Welcome to our weekly excursion into the absurd and sublime, Friday Fun. I’d like to make two quick notes before we get to the fun.
First, I really want to thank you, constant reader, for being a part of this community. I feel that I don’t thank y’all for putting up with us enough, so Thank You.
Second, this Editor went on his yearly deer hunting trip yesterday. There was a time when he hunted all season long, but of late it seems to have lost some of its luster. This year however, despite not getting to the spot until nearly 0900, your editor killed a spindly little 6 point. For whatever reason, that shot seems to have rekindled some of the passion your editor had for deer hunting.
Anyway, on to the fun. . .
Pearls Before Swine
Political Commentary
Welcome to our weekly foray into the ridiculous and sublime, Friday fun.
As has become tradition, we start with a couple of tweets from my personal favorite Twitter/X account, the OKDWC.
Welcome to our weekly foray into the lighter side of the interwebz, Friday fun.
It’s Gar week, so here’s the latest gar related content from the OKDWC:
Sometimes I wish I was a bear. . .
It’s Friday! and time for our weekly foray into the lighter side. . .
See, I told you the OKDWC was educational. I didn’t even know bat week was a thing. . .
In honor of Bat Week, here are some bat facts for your cranium:
This week’s Pearls Before Swine
This strip right here, and others like it, are a big part of why I like Pearls so much. That and the fact I identify closely with Rat. . .
This week’s political commentary:
This week’s Mil Photos
It’s time for our weekly Faffery session.
As usual, the Oklahoma DWC kicks it off. This week’s thread is both funny and educational.
And that right there is why I love that account. Funny and educational. . . Also, DO NOT release any non-native species into your local bodies of water.
I feel this week’s Pearls strip . . .
This week’s political commentary:
This week’s Mil photos
Friday fun is going to be a little longer than usual. This editor needs the distraction.
Leading off Friday fun, a post from my fave account, The Oklahoma DWC:
A couple of bonus tweets:
This week’s Pearls Before Swine:
This week’s political commentary
This week’s Mil Photos. Just a quick note, these images are all the highest definition available and are suitable for wallpaper and screensavers.
FRIYAY!!!! Time for a bit of faffery.
And just as they were getting educational . . .
And a couple of the replies, just for fun. . .
As mentioned by the OKDWC in their tweet, it’s fat bear week at Katmai NP. You can vote on the fattest bear Here
This week’s Pearls strip is a little deep. . .
Political Commentary
This week’s Military photos
Would you intercept me? I’d intercept me. . . IYKYK
Before we get to the usual faffery, there are a couple of items from the sports world that I’d like to touch on, both from Baseball. As some of you may know, this Editor is a huge fan of America’s pastime, and as such it pains me to know that Brooks Robinson, the Orioles 3rd baseman died. Robinson was the GOAT at 3rd. He was a 16 time gold glove, 18 time All Star and World Series MVP in 1970. Godspeed Brooks.
On another sad note, it’s been announced that Red Sox lefty, Tim Wakefield has been diagnosed with brain cancer. We wish Tim a speedy recovery.
Now, on to the jollity and frolic.
TWO posts from my fave social media account this week! One funny one, and one serious one, posing as a funny one.
This week’s Pearls strip has a lot of applicability to today’s world. It’s sad, really. . .
This week’s political commentary:
Random Dad Joke:
What did the Ginger miss most about the Party?
The invitation.
This weeks Mil photos. Thanks to all the hard working and talented military photogs for their fine work.