Tag: Halloween

  • Hallowe’en Open Thread

    Hallowe’en Open Thread

    It’s that day y’all, All Hallow’s Eve, when all the spooks come out. So go ahead and post your favorite Hallowe’en music, memes or stories.

    But first a little knowledge for you.

    The modern holiday of Hallowe’en comes from the Celtic quarter year festival of Samhain – pronounced saa-win. In ancient times, this festival marked the end of the harvest and the start of the ‘darker’ half of the year. It was believed that the barrier between the waking world and the otherworld was thinnest on Samhain. The Celts celebrated with feasting, bonfires and mumming or costume-play.

    Many of our modern Hallowe’en traditions come directly from this Celtic festival. Jack-o-lanterns started in ancient Ireland, albeit with turnips not pumpkins. The same can be said about trick-or-treating, again with a small caveat; instead of something harmless, the old Irish tradition was a way to fool the Fae and the Tuatha de Dannan.

    Now, on to the fun. I’ll kick off the music with a selection from Broken Peach. They were founded in 2009, and are more than just a band. Give it a watch and you’ll see.

    Ok MVAP. you’re up. Hit us with your best spooky season stuff.

  • Happy Hallowe’en MVAP!

    Happy Hallowe’en MVAP!

    Today is Hallowe’en in case you were unaware.

    The traditions surrounding All Hallows eve are rooted in the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, (pronounced Sah-win or Sew-in). This day marked the end of summer and the harvest and the beginning of the dark, cold winter, a time of year that was often associated with human death. Celts believed that on the night before the new year, the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred. On the night of October 31 they celebrated Samhain, when it was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to earth. Samhain was one of the four major seasonal festivals, the others being Imbolc in February, Beltaine on May 1st, and Lughnasa on August 1st.

    It was also considered one of two Liminal festivals, the other being Beltaine. The ancient Celts believed that the doorways to the otherworld opened during these festivals. According to Irish mythology, one of the best known leaders of the Fianna Fail, Fionn Mac Cumhaill (Finn MacCool), killed the fire-breathing Tuatha de Danann, Aillen with a magical spear on Samhain. Aillen had burned down Tara, the capital of Ireland, every year for 25 years.

    In 609 AD, Pope Boniface IV moved All-Saints day to November 1. By 900 AD, Christianity had spread in the Celtic lands, and the traditional Celtic celebrations were combined with Christianity.

    Pumpkin carving, trick or treating and costumes all trace their existence directly back to the Samhain traditions. Another samhain tradition, bonfires, has fallen to the side, at least in the US. They remain popular in parts of Europe however.

    Samhain sona daoibh go léir!

  • Defense Against the Jack-o’-lantern Menace

    Defense Against the Jack-o’-lantern Menace

    One of my favorite gun-tubers, Paul Harrell, just released his Hallowe’en video. In it, he discusses the best firearms for personal defence against the “Orange menace”.

  • QUIZ: Halloween Legends & Trivia

    QUIZ: Halloween Legends & Trivia

    How much do you know about Halloween?

    This quiz covers some interesting facts and legends

    Take the quiz below and share your results!

    [HDquiz quiz = “1085”]