive quantities of water poured into the hull.

    The Navy said there are sailors aboard, searching for hotspots and inspecting the damage. Officials with Naval Surface Force Pacific say it will launch an official investigation once every space is checked and it’s determined there are no longer any active fires.

    “We did not know the origin of the fire,” said Rear Adm. Philip Sobeck, commander of Expeditionary Strike Group Three. “We do not know the extent of the damage. It is too early to make any predictions or promises of what the future of the ship will be. “We cannot make any conclusions until the investigation is complete,” he added.

    Sixty-three people — 40 sailors and 23 civilians — were hurt battling the fire, which at points topped 1,000 degrees. Teams from across several Navy commands and the San Diego Fire Department fought the blaze for days. They did so inside the ship, from the pier, and in nearby boats and helicopters.

    “We do not know the extent of the damage… We cannot make any conclusions until the investigation is complete,” Rear Adm. Philip E. Sobeck, the commander of Expeditionary Strike Group 3 said. The ship, commissioned in 1998, is about halfway through its expected lifespan. Repairing it would likely take months and cost hundreds of millions of dollars, Navy officials said.

  • Bonhomme Richard fire update

    Bonhomme Richard fire update

    As I reported yesterday, the USS Bonhomme Richard caught fire while alongside at San Diego around 0830 PDT. Firefighting efforts continue at this hour, and are expected to last the next several days. The cause of the fire onboard the 844 foot amphibious assault ship is still unknown.

    The fire apparently broke out in the ship’s lower vehicle storage area according to Rear Adm. Philip Sobeck, commander of Expeditionary Strike Group 3. 

    Throughout Sunday night and into Monday morning, helicopters from Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron Three dropped buckets of water on the ship. Tug boats also sprayed water on the ship from the bay, while all ships in port were directed to assist with the effort, the Navy said.


    Federal and Navy firefighters took turns battling the blaze as they worked to “find the seat of the fire and extinguish it,” said Federal Fire San Diego Division Chief Rob Bondurant around 4:00 p.m. on Sunday. 

    Thirty-four sailors and 23 civilians have been treated for minor injuries, including heat exhaustion and smoke inhalation, from the fire aboard the San Diego-based amphibious assault ship USS Bonhomme Richard which began Sunday morning, the Navy said.

    Five sailors remain in the hospital and are in stable condition, Naval Surface Forces for the Pacific Fleet tweeted on Monday. 


    “We’re absolutely going to make sure it sails again,” Sobeck told reporters early Sunday evening. “Right now we’re fighting the fire and then we’ll work on understanding what exactly happened with the fire and where it went, make sure she sails as best as possible … she was in a stage of repair anyway, so we’ll get right back at it once we get this thing contained.”

    Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Mike Gilday called the incident “a terrible tragedy.”

    “We are grateful for the quick and immediate response of local, base, and shipboard firefighters aboard USS Bonhomme Richard,” he said in a statement. “Our thoughts and prayers are with our BHR Sailors, their families, and our emergency responders who continue to fight the fire. Godspeed.”



    This just in: the USS Bonhomme Richard is on fire.

    LHD-6, the Bonhomme Richard, is reported to have a belowdecks fire, possibly in the hangar bay. The fire is reported to be a 3 alarm fire, with local and federal firefighters responding.


    There are reports of an explosion between decks and injuries have been reported.

    The ship is in port at San Diego.

    This is a Breaking Story and will be updated as more information becomes available